Today marks the end of an era. I haven't updated this page in a long time. The reason is the same as many others, I simply haven't had the time. Plus I can't keep up with todays fast paced cheat world. So I just shut the page down


   It all started at the end of my 6th grade year, in 1995. I had convinced my dad to get the internet. We weren't stupid people so we bought a good local ISP. I had been facinated with the internet and a wondered how people put web pages on the internet. Well I found out.
    I learned HTML and by the begging of Summer 1996 I had a web page, It just wasn't on the internet. So I found a free web page host, Angelfire. It was nothing like the angelfire of today. It wasn't littered with ads like all the other web page hosts. So I made my web page and put it on the internet. Yeah! Now what do I do? I had to have a purpose to my page. So I made a weird al page, a simpsons page, and a cheat page. Those were my favorite things at the time. The Weird Al page floped. The Simpsons page actually would have taken off if the FOX lawyers hadn't of decided to threaten all the webmasters of simpsons pages with lawsuits. The cheat page was the only one that survived. The cheat page was big too!
    Mr. Matt's Cheat City It had thousands of cheats. The only problem was that I was too lazy to make up the cheats myself so I linked them from another site. It wasn't a bad idea. If anybody would have tried that now they would have had the pants sued of them. After the Angelfire system crashed I moved to geocities. Again, Nothing like the geocities of today. No pop-up ads, banners, junk. It was pretty decent.
   The page laid dorment for about a year with minor changes here and there. Then I decided to change the site name to the internet junkie's cheat page. It was ok. Then, I finally decided to stop stealing codes from other people. I decided to make the just a Nintendo 64 cheat page. That way I could keep up with everything. I changed the name again to Matt's n64 Cheat Page. I only had about 14 codes and I was too busy so I just decided to shut the page down.    
That's my 4 year history of My Cheat Page.
A Real Cheat Code Place

Game Faqs

since 8/30/96