The Vortex
Chicago's 2057 Shadowland node
and 02/08/99 RPG web page

Shadowrun: a RPG published by FASA inc. The original Vortex web page centered on our Shadowrun Campaign. Since then, some things have changed.

House Rules: Time tested FAQ, and crazy new ideas never used in play that just might work.

Characters: some of our old PC's character sheets (in SR2 form), with campaign related commentary. Not yet completed.

Images: Some stuff I've had fun making, and some neat stuff I've scanned. Watch here for SR manga!

Info: Campaign info- currntly, just some history written as corp reports. Watch here for Chicago NPC's and locations.

Other Games: Shadowrun sometimes takes a backseat to other fun- it mostly has for the past year. Here's some of the other games that have held our interest.

Earthdawn: an excellent fantasy RPG by FASA inc (but recently discontinued). Our current campaign has run about 8 months. Cool Japanese novel images, watch for game material.

Masqurade: most of our friends play in (or run) one or more Vampire: the Masquerade live action role play (LARP) games set in White Wolfs "Word of Darkness." Watch for links, dates, and game material.

Contacts and Links: Watch for people we play with, net resources we've found handy or fun, personal information, non-gaming related info and opinions.