Theory of Relativity

Background Info:
In 1905, Albert Einstein published his famous Special Theory of Relativity and overthrew commonsense assumptions about space and time. Relative to the observer, both are altered near the speed of light: distances appear to stretch; clocks tick more slowly.

A decade and a year later, Einstein further challenged conventional wisdom by describing gravity as the warping of spacetime, not a force acting at a distance. Since then, Einstein's revolutionary insights have largely stood the test of time. One by one, his predictions have been borne out by experiment and observation.

Dusty's Thought On This:
Basically all the theory is that when you are doing something you enjoy the time seems to pass faster. But when something is going wrong the time seems to go by slower. An hour seems like a minute and minute seems like an hour. I have been in both situations so I believe in this theory. The only reason i found out about this theory is because I was watching a movie and they mentioned it. I started thinking and it all made sense to me. Everytime im with a girl i well admire the time always seems to pass too fast, i never want to leave her but when your without your own car it makes it a bit harder. An hour seems like ten minutes. The only thing I don't understand is when in an accident everything goes by really fast. You don't have time to react or you seem like everything is in slow motion but still you cant seem to do anything still. That’s what fucks me up big time. I wish it was the other way around so that when your having fun/enjoying your time it would seem to last longer, people beleive that we have all the time in the world but actually as i have just figured out you have limited ammount of time so dont waste your time thinking about something,DO IT!!