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In the life of a Nation

Ok let’s get to the point… I’m David, Dave, DJ, Big Guy, Big Dude, or the newest one Big Nation, or just Nation for short. I’m attending the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, and miraculously I do not yet have a single piercing or tattoo. I do however have dyed hair, blond highlights.

I’m 6’ 8” tall; that alone is enough to get me noticed, being over 300 pounds also helps, I have the best of both worlds working on my favor. I’m enjoying school and working hard, as for my first quarter my grades are in 3 A’s and 2 B’s, I got a little piece of paper that says I’m on the honor’s list. Oh, excuse me for not jumping for joy… a narcoleptic baboon could have passes some of those classes. This quarter has been a better challenge, though I think I’m still in A’s and B’s range. I know that in one of my classes Concept Development I got a B so that is one down 4 to go.

I’ve made a lot of really interesting friends up here in Pittsburgh, like all the people that work at the Subway sandwich place down on Wood Street, and the slackers in the library looking at nude model books in an attempt to stay awake. No, I’m just joking it is not that bad… I don’t make friends with those people. I’m doing all right I guess. I’ve found my favorite teacher… although half the school would disagree with me (the other half dropped out), Ms. Love. This woman has the most ironic name I have ever come across. She is mean, nasty, and all around cynical, just like every boss I’m ever going to have in my career. I like the insight into the craft.

I’m planning to do some very silly stuff next quarter… if you look in other stuff you will see what I mean. I’m still looking for people to video tape me I want at least three people, who are smart enough to stay out of each other’s shots, and will work for chicken feed.

I don’t know what else to tell you except my truck’s locks have been frozen solid for a week now. That is really no fun at all… I finally have my truck here and it won’t go anywhere, because I can’t get in it.

Last Updated: Dec 2000