 Main  Battles  Members  Constitution  History  Feedback

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Site Contents


Scrolls of transcribed duels from tournaments and other events.


A list of current members, active and inactive, their ranks and their specialties.

Magic School

A list of professors and students currently enrolled in the Magic School.


Know thy constitution and thy history.

What's New

Cadence appointed Archmage.


Welcome to the MIF.

Welcome to the Magii of the Inner Flame Website. The guild is a symbol of unity, peace, and trust in the Land of Karchan MUD.

To find out more about the MIF, we ask you to please read the MIF Constitution.

Members can view the current Member of the Month and should send their suggestions to the Archmage. They should read the most recent Newsletters as well.

You may also review essays and magic commentary written by MIF members. Member submissions are always welcome and encouraged.

Other guild associated groups you may have an interest in include the Magic School and The Red Guard.

[Main] [Battles] [Members] [Students] [Constitution] [History] [Feedback]

Please contact our ArchMage with questions or comments.

Copyright 1997 MIF. All rights reserved.