Alias: Penance (Penny)
Name: ???????
Team Affiliation(s): Generation X
Power:  Diamond Hard Razor Sharp skin sharper  then even Wolverine's claws.
Family: ????????
First Seen: (as the monet version of Penance) Gen X #1 (as the separate twins) Gen X #19 (as the twins version of Penance) Gen X #40. (as the new Penance) Issue #50.

Penance was a mysterious girl who landed literally on the front lawn of Gen-X in issue #1. Little was know about her past. Then it was discovered that she had been the meal ticket of Emplate (the genetic vampire) for an extended period of time. Shrouded in mystery for countless issues it was finally discovered that Penance was actually MONET. Aparently her brother had imprisoned her in that form for basically being a beatch. Monet's two twin sisters Claudett and Nicole took her place at the academy by merging together to form one bitchtastic and beautiful Monet. Eventually the GenXers found out that there Monet is the twins and Penny is the real Monet. To remedy the problem the twins switched bodies with Penny( Real Monet). So then Monet was Monet  and the twins were in the Penny form. Some time later there was an explosion during a battle with Emplate and it resulted in the Twins being free from the Penny form leaving the empty body lifeless. Then as a final kicker the "lifeless" body turned out to be alive and now theres a new Penace on the block. So Penny is Penny Monet is Monet and the Twins are the Twins. TA DA  confuse  you should be.