The Herdstone

Warhammer 6th ed. Battle Report (Part2)
By: Brad Kane

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Beastman Army Battle Report - 3/3/01

A mighty victory for the Beastmen! I received the First place trophy for a tournament at my local game shop this weekend. Here is the battle report:

The armies were built to 1500 points, with an additional 300 points reserve to be used in 2 scenarios. Games were limited to 4 turns or an hour and a half, whichever came first.

My Army:
    (H)Chieftan General w/Sword of Might and Armour of Bones: 110 pts
    (H)Chieftan w/Great Fang, Heavy Armour and Shield: 116 pts
    (H)Chieftan w/Battle Banner, Heavy Armour and Biting Blade: 99 pts
    (C)14 Ungor Skirmishers w/Shields: 70 pts
    (C)25 Ungor w/Shields, Spears and Command: 180pts
    (C)25 Gor w/Shield, L. Armour and Command: 205 pts
    (C)25 Gor w/Shield, L. Armour, Great Weapon, War Banner and Command: 280 pts
    (C)5 Chaos Hounds: 60 pts
    (S)25 Bestigor w/Shields, Beast Banner and Command: 380 pts

    (C)11 Chaos Hounds: 132 pts
    (S)Beastman Chariot w/Scythed Wheels: 85 pts
    (S)Beastman Chariot w/Scythed Wheels: 85 pts

The Reports!

Battle One: Crush'em All. Armies deploy within 12 inches of the table edge and the last one standing wins.

Opposing Army: The Dwarves. 19 Ironbreakers, 19 Hammerers, 2 units of 15 crossbowmen and 2 Boltthrowers. He placed his general with the Hammerers (of course), a runesmith with the Ironbreakers and an engineer with the Boltthrowers.

    It looked bad for me at first. He set up his army all the way back at the edge of the table. I had to move for 3 turns before I came into contact with his army. The engineer made his boltthrowers much more effective, and actually started to really worry me by the 3rd turn. My high numbers and high toughness won the day in the end. On the second half of turn three, I let the ironbreakers charge my unit of Gors with the 2 handed weapons. Their high toughness and large numbers were too much for the dwarves to break. On the start of turn 4, I counter charged in the bestigors and the other unit of Gors. The Ironbreakers lost combat by 8, and broke. I ran them down and then plowed into the rest of his army. By the end of turn 4, he only had his crossbow units left. Victory to the Beastmen! 12 to 5.

Battle Two: Forced March. Armies deploy 16 inches from the table edge. Also, all movement is reduced by 1 inch and models with multiple attacks are reduced by 1.

Opposing Army: The Empire. 20 Sowrdsmen, 10 Spearman Detachment, 5 Handgunner Detachment, 19 Greatswords, 10 Halberdiers Detachment, 5 Handgunner Detachment, 9 Knights of the Inner Circle, 1 Cannon, 1 Mortar, and 10 Huntsmen, 1 Warrior Priest with the Greatswords, 1 Captain with the Knights, and an Engineer with the Cannon.

    This scenario was hard on the Beastmen with the -1 move, but what made it worse was the river that went down the entire middle of the table. I moved first, then on the empire half he nailed my Bestigors with his cannon (engineer reroll helped) and his Mortar landed directly on my unit of Bestigors. I lost 10 models! Luckily, I did not break. On the second turn, I hit the river and stopped. Artillery failed to hit anything on turn 2, but his handgunners killed off the Chaos Hounds. My Gor with the 2-handed weapons took the charge from his Knights on the second half of turn 2. Thanks to their high toughness, they only suffered 4 wounds. I was able to kill 1 knight between my champion and hero, and with my extra 2 ranks, War Banner and unit size, he had to roll the break test! (Which he passed easily). At the start of turn three, I charged his knights in the flank with the rest of the Bestigor. He broke at that point, and both of those units pursued and caught him. They then ran into the Greatswords. Things went down hill for the empire fast. The greatswords broke and ran and so did everyone within 4 inches. The Greatswords were caught and killed. The empire never recovered, victory to the Beastmen! 13 to 6.

Battle Three: Fog of War. Armies deploy within 12 inches of the table edge, no shooting over 12 inches, and no charges over 12 inches.

Opposing Army: Orc & Goblin. 1 Giant, 2 Orc Chariots, 10 Blackorcs, 15 Biguns, 15 regular orcs, 2 units of 15 archers, 10 wolf riders, 1 hero with the Blackorcs, and 1 shaman alone on foot.

    I was hoping to fight the elves in this scenario, but we all couldn't be that lucky. Turn one was spent running at each other. At the start of turn 2, I moved close enough for his chariots and wolf riders to charge on his half of turn 2. On turn 2, his shaman killed off half of my skirmishers and then made them run. They never recovered. The wolf and chariot charges were easily rebuffed, thanks to the beastman high toughness. I was able to get a charge into his giant at the start of turn three, and by the end of turn three, we had a grand melee of a fight with his 3 orc units and giant all entangled with my 3 gor units. We ended up at a tie, so no break test needed. It was a good thing the Giant fell over before he could do his Jump up and Down. At the start of turn 4, the 5 chaos hounds charged the Giant and killed him! My ungor with spears charged into the melee in the rear of the black orcs. His army lost by 6, and broke to the last. I could not catch them, but they did not recover on his turn, and they did cause the archers to break and the shaman. It was a total loss for the Orcs, victory to the Beastmen! 12 to 5.

Battle Four: Gain Ground. Armies deploy within 12 inches of the table edge and the army with the most board quarters wins. We used the extra 300 points in this scenerio.

Opposing Army: Chaos Warrior. 6 Chaos Hounds, 4 Dragon Ogres w/2-H weapons, 10 Knights, 8 Knights, 16 Warriors w/2-H Weapons, 13 Warriors, 1 Sorcerer at Level 1, 1 Mounted Hero, and 1 Hero with the 16 Warriors.

    I went first once again, and the fact that I was on the board with the water down the middle wasn't too bad. I knew the Chaos warriors wouldn't be able to sit back and shoot. I marched everything as far forward as possible, he did the same on his turn, except he left his Dragon ogres back about an inch from the rest of the line. They were directly across from my chariots, and hoping to avoid a charge. At the start of my second turn, I declared a charge with the chariots into his D. Ogres, and just made it! Unfortunately, I only scored a total of 4 impact hits, and not hits with the Tuskagors or Gors. I did one wound. Needless to say, he hit both of the chariots and destroyed them in one whack! The rest of my army marched up into the water and waited for the charge. The knights were the only ones to reach across the river, they hit the Bestigors and Gors w/2-H weapons. The Dragon Ogres charged into the Ungor w/Spears in a separate combat. My tough Gors held the line...Barely. I made my leadership at -1. The ungor actually made the Dragon Ogres flee! And when I pursued, I caught and destroyed them. Go UNGOR! Start of the third turn, I was able to charge my remaining forces in. It was one grand melee once again. Unfortunately, I rolled really really bad. I lost combat by a total of 5. I needed to roll a 3 with each unit to avoid breaking. I did have the Battle banner, so I had 2 chances with each unit. Only the Bestigor made it, on the last roll. He pursued, but could not catch any of my units. On his turn 3, my Bestigors came around and slaughtered the knights that still opposed them. His units of warriors chased after, but did not catch my Gors. At the start of turn 4, I managed to rally the 2 gor units, unfortunately, the hounds were off the table. I maneuvered my Bestigor over to a table quarter opposite the Ungor w/Spears. On his turn four, he charged his warriors into my gor units, but they held. Victory to the Beastmen! I had 2 table quarters, and the other 2 were contested. 13 to 6.

Battle Five: The Messengers. Armies deploy within 18 inches of the table edge and each army has 3 messengers to get off the other side. An extra 300 points was given for each messenger that gets off.

Opposing Army: The High Elves. 20 Archers, 2 Boltthrowers, 27 Lotherian Seaguard, 25 Swordmasters, 1 Hero w/the Swordmasters, and 1 Hero with the Seaguard.

    I went first again. The first turn, I marched forward. He shot at me and did not kill but 2 models. The second turn, I marched forward, and he shot at me and only killed one model. The third I marched into the swordmasters charge range. The charge my Gor unit, who easily held their ground. I counter charged at the top of the fourth with the Bestigor and Gor w/2-H weapons. The swordmasters lost by 8, broke and ran. I rolled a 12 for both units to pursue, caught the swordmasters and ran into the boltthrowers and Seaguard. His archers immediately panicked and ran. His boltthrower crew decided to run also. I also got 2 messengers off the board this turn. On his turn his Seaguard lost combat and ran off the board. An easy victory for the Beastmen! 13 to 6.

Battle Six: Grudge Match. Armies deploy within 12 inches of the table edge and if the opposing general is slain, you get 250 victory points instead of the normal 100. We used the extra 300 points in this one.

Opposing Army: The Dwarves (Different player than the first one). 1 Organ Gun, 20 Clansmen, 20 Ironbreakers, 20 Hammerers, 24 Slayers, 2 Runesmiths, 1 hero General with the Hammerers.

    I went second on this game. It took me until the end of the third turn to engage in hand to hand. His organ gun chewed up some of my skirmishers, but they got the organ gun crew in the end. For my charges, I made the fatal mistake of using all my units to hit his trollslayers. I couldn't chew threw them in one turn like I had hoped, so his army got the counter charge in my flank at the start of his turn. It went down hill fast there. I lost by 6, and every unit broke. The low point of the battle was when my General challenged his, and lost. I never recovered, and it was nearly a total loss. Victory to the Dwarves. 6 to 14.

Final Tally of the Tournament:

    1. Beastman
    2. Chaos Warrior
    3. Orc & Goblin
    4. Dwarf (From game 6)
    5. High Elves
    6. Empire
    7. Dwarf (From game 2)
    8. Wood Elves

Tactics Note: The strength of this army lies in it staying together. I often would let one of my units get charged, and they could stand up to a little punishment thanks to their high toughness and large unit size. On a counter charge, my bestigor usually mowed down the opposition. I will definatley use this army as a starting point and build on it from there. The only problem with this army was its size. It was hard to place the whole army on line because of their width. That is what lost it in game 6. He had his Trollslayers so wide, I hit a bottle neck trying to get at his other troops.

Brad Kane