The Unofficial
                          Total Annihilation
                             Strategy FAQ

                             Release v2.1
                    Last Updated: March 7, 1998

                    Copyright 1997 Andrew Griffin
                          All Rights Reserved

   The purpose of this FAQ is to aid the public with strategies and
tactics for use in the game Total Annihilation by Cavedog Entertainment.
In no way should this promote your building huge mechanised robots to
destroy stuff, transferring your intelligence to machines, or cloning
yourself thousands of times.

   Andrew Griffin claims NO responsibility regarding any illegal activity
concerning this guide, or indirectly related to this guide.

   Future updates and add-ons may render parts of this guide obsolete.

Total Annihilation is a trademark of Cavedog Entertainment, and is so
acknowledged.  Any trademarks not directly mentioned are also

This article is Copyright 1997 by Andrew Griffin. All rights reserved.
You are granted the following rights:

I.  To make copies of this work in original form, provided:
      (a) the copies are exact and complete;
      (b) the copies include the copyright notice and these paragraphs in
          their entirety;
      (c) the copies give obvious credit to the author, Andrew Griffin;
      (d) the copies are in electronic form.
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   To report a suspected copyright violation, or to request additional
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"" on the Internet.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER [1]  Introduction
    *1-1*  Foreword and Introduction
    [1-2]  About the Unofficial TA Strategy FAQ
    [1-3]  Getting the FAQ
        [1-3-1]  Usenet
        [1-3-2]  WWW
        [1-3-3]  BBS
        [1-3-4]  Via Email
    [1-4]  Contributing to the FAQ
    *1-5*  Acknowledgements
    [1-6]  Accuracy of Information


CHAPTER [2]  Unit Commentary
    [2-1]  CORE Kbots
        [2-1-1]  Construction Kbot
        [2-1-2]  A.K.
        [2-1-3]  Storm
        [2-1-4]  Thud
        [2-1-5]  Crasher
        [2-1-6]  Advanced Construction Kbot
        [2-1-7]  Pyro
        [2-1-8]  The Can
        [2-1-9]  Roach
        [2-1-10]  Spectre
    [2-2]  CORE Vehicles
        [2-2-1]  Construction Vehicle
        [2-2-2]  Weasel
        [2-2-3]  Instigator
        [2-2-4]  Raider
        [2-2-5]  Slasher
        [2-2-6]  Advanced Construction Vehicle
        [2-2-7]  Crock
        [2-2-8]  Reaper
        [2-2-9]  Deleter
        [2-2-10]  Pillager
        [2-2-11]  Goliath
        [2-2-12]  Informer
        [2-2-13]  Diplomat
    [2-3]  CORE Aircraft
        [2-3-1]  Construction Aircraft
        [2-3-2]  Fink
        [2-3-3]  Avenger
        [2-3-4]  Shadow
        [2-3-5]  Valkyrie
        [2-3-6]  Advanced Construction Aircraft
        [2-3-7]  Rapier
        [2-3-8]  Hurricane
        [2-3-9]  Titan
        [2-3-10]  Vamp
    [2-4]  CORE Ships
        [2-4-1]  Construction Ship
        [2-4-2]  Searcher
        [2-4-3]  Enforcer
        [2-4-4]  Envoy
        [2-4-5]  Snake
        [2-4-6]  Hive
        [2-4-7]  Shark
        [2-4-8]  Hydra
        [2-4-9]  Executioner
        [2-4-10]  Warlord
    [2-5]  ARM Kbots
        [2-5-1]  Construction Kbot
        [2-5-2]  Peewee
        [2-5-3]  Rocko
        [2-5-4]  Hammer
        [2-5-5]  Jethro
        [2-5-6]  Advanced Construction Kbot
        [2-5-7]  Zipper
        [2-5-8]  Fido
        [2-5-9]  Zeus
        [2-5-10]  Invader
        [2-5-11]  Eraser
    [2-6]  ARM Vehicles
        [2-6-1]  Construction Vehicle
        [2-6-2]  Jeffy
        [2-6-3]  Flash
        [2-6-4]  Samson
        [2-6-5]  Stumpy
        [2-6-6]  Advanced Construction Vehicle
        [2-6-7]  Bulldog
        [2-6-8]  Triton
        [2-6-9]  Jammer
        [2-6-10]  Luger
        [2-6-11]  Merl
        [2-6-12]  Spider
        [2-6-13]  Seer
    [2-7]  ARM Aircraft
        [2-7-1]  Construction Aircraft
        [2-7-2]  Peeper
        [2-7-3]  Freedom Fighter
        [2-7-4]  Thunder
        [2-7-5]  Atlas
        [2-7-6]  Advanced Construction Aircraft
        [2-7-7]  Brawler
        [2-7-8]  Hawk
        [2-7-9]  Phoenix
        [2-7-10]  Lancet
    [2-8]  ARM Ships
        [2-8-1]  Construction Ship
        [2-8-2]  Skeeter
        [2-8-3]  Crusader
        [2-8-4]  Lurker
        [2-8-5]  Hulk
        [2-8-6]  Piranha
        [2-8-7]  Ranger
        [2-8-8]  Conqueror
        [2-8-9]  Millenium
        [2-8-10]  Colossus
    [2-9]  The Commander
        [2-9-1]  Armaments
        [2-9-2]  Capturing Buildings and Units
        [2-9-3]  Regeneration
        [2-9-4]  Cloaking
    [2-10]  New Units
        [2-10-1]  Where can I get the new units?
        [2-10-2]  What do I need to use the new units?
    [2-11]  New CORE Units and Buildings
        [2-11-1]  Toaster
        [2-11-2]  Dominator
        [2-11-3]  Cobra
        [2-11-4]  Thunderbolt
        [2-11-5]  Voyeur
        [2-11-6]  Floating Metal Maker
        [2-11-7]  Leveler Riot Tank
        *2-11-8*  Sumo
    [2-12]  New ARM Units and Buildings
        [2-12-1]  Flakker
        [2-12-2]  Defender - NS
        [2-12-3]  Floating Metal Maker
        [2-12-4]  Cloakable Fusion Plant
        [2-12-5]  Eagle Radar Plane
        [2-12-6]  Fortification Wall
        [2-12-7]  Warrior
        [2-12-8]  Moho Metal Maker
        *2-12-9*  Penetrator

CHAPTER [3]  Building Commentary
    [3-1]  Defensive Buildings Analysis
        [3-1-1]  Light Laser Tower
        [3-1-2]  Pulverizer/Defender
        [3-1-3]  Punisher/Guardian
        [3-1-4]  Gaat Gun/Sentinel
        [3-1-5]  Torpedo Tube
        *3-1-6*  Dragon's Teeth
        [3-1-7]  LLTs Vs HLTs
    [3-2]  Offensive Buildings Analysis
        [3-2-1]  Intimidator/Big Bertha
        [3-2-2]  Silencer/Retaliator
        [3-2-3]  Doomsday Machine
        [3-2-4]  Annihilator
    [3-3]  How do I take out...
        [3-3-1]  Big Bertha/Intimidator
    [3-4]  Buildings that take less damage when inactive
        [3-4-1]  Solar collectors
        [3-4-2]  Missile Defense Systems
        [3-4-3]  Annihilator/Doomsday Machine

CHAPTER [4]  Other Information
    [4-1]  Keyboard Commands
    [4-2]  Cheat Codes
        [4-2-1]  In-game cheat codes
        [4-2-2]  Cheat codes used elsewhere
    [4-3]  How do I play the music outside of the game?
    [4-4]  What is Veteran status, and what does it do?
        [4-4-1]  How can I get Veteran units quickly?
    [4-5]  Explosions
        [4-5-1]  Self-Destruct
    [4-6]  Capturing units
        [4-6-1]  Determining how long it takes to capture something


CHAPTER [5]  How Do I...
    [5-1]  Load planes onto a carrier?
    [5-2]  Launch planes from a carrier?
    [5-3]  Use the air repair pad?
    [5-4]  Use an air transport?
    [5-5]  Get the air transport to land while carrying a unit?
    [5-6]  Use the sea transport?
    [5-7]  Assign an exit point for new units?
    [5-8]  Assign default behaviour to new units?
    [5-9]  Build a nuclear missile/anti-nuke missile?
    [5-10]  Tell how much of my base is protected by the anti-nuke system?
    [5-11]  Get rid of dragon's teeth?

CHAPTER [6]  Construction Tips
    [6-1]  How do I build stuff faster?
    [6-2]  What's a good way to start a base?
        [6-2-1]  Graeme's Build Order
    [6-3]  Spacing out the base

CHAPTER [7]  Resources: Metal and Energy
    [7-1]  Sources of metal
    [7-2]  Sources of energy
    [7-3]  A more efficient method of reclamation
    [7-4]  Balancing the resources
    [7-5]  How to determine resource expenditure
    [7-6]  Weapons that use energy
    [7-7]  Metal extractors and moho mines

CHAPTER [8]  Less Micromanagement
    [8-1]  What are some nice uses for Guard?
    [8-2]  What are some nice uses for Patrol?
    [8-3]  Automatically repairing aircraft

CHAPTER [9]  The Minimap
    [9-1]  The minimap - the road to success
    [9-2]  Countering the minimap advantage
    [9-3]  Gaining that minimap advantage
    [9-4]  The items of the minimap
        [9-4-1]  Green circle
        [9-4-2]  Red circle
        [9-4-3]  Red blip
        [9-4-4]  Blue blip
        [9-4-5]  Blue cross
        [9-4-6]  White dot
        [9-4-7]  White circle


CHAPTER [10]  Specific Mission Strategies
    [10-1]  Special Notes
        [10-1-1]  Special note on the missions on CORE PRIME
        [10-1-2]  Note on the different difficulty levels
        [10-1-3]  Skipping missions
    [10-2]  CORE Missions
        [10-2-1]  1. The Commander Reactivated...
        [10-2-2]  2. Vermin
        [10-2-3]  3. Ambush!
        [10-2-4]  4. Enough is Enough
        [10-2-5]  5. Barathrum!
        [10-2-6]  6. The Cleansing Begins
        [10-2-7]  7. Pulling the Noose Tight
        [10-2-8]  8. The Gate to Aqueous Minor
        [10-2-9]  9. The Purgation of Aqueous Minor
        [10-2-10]  10. The Gauntlet
        [10-2-11]  11. Isle Parche
        [10-2-12]  12. A Traitor Leads The Way
        [10-2-13]  13. Rougpelt
        [10-2-14]  14. Scouring Rougpelt
        [10-2-15]  15. Xantippe's Abyss
        [10-2-16]  16. Departing Rougpelt
        [10-2-17]  17. The Lost Isle
        [10-2-18]  18. Slolam Pilago
        [10-2-19]  19. The Vebreen Fleet
        [10-2-20]  20. The Gate To Aegus
        [10-2-21]  21. Aegus...Empyrrean's Guardian
        [10-2-22]  22. A Big Empyrrean Welcome
        [10-2-23]  23. The Fortress Falls
        [10-2-24]  24. Surrounded and Pounded
        [10-2-25]  25. Empyrrean's Final Stand
    [10-3]  ARM Missions
        [10-3-1]  1. A Hero Returns
        [10-3-2]  2. CORE Kbot Base, Destroy It!
        [10-3-3]  3. Spider Technology
        [10-3-4]  4. CORE Contamination Spreads...
        [10-3-5]  5. The Gate to Thalassean
        [10-3-6]  6. Beachhead on Thalassean
        [10-3-7]  7. The Defense of Larab Harbor
        [10-3-8]  8. The Gate to Tergiverse IV
        [10-3-9]  9. The Hydration Plant
        [10-3-10]  10. The Bromid Maze
        [10-3-11]  11. The Gate to Barathrum
        [10-3-12]  12. Barathrum!
        [10-3-13]  13. Landown's Interface
        [10-3-14]  14. The Heat Increases
        [10-3-15]  15. Rougpelt
        [10-3-16]  16. Stockpile at the Abutment
        [10-3-17]  17. Fortress at Brooban's Isle
        [10-3-18]  18. Vengence!
        [10-3-19]  19. The Motien Ramp
        [10-3-20]  20. Dump
        [10-3-21]  21. Welcome to CORE PRIME
        [10-3-22]  22. Battle for Coordinate 6551:447
        [10-3-23]  23. Crossing Aqueous Body 397
        [10-3-24]  24. Breakthrough to Central Consciousness
        [10-3-25]  25. CORE PRIME Apocalypse. Free at Last!

CHAPTER [11]  Strategies
    [11-1]  Evil Strategies
        [11-1-1]  Commander Snatch
        [11-1-2]  Commander Bomb
    [11-2]  Normal Strategies
        [11-2-1]  The use of skirmishers
        [11-2-2]  Naval radar jammers
        [11-2-3]  Bugs as underwater mines
        [11-2-4]  They shoot Berthas don't they?
        [11-2-5]  Flying Bomb
        [11-2-6]  Help! I'm being swarmed by 50...
        [11-2-7]  Commander bombing
        [11-2-8]  Hulks of death
        [11-2-9]  Death to Brawler swarms
        [11-2-10]  Allen's Strategies
        [11-2-11]  Prism's Psychological Warfare
        [11-2-12]  The Lazarus Effect
        [11-2-13]  The Way of the `Bot
    [11-3]  Little bunny tank rushers
        [11-3-1]  Warning signs of a tank rusher
        [11-3-2]  Some strategies to defeat the tank rush


CHAPTER [12]  Data Tables
    [12-1]  Unit Statistics
        *12-1-1*  CORE Units
        *12-1-2*  ARM Units
        *12-1-3*  CORE Unit Advanced Statistics
        *12-1-4*  ARM Unit Advanced Statistics
    [12-2]  Building Statistics
        [12-2-1]  CORE Buildings
        [12-2-2]  ARM Buildings
        [12-2-5]  CORE Building Advanced Statistics
        [12-2-6]  ARM Building Advanced Statistics
    [12-3]  Weapon Statistics
    [12-4]  Building speeds, and an explanation

CHAPTER [13]  Internet Resources
    [13-1]  World Wide Web sites
    [13-2]  Finding multiplayer opponents
         [13-2-1]  Kali Server
         [13-2-2]  On IRC
         [13-2-3]  What is my IP address?
         [13-2-4]  ICQ List

CHAPTER [14]  Cheating
    [14-1]  Does the AI cheat?

CHAPTER *15*  Revision History

End Contents

CHAPTER [1]  Introduction

*1-1*  Foreword and Introduction
   Welcome to version 2.1 of the Unofficial Total Annihilation Strategy
FAQ. This is a semi-major update, done out of the monthly update order
because this version the FAQ passes the 300K mark. Special thanks to Jeff
Atwood for his contributions this version for all those vehicle summaries
that I could never get around to doing. The new units released since the
last update have had their statistics added, naturally.
   I'd like to thank those people who have contributed to this FAQ both
in actually additions and well wishing. Both are appreciated.

   I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think and please feel free
to email me your additions.

[1-2]  About the Unofficial TA Strategy FAQ
   This FAQ is meant to help you with the game Total Annihilation, both
through walkthroughs for specific missions, and general discussion of
strategies that you can use in multiplayer games.
   This work is not assocaited with the recently released Strategy Guide,
and is not meant to compete with it.
   Notice the word 'unofficial' in the title? That means that this FAQ is
not supported by Cavedog Entertainment. 
   FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions.

[1-3]  Getting the FAQ

[1-3-1]  Usenet
   At each major update to this FAQ, it will be posted to the following
   At each minor update to the FAQ, I will post a pointer to the webpage
in the same newsgroup rather than the entire FAQ.
   A pointer to the FAQ will be posted in this newsgroup on the first of
every month.

[1-3-2]  WWW
   New releases of the Unofficial TA Strategy FAQ can be found at the
following World Wide Web site:

[1-3-3]  BBS
   I am not responsible for uploading new releases of the Unofficial TA
Internet Strategy FAQ to bulletin board systems. I have control over
neither them nor their naming conventions, and can not guarantee that a
given BBS will hold a copy of the FAQ in their files section.

   ATTENTION: ALL BBSes, CompuServe, America Online, and all other
information services. PLEASE conform to the naming convention standard of
the Unofficial Total Annihilation Internet Strategy FAQ when placing this
file on your system. The file name should be 'tafaq??' where the '??' is
the revision number of the FAQ or 'tafaq??.txt' is the FAQ is a text
file instead of PKZIPped.

[1-3-4]  Via Email
   Please do not ask me to send you this FAQ via email as rejection often

[1-4]  Contributing to the FAQ
   If you have something to add to the FAQ (I hope you do!), please send
an email to me at '' (without the quotes,
obviously). Please explain what your submission is and I will then review
it and add it to the next version of the FAQ if it is accepted. In this
email, please supply your name and email address.

   Please note that all submissions to the FAQ become the property of the
author (Andrew Griffin) and that they may or may not be acknowledged. By
submitting to the FAQ, you grant permission for use of your submission in
any future publications of the FAQ in any media. The author reserves the
right to omit information from a submission or delete the submission

*1-5*  Acknowledgements
   Cavedog for making such a wild game.
   Thanks to both Charles Bartley and Michael Wyatt for sending me the
files with the unit stats in them - on the same day! :)
   Thanks to Jeff Atwood for all of his vehicle summaries that kicked
this FAQ over 300K for the first time.

[1-6]  Accuracy of Information
   Well, I hope that eveything in here is accurate. In any case, I've
tried to make this FAQ as accurate as I can. However, some information,
especially mission walkthroughs may simply not work for you.
   Naturally, future updates to TA may cause some or all of this FAQ to
become obsolete.


CHAPTER [2]  Unit Commentary

[2-1]  CORE Kbots

[2-1-1]  Construction Kbot
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-1-2]  A.K.
Clint Oakley - 'Ender' (
   Cheap and plentiful, this is the cannon fodder of the CORE army. Armed
with a small laser, it really can't hold up to the ARM PeeWee and it's
dual EMGs. They are really only useful for quick, cheap early game rushes
of about 10 or so, decoys, probes to test enemy ground defenses, or just
a general annoyance. If the enemy has anything more than a light laser
tower to defend it, don't expect to do much damage. ARM equivalent =
PeeWee (I wish!)

[2-1-3]  Storm
Ted Lambert (
   Rocket KBots have a nice range and are an awesome anti-Commander tool
- they are faster than, and can stay out of range of the Commander.
Decent power if used in groups of 8+. Used as a main weapon in cramped
quarters, eg. Pincusion, heavily treed maps, etc.

[2-1-4]  Thud
Clint Oakley - 'Ender' (
   The basic CORE artillery, it is pretty close to the ARM Hammer. Useful
against slower Kbots, though it has a hard time hitting faster moving
units, such as PeeWees or Jeffys. ARM equivalent = Hammer.

[2-1-5]  Crasher
Clint Oakley - 'Ender' (
   A pretty good multipurpose unit, it can shoot down slower aircraft,
but don't expect to hit anything faster than a basic fighter. They are
also good against ground target, they deal OK damage, but are kinda slow.
Good for all around defense and a mixed attack force.

[2-1-6]  Advanced Construction Kbot
Clint Oakley - 'Ender' (
   Not bad, pretty cheap, basically used to guard factories and help out
projects. It doesn't have the maneouverability of the Adv. Construction
Aircraft or the speed of the Adv. Construction Vehicle. Really only
needed for advanced Kbots.

[2-1-7]  Pyro
Clint Oakley - 'Ender' (
   A pretty good unit, though I don't see many people using them. They
are quite good against buildings and slower Kbots. Their flamethrowers
are good, though they can't hit faster targets. The ARM's closest
equivalent is the Zeus, which I generally regard as being a little
better. The Pyro is faster, but doesn't inflict as much damage, making it
better for hit-and-fade attacks.

Andrew's note:
   This unit seems to be mainly useful when it comes to attacking
buildings, as it does a fair amount of damage. Probably best for
attacking the weaker structures like power and metal collectors, in a
quick raid.

Graeme Miller (
   Now the Pyro is a nice unit, it isn't a great unit, but it is a nice
one. This guy can easily cook a squad of level 1 Kbots, if he survives to
get in amongst them. In teams they will decimate the squad of Kbots
because of their area effect. Of course, if they manage to keep out of
the Pyro's way and pick it off from a distance, the Pyro doesn't stand a
   The main use I have for the Pyro is simply running them around frying
weak structures. The Pyro destroys a metal extractor, radar tower and
wind generator in about one burn, so you can do some nasty damage to
unprotected bases (just charge them in and see what you can find). The
Pyro is also quite capable of picking off Defenders if there aren't too
many of them and they aren't being spotted for. Just run the Pyro over
(try and catch more than one structure in the burn, because the effect
isn't lessened if you catch more in the flame), and fire the Defender
pops nicely.

[2-1-8]  The Can
   The CORE seems to like heavy, power-hungry lasers. When The Can fires
its massive laser, it drains 75 power to do so. However, if you don't
have 75 power to spare, The Can can't fire! If you are keen to use Cans,
make sure you never run out of power for these waddling kbots can't
escape. I'm pretty sure that, despite what the manual says, The Can is
armed with a laser, not a plasma cannon.

Clint Oakley - 'Ender' (
   A good heavy assault unit, though you must always remember to have
enough power and ALWAYS back them up with some anti-air support and
possibly some tanks. You will probably need to set their backup to Guard
one of them to make sure they get there at the same time. Sending a radar
jammer with them is a good idea, as if anyone sees a bunch of Cans
waddling towards them will instantly throw up everything they have into a
heavy defense.

[2-1-9]  Roach
Clint Oakley - 'Ender' (
   These little bugs pack a BIG punch. They are too slow to attack
heavilly defended areas, so normally the best way to use them is to use a
Valkyrie to pick it up, fly it above where you need it, and self-destruct
(CTRL-D) the Valkyrie. The Valkyrie is easilly show down, so avoid about
anything that can shoot at aircraft. BTW, they can crawl underwater,
making sneak amphibious assaults very effective :). The plast is
comparitive to about 1/2 of a nuke. ARM equivalent = Invader.

[2-1-10]  Spectre
Clint Oakley - 'Ender' (
   These radar jammers are your best bet for blacking out your base,
since they cast the biggest jamming field. Their speed is fair, put one
or two in your ground invasion force to ensure a minimal resistance. If
you put a Spectre and Informer together out near their base, you can have
a good radar area without the enemy knowing. Of course, they are unarmed,
so if they get attacked, kiss em goodbye.

[2-2]  CORE Vehicles

[2-2-1]  Construction Vehicle
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-2]  Weasel
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-3]  Instigator
Ted Lambert (
   Fast, excellent in groups, fair armour. They can survive more than a
hit, so they can take most anything out if used properly. Send in no less
than 8 to do any small strikework, but keep away from heavy laser towers
... they tend to eat tanks up.

[2-2-4]  Raider
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-5]  Slasher
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-6]  Advanced Construction Vehicle
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-7]  Crock
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-8]  Reaper
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-9]  Deleter
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-10]  Pillager
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-11]  Goliath
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-12]  Informer
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-2-13]  Diplomat
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-3]  CORE Aircraft

[2-3-1]  Construction Aircraft
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-3-2]  Fink
Graeme Miller (
   (Also applies to the Peeper) A nice, cheap, fast moving plane, it's
one use is scouting/spotting. You should be able to send this over most
AA units without it being destroyed simply because it is so fast. It will
outrun most missiles, so unless you tell it to turn around sharply (hence
losing airspeed), it won't die very easily. I usually build a few of
these and assign them to guard my squads, because it increases the
distance that they can see. Unless a squad actually sees the enemy
(rather than just appearing on the radar), they won't fire, so even if
you have really long range, it is wasted without a spotter.
   So use it as a spotter or scout, a few flying over your base's AA will
also help them shoot down invaders. I would probably build fighters for
spotting near my base because they will intercept any threat unlike the
unarmed peeper/fink.

[2-3-3]  Avenger
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-3-4]  Shadow
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-3-5]  Valkyrie
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-3-6]  Advanced Construction Aircraft
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-3-7]  Rapier
   I'm finding that the missiles the Rapier fires are fairly inaccurate,
so against the smaller targets it isn't as effective. Against slow moving
targets or larger buildings, however, it is quite useful although I would
prefer the Hurricane for the lower metal cost

Ted Lambert (
   Use them like Brawlers, except against buildings. They will eat a base
in 2/3 of the time. No less than 4 or 5 in a group, guard them with and
AA that can be spared. If used correctly, they are half again as good as
Brawlers. Try em, learn em, like em.

[2-3-8]  Hurricane
   The Hurricane is really beginning to grow on me because of its
turreted laser. The laser may not be exceptionally powerful (it looks to
be the same as the AK's or thereabouts), but it is quite quick and rarely
misses. The laser will start shooting at enemy units before it reaches
its target, while it is bombing its target, and while it is flying away
from its target. Each little bit of damage helps. This laser can target
both air and land/sea enemies.
   Naturally, as the advanced bomber type for the CORE, it carries quite
a large payload.

[2-3-9]  Titan
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-3-10]  Vamp
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-4]  CORE Ships
[2-4-1]  Construction Ship
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-4-2]  Searcher
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-4-3]  Enforcer
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-4-4]  Envoy
Graeme Miller (
   (Also applies to the Hulk) And putting your expensive units in a
floating death trap strikes you as a good idea? I wouldn't risk it unless
it was very, very well protected and it was making a landing at an
unprotected shore. It takes about 20 hits (less if something decent is
firing at you), and your army sinks to the bottom of the sea, not good
odds really, considering the time it takes to load/unload. I definitely
wouldn't put more than 6 units in.
   The best use for this is to load it up with crawling bombs and self
destructing it near enemy ships. The effect of the bombs is cumulative so
the explosions can be very serious.

[2-4-5]  Snake
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-4-6]  Hive
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-4-7]  Shark
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-4-8]  Hydra
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-4-9]  Executioner
ADD HERE: analysis of unit

[2-4-10]  Warlord
   This massive battleship is strange in that not only does it use energy
when moving, but it uses additional energy to fire its laser. This means
that if the Warlord is moving and firing at the same time that its total
power drain is 44+75 = 119 energy units, of which only 46 are supplied by
its own reactor. So, without surplus energy, Warlords can become

[2-5]  ARM Kbots

[2-5-1]  Construction Kbot
Prism (
   This construction bot isn't quick but it can follow any units around
and fit through the gaps that vehicle bots cannot. It has uses but to be
honest I only build one to get the advanced Kbot lab. It is fairly well
armoured and harder to hit than its other counterparts, so don't overlook

[2-5-2]  Peewee
   The dual energy machine guns that the Peewee packs may be slightly
inaccurate, but it its target isn't moving, the Peewee can really pack a
punch. Against (non-defensive) structures they are especially useful
because of this very high rate of fire and can pick of metal extractors
and solar collectors before a response can be mounted.
   In comparison to the CORE A.K, the Peewee comes out way ahead.

Kris Lillestol (
   A little known fact about Peewees is that they can not only attack
ground units, but air units as well! A group of Peewees mixed in with
your attacking force can do an excellent job against air defenses.

[2-5-3]  Rocko
Jake (
   These babies have quite a firing distance with their rockets and are
great to plant in forests to ambush enemy convoys or on any flat terrain.

[2-5-4]  Hammer
Jake (
   The artillery cannons on this little K-bot can be very useful as a
static defense against a large attacking force, or to fire over a
ridgeline or hill at enemy units that have LOS (line of sight) weapons.

The Dwarfer (
   I love these units, quite powerful and for me the best level 1 Kbot
there is. Build about 5-7 of these and attack early on and you will take
quite a few buildings. I cannot express how much I love these units.

[2-5-5]  Jethro
Jake (
   A little K-bot with dual AA missle launchers that will take out most
aircraft if they blunder into its range.

[2-5-6]  Advanced Construction Kbot
Prism (
   Not much more than the construction Kbot, this bot has the usual
upgraded from a Level 1 construction unit, ie. more to build and is
faster at building.

[2-5-7]  Zipper
Prism (
   This bot is really quite good. It is very quick but looses armour
because of this. Although it doesn't have a powerful weapon, it's medium
laser is able to pack a punch. Use in groups to hit and run, or as part
of a combined attack as a faint. They can also take out most tanks if you
keep them moving around the tank to prevent a direct hit.

Cruise (
   Only really useful if you start with them at the beginning of a level
for early scouting. Once you have an airfield, use the peepers. They do,
however, make a good fast response team. Don't tell them to attack
directly though, or they'll just stand and shoot, and moving is their
best defense. Let them start attacking automatically, and they'll run
around the target, making them harder to hit.

[2-5-8]  Fido
Prism (
   This is my favourite bot. I know a lot of gamers who don't use Fido
because he's slow and hard to move, but he is very well armed. He has a
short-barrelled gauss cannon, and high velocity shells which when used
together can really do some damage. I find their best used in defense
along with lasers or as support for other units. They are too slow to use
on their own.

[2-5-9]  Zeus
Prism (
   The mighty Zeus has a very nice little lightning gun, which has a
limited range, but does a fair amount of damage. He's not that slow
either. I don't use Zeus that much because I only use fast bots for
raids, but if you do like using bots on the front lines, make sure you
have a Zeus with you; he's good at his job.

[2-5-10]  Invader
Notnus (
   This unit will give a huge explosion, and take many surrounding units
with it. One tactic is to have a transporter load it and flying it
towards the enemy line of defense (to weaken it so you can attack with
aircraft), against a group of heavy tanks, or damage key buildings and
even their Commander.

[2-5-11]  Eraser
Notnus (
   If you're willing to risk it, cloak your Commander, and bring him and
a jammer near the enemy line of defense, with the jammer out of sight.
Then bring the Commander to the end of the jammer's field and you can see
his/her base! (Keep and eye on your energy, jammer and(!) Commander!).

Prism (
   The Eraser is a vital unit. Anything that can hide your units from
radar has obvious tactical advantages and I like to use the eraser with
'hit squads' of PeeWees so the enemy can only see the attack when it is
too late.

Cruise (
   Doesn't seem to have that much use against the computer, as it seems
to know where your units are anyway, but against other people, they are
very useful. Scatter them around your base, and none of your buildings
will appear on the radar! Send them to accompany ground units to keep
squads hidden until you attack, or load one onto an atlas to keep your
air units hidden. An excellent use for them is in tandem with spiders,
put an eraser together with a spider, when the spider stuns somebody,
send in two atlases, one with an eraser on to keep them hidden. Pick up
the stunned unit, take it back to your base and capture it. Your very own
Bermuda Triangle!

[2-6]  ARM Vehicles

[2-6-1]  Construction Vehicle
Prism (
   It's bigger, bulkier and better than the Kbot construction unit, but
it is cumbersome, and can't always fit through gaps you need it to fit

[2-6-2]  Jeffy
Prism (
   Jeffy is a quick light tank with a decent visual range. Because
they're so cheap I place them at my perimeter to use as early warning
devices for enemy units using radar jammers for coverage, and also to let
my heavy guns have a chance to fire at full range.

[2-6-3]  Flash
   Basically a Peewee in vehicle form, a Flash is also armed with dual
energy machine guns so everything that applies to the Peewee applies to
the Flash as well.

[2-6-4]  Samson
Jake (
   This vehicle has an AA missle launcher that is a little better than
the Jethro's. Place these in a static line intermixed with Hammer K-bots
and Stumpys. Build 2-4 of these as soon as you finish that all-important
Construction Vehicle, and spread them in a tight preimeter around your

[2-6-5]  Stumpy
Jake (
   A great little tank with a cannon. I also build at least 2-4 of these
guys after my Construction Vehicle so I have a quick ground defense if

The Dwarfer (
   These little tanks are great. Build about 10 at the start and you are
laughing. Quite cheap and they pack quite a punch. Very good in small
groups that are spread out. One of the best units in the game. Three
cheers for the stumpy.

[2-6-6]  Advanced Construction Vehicle
Prism (
   The same as the advanced Kbot, but again, bigger, bulkier and IMO

[2-6-7]  Bulldog
Jake (
   A larger Stumpy with 2 cannon and a great unit to disperse between
Defender towers.

[2-6-8]  Triton
Jake (
   I used these once and I won't again on most maps. These guys are way
too slow under water and if there are subs or destroyers lurking about,
don't even bother sending them on an attack. It's basically a Stumpy with
an aqua-lung. :)

Prism (
   I just wanted to add to what Jake said about this one, they are junk
(Andrew: *grin*). In most cases, leave well enough alone and build a
transport for proper tanks. Maybe if they could put up some defense
whilst under water, or it there was a naval jammer unit to cover them.

[2-6-9]  Jammer
   See Eraser (2-5-11).

Prism (
   This is an essential unit. When you use ground attacks, make sure two
or three of these are coupled with your attack squad. Their ability to
blank out your units on the enemy radar (note they have a small blocking
area, click to see how much), can give you a decisive advantage.
   Use these units well and you can turn a battle.

[2-6-10]  Luger
Prism (
   Why some people don't use these units is beyond me. The Luger, or
light mobile artillery, is like a mobile Guardian, but with less power,
range, and accuracy. I ALWAYS place these at the back of my attack force
and watch them send their arced shells onto my enemy.
   They act as an extra attack force and although they are weak, can take
out most defenses while your other units worry about getting the enemy's
metal and energy.

[2-6-11]  Merl
Prism (
   The Merl, or ground bases missile launcher :), is highly useful in
small doses. It is slow to fire and the rockets can miss their target,
hitting friendly units, especially when attacking mobile foes. This is
why it's not used a great deal. I prefer to put Lugers behind my troops
not these units.
   If you want an air defense, get Jethros or Samsons.

[2-6-12]  Spider
Mr. Pink (
   If you ever notice that the enemy construction units will travil away
from their  base to build metal mines. well if you have noticed  you can
do this, use your bombers to destroy an enemy  mine so that the computer
will go and replace it. if  there is heavy fortification or no mine
really away  from the base use a nuke. then when they send a 
construction vehicle to build the mine use a spider that you have setup
close to the metal to paralize the constuct, and pick it up with your air
transport. then  take it to a place away from your base because its still
an enemy so you base defences will fire at it... have  your commander
there and capture it. Then you don't have to worry about which sides
better, you will be able to build both... Cool eh. 

Jake (
   Wow! If you play any map with large, seemingly unscalable mountains,
this is the unit for you! These guys can crawl over ANY type of
elevation. Their only problem is their weak weaponry which supposedly
stuns the enemy...

[2-6-13]  Seer
Notnus (
   A mobile radar, use it with a radar jammer to spy on enemy moves.

Prism (
   This little mobile radar is a must. Use him with your attack force and
you should be able to increase the range of most of your units, and also
keep an eye out for ambushes and other such nasties.

[2-7]  ARM Aircraft

[2-7-1]  Construction Aircraft
Prism (
   This construction vehicle has weak armour, but can move around easily
and is good at placing buildings near the enemy's base. Because they are
aircraft, they can quickly construct your solid foundation of mines which
are dotted around the map.

[2-7-2]  Peeper
Prism (
   The Peeper is a scout plane that moves very quickly to avoid being
shot down. They are very useful to see what the enemy are up to, and are
useful to patrol areas of your land. I like to put them on guard with
attack forces to increase their line of sight, and because of their
speed, they are less likely to be shot down. They have NO weapons.

Cruise (
   The best scouting unit. Once you have an air base, build them, and
send them out. They are unlikely to get hit because of their speed, and
they can cover huge amounts of area very quickly. They are also useful as
spotters for longer range weapons. A useful trick for this is to tell the
peeper to land somewhere it can't, like water. It will then start
circling the area, and it will not get hit for a long time, if at all.
All the while, your artillery can pound away.

[2-7-3]  Freedom Fighter
Prism (
   A Freedom Fighter is good at retaliating to enemy bombing raids by
finishing off planes that your air defenses didn't kill, or as a quick
solution to guarding a distant object before defenses have gone up. They
only have missiles which are weak, and are little use in attacking any
ground structures except metal mines. I only use Freedom Fighters in
their other role, as escorts to bombers to draw fire and engage other

Kris Lillestol (
   While they can attack both air to air and air to ground, I have found
that they are most effective air to air. I always make sure to have these
guys patrolling my base to thin out Brawler attacks.

The Dwarfer (
   Very good fighters once they get to veteran status. Build a few of
these and patrol your metal extractors and solar generators and you
should be alright if someone decides to start to bomb your metal
extractors and collectors.

[2-7-4]  Thunder
Jake (
   A fun unit if you can make 2-4 and CTRL+# them as one group. One will
take out a Metal Extractor easily, and 2-4 can take out Solar Collectors
and other buildings. They only drop bombs, so if you can get a level 2
aircraft lab, build that and Phoenix instead.

[2-7-5]  Atlas
Prism (
   This unit has no defensive abilities but is very nifty for carrying
single units around the map. I won't go into it many, well, unpleasant

[2-7-6]  Advanced Construction Aircraft
Prism (
   Much the same as the above level 1 construction aircraft, but with a
quicker build time, and a greater selection of units.

[2-7-7]  Brawler
Prism (
   I love the Brawler (Andrew: apparently so does everyone else *grin*).
It uses a dual energy gun like the Peewee or the Flash, is more powerful,
and acts more like a helicopter. Unlike other planes, it can 'hover'
around the target it is attacking, and so is good for attacks where you
need a quick result. They are powerful, but because they hover over their
target, are easier to shoot down. However, I find them more useful than
the Phoenix, but I know Jake won't agree :)

Cruise (
   Excellent ground attack craft, especially against laser towers. A
squad of five should demolish most base defenses pretty quickly. They are
vulnerable to missile fire, however, as these seek, and negate the
brawler's dodging ability. They are also vulnerable to fighters because
of this, and the fighters' high speed means the brawlers are very
unlikely to get a return shot in. But for taking out most ground and sea
targets, they are excellent.

[2-7-8]  Hawk
Prism (
   The Hawk is a Stealth fighter. It is quick and invisible to the enemy
radar. It is armed with long-range missiles. Use the Hawk where you need
a stealth unit, otherwise I use them for defending mines, which are out
of my ground units range, or for surprise attacks on enemy bombers coming
at my base. That can be fun :)

[2-7-9]  Phoenix
Jake (
   Talk about a great aircraft: Light lasers to fend off fighters or hit
ground targets when not on a bombing run, and also bombs! Guard them well
because they take a while to build. 4 of these can really wreak havoc on
the enemy. It's counterpart is the Core's Hurricane.

[2-7-10]  Lancet
Prism (
   The Lancet is an anti-naval plane that is slow and not that well
defended as a unit, but can hit enemy subs and ships with it's powerful
torpedos. Because the torpedos are dropped before their target, it is
hard to use these bombers against land targets. :) To attack subs,
another unit must spot them first (Andrew: or appear on sonar). Some
people love them, other don't. Personally, I like variation so I always
have a few on a map with some water.

Cruise (
   Attacking ships from the air is an excellent method, as very few ships
have air defenses, and those that do don't have sub defenses (hint,
hint). Send a squad of these, and the ships will be nothing more than
metal at the bottom of the sea after a few passes.

[2-8]  ARM Ships

[2-8-1]  Construction Ship
Prism (
   Unlike the construction vehicles, there is no advanced construction
ship YET (wait for the new units, apparently one will appear some time).
It can build a laser tower on coastal land, but is otherwise limited to
it's naval uses such as shipyards and sonar stations, etc. It is not well
armoured, and like other construction units has no defenses, so look
after it. 

[2-8-2]  Skeeter
Prism (
   I like the Skeeter a lot. It has a good range for spotting the enemy,
is fast so it can tear past enemy boats and outrun torpedos, but most of
all it has a missile launcher as a weapon, and so is good at defending
large ships from enemy aircraft.

Cruise (
   Like most of the scout craft, pretty redundant for scouting once you
have air scouts. They are very useful anti-air defence for your seagoing
craft however. Not as powerful as the missile boats, but you can build
lots more of them quicker and cheaper. And more missiles means more
chance of hitting.

[2-8-3]  Crusader
Prism (
   The Crusader is mainly for use against subs. It is well armed with an
array of smart depth-charges, and also has a good sonar range. I
personally like it as a fast attack ship which is cheap and good for both
naval battles and also sub hunting. I use them a lot as a basic combined
attack unit.

[2-8-4]  Lurker
Notnus (
   A submarine which can fire at subs, ships and ground targets! The
ground targets have to be close to the shore, though, but ground units
with lasers/rockets won't be able to hit it, so it can kill them while
they stand on the shore. The only useful unit you can produce from the
Basic Shipyard when you have a 'good' sea-force with advanced units.

Prism (
   Lurkers are nice little submarines that are good at taking out enemy
ships and moving around without being seen for surprise attacks, but are
no good on their own. Always use in packs of 5 or more. They also can't
attack ground based units which is a bit of a pain, but which makes the
game fair. (Andrew: actually they can attack ground units, but only when
said units have ventured into the shallow water of the coastline)

Cruise (
   These are very useful for taking out the battleships, as these can't
see or attack them. Also good for sneaky scouting, as they won't be
spotted that easily.

[2-8-5]  Hulk
Prism (
   The Hulk can carry up to 20 units in it, and is fairly slow and
without defense or decent armour, but was never intended for combat. Use
carefully, or one full Hulk which is caught and destroyed could be very

[2-8-6]  Piranha
Prism (
   The Piranha is like it's aquarian relative. I like them a lot. They're
violent little units that have a huge sonar range and kill normal subs
with two shots. Although their torpedos are weaker than those of the
Lurker, against ships, it can fire more at an enemy because of it's
extended range. I use these to guard my large ships from enemy attacks.

[2-8-7]  Ranger
Notnus (
   The sea equivalent of the ARM Merl (although with a much longer
range!), it protects your ships from aircraft (to some extent), and
provides additional firepower against static ground defenses. It is
helpless against long range ships and the subs.

Prism (
   The Ranger has both a pair of heavy rockets for surface combat, and an
anti-air missile grid. Rangers have a long range and are powerful, but
has no anti-submarine defense and a slow rate of fire, so are useless on
their own. If I use them it is for long range attacks on enemy ships, but
keep them hanging back with an escort of 2 to 4 Lurkers.

[2-8-8]  Conqueror
Notnus (
   This is the reason you have a navy in the first place. It can hit
enemy targets both at sea and ground from a great distance, as it has the
longest ranged weapon at sea. It will also protect your fleet from subs
at the same time!

Prism (
   This cruiser has a truely HUGE firing range and powerful shells, with
depth-charges to take out any submarines. When you start using this ship
you'll wonder why it took you so long to discover it. I use them with all
coastal maps to hit inland targets such as long range cannons, which
planes or ground attacks can't reach.

[2-8-9]  Millenium
Notnus (
   Although not as tough as the CORE Warlord, this unit is required to
protect your fleet from it (the Warlord). It can also destroy other
surface ships easily. The ARM battleship doesn't require extra energy as
the CORE Warlord does, so this will still protect your base and fleet if
the enemy blows up your energy generators.

Prism (
   This is the second best naval unit in TA; the strongest naval unit ARM
has. It has got two batteries of three huge guns, and has a massive
amount of armour to withstand enemy attacks. What makes this unit special
is it's ability to fire at two targets at the same time. It is expensive
and lacks sub/air defenses, so add Skeeters and Piranhas to keep it

[2-8-10]  Colossus
Notnus (
   The ARM Aircraft Carrier is NEEDED on almost all water maps! It
provides energy, repairs damaged aircraft and it has the important radar.
This ship is self-protected if you assign some (stealth) fighters,
torpedo bombers and one construction ship to guard it. Keep it away from
the shore line and battles. If you want to destroy targets with aircraft,
they won't have to go back to base to get repaired, and this is actually
the main function for the Colossus.

Prism (
   The Colossus is a naval aircraft carrier. It can repair two aircraft
at the same time, and has a large radar range for the planes, along with
a small fusion reactor to help pay for the energy it drains when
repairing damaged craft. The Colossus doesn't have any truely defensive
weapons, but can launch aircraft against the enemy and is a VERY useful
tool on the battlefield.

[2-9]  The Commander
   The big fella himself. He is the fastest of all the construction
units, being about 5 times as fast as the level 1 construction units and
2 or 3 times as fast as the advanced construction units. He can only
build the basic structures by himself, but a trick is to start an
advanced building with another construction unit, bring over the
Commander to work on it, and then have the construction unit go and do
something else.

[2-9-1]  Armaments
   The Commander is armed with 2 weapons - a small laser and the
disintegration gun.

Laser:  Your basic light laser, it looks to be similar to the one the A.K
kbot carries - ie it isn't very good.

Disintegration Gun:  The ultimate weapon, the D-Gun. Kills anything it
hits, but needs 400 power to fire. It doesn't leave any wreckage for you
to reclaim though. Press 'd' to enable the D-Gun for the commander. The
Commander is fairly slow at tracking units, so unless a unit has stopped
for some reason, the Commander may never actually fire at it. To prevent
this, you can try and lead the D-gun by shooting it at where you think
the unit is going to be in a short time. Because the D-Gun not only
affects the impact site but also a small section behind it, even if you
are slightly out you will still get your target. This area affect means
that you have to be somewhat careful when using the D-Gun in areas where
there are things you don't want disintegrated.

[2-9-2]  Capturing Buildings and Units
   Before you try and capture an enemy building or unit, it is advisable
to put the commander onto 'Hold Fire' or 'Return Fire' as he is likely to
open up with his laser pop gun on the very building you want to capture.
Click on the Capture button in the orders screen (to be able to use the
'c' key to enable the capture you need to be in the Orders screen) then
on the building or unit you want to capture. It may take a while for the
Commander to capture the unit.
   Now, most enemy units don't take too kindly to the attempt to capture
them, so will feel free to shoot your commander up a bit. You might like
to accompany the Commander with another construction unit to heal him.
   You cannot capture the enemy Commander.
   The Commander is able to capture ships whilst underwater (meaning that
if it attempting to capture a ship without depth charges/torpedos that
the ship cannot retaliate against the Commander)

[2-9-3]  Regeneration
   The Commander slowly regenerates damage done to him over time.
However, this seems to use up a small amount of his energy (about 30
energy units it looked like, although it may vary with the amount of
damage he has sustained).

[2-9-4]  Cloaking
   In the Orders tab, you can click on the Visible button to make the
Commander invisible. This has a constant energy cost of 200 units, but
this increases to 1000 energy units if the commander is moving. If there
is not enough energy, the Commander will decloak.

[2-10]  New Units
[2-10-1]  Where can I get the new units?
   The new units for Total Annihilation are on Cavedog's Total
Annihilation homepage (
   They are also mirrored at

[2-10-2]  What do I need to use the new units?
   To use these new units, you need to be using the 1.2 patch. This is
also available off the sites listed above.
   At the time of writing, this patch is currently in beta.
   The new units can only be used in multiplayer and skirmish modes. You
cannot use them in single player games. Only those units that both you
and your opponent have downloaded will be available in your multiplayer

[2-11]  New CORE Units and Buildings
[2-11-1]  Toaster
   The Toaster takes very little damage when 'down' - only 15% of what it
would normally take. It is a level 3 building and hence requires the
advanced construction units.
   However, if you look at the statistics for this building, you will
notice that it is inferior to the Punisher in every aspect -
significantly shorter range, less damage per hit, slower rate of fire,
yet costs significantly more metal and energy and is weaker. When in the
open position, the Toaster is the weaker brother of the Punisher, and it
is probably better just to use the Punisher.

[2-11-2]  Dominator
   The Dominator is a heavy rocket Kbot that requires the advanced Kbot
plant to build. The rocket it fires is a two-stage rocket (like the

[2-11-3]  Cobra
   The CORE version of the anti-aircraft flakker. It is a level 3
building and can only be built by the advanced construction units. Other
than a few minor changes to some stats, it is the same as the ARM

[2-11-4]  Thunderbolt
   Essentially a Gaat Gun on water. The Thunderbolt is built by
construction ships.
   The heavy laser mounted on the Thunderbolt has a slightly longer range
than the Gaat Gun (although still less than the Sentinel heavy laser),
and does slightly more damage, although firing just a bit slower.
However, it is outranged by nearly all of the ship-based weapons that ARM
possess, to such an extent that, given time, a Skeeter should be able to
destroy a Thunderbolt with it's missile attack.

[2-11-5]  Voyeur
   A small Kbot that has a fairly large radar mounted on the back. The
range of the radar is slightly less than that of the CORE radar tower,
but larger than that provided by the Informer. Voyeurs are built from the
advanced Kbot lab.

[2-11-6]  Floating Metal Maker
   The CORE version of the floating metal maker, it operates as all the
other metal makers, converting 60 energy to 1 metal. It is built by the
construction ship.

[2-11-7]  Leveler Riot Tank
   A level 1 vehicle (needing only a vehicle plant to be built), the
Leveler has very weak armour and a short weapon range, but the cannon it
is armed with does a lot of damage to anything that does come within
range. The amount of damage each shot does is very large - larger than
that done by nearly all of the level 2 vehicles (only the Goliath does
more damage, for a vehicle, with a single cannon shot), and it backs this
up with a decent reload rate. It has 2 major drawbacks, however - the
relatively short range of the cannon, and the light armour of the tank.

*2-11-8*  Sumo
   With only the two battleships being able to withstand more damage, the
Sumo is a brute of a Kbot.  They are also the slowest unit around, so
need to be able to withstand the punishment they will receive.  They are
the big brother (the REALLY big brother) of the Can.  If their enemy has
a short range weapon and has to close to engage, the Sumo is right at
home.  But against units with long range weapons, especially rocket
Kbots, they can be slowly ground up, provided their opponent keeps out of
range - which, given the speed of the Sumo, isn't all that difficult.
   You would ideally want to move them around the battlefield in
transports rather than have them walk from point A to point B, although
in this case you would need to make sure the landing zone is a safe area.

[2-12]  New ARM Units and Buildings
[2-12-1]  Flakker
   A level 3 building meant for anti-air defense. It is very good against
large groups of slow moving aircraft (such as a Rapier or Brawler pack).

Prism (
   This gun is brilliant. It gives ARM a definite air advantage (Andrew:
lost now that CORE has the Cobra). It is basically a rapid firing shell
gun, it fires the shells into the air and they blow up. It can't get
planes while they are moving, but if they stop to turn or circle (ie if
they are Brawlers or Rapiers), then it can remove clumps in a couple of
   If you want a solid air defence, use 2 Defenders with one Flakker, or
if the enemy uses lots of jets, just sprinkle them around the base.

[2-12-2]  Defender - NS
   Essentially a water-based Defender. It can only be built by a
construction ship.

[2-12-3]  Floating Metal Maker
   A metal maker that can be build on water. Very useful for maps where
landspace is at a premium. It can only be built by a construction ship.

[2-12-4]  Cloakable Fusion Plant
   A fusion plant that has the additional ability of being able to cloak.
It uses 450 power when cloacked. When you run out of power, the plant
will decloak, until such a time as you have enough power to cloak it
again. At that time, it will recloak, and will continue in this on/off
cycle until you either shut off the cloaking ability, or get enough power
through other sources. This fusion plant creates 1000 units of power.
   It can only be built by the advanced construction units.

[2-12-5]  Eagle Radar Plane
   An aircraft with a large radar area. It is built from the advanced
aircraft plant.
   The Eagle is a very weak plane, being only slightly tougher than the

[2-12-6]  Fortification Wall
   Defensive obstruction structure like the Dragon's Teeth, the
Fortification Wall is even tougher. Fortification Walls can be built by
the advanced construction units.

[2-12-7]  Warrior
   A level 1 Kbot (meaning it only needs the Kbot lab to be built), the
Warrior sports two weapons - an EMG and a light cannon. It usually only
fires one of these (although very rarely it will fire both at the same
target). The EMG is slightly different from that sported by the Peewee
and Brawler is that it fires bursts of 2 shots, rather than bursts of 4 -
although it does do marginally more damage with each shot. The Warrior
has very heavy armour (almost as much as a Zeus).

[2-12-8]  Moho Metal Maker
   The Moho Metal maker is a real boon for the Arm commander. Yes, you
need to dedicate a fusion power plant to operate one of these, but
considering that a single plant gives you an income of 16 metal, just one
of these metal makers can give Arm a significant metal production edge.
The moho metal maker is a level 2 building, and thus requires advanced
construction units to build it.
   If you do the sums and compare 1 of these buildings against 16 normal
metal makers, it costs less energy (9350 compared to 10992 for the 16
metal makers), although it has a small metal cost. The build time is
34980 compared to 41680 for the 16 makers (even longer if you take into
consideration the time it takes for the construction units to move to all
16 build sites). And it even uses less power - 800 compared to 960.
   Plus, because it is only 1 building rather than 16, you get the
following benefits: You are only dedicating 1 unit spot for the building
rather than 16 - meaning you aren't filling up all the unit spots with
metal makers, leaving all the more for actual units; You can build a much
more compact base - defending a single building is a lot easier than
having to defend 16 relatively weak buildings.
   The moho metal maker is also a bonus because of the opportunity cost
that converting a metal extractor to a moho mine represents. Take the
case that you are converting a 2.0 metal extractor to a moho mine - you
must first reclaim the extractor, and then start building the moho mine.
During this construction period, you are without that 2.0 metal income.
If you are using 2 advanced construction vehicles and the commander (for
a combined construction speed of 700), building the moho mine takes
(35750/700 = 510.7 ticks). This is over 1000 metal lost in potential
income because you no longer had the 2.0 metal extractor working. The
build time for a moho metal maker is roughly the same as for a moho mine
- so in effect you are getting an extra 1000 metal in income during this
perdio, because you didn't have to remove a metal extractor.

*2-12-9*  Penetrator
   Take one Annihilator, put it on some tracks and tone down the damage,
and you have a Penetrator.  The Penetrator is more useful in defense than
offense, both for the explosive reason listed below and the very slow
tracking of the turret.  They arealmost the perfect counter to the CORE
Sumo, but require a lot of energy to fire their weapon - 1500 per shot! 
Their massive metal, energy and time cost also makes them quite an
   One big problem with the Penetrator is that you really cannot use them
in groups.  This is because when they explode, they do so in a big way.
Their explosion does 2000 points of damage to anything nearby - more than
enough to kill any nearby Penetrators.  This also means that you don't
want to park your Penetrators near your Defenders - you can easily lose
a whole line of Defenders if a nearby Penetrator kicks the bucket.
   They are vulnerable to quick-moving units with fast-firing weapons,
especially if those units are kept on the move - the Penetrator's turret
simply won't be able to track fast enough. 

CHAPTER [3]  Building Commentary

[3-1]  Defensive Buildings Analysis

[3-1-1]  Light Laser Tower
ADD HERE: analysis of building

[3-1-2]  Pulverizer/Defender
Jake (
   The Defender is my favorite structure to build. It's quick on
contruction time and it is a very effective anti-air missle launcher, as
well as a decent anti-ground weapon.

The Dwarfer (
   Build a few of these and you are sorted defensive wise. Add a couple
of HLT and a few LLTs as backup, with a couple of Guardians, as these
give you the 'reach out and touch me' capability. Pretty cheap with a
fast build time, they could become your best friend if you give them a
chance. These are my favourite defensive structure in the game.

[3-1-3]  Punisher/Guardian
Jake (
  The Guardian is a Dual Heavy Plasma Turret which has a long range and
destroys most structures with ease. It takes a while to build, and
protect it well because it can be very good on offense, although not too
effective at hitting fast units.

[3-1-4]  Gaat Gun/Sentinel
ADD HERE: analysis of building

[3-1-5]  Torpedo Tube
ADD HERE: analysis of building

*3-1-6*  Dragon's Teeth
   While you are building a Dragon's Tooth, TA counts it as a unit
towards the 200 unit limit. However, after you have finished
construction, the newly build Tooth is no longer considered to be a unit.
This means that you use Teeth heavilly in TA without worrying about the
200 unit limit.
   Dragon's Teeth need to be reclaimed to be destroyed, and are an
excellent method of funnelling enemy units towards a kill zone. Dragon's
Teeth can be blown up, but they are very hardy, and this can take a long
   A fast way to clear Dragon's Teeth is to use the Commander's D-gun.
All Dragon's Teeth in the path of the D-gun will be destroyed.
   You should be aware that Dragon's Teeth are visible on the map, even
if you don't currently have LOS there (you have to be able to see the
terrain, naturally). This can give away your position, and invite a
Bertha strike at that position.

   Apparently with the v2.01b patch Dragon's Teeth are no longer visible
on the map if you don't have LOS into that area, fixing the above
mentioned problem.

The Dwarfer (
   I know a bloke called Ambler who builds loads of these on the
perimeter of his base with Defenders and HLTs behind them. It is very,
very hard to get through to his base. I lost half my force because I had
to get rid of the dragon teeth. I think a lot of people don't use these
because they think they are rubbish. I think this is a mistake - these
babies can make the difference between losing your base and keeping it.
Very cheap and VERY hard to get rid of (unless you reclaim them).
   I do like these a lot.

[3-1-7]  LLTs Vs HLTs
Jeff Turkel (
   Overall, I would say that the HLTs (heavy laser tower) are slightly
better than the LLTs, but only because of their increased range.
HLT                              LLT
- Has almost twice as many HP      - Half the metal and energy to build
- Takes more than 3x as much       - Slightly more accurate
  energy to fire                   - Shoots twice as fast
- Has a longer range
- Causes 3x as much damage
  per hit
   The cheap price of the LLTs counts for a lot (as does their short
build time), because you can simply have more of them trained on a target
at once (and not be too worried about the power drain).
   But, overall, the HLTs are better because they can hit from a longer
range - the LLTs aren't worth anything if they can't hit their foes!

[3-2]  Offensive Buildings Analysis

[3-2-1]  Intimidator/Big Bertha
Jake (
   The Big Bertha takes a while to build and uses around 1500-2000 energy
each time it fires, but if you can support 2-3 of these with Fusion Power
Plants, you can win most games. The range on these guys is incredible and
they can usually hit part of the enemy base from inside yours.

[3-2-2]  Silencer/Retaliator
ADD HERE: analysis of building

[3-2-3]  Doomsday Machine
Michael Wyatt (
   The Doomsday Device is the most deadly defensive unit bar none. Armed
with an incredibly powerful Doomsday laser, an extremely fast tracking
light laser and a double barreled heavy laser, all of which can aim and
fire independently, it is able to reap massive carnage among enemy
invaders. Requiring only a single square of flat ground to build (the
space required by a light laser), it is also the most efficient use of
limited defensive space. While much more energy efficient than the
Annihilator (800/8 + 10/0.5 + 75/1 = 195 income), it is limited by it's
firing range, which is only half that of the Annihilator, allowing plasma
batteries to be brought to bear on it from outside its firing range if
the owner is not vigilant. In terms of raw damage, the Doomsday Device
has the stopping power of 18 goliath tanks.

[3-2-4]  Annihilator
Michael Wyatt (
   The Annihilator is an incredibly powerful and accurate laser weapon
with the same range as a plasma battery. It can fire at air units, but
the barrel tracks too slowly to hit anything except for gunships with any
degree of confidence. It's energy requirements are staggering (2000
energy per shot) and a constant drain during attacks (a reload rate of 5,
needing an income of 400 per time unit to keep it running) but it is able
to destroy any ground vehicle with one blast and requires only 3 shots to
destroy the mighty Core battleship. In a strategic location it can turn a
huge area into a no-man's land but it is unable to prevent rushes of fast
units, and requires extensive air support to maintain it's line of

The Dwarfer (
   These are the best defensive and offensive weapon around. Good range
and very powerful make them very lethal. Build one of these near your
enemy's base with a radar jammer, and BOOM, no more enemy base. These do
take a lot of power, so make sure you have a couple of fusion power
places on hand.
   Mis a couple of these with Defenders, HLTs and Punishers and you will
be invincible. Stick these behind your main defense line so you can fall
back on these. There is only one problem with this great structure, they
cannot handle lots of fast units rushing it. So it needs constant air

[3-3]  How do I take out...
[3-3-1]  Big Bertha/Intimidator
Aaron Anderson (
Another good anti bertha strategy:
Build a few atlases, a radar jammer, and an advanced vehicle factory.
Then produce some mobile rocket launchers (merls for arm) . Scout out an
area near your oponents base in the merls range (pretty far) with a(n)
aircraft. Pickup the the merls, a radar jammer, and any other forces if
you want to. keep the atlases in close formation as to keep them in the
radar jammers range (not hard to do) put them down , and attack the
bertha with the merls. You should be able to hurt it bad or even take it
out before they get to you. if you want to take the atlas's back to your
base before you attack, make sure you bring two radar jammers, one to
leave and the other to escort them back. This is good for taking out
can's too.

I'd also like to add that Merls can also defeat berthas by either taking
out their energy generators, metal mines, and air defense (Defenders)
opening up their defenses for air strikes. Each only takes one merl
rocket to destroy. 3-4 Merls will pretty much take out any structure in
the game. I think Merls have been greatly overlooked by many TA
commanders and they can give you the edge in a close battle.

Andrew Cruse (
Its not so much a matter of specifically countering Big Bertha's effect,
as accepting that this weapon is an intrinsic part of the battlefield. 
As a standalone weapon Big Bertha is nothing! - think of it this way, the
Big Bertha Cannon is a fixed, slowly rotating turret, with no close in
defence, no radar, average sighting, and a slow reload time. The power of
Big Bertha is in its support infrastructure, i.e. power generation,
target scounting, and overall positioning.  To be effective the Big
Bertha cannon must have access to 1000 energy a shot, be close enough to
the soft targets on the enemy side, and have target and terrain

In opposing Big Bertha cannons the following tactics can be employed:

1) early air defense - stop scouts from discovering your terrain, make
and hold an iron curtain to deny intelliegence to the enemy.  By denying
target and terrain information you will force Big Bertha to fire blind.

2) counter energy - use scouts of your own to discover energy generators
on your opponents side.  Destroy these as a priority and you will
eliminate the energy Big Bertha needs to fire.

3) build soft installations (i.e power/storage/nukes/ etc) as far back
from the enemy lines as is possible to achieve.  It is likely that on an
average sized map you could be outside even Bertha's impressive range.

4) counter battery fire - build your own Big Bertha's and use them to
eliminate the opponent's weapons.  Use scouts to discover the positions
(or watch for the shell origination point on the mini map) fix the target
map position with CTRL F5 (or F6-7), select your own Bertha cannon -
select attack - call up the pre-set map position (F5 - F7), click to
target and fire.

This strategy works best with a small group of Bertha cannons as counter
battery fire, when grouped and firing at a map point they don't need a
radar trace and shell scattering will likely accont for a least one
direct hit!

(Stealth fighters make extremely good Big Bertha hunters because they
give no radar trace to the enemy - set them to "hold fire" and steer them
manually through the opposing lines - as long as you avoid coming too
close to missile nests you should be pretty safe. Find the opponents
Bertha cannons and land the stealth fighters on the edge of spotting
range - behind radar towers under trees are the best places.  You will
then be able to see where to shoot.)

Once you have eliminated the opposing Big Bertha's have some fun of your

The one thing to bare in mind is that TA is very much a simulation of
abstract warfare rather than a simple paper/scissors/stone style affair. 
Combined attacks and defences are vital, there is no one answer to any
problem.  The chances are that everyone will use Bertha cannons, the
skill is in using them effectively.

[3-4]  Buildings that take less damage when inactive
   There are a few buildings in Total Annihilation that sustain less
damage from each attack when they are 'closed'. The most common of these
is the solar collector, which you have no doubt seen close up when under

[3-4-1]  Solar collectors
   When the solar panels have been closed, the solar collectors take only
one third of normal damage.

[3-4-2]  Missile Defense Systems
   When they are not firing their missiles, the missile defense systems
take half damage from any attack.

[3-4-3]  Annihilator/Doomsday Machine
   When the Annihilator or Doomsday Machine is in its closed state (ie it
has retracted all of its guns and looks like a block), it takes only half
damage from all attacks.

CHAPTER [4]  Other Information

[4-1]  Keyboard Commands

a        Attack. If the unit/building has a weapon, you will get a
         targetting cursor. This enables you to force-fire at something.
b        Build. This switches to the Build tab.
c        Capture. Commander only, it selects the capture option. You then
         click on the building or unit you want to capture. Only works
         with the Orders tab open.
d        Commander only, it selects the D-gun. Select your target and
e        Reclaim. This selects the reclaim option for construction units.
         Target whatever you want to reclaim (even your own troops and 
         buildings). Only works with the Orders tab open.
g        Guard. The cursor changes into the guard cursor, so click on the
         unit or building you want this unit to guard.
h        Lets you give some resources to another player.
l        Load. Only works for for the transport units, it changes the
         cursor to the load cursor. Click on the unit you want to load
         into the transport.
m        Move. Changes the cursor to give a move order.
n        Scrolls to the next unit.
o        Orders. Brings up the orders tab.
p        Patrol. The cursor changes to the patrol cursor, letting you lay
         down patrol waypoints.
r        Repair. This selects the repair option, for construction units
         only. Then you target the item you want to repair. Only works
         with the Orders tab open.
s        Stop. Cancels any oders the unit already has.
t        Track. Centers the screen on the currently selected unit and
         will attempt to track its movements.
u        Unload. Only works for the transport units. Changes the cursor
         to the unload cursor. Click on the part of the map where you
         want to unload the unit.
+        Speed up the game by 1 step.
-        Slow down the game by 1 step.
~        Shows health for your units. Also shows their squad number. This
         is a toggle, so hit the ~ again to get rid of this information.
shift    Allows you to queue up nearly anything. The most useful key of
shift    If you have a unit or building already selected and you hold down
  +      the shift key and click on another unit or building, both will
click    now be selected. This makes it easy to add another unit to an
         already selected group.
space    Hold it down and you will see how many units you have and how
         long the mission has taken.
pause    Pauses the game. You can still give orders when paused.
CTRL-a   Selects all units, including the Commander.
CTRL-b   Select all construction units except the commander.
CTRL-c   Centers the screen on the commander and selects him.
CTRL-d   Self-destructs the selected units. Click again to turn this off.
CTRL-s   Selects everything on the screen.
CTRL-v   Select all aircraft.
CTRL-z   Select all units of the currently selected type.
 to      Creates a squad out of the currently selected units or buildings.
 to      Applies a map bookmark to this location.
CTRL-F9  Performs a screen capture
 to      Selects the previously created squad. Does not center on them.
F1       Shows information for the unit the mouse is currently over.
F2       Brings up the Options menu.
F3       Go to unit that last reported to you.
F4       Shows you the number of kills and losses each player has.
F5-F7    Jump to the previously laid bookmark.
F12      Clears the screen of messages

[4-2]  Cheat Codes
[4-2-1]  In-game cheat codes
   To use these cheat codes during the game, they have to be entered into
the message bar. Hit Enter to bring up the message bar, then type the
name of the cheat code, and hit Enter again.
   Some cheat codes can be turned off by entering them again (although
ones that give you resources can naturally not be reversed).
   Most of these codes do not work in single player games. The codes that
do work in single player games will be marked by a -SP-.

+ATM        Gives you 1,000 metal and energy.
+CONTOUR #  (#=1-5) Shows elevation contour.
+CLOCK      Gives you a clock showing how long you have played the
            mission. -SP-
+DITHER     Grey line of sight is now dithered. -SP-
+DOUBLESHOT Your units do double damage with each shot.
+KILL       Removes all units and buildings (even your own and including
            the Commanders) from the map but does not end the game.
+NOSHAKE    Stops the screen from shaking from large explosions. -SP-
+NOWISEE    Reveals the map and turns off line of sight.
+RADAR      Shows all enemy buildings and units (including subs) on the
            minimap. Does not identify them, however. -SP-
+SING       Instead of the whirs and clicks you hear when you select a
            unit, the unit will sing to you instead. -SP-

   The following code was introduced in the v1.1 patch (available from
the website).

+SWITCHALT  Changes the way unit grouping are recalled. Instead of using
            ATL-# to recall the group, you can just use their #. -SP-

   Apparently most of the above cheat codes are switched off in the v1.1
patch (they were left enabled by accident).

[4-2-2]  Cheat codes used elsewhere
DRDEATH     Click on Total Annihilation's Single Player icon. When the
            Single Player Game page appears type DRDEATH (it is not case
            sensitive). This will cause a Cavedog Entertainment bone to
            appear between the Load Game and Previous Menu icons on the
            right side of the screen. Clicking on the bone will take
            players to a special Play Any Game screen where they can play
            any Total Annihilation mission, even if they have not earned
            their way to that level yet.
            This can be toggled off by re-entering the code. It is
            permanent so that you only have to enter it once (when you
            load TA again it will remember that you used this code and
            automatically show the Cavedog bone.

[4-3]  How do I play the music outside of the game?
   You can play the music as you would any normal audio cdrom. Simply put
the cdrom into the player, and then go to track number 2. Hit play and
you can listen to the soundtrack to your heart's content.

[4-4]  What is Veteran status, and what does it do?
   When a unit or building gets 5 kills against it's name, that unit or
building gains Veteran status. When veteran status is gained, the
following happen: accuracy increases, weapons become more effective, and
the armour goes up.
   There may be some more results from becomming Veteran but I cannot
confirm this.
   I have also noticed that the weapon's firing speed is slightly
increased in Veteran units.

[4-4-1]  How can I get Veteran units quickly?
Eric "Scoop" Eckstein:
   Train your troops by building weak structures (like radar towers) and
having your big guns blow 'em up. Kill 5 and that unit becomse a veteran
(better accuracy) and for every 5 it kills, that unit gets that much more
   Needless to say, use this on the primo guys (as it's a bit of
pain to spend your time building and destroying) but it pays off when
your defenses kick tail (especially Big Bertha -- an accurate Bertha? Say
it ain't so!)"

   For quickly getting sea units to Veteran status, you would build sonar
stations as your targets because of their very low cost. Oh, and if you
are going to train Bertha cannons in this method, don't build your
targets inside of your base :)

[4-5]  Explosions
   When a unit or building is killed, it explodes, sometimes very
violently. When anything explodes, it does damage to anything surrounding
it. The amount of damage varies between what gets killed, for example an
exploding fusion plant does a lot more damage than an exploding Kbot lab.
Things that store energy do more damage when exploding.
   The amount of damage being done drops off radially, so that a unit
very close to the explosion will take more damage than a unit a little
further away.

[4-5-1]  Self-Destruct
   When you use CRTL-d to cause a building or unit to self destruct, the
damage that the self-destruct explosion causes is actually greater than
that which would be done if the building were to explode through being
   This opens up a whole new range of opportunities, especially when your
base is being run over.

[4-6]  Capturing units
[4-6-1]  Determining how long it takes to capture something
   The only thing that determines how long a unit or structure takes to
capture is the energy and metal cost of that item. The higher the metal
and energy cost, the longer it will take to capture.


CHAPTER [5]  How Do I...

[5-1]  Load planes onto a carrier?
   Select the plane to load, click on Move (or press 'm') and click on
the carrier. The plane will fly over and load itself onto the carrier.

[5-2]  Launch planes from a carrier?
   The planes being carried on the carrier are still separate entities,
so just click on the plane you want and use it as normal.

[5-3]  Use the air repair pad?
   Its just like loading a plane onto a carrier. Select the plane, click
on Move and then click on the repair pad.
   There is a slight bug in the game in that if you have turned off the
repair pad then landed a plane on it, and then turned the repair bay on,
the plane will not get repaired until you move it off and then back on to
the pad.

[5-4]  Use an air transport?
   To pick up a unit with the air transport, you need to click on Load
and (or press 'l') then click on the unit you want to pick up (notice
that the cursor changed after you selected Load).
   To unload the unit, you click on Unload (or press 'u') and then the
location on the map where you want to unload the unit.
   The transport cannot carry ships, but can carry every other type of
unit - including the enemy's units!

[5-5]  Get the air transport to land while carrying a unit?
   Pressing Stop while you have the air transport selected, it will now
settle to the ground. However, before you can use the Unload function,
you have to get it back into the air (Move it somewhere). 
   No, you can't pick up a loaded transport with another transport
(either air or sea) :) Trying to do this with the sea transport causes it
to freak out a bit as it will continually try and pick up the transport
and fail.

[5-6]  Use the sea transport?
   It is similar to the air transport in that you click on Load and then
on the unit you want to pick up. To unload the transport, click on Unload
and then on the section of shore where you want the unit unloaded. If
there is no room for that unit being unloaded at the destination, the
hulk will continue to try and unload at the same place until that section
clears or you pick a new unloading point.
   Forget what the manual says, the hulk can carry more than 6 units. 
Hulks can hold 20 units while Envoys can hold 24.
   The sea transport work on the principle of first in, last out, which
means that the first unit loaded into the transport will be the last
unloaded, and the last one loaded will be the first unloaded.

[5-7]  Assign an exit point for new units?
   Select the building that will be producing the units and click on the
Orders tab (or hit 'o'). Then you can give the appropriate commands such
as have the new units move to a certain place. You can also do more
advanced things such as setting up patrol routes that the new units will
immediately start patrolling (yep, you can queue up these commands as

[5-8]  Assign default behaviour to new units?
   Select the building that will be producing the units and click on the
Orders tab. Then select the desired firing and movement option and all
new units from that plant will have those orders (so you can have the
units come out set to 'Fire At Will' and 'Roam' for example).

[5-9]  Build a nuclear missile/anti-nuke missile?
   Once you have built the appropriate structure, select it and you will
see a missile icon in the Build tab. Click on the missile icon and a new
missile will start to be built. You can click multiple times so that many
missiles will be built one after the other (you can stockpile your
   Its probably a bad idea to have only one anti-nuke missile on hand :)
   The number of missiles you currently have stockpiled is in the icon.
So if it looked like 3 + 2 it would mean you have 3 ready and another 2
queued for construction.

[5-10]  Tell how much of my base is protected by the anti-nuke system?
   Select your anti-nuke missile system building and look at the minimap.
The white circle shows the area of protection the device is giving you.
   The missile defense systems provide a coverage area of 2000 (which is
less than the radar range of an advanced radar tower).

[5-11]  Get rid of dragon's teeth?
   The only way to get rid of them is to reclaim them with a construction
unit. They seem invulnerable to weapon fire (actually, they just have a
really huge number of hit points so can be blown up, but it takes a
really long time).

CHAPTER [6]  Construction Tips

[6-1]  How do I build stuff faster?
   You can assign multiple construction units to a single job. Select the
construction unit you want to add to the work and click on the
construction you want them to help with. The cursor will change

[6-2]  What's a good way to start a base?
   Play a game of skirmish and set the conditions so you can see the
whole map right from the start. Then watch how the computer builds up its
own base - it is very good at it.

Prism (
   When you start the level, get either an aircraft or vehicle bay down
and build two or three construction vehicles straight away. Get the first
one made to help the production of the second and third. Whilst doing
this, get your Commander to grab metal mines and build solar panels near
by. Some players like to build Freedom Fighters or their CORE equivalent
and attack their enemy early on to hit their mines, but I don't, because
any experience gamer will have done this next bit ... BUILD AIR DEFENSES.
2 or 3 missile towers around your perimeter should do. It is to stop
early attacks and Commander abductions.
   After that you have two choices. If you don't think the enemy will
attack straight away, mark out an area and grab as many ore mines as you
can. Remember that in this game, the resources are vital. I like to then
build two construction aircraft and get them to build two Defenders by
each mine to stop them being bombed. It surprises me how few people
actually take all of the metal they can, but you must be expansive.
   Now start building up your base and bring your three construction
units into defense. Put up four or five Guardians around your base, but
leave space to expand into the gap. I also litter my base with Defenders
in case the enemy is an aircraft freak. The Defenders are good at both
ground and air attacks, so use them a lot.
   That is your basic structure setup. From there on, people either build
more units such as Samsons or Jethros or Stumpys to defend their base.
Personally, I like to get a fusion reactor going ASAP. Make sure you have
(advanced) radar towers up as your eyes and ears.

Hang Cheng (
(mainly for skirmish mode)
   My suggestion for a good way to start a base is to build 2 metal
extractors, then a solar collector, then a metal extractor, etc. Keep
building until you have about 5 extractors and 4 collectors. Then go and
build a factory. If on mainly flat land, I recommend a vehicle factory.
Otherwise build a Kbot plant or shipyard.
   After the factory build one more collector. Then start producing 2
construction vehicles (3 if not really rushed). If playing against more
than one opponent, start building about 6 Flashes. Send them out to hunt
for the enemy Commander. The Commander is usually low on energy after
building and he can't decide who to attack if more than one Flash attacks
him. If you don't do this sick strategy against multiple opponents
(allied), you'll often finding yourself having a war on two fronts. Not
fun! After destroying one of the enemy Commanders, leaving the other
alive for an interesting game. (do the following if opponent is computer)
However, if the opponent whose Commander you have just destroyed has
extractors in a conflict area, I suggest leaving them there. The other
opponent will not destroy them, so their growth will slow down.
   The idea is not perfect but seems to work against two computer
opponents allied against me.

[6-2-1]  Graeme's Build Order
Graeme Miller (
   My prefered Build Oder.
   This build order assumes that the setting are:
      - map: any largely land based map (non metal)
      - Commander: either
      - mapped
      - LOS: true
   1. Build 2 solar panels (if the map is high wind you can build one
panel and 2 wind generators).
   2. Build metal extractor
   3. Solar panel
   4. Two metal extractors as long as the patches of metal aren't more
than 2 screens away from home base.
   5. Ask yourself "Am I going to attack early? or is my enemy going to
attack me early?" If the answer to either of these questions is "yes",
build a Kbot lab. If it is "no", try to build another 1 or 2 metal
extractors and one more solar panel.
   6. Build Kbot lab and either 2 Peewees or 2 Rockos (you could always
build the pooosite ie. Peewee and Rocko, but I always build my units in
even numbers). Assign these 2 to squad 1.
   7. Build construction Kbot.
   8. Commander runs around claiming metal patches, placing radars and
possibly LLTs, as long as they aren't too far from home base (unless they
are protected by squad 1). The Commander should reclaim any rocks he
comes across; try to travel routes that bring the Commander into contact
with rocks.
   9. Kbot concentrates on building power and storage and Defenders
(these rock - they have long range and are AA), also reclaiming any
rocks and debris that are near the base.
   10. Build more units, probably 4 Kbots, construction, 6 Kbots,
constructor, 8 Kbots, constructor and then just build Kbots. Assign them
all to squad 1. Use the Kbots in your base, then when your base is
equipped, retreat the COmmander back and use the Kbots to claim metal
across the map. Build Defenders in various places. If there are lots of
metal patches in one place, build a radar and a few Defenders and some
lasers to hold it. Back at your base, build 4 metal makers or so and
assign them all to group 9. When you have spare power, switch to group 9
and turn them on; when power gets low, turn them off. This way you don't
waste metal.
   11. When you have enough metal, build 2nd Kbot lab or vehicle factory
(I'd go with vehicles if you have a decent metal supply). Build 4 units
and a constructor, and then churn out units. Assign the units to squad 4,
or if they are Kbots, you can assign them to squad 1 and just have 1
large Kbot squad (it makes it easier to control, though I laugh at those
who send large squads of Kbots in a big group from one direction at any
   12. Right now you have to build an advanced lab or vehicle plant. This
depends on what your plan is really, and what your enemy is up to. If
they have a heavily defended base, then Kbots, even level 2, will
probably get eaten for breakfast and the wreckage as desert (basically a
serious failed attack will spell death because not only do you lose your
units, you give the enemy all the metal you had - d`oh! how stupid are
you? Now you are going to get wiped out). The first unit you should build
is an advanced construction vehicle, then build a long range radar.
   13. Anyway, if they are heavily defended, build Bulldogs (also known
as the target the enemy will fire a D-gun at), then build a radar jammer,
radar vehicles and either Merls or mobile artillery. Group all of these
with your Stumpies, Flashes etc. You now have a formidible group of units
for attacking hardened defense positions. The radar jammer is about the
same speed as your units - just watch that the Flashes don't get ahead of
the radar jammer.
   14. Back at the base, examine all the metal extractors that are within
2 or 3 screens of your main base. All of them that are producing 1.5
metal or more should be reclaimed and replaced with moho mines. Build at
least 2 Defenders next to all moho mines.
   15. Keep track of your energy and concentrate on expanding at all
costs. If you stop expanding and your enemy doesn't, you will lose simply
because your enemy will have far more units.

   Well, I guess that's it. Stick to that and you can't go far wrong. The
best tip is just get all the metal income you can and don't run out of
energy. He with the most resources shall be king.

[6-3]  Spacing out the base
Max Monahan (
   Don't build your vehicle plant above or to the North of another
structure (probably North and South).
   I built my vehicle plant at the Northernmost point in the 5th level
just above my metal extractor and ordered 5 tanks. My first tank got
built and stayed within the confines of the plant. I tried all manner of
ways of moving it out to use it, to no avail. In the end I had to get rid
of my metal extractor.
   So my point is: allow for room for the vehicles to get out.

CHAPTER [7]  Resources: Metal and Energy

[7-1]  Sources of metal
   There are two different sources of metal - metal that is dug up (or
created), and metal that is scavenged. While metal extractors and moho
mines can be placed anywhere, placing them anywhere but over a metal
deposit is pretty much a waste of time as you will get a very low rate of
extraction (about 0.1 or so). You can get an idea of what the rate of
extraction for a particular metal despoit will be by its size. The larger
the size of the deposit, the greater the extraction rate.
   If you can't find anywhere to place metal extractors, you can always
use metal makers to create your metal, but then you need a huge energy
industry (three solar panels to each metal extractor!).

   The other source of metal is from scavenged metal. Rocks that litter
the landscape can be reclaimed by a construction bot (or commander). Move
the cursor over them and you will see how much metal they are worth.
Select the reclaim option and click on the rock. There are also other
terrain objects that you can reclaim for metal, not just rocks. Just move
your mouse cursor over an object and see if it has a metal value. The
value of the object will look something like 'M:50'.
   You can also reclaim the battlefield wreckage brought about by the
battles. Again, select the reclaim option and click on the section of
wreckage you want to reclaim. The larger the wreckage (ie the more metal
in it) the longer it takes to reclaim.
   Unless there is some scavengable metal getting in the way of your
units (ie they can't shoot over it), then you should try and leave it on
the battlefield until you are depleting your metal stocks. Scavenging
battlefield wreckage gains you nothing in terms of metal if your metal
reserves are already full.

[7-2]  Sources of energy
   There are two sources of energy - that produced by power generators
and that scavenged from terrain objects.
   There are a number of power generators, ranging from solar collectors
to the fusion reactor. There are a lot of units that can boost your
energy by a slight amount if they aren't doing anything (look at the data
tables towards the end of this guide for more information). These give
you a steady source of power from which to draw upon.

   The second source of energy comes from reclaiming parts of the
terrain. This is done in exactly the same manner as reclaiming metal from
the landscape. Things that give you energy include plant matter (trees
and foliage etc) and the energy nodes from the volcanic worlds. As above,
you can move your cursor over the item and see its energy worth. This
will look something like 'E:75'.

[7-3]  A more efficient method of reclamation
   When there are large patches of terrain objects that you can reclaim
for metal or energy, selecting them all one by one can be very tiresome.
However, there is a much faster way to do this. Select the construction
bot that you want to do the reclaiming (an construction aircraft is
best), then set it a patrol route that encompasses the items you want to
   For a forest of trees, for example, this might just consist of three
patrol destinations - the aircraft would fly around these reclaiming all
the trees. This makes reclaiming lots of wreckage very easy.
   The best thing about using this method is that the construction bot
won't reclaim these objects until your power/metal levels are lower than
the value of the item, so that no resources are wasted!

[7-4]  Balancing the resources
   Metal will always be the hardest of the two resources to come across
because (with the exception of missions taking place on CORE Prime) there
are only a few places where placing a metal extractor/moho mine will reap
good rewards. You can get energy from anywhere, and can always fall back
to solar panels if you can't build a geothermal or fusion plant.

   Because of the difficulty with getting a large, steady metal income,
which is necessary when creating large forces, you should keep in mind
the characteristics of these buildings. Both the metal extractors and
moho mines require energy to run. If they can't get that energy, then they
don't supply you with any metal! This gives you double the reason to
never let your resource levels approach 0 during construction. Normally
this isn't a problem, but if you are speeding up construction by using
multiple construction bots, your rate of resource use may be so high as
to completely deplete your stocks.

   Metal makers are a fairly good choice on low metal worlds but with a
huge power drain they can be tricky to manage. Remember that you can turn
them off, however, so putting all (or a section) of your metal makers on
a hot key (ctrl-#) would enable you to turn them all on/off quickly for a
quick burst of power.

[7-5]  How to determine resource expenditure
   Along the top of the screen are bars to show how much metal and energy
you have. Next to each of these bars are two numbers, one in green and
one in red. The green number is your income of that resource, the red
your expenditure.
   If you are quick-building a unit of structure with multiple
construction bots, you can find out how many resources each of the bots
is using by moving the mouse cursor over the unit. At the bottom of the
screen you will see in red letters how much of each resource type this
bot is using. The numbers on the left are for metal, those on the right
for energy.
   If you notice that your resource expenditure is significantly greater
than your income, then you might like to stop one construction project or
take a construction bot off a project where there are multiples working,
for the reason mentioned above.

[7-6]  Weapons that use energy
   The more powerful weapons need a lot of energy to fire, and if you
don't have that energy, they won't fire. The CORE has the only units that
require energy to fire. All other weapons that require energy to fire are
attached to buildings.
   If you have enough energy to enable these weapons to fire, each time
they fire that amount of energy will be subtracted from your energy
reserve. If you have a lot of these weapons firing at once, it is
possible that your energy reserves will be completely depleted, leaving
these weapons unable to fire! You should always take care to plan ahead
when building defenses/units that need an external energy source to

[7-7]  Metal extractors and moho mines
   Metal extractors extract metal from the ground at a rate of 0.001.
Moho mines extract metal from the ground at a rate of 0.003. The actual
amount of metal being extracted from a metal deposit varies depending on
the size of the metal deposit (which acts as a multiplier for this
   So, a moho mine is three times more efficient at extracting metal than
a metal extractor.

CHAPTER [8]  Less Micromanagement

[8-1]  What are some nice uses for Guard?
   If you give a construction unit the order to guard a building, not
only will it heal that building if it gets damaged, but if it is one of
the buildings that can produce units, it will automatically help in the
construction of that unit, reducing the build time.
   If a construction unit is given the order to guard a unit, then it will
automatically heal that unit if it gets damaged.
   If a construction unit is given the order to guard another construction
unit, and that other construction unit begins the construction of a new
building, the guarding bot will lend a hand, speeding things up.

[8-2]  What are some nice uses for Patrol?
   If you give a construction unit a patrol route, as it goes about that
route, it will heal any damaged units it comes across, will reclaim and
wreckage it finds (but only if you need it) and will help any
construction (be it of new buildings or new units) that are going on in
the area.

[8-3]  Automatically repairing aircraft
   Once you build an aircraft repair pad or a light carrier, your
aircraft will use it to heal themselves when they get seriously damaged.
Once they have healed themself, they will return to what they were
previously doing. This is both a blessing and a curse when you are making
an assault using aircraft, for while it is useful to have the aircraft
return to be healed automatically, it does mean that they will break off
an engagement. If you have to kill that buildings *NOW* (eg a Bertha
cannon shelling your base), it can be incredibly annoying having your
planes continually break off. Even retargetting them only causes the
planes to fly back, attack for a very short time and then go and get
   Only planes that are attacking a target or are on patrol seem to use
the repair bays. Planes that have simply been moved to a point do not
automatically go and repair themselves.
   When a planes is making its way back to the repair pad, that pad is
considered to be occupied (even if the unit isn't there yet), so other
damaged aircraft will not use that pad until the occupying aircraft has
been repaired and has left.

   After I tested it out, I found that turning an aircraft repair pad
'Off' would stop aircraft from returning to it. However, those that were
already making their way towards it will continue towards it.

   If you have some damaged aircraft that you have manually returned from
a fight, and they are sitting on the ground and you want them to repair
themselves, set up a 1 point Patrol route (where they are), and those
planes that are heavilly damaged will go off and get repaired.

CHAPTER [9]  The Minimap

[9-1]  The minimap - the road to success
   The minimap is useful for a number of things apart from giving you an
idea of where your opponent is located. You can use the minimap to target
your long range weapons - you don't even need line of sight! This is
especially useful when you have build the very long range weapons such as
the heavy plasma towers or some of the ships.
   Each red blip on the minimap represents either an opposition unit or
building. By selecting your units or defensive structure, you can click
on the minimap to target the weapon. If the chosen target is within range
of the weapon, the cursor will change appropriately into the targetting
cursor. If the target is currently out of range, you will get the
appropriate cursor. However, if the target is out of range and you still
select it, the weapon will start to track it. This is very useful for
destroying enemy units (especially ships) that you know will come into
range of the weapon sometime soon.

   Also remember that you can use the shift key to queue up targets. So,
you can give the heavy plasma turret three different targets and forget
about it, knowing that it will slowly target each of them. Or, give your
bomber force a large target queue and let them go about their business.

   You should be aware that the computer can also use this trick - it is
why the computer's units often attack yours from outside of their visual
range. Naturaly, you can reciprocate.

[9-2]  Countering the minimap advantage
   There are two ways to stop the minimap advantage. The first is just to
go out and kill your opponent. The second is to utilise one of the units
in the game that counter the radar. These include the Eraser and Jammer
for ARM, or the Spectre and Deleter for CORE.
   These units stop your troops that are within the range of the radar
jammer from appearing on the minimap. Hence, they cannot be attacked
unless the enemy units are within visual range.

[9-3]  Gaining that minimap advantage
   Its unlikely that you will want to build radar towers everywhere you
go, especially if you are making a foray into enemy territory. For this
reason, you should become acquainted with the various radar-toting units
that you have at your disposal. Each side has a radar equipped vehicle
(the Seer for ARM and Informer for CORE). By getting one of these units
into enemy territory, you may be able to target your long range guns (or
bomber fleets) at targets that you would not normally be able to spot.
   Here's something to think about: pairing a mobile radar unit with a
radar jamming unit - the only way you will be spotted is if you blunder
into your enemy's vision.

[9-4]  The items of the minimap
[9-4-1]  Green circle
   When you select a unit or building and a green circle appear on the
minimap, this is to show you the size of the area that is being covered
by this unit's radar (or sonar). Some units (such as the Hive carrier)
have such huge radar ranges that all of the map may be covered.

[9-4-2]  Red circle
   A red circle appears on the minimap when you select one of the radar
jamming units. This circle represents the area that is currently being
protected by the jammer.

[9-4-3]  Red blip
   The red blips are either enemy units or enemy buildings. When you hold
your cursor over one, the item will be identified (although only if they
are currently in the line of sight of one of your units - you get an
'unidentified object' message if the blip is from radar rather than

[9-4-4]  Blue blip
   Your buildings and units are represented by the blue blips.
   Naturally, in multiplayer games this changes depending on the colour
you choose.

[9-4-5]  Blue cross
   When you launch a nuclear missile, it appear on the minimap as a cross.

[9-4-6]  White dot
   White dots represent weapon fire, such as missiles, shells and laser
fire travelling to their targets.

[9-4-7]  White circle
   When you select the nuclear missile defense structure a white circle
will appear on the minimap. This shows you the area of coverage given by
the structure.


CHAPTER [10]  Specific Mission Strategies

[10-1]  Special Notes
[10-1-1]  Special note on the missions on CORE PRIME
   There are no metal deposits on these maps because the entire surface
of the planet is made out of metal. You can build your metal extractors
anywhere and still get a good extraction rate - about +2.5 for each metal

[10-1-2]  Note on the different difficulty levels
   Easy is very easy - on a lot of levels you will not even be attacked
(this is especially true for the CORE missions). The initial
units/buildings the enemy starts with is changed according to which
difficulty level you are playing. The difficulty level also changes how
aggressive the AI is towards you.
   Although easy is easy, there are some missions where it is still very
challenging on this setting.

[10-1-3]  Skipping missions
   One very nice feature of Total Annihilation is that you don't have to
win a mission in order to progress. If you are finding one mission to be
simply impossible, then you can skip if after failing it.
   On the screen where you see your score, there is a list of the
missions with the mission you are about to play highlighter. You are able
to click on the next mission (ie the one you would have played if you had
just won the level you lost) and hit the start button.
   There isn't an easy way to do this from a savegame, but here is how to
do it. Start the mission, select your commanded and hit shift-d (self
destruct). You will lose the mission, see the scorecard and be able to
select the mission you really wanted to play.

[10-2]  CORE Missions

[10-2-1]  1. The Commander Reactivated...
   First, kill the Jeffys. Then group all your forces together and move
up the right side. Try and keep them all together so you can bring
overwhelming firepower to bear. You'll be attacked by more Jeffys and
some Peewees. Keep your forces moving when engaging the Peewees. Go up
the ramp, kill the assault tanks and then the stumpy.
   If you've got any Storm Kbots left, you can set up an ambush that will
kill the Peewees that are patrolling the ramp. Move the Storms into range
of the ramp, and when the Peewee comes down, it'll get hit. This saves
you from actually having to engage the Peewee. Move your force up the
ramp and kill the remaining Kbots. 

[10-2-2]  2. Vermin
   To establish a fairly safe base, move all of your units to the south
(past the wall) and build your base along the southern edge of the map.
There are only 3 ways into this area of the map, so it can easilly be
defended by light laser towers.
   You will get attacked fairly early by a group of peewees that will
enter this region of the map through the middle entrance. Getting an
early laser tower up would really help.
   Build 2 light laser towers at each entrance (at least) as this will
keep away further assaults. You can build lots of metal extractors here,
so do so and build up a big army of vehicles.

[10-2-3]  3. Ambush!
   There is only 1 entrance to the area you start in, which means you can
establish heavy defenses around it. As fast as possible, establish a
light laser tower near the entrance (but still within the enclosed area)
as you will get a visit from some peeweesquite early. Don't try and
establish yourself out of the starting area just yet. If your two
starting Storms get killed before you can get the laser tower up, D-gun
the attackers.
   Build up your metal and power income and produce some kbots. You will
probably have noticed that there are some kbots on the left wall that can
shell you - Storm kbots work well in taking them out. Put the Storms onto
'hold position' about 5 or so body lengths away from the wall. A line of
5 Storms will soon clear the wall of any intruders.
   Beef up your defenses a bit with another laser tower. You can slowly
creep out of the starting area and establish a laser tower outside. Once
you have done this, its really all over. A group of three light laser
towers can stop all the attacks this mission throws at you. Produce
Storms like mad and go on a rampage.
   Storms are particularly useful in this mission because their missiles
can hit from a distance (get rid of those pesky peewees) and can also
shoot units that are standing on walls.

[10-2-4]  4. Enough is Enough
Yuan Liu (
   After a couple of failed starts, I moved my Commander to the top of
the high plateau to the right of the starting position. D-gunned the LLTs
guarding the on-ramp near the right edge of this high ground. Then I was
able to build up my base pretty much unmolested. (Just make sure to set
up some defenses at the on-ramp).
   After this, there are many possible ways to end this mission. I set up
some missile towers just a couple of "squares" from the edges of the
plateau so that they are less prone to be hit from below, and killed all
the patrolling "red blips" on the mini-map - never seen the "faces" of
any of them. :) And then just send a mixture of AKs and missile bots to
clean up the ARM base and capture the gate. Very effective, but somewhat

[10-2-5]  5. Barathrum!
Yuan Liu (
   Again, this comes down to a question of choosing the right place to
set up a defensive perimeter. I set up mine to form a line of alternating
missile towers and LLTs, starting from the hill top where the gate is,
all the way to the right where there is some hilly terrain. After the
defense line is complete, the mission is as good as over. I was able to
build at leasure, and try out different units. I ended up using a couple
of plasma cannons (the Punishers) to take out most of the red blips on
the map, and then sent in my bots to clean up the rest.

[10-2-6]  6. The Cleansing Begins
Yuan Liu (
   This one, for me, is the first challenging one. The tactic of "build,
set up defense line, build some more, and win" doesn't seem to work
because the map is so big. In the beginning, I can only set up my defense
line to about 1/5-1/4 from the bottom of the map. I don't know whether I
should be more aggressive early on and set it up higher or not, but I
doubt I could've pulled it off because the attacks come pretty early and
quite frequent. Also, this is the first mission that the computer seems
to show some "intelligence" in their attacks. They would keep probing my
defense line at different locations for weaknesses. 
   I had to put some thought into the building of the line by putting
dragon teeth intermixing with LLTs, missile towers and heavy lasers. I
also had to keep a sizable army of bots (mostly rocket and missiles) as
roving defenses inside the line to take care of the occasional breakage
in the line. But eventually, I was able to fend off the attacks pretty
readily, and I thought to myself, ok, now comes the boring part. Was I
wrong!! Turns out the computer has quite a build-up in the middle of the
map, and when it built a Guardian, my defense line and most of the base
was in danger. 
   Fortunately, my first bombers were ready and I was able to take out
the Guardian. It is during this bombing run that I discovered how
"passive defense" almost killed me by allowing the computer the time to
build up. Fortunately, the computer didn't put up any air defense in this
middle portion of the map (yet), and I was able to use my bombers to
destroy all the buildings outside of its starting base to the north.
   Aside from that, it is a question of controlling the mid section of
the map. For a while there, it seemed to be a deadlock. The computer was
building as fast as I was, so my ground units would not gain a foothold,
while it's base was quite well defended, and my airstrikes couldn't get
anywhere. The think that broke the tie, I think, was that the computer
kept sending out c-Kbots and c-vehicles to try and rebuild those mines
and power generators that I destroyed. So I just kept sending my bombers
to destroy them. And it kept producing these (relatively expensive)
c-units and sent them out, which slowed down it's production of other
units (and the loss of those mines probably didn't help, which is
probably why it kept trying to rebuild them, which is why ... :)
   Once teh deadlock was broken, I was able to set up a could of plasma
cannons in the mid section to pick off some of its defenses, and a final,
coordinated rush of my ground and air units did the job.
   In hindsight, I'd say that I probably should have used a more
aggressive defense scheme, eg. regularly sending out units to make sure
that the middle remains a no-mans land until I'm ready to take it.

[10-2-7]  7. Pulling the Noose Tight
   The ARM is limited in this mission in that they do not have any
construcion plants, so it is merely a case of wearing them down. You will
come under earyly attack (very early) by some Zippers - if your initial
units cannot handle these, D-gun them with your Commander. The Peeper
scout plane that continually flies overhead is really little more than an
annoyance - a single Crasher can destroy it.
   There are lots of geothermal vents around the bottom section of the
map, so build on them and build 8 or 10 metal makers to give your metal
income a boost. On the radar you will notice that there are some ARM
aircraft patrolling the 'Noose' - a group of 5 Crashers or Slashers will
ensure that only you have an air force.
   You can easilly destroy the ARM base with bombers, and if you use this
method, you should target the Defender towers first. There are only a few
of these, however. About the only other units the ARM has on this mission
are some Fidos, and whilst they will cause you some trouble in a ground
assault, they are useless against aerial attacks.
   You will win the mission when you have captured 1 moho mine and have
destroyed all the other ARM units and buildings (including the other moho

Yuan Liu (
   This one is pretty straight forward. Although your starting point is
scouted pretty early by a Peeper, the computer attacks are pretty
pathetic compared to mission 6. Almost no ground attacks, and only a
couple of half-hearted air attacks (on 'normal' difficulty). But the
early encounter with the Peeper should have alerted you to build more
missile defenses (towers plus bots and/or trucks), so their air attacks
shouldn't pose any problem. Besides, you can see those planes patrolling
their base on the radar, and I was able to pick some off using a couple
of missile trucks.
   After the missile defense is up, you can build you army (didn't have
to build any planes for this one), and send them off. Again, I used a
couple of Punishers to soften up the enemy before the final assault, but
this time I used them to hit the moving targets and not the fixed ones
because I didn't want to hit any moho mines by mistake. I guess a Fink
would be useful to scout these beforehand, but I was just too lazy to
bother with it :)

[10-2-8]  8. The Gate to Aqueous Minor
   There are two pathways into the northern section of the map, both
guarded by dual ARM Sentinel towers. There will be very few attacks, and
certainly nothing very serious, so you can take your time establishing
your base.
   Although the ARM base contains construction plants, it does not use
them very much - but it is still best if you destroy them as soon as
possible. If you use a bombing run to destroy these plants, you should
make sure that the bomber force is large enough to destroy the target
before they are in turn destroyed, because ARM does have a construction
unit, and it will repair damaged buildings.
   About the only attacks worth noting are the aerial attacks - ARM will
use bombers against you, so you should have aerial defenses scattered
throughout your base. ARM cannot rebuild their airforce, so once you have
destroyed it, you will dominate the skies.

Yuan Liu (
   This is another big map. But either I learnt my lessons in mission 6,
or the computer is just not that tough on this one. I scouted out the
lower 2/3 of the map using the starting units. And after a small-scale
build-up near the starting position, I was able to find a perfect defense
position. About right in the middle of the map, there is a big boulder
next to a small hill, so I set up my plants behind the boulder, some of
my defense towers on the two high grounds, and some defenses choking the
passages on either side of the boulder. Then when I got my advanced radar
set up and "making sure" there were no straying red blips on the screen,
using a c-plane (with the help of a couple of air-liften advanced
c-bots), I was able to quickly set up a couple of Punishers and another
advanced radar tower near the edge of the range of the first. Then I used
the Punisher to soften up the enemy base for my bomber squadron. The rest
is, again "boring" :)

[10-2-9]  9. The Purgation of Aqueous Minor
Yuan Liu (
   This mission is just a practice for using the sea units. The lessions
I learnt were:
   1. The sequence to build ships is: 2-3 Searchers, c-ship, at least a
sonar. Then depending on the assessment of the immediate threats, either
some tidal generators or a destroyer first. The searchers are good
missile defense, and the destroyer is needed against the occasional subs.
   2. Don't send out the Searchers too early. You'll just provoke some
early attacks which you may have trouble fending off (the destroyer's
guns have almost as good a range as the missile tower's, but they are
much more devastating and quite accurate, and if a sub should come along
and you don't have a destroyer of your own yet, your shipyard it toast).
The torpedo launchers are next to useless by themselves because of their
short range. The first time I played this mission, the computer used it's
destroyers to make chump change of my torpedo launchers, and then sent in
the subs.
   3. You may be able to get away with the ordinary metal extractors
before, but for the ship missions, you definitely need those moho mines.
Fortunately, you have those tidal generators, so energy should be no
   The mission itself is pretty basic. An advanced radar on the starting
island can cover the whole map, so after you figure out the correct
ship/sequence to build, just send them out to seek-and-destroy (actually,
if you build a couple more sonars to detect those subs, there's not much
seeking necessary).

[10-2-10]  10. The Gauntlet
   You have a lot of time to establish yourself on the starting island
before anyone comes to look for you, so take your time. The air attacks,
when they come, are pretty pitiful and can be easilly destroyed. There
will be some amphibious tank attacks, but these can be easilly repulsed
with a Shark or two, or come Roaches placed in the water. If an enemy
Lurker is stupid enough to attack a Roach that is underwater, that Lurker
will die.
   When you build an advanced construciton unit, replace all of the metal
extractors with moho mines, and build one or two fusion reactors so that
you can power a lot of metal makers. You should be able to get a metal
income of 40+ doing this.
   Build an advanced radar tower on your island, and use a missile
frigate to destroy all the red blips that you see. Now you are left with
the remaining ships near the Gauntlet and the defenses on top of the
Gauntlet itself. You can use Sharks in large packs to slowly pick apart
the ships, and then use them to scout close to the shoreline of the
cliffs to see where the defenses are. Once spotted, they can easilly be
destroyed by missile frigates.
   Alternatively, you can try the explosive method. Have an advanced Kbot
lab continually churning out Roaches, and a shipyard continually building
Envoys. As each Envoy is built, load it with 4 or 5 Roaches, and drive it
in a direct line for the mouth of the Gauntlet. If it gets destroyed, the
explosion will take out most ships and submarines on the screen. Or you
can just drive them into the pack of ships you see, and self-destruct it
- not many ships left after that! After a couple of these, you will be
able to get a transport ship through the Gauntlet pretty easilly.

Yuan Liu (
   I did it somewhat differently that above. I didn't use Shark swarms or
any subs (in fact, I didn't even notice that I could build Sharks).
   Again, this is a big map, so my radar didn't have full coverage. I
built a fleet consisting of 3 cruisers, 2 missile frigates, some
destroyers and searchers as escorts. I thought this was overkill,
considering the firepower of the cruisers and frigates, but it turns out
to be necessary because the enemy has a battleship waiting. Oh, and don't
forget those guarding c-ships for battlefield repairs.
   The basic tactic is to follow the fleet with a transport ship loaded
with c-bots, the commander and some missile bots - you gotta love that
loading/unloading crane :). Send the fleet out to destroy the defenses on
the small islands, and then set up radars on those isles as you move from
south to north, until you can finally see the whole map.
   By this time, all of the roaming bad guys should just be so much
wreckage to be salvaged. After first picking off the defenses on the two
cliffs, send the fleet through the opening for the final battle. When the
debris stop flying, send the transport through. This may take a while,
because it's murder to navigate through all that wreckage.

[10-2-11]  11. Isle Parche
Yuan Liu (
   In this one, the computer is much better at attacking. It uses
combined naval forces quite well, and I actually learned something from
it. It sends in the destroyers to draw your attention and as spotters for
its warship, then the subs sneak up on your shipyard, all the while
another lone cruiser is harassing you on the other end of the island.
Fortunately, at this time, I already had two cruisers and some destroyers
and searchers. So I was able to fend them off, although the lone cruiser
was able to destroy a couple of my missile towers, and the subs actually
destroyed by advanced shipyard. All because I underestimated the
usefulness of the subs.
   Fortunately, this seems to be the only coordinated attack from the
computer. After this, I rebuilt my advanced shipyard to churn out some
more capital ships (probably unnecessary, in hindsight), and went on the
old search-and-destroy. The final bombardment of the big island had to
wait until I could get some fighters over it as spotters because we
musn't touch that itt-bitty Zeus :).
   The only real threat to my fleet was that lone Guardian cannon
combined with those Merls. Since the Guardian is near the center of the
island, my ships had to get in close to get at it, which gives the Merls
a chance to reach my capital ships. But the repairing c-ships made sure
nothing unpleasant happened. And the Brawlers were scary to see the first
time, but they were no match for the missile boats (searchers).

[10-2-12]  12. A Traitor Leads The Way
   A fairly easy mission that gives you a chance to build up quite a lot
before you come under attack. On the northern end of the island you start
on, you should build at least 2 Punishers - you will need these later in
the mission when the battleships, cruisers and destroyers venture south.
   There isn't much space on your starting island, and nowhere else to
go, so build a compact base. After building metal extractors on all the
metal deposits and solar collectors, build a Kbot lab and a construction
Kbot, and put that thermal vent to good use. As soon as you can, build an
advanced Kbot lab and two or three advanced construction Kbots. Then set
about converting the metal extractors to moho mines, and building two
fusion plants.
   The first attack won't come for a long time (nearly 20 minutes), so
you should be able to do all of this before the cruisers arrive. The bulk
of the ARM forces won't attack you until you start attacking them. ARM
has only one construction plant - a shipyard - so destroying that (it is
in the upper right corner) will make this a battle of attrition.
   You can use either air power (you can only build the basic aircraft
plant) and destroy ARM with bombers and fighters, or you can dominate the
seas, in which case you have access to all of the CORE ships. Have some
missile towers in your base to protect yourself from the few aircraft ARM
possesses. You should have no trouble destroying the ARM forces, although
you may like to build some flying bombs for anti-submarine duty.
   To win, capture the galactic gate with your commander, and move the
Zeus next to it. You may have to move the Zeus around the gate a little
for it to register.

[10-2-13]  13. Rougpelt
   A very quick mission. First, D-gun the Zeus bot. Capture the windmill
for additional power for the D-gun. Travel south and capture both the
Fink and Atlas. Load the commander into the Atlas and fly both straight
south to the botth of the map.
   Move the Fink to the right until you spot the shore and unload the
commander as close to the shore as you can. You might like to put the
Fink into a patrol route that flies around the island you just landed on
in an attemp to draw some of the fire. However, don't let the Atlas get
killed - you will lose the mission if it gets killed!
   There is a light laser tower just a short distance inland - D-gun this
and any units in the area. Move the commander along the bottom of the map
until you come to the advanced radar tower. If you are coming under heavy
fire from the missile Kbots, you might like to D-gun them, but make sure
they aren't too close to the tower or it will get caught in the blast.
Capture the tower, and you're done.

[10-2-14]  14. Scouring Rougpelt
   The depression in which the ARM base is located is both a blessing and
a curse when you are defending. It is a blessing because of the limited
avenues of approach that the ARM forces use - they only attack from the
south and east, meaning you can set up defensive forts to defend the
paths through the cliffs. It is a curse because the cliff faces mean that
a lot of your defensive fire will hit the walls instead of the ARM troops
if you are careless with the placement of your defensive structures.
   The ARM forces come at you in waves, and you should get a radar tower
(ideally an advanced radar tower) built as soon as possible. Multiple
missile towers backed up with a light laser tower and one or two heavy
laser towers will be useful at each of the avenues of approach. If you
are running low on power, use the two thermal vents, and once you have,
build some metal makers for that extra metal income.
   At the start of the mission, the depression is surrounded with
Invaders - destroy them before they start to move.
   The waves of ARM forces that come at you include Fidos, Zippers,
Bulldogs, Rockos, Samsons and more. Also, a few Brawlers will attack your
Commander, but your missile towers will  make short work of them.
   Notice that you can build an advanced aircraft plant in this mission -
try and do so, and build five or six strategic bombers (or more if you
can). These planes will be very useful, for when you see a column of
enemy troops coming towards you, send the bomber out to engage them. With
luck, the ARM forces will be in single file, and your bombers will
inflict serious damage. Plus, their lasers will continually fire upon the
helpless foes, adding to the carnage. When there are no forces
threatening your base, send out the bombers to the corners to find the
forces that have not been activated yet, and attack them.
   There are a few radar jammers hiding the enemy forces, so if the
mission is not ending and you think that you have killed everything, send
out planes to look for them. The final wave of ARM troops is a pretty
serious affair, coming from three corners at once, but can be held off
with judicious use of the D-gun.

[10-2-15]  15. Xantippe's Abyss
   The Big Bertha gun is located about half way up the right side of the
map. It is protected by two laser towers and a single construction Kbot.
Depending on your level of difficulty the type of laser towers change,
and on hard level, there may be a few extra Kbots around. The laser
towers are far enough away from the Bertha to be safely D-gunned. On Hard
difficulty, there are 2 Bertha cannons that you could capture.
   There is no opposition in the southern three-quarters of the map, so
feel free to grab as many metal deposits as you can. Build a lot of power
generators, as the Bertha uses a heck of a lot of power each shot (over
1000 units of power).
   Build an aircraft plant and a couple of finks and do suicide runs
along the northern section of the map until you locate the Annihilator.
When you have spotted it, pause the game, and target the Annihilator with
the Bertha. Eventually it will hit it, and you will win the mission.
   The path across the Abyss is at the far right of the abyss, and there
are some good spots for placing Gaat Guns and Pulverisers just in case an
enemy comes down to greet you. On Easy you don't have to worry about
this, but on hard you get attacked by a fairly large column of heavy
armour so this may be necessary. A large group of rocket and artillery
Kbots was able to handle this column however.

[10-2-16]  16. Departing Rougpelt
   This is a nightmare mission, and deserves the Bad-Doggie award for
mission design. The problem here is that the meteor showers will awaken
ARM units that should not wake up yet. If you are unlucky with the meteor
showers, this could mean that five Brawlers pay your base a visit a
minute into the game.
   You have to get some defenses up ASAP - definitely anti-air in case of
a bad meteor shower. Your Commander can probably take care of any land
attacks, provided that you have set up a few solar collectors.
   ARM has no construction plants, so if you can survive an initial rush
(or are lucky enough to not have this happen), you are likely to win. The
galactic gate is located on the top of the 'pyramid'.

[10-2-17]  17. The Lost Isle
Dan Morris (
   The simple key to this mission is building a string ship defensive
arsenal. The idea is, sooner or later the computer will start shelling
the hell out of the tiny island you start on, and no Kbot or tank will be
able to stop a Millenium's incredible firing distance. If this happens,
you are one dead duck, as there is no defense. So in order to make a
strong defensive ship base, start off the mission with some basic
   First, clear away the trees (have the Thud light them up, or if you
don't feel like clearing all the foliage, use the D-gun), then build some
basic land defense units. I start off by building a Kbot lab, then have
my Commander plant solar collectors and metal collectors around the
island, while the Kbot lab produces a construction Kbot to build more
complex structures. A few missile towers, on each side of the island will
do. Crank out some Crashers and Thuds, and you are all set to fend off
the few Triton invasions that come your way in the beginning of the
   Next, build a shipyard, I like to build a couple of Snakes and then 2
or 3 Enforcers for every Searcher. In and of themselves, the Searchers
are weak, but they can be a nice complement to a force of Enforcers. By
this time your Commander should be done planting 4 or so solar collectors
and metal collectors, so I have him guard the shipyard to increase
production. Note that an advanced Kbot lab, or a vehicle plant is almost
useless. The Kbots that an advanced Kbot lab produces are all units that
need to be in close range to have any benefit, which makes them
ineffective. Tanks are nice for land defense, but they still can't reach
the ARM ships' range, so they aren't a wise move either.
   An airport would be a much better thing to build at this time (as
you're cranking out ships). Setting some Shadows on patrol can help your
Enforcers immensely, and if you have time to build a construction
aircraft, head to the small island directly to the south east of your
starting island, clear the few trees, and build a metal collector on the
metal deposit. There is also a metal deposit at the island to the
northwest, but it is in much riskier territory, as a heavy ARM ship
assault soon comes from the west.

[10-2-18]  18. Slolam Pilago
   When you use your Finks to scout around the map, you will notice that
there are four small islands populated with Sentinel lasers. The path
that the briefing mentions is going right through the middle of the
islands (ie your planes will have two islands on either side of them).
Run a fink on a suicide mission from the bottom of the map to the top
along this path, and you will see where the fusion reactor is located.
   The only things you should build are solar collectors, metal
extractors and an aircraft plant. Build a single construction aircraft
and put it into a patrol over the trees (you will need the extra energy).
Then queue up about 7 Shadow bombers and another Fink (if you don't have
any left). Put the speed up to maximum and wait until everything is
built. To speed this up, have the commander help with the production, but
never let your energy reserves reach such a point that the metal
extractors stop working - just use the commander in spurts.
   Once you have your airforce, move them so that they are in a direct
line with where you know the fusion plant is situated. Send your Fink
ahead to draw some fire, and have the Shadows target the area slightly
behind the fusion reactor (otherwise a lot of their bombs will hit the
volcano wall on the way up). Once the Shadows have made their first pass,
retarget them onto the reactor itself. 6 Shadows should *just* be able to
take out the reactor.
   Be careful not to mess this up, as once the assault is launched, your
own base (and commander) comes under attack by aircraft. You won't get a
second chance.

[10-2-19]  19. The Vebreen Fleet
   Building a lot of small ships (Searchers) is useful here as it will
stop the faster enemy ships from simply sailing past your defenses. Use
your two construction ships to build a couple of torpedo tubes at each of
the channels to the left and right of the main island. Use the
construction kbot to build a few pulverizers and a gaat gun at the
southern tip of the left and right side of the main island. These have a
long enough range to be able to lend their firepower to the coming
battles. Set up your ships so that they form a line across the water on
each of the channels. The massed firepower of 8 or 10 Searchers is deadly
to all but a battleship. Build some Enforcers when you have time.
   With the construction ships, build a few light laser towers on the
small islands as these will also help. use the commander to build a few
metal storage buildings and use the construction ships to scavenge
destroyed ships. Doing this will also mean that your torpedo tubes always
get a clear shot.
   When you see en enemy coming, try and target it with either your
Warlord or Hydra (keep one on either side of the map). If they start to
move, stop them and keep trying until the ship is in rage.
   The multiple Searchers will be able to take out most things. However,
when the Milleniums start arriving three at a time, use your Commander to
D-gun them if they come too close to the shore.
   You should be able to build up large forces on either side of the map
which can deal with the ships. Don't let your Warlord die. Keep the
construction ships on patrol so they will automatically repair your
damaged ships.
   Once the airstrikes start you may have to use the commander or another
of the construction units to repair your punishers. These airstrikes are
coming from a Colossus light carrier, so send out some fast ships to take
it out. This carrier will repair damaged planes, so taking it out is very

[10-2-20]  20. The Gate To Aegus
   ARM has no construction capability on this mission, so it is simply a
matter of attrition. You can concentrate purely on aircraft on this
mission, or branch out into ships if you want. Don't bother about
building a Kbot or vehicle plant as it just takes up space that you can
use for something else. You don't come under attack for a fairly long
period of time, so feel free to build.
   Use construction aircraft to build metal extractors on the two small
islands to the north. When you can, convert metal extractors to moho
mines. With a few metal makers built early on, you should be able to
construct an advanced aircraft plant and get moho mines and fusion plants
up fairly soon.
   A force of torpedo bombers can be used to destroy the ARM ships.
Strategic bombers should be used to destroy the Defenders on the main
northern island so that your torpedo bombers don't suffer heavy losses.
   If you have two or three Finks on patrol across the middle of the map,
they will warn you of the approach of the amphibious tanks - use your
torpedo bombers to destroy them. Any that reach land can be easilly

[10-2-21]  21. Aegus...Empyrrean's Guardian
   Despite what you may infer from the mission briefing, there doesn't
appear to be a time limit on this mission. Use Diplomats supported by an
Informer and Deleter to take out buildings from afar. The galactic gate
is in a large crater just north of the center of the map. Also in the
crater is a fusion reactor - taking this out may reduce the effectiveness
of the Annihilator (if you encounter one on the difficulty level).
   Capture the buildings along the eastern side of the map, especially
the moho. Don't be too fussed about protecting the radar to the north if
you capture it. The computer will use Erasers to hide some of its troops
so having some fast units around to search for them may be of help.
   You can build an Intimidator here, but be careful when you aim it as
you don't want to destroy the gate.
   At the bottom left of the map are a number of metal mines in close
proximity. Getting these (either capturing the existing mines or
destroying them and building your own) will greatly increase your metal
income. Protect them with a Doomsday Machine (after building a fusion
reactor or two), some troops and a Deleter.
   You apparently don't have to kill all of the enemy to win, just
capture the galactic gate.
   There only seems to be one way down into the valley along the eastern
side of the map, so protecting this with a Doomsday Machine or other toys
will prove helpful as it is a fairly good place to build your base.

Dan Morris (
   "There only seems to be one way down into the valley." This is untrue.
It appears that there is a way up or down a little below halfway down the
map in addition to the entrance to the north. However, due to the incline
apparently only the Commander is able to pass through. I tried with some
heavy tanks and Instigators and they couldn't do it. Not sure if Kbots
can make it through.
   Also, if in the beginning, when you send your tanks down to clear out
the valley, make sure that they are on return-fire, so that they do not
accidentally take out the ARM construction unit down there. Let the tanks
destroy the Bulldog, Eraser and the laser tower, and then the ARM
construction unit is helpless. You can then bring the Commander down and
capture the vehicle, and the have access to a full line of ARM

[10-2-22]  22. A Big Empyrrean Welcome
   Urk. You start with your commander, a couple of pyros and a
construction Kbot and can only build solar collectors. This basically
means that you will be D-gunning everything in sight. Set the
construction Kbot to Guard the Commander. Hopefully the Pyros will be
able to kill a few of the peewees before getting killed.
   Build one or two solar collectors in the depression in which you start
- they will most likely get destroyed, but they will give you a nice
energy boost until that happens. Start moving the Commander directly
south. If you are doing some D-gunning and are running low on energy,
reclaim some trees for more energy. The Commander can survive a direct
Bertha cannon hit, but not by much. Always keep himat full health.
   The Bertha cannon cannot hit you when you are standing right next to
it, so once you get close enough to capture it, you are safe.

[10-2-23]  23. The Fortress Falls
   The computer player has numerous construction units on this map, and
will use them to replace destroyed buildings, especially fusion plants
and moho mines. You will want to establish one large defensive fort that
can cover both the main valley to the north that the computer uses, but
also the area to the east where some units will also be sent. This fort
should include at least 2 Punishers, and at least 3 Gaat Guns and
Pulverizers. It will come under attack by Fidos and Bulldogs, so you need
planes on patrol in that area to give advanced warning. Use Avengers
rather than Finks for this patrol duty, as they will lend a hand. Keep at
least one construction unit on patrol over these defensive structures, as
the Pulverizers don't last long if they are getting pounded.
   Use the Punishers you built to destroy the ARM static defenses near
the northern valley, and also to destroy any Spiders on the cliff walls
(the Spiders can paralyze your planes). You don't have to expand all the
way across the map for metal as you can easilly get a 20+ income in the
area you start in after you convert your metal extractors to moho mines.
   An Intimidator cannon can reach most parts of the map, so use that to
target fusion reactors, moho mines and construction plants. ARM has a
Bertha cannon of its own in the north east corner, so you should take
that out, either with your own cannon, strategic bombers or Rapiers.
   You will definitely need to build a small force of Vamps, because ARM
will use Brawlers, Hawks and Thunder bombers against you. If you have
good radar coverage you can intercept any enemy planes with your Vamps
outside of your base. If your Hawks are having a hard time, and you have
some Hurricane bombers, launch them into the air so that they will start
using their air-to-air lasers against the attackers. 
   Once you have crippled the ARM economy and destroyed all their
construction units, kill the rest of them with your units of choice
(there are a fair few Sentinel towers around, so take care).

Albert Macias (
   This mission took me six tries to get right, and I only beat it on
easy. Now that I have a plan that works, I will try again on hard.
   You start off in the southwest corner. To the north is every
conceivable ARM unit in the game. The ARM will not be long before
attacking you from the ground and air. You need to set up a quick
defensive line. Don't send any units north and don't build a radar tower.
I think that if the ARM knows you're there, they will come after you.
   I started out building five solar collectors and five metal mines.
There is a metal vein in the southeast corner that you can get to. Next I
built a Kbot lab and two construction Kbots. Now build a radar tower and
at least one power and metal storage unit.
   You will see a group of ARM units patrolling just north of you. Your
first objective is to build a wall of Dragon's teeth to stop the ARM
rushes. Send a construction Kbot to the west edge as far north as you can
without attracting the attention of the ARM units. Build a line of
Dragon's teeth from west to east, just out of sight of the ARM units.
When you get halfway across the map, turn the line south and leave a
small opening at the southern end. You should use both construction Kbots
to build this wall. Without the wall, there is nothing to slow down the
ARM units. While the wall is being built, have the Kbot lab build as many
missile and artillery Kbots as you can without slowing down the
construction of the wall.
   For the rest of the mission, the ARM will be sending air and ground
units at you. Have one of the construction units patrol the wall and
repair the units that are guarding the base. Use the other to start
building missile towers just back from the wall. Have the Kbot lab build
an advanced construction unit. Build an advanced radar tower. Take a
moment to realize just how hopeless the situation is.
   Change the metal mines over the moho mines. This will take some time,
but it needs to be done. Replace any destroyed Kbots on your defensive
line as needed. Once the Moho mines are built, build a fusion power
plant. You are now ready to go on the offensive.
   I built three intimidators, linked them together and just started
pounding the crap out of everything up north. This is not what I consider
a fun way to win, so let's build some more units. I built an advanced
Kbot lab and advanced aircraft plant. Start pumping out the Cans and
Valkyries. Form up groups of eight and send them north. The group will
not last long, so you will have to keep making more. This is a long slow
war of attrition. Keep the Intimidators active and don't forget to repair
damaged structures in your base ASAP. I lost my fusion power plant and
had to rebuild it. There is nothing worse than having three Intimidators
sitting there idle for want of power. I just wish every mission had been
as challenging as this one.
   Note: I don't like to use nukes, and this is one of the few missions
where you need to use a Big Bertha/Intimidator. I never did build a
vehicle plant. The Kbots are a must for the early part. You need a lot to
stop the advanced units coming at you. The level one CORE vehicles just
don't cut it. Late in the mission, you could use the level two artillery
and missile vehicles.

[10-2-24]  24. Surrounded and Pounded
   A fairly challenging mission. You should attempt to build some laser
towers as fast as you can (actually, have your Commander build one at the
start of the mission and have the construction kbot harvest some trees
for metal). The attacks come in waves, mostly from the north and east
sides. Brawlers will attack from the south and north, so establish some
air defenses there.
   You should have at least 2 laser towers at the spots that you think
the attacks will come from. Some Cans to back these up are useful. I
would recommend having fomr flying bombs already made for when you start
to get attacked by Merls.
   You can stay on the mountain top if you want, but to get a good metal
income you will need to convert the metal extractors to moho mines and
add a couple of metal makers after building a fusion power plant.
Remember to harvest the trees if you are running low on energy.
   Build your defenses so that you can withstand the attacks - light
laser towers on their own will not do. You will come under attack by
Fidos in number, and you need something heavier than light laser towers
to stop these doggies.
   The computer doesn't have any construction facilities on this map, so
it is only a matter of attrition. If you can build some Rapiers you can
dominate the map (although watch out for the clump of Samsons as they can
really cause you some strife).
   If, at the end of the mission you think that you have killed
everything and the mission is not ending, there is likely to be a radar
jammer or stealth fighter that you have missed. Search around the map
until you find it.

[10-2-25]  25. Empyrrean's Final Stand
   Probably the hardest mission in the whole game, and orders of
magnitude harder than the final ARM mission. There are no real hills that
you can hide behind or any real areas that form natural kill zones. That
means that you are going to have a very large front to defend.
   ARM will hit you very hard, and very often. You might like to flee
into one of the corners at the start of the mission, and build yourself
in, and try and weather the storm until you are in a position to take the
   No specific strategy for this mission (although gaining air
superiority will be a high priority) as it can be played out a number of
   Very, very difficult.

John Allensworth (
   It was a bit easier than I thought it would be (only took me 3 or 4
tries) but that's probably because I played it on Medium. I grabbed a
metal spot or two, and a few solar collectors. Next a Kbot lab and a few
construction bots. Two I sent north to construct a wall of dragon's teeth
about a third of the way up (this was probably a bit too conservative,
but it worked). I had one or two others go around and grab every metal
spot south of the line.
   Meanwhile the Commander built a vehicle plant, and a construction
vehicle. It immediately built an adv. vehicle plant, and as soon as one
was free, one of the bots built an adv. Kbot lab. The vehicle plant was
then set to produce Raiders until hell froze over, and the Kbot lab to
produce Crashers. The Crashers worked fine as air defense until late into
the mission. The adv. vehicle plant went straight to pumping out
Goliaths, while the adv. Kbot lab made a level 2 construction bot, and
then went to 3 pyros to 1 can for eternity.
   During this time, I periodically sent the current force of attack
units north to do some opression, while the adv. construction bot
converted extractors to mohos. I almost lost it after a failed raid, when
the enemy came south with a bunch of strategic bombers and destroyed
every one of my mohos and most of my construction vehicles. I'm not sure
how I survived that one.
   As the commander restored metal production, I had the surviving
construction bots (plus some new ones to cover the losses) build about 18
missile towers around key buildings. I also built an aircraft plant and
started producing fighters like mad. Soon after, I had an acceptable
horde of units, and sent them north to do as much damage as they could.
When it started moving, the effective game speed dropped to -5 (I usually
try to run at +10) on my P133. The enemy seemed to concentrate mostly on
spiders, with a small number of bulldogs, tritons, merls, fidos, zippers,
zeuses, rockos and jethros.
   There wasn't much static defenses, just a scattering of sentinels and
defenders, with about 4 guardians total. This might have been the result
of the oppression raids, since I of course made it a point to hit the
undefended mohos. There was a bertha near the top center, with the
commander and unit plants in the northwest. There were several fusion
plants which helped clean up the area. I never actually saw the ARM
commander, apparently he was taken out automagically by the horde.
   I still can't believe I survived the bomb run.

[10-3]  ARM Missions

[10-3-1]  1. A Hero Returns
   This is a very easy mission, as all you have to do is get one of your
units to the base of the galactic gate (the structure that is visible to
the north). Simply group all of your units together and click on the
patch of ground just below the gate. As your units move up they will be
engaged by CORE troops, but ignore them. If one or more of your units get
stopped by an enemy unit, click again just below the gate and they will
start moving again.
   Most likely it will be a peewee that gets to the gate first, simply
because they are the fastest.

[10-3-2]  2. CORE Kbot Base, Destroy It!
   There are three paths across the water into the secion of the map that
you start off in (although the southern two are so close together that
they can be considered to be one), and placing two light laser towers at
each of these is a good way to stop most of the CORE attacks. However,
you may need to attack some Storm kbots as their missiles can hit the
laser towers without needing to get into the lasers' firing range.
   Build your defenses and build up your units for the assault.
Alternately, for a quicker game, build one or two solar collectors, take
your commander south and D-gun your way into the base and D-gun the kbot
lab as soon as you spot it. The AK's you'll encounter can either be
D-gunned or shot with the laser.

[10-3-3]  3. Spider Technology
   It may be a good idea to move the spider bots back from the edge
slightly and put them on 'Hold Position'. Moving them back makes them
that much more difficult to hit. Try and keep an eye on the minimap at
all times in case the spider bots get attacked and make sure they are
firing their paralyser at their attackers.
   There are three ways across the river that the computer uses, so
protect them with light laser towers, again watching out for any Storms.
Try and clear the right side of the map of all CORE units before
attempting to bring the spiders south. There is a way across the river
just below the mountain they are on, so the spiders never needs to travel
along the left side of the map.
   You need to get at least one spider bot into your base. This means
below the line of the dragon's teeth. If you don't get the victory
notice, move them around a bit until you get it.

[10-3-4]  4. CORE Contamination Spreads...
   Always keep your base well defended by light laser towers as this is
the first mission that you will face some tough opposition. Back this up
with appropriate units and kbots. As you expand your base, build
additional radar towers for extended spotting range. Use your Samsons
and Rockos (the Samsons are probably slightly better) to target enemy
buildings (use the minimap to target them while outside of their visual
range). Using this method you should be able to destroy most of the CORE
laser towers without losing too many units.
   Depending on the level of difficulty you are playing, you may come
across some Reapers which can cause some serious trouble (try and D-gun
them if possible). If you decide to build some Zippers, remember to keep
them constantly on the move, as their speed makes them very difficult for
the CORE units to track. A group of Zippers makes a nice strategic strike
force as they can get anywhere very quickly.
   When attacking the CORE base, try and take out their construction labs
as a first priority so they don't keep making new bots.

[10-3-5]  5. The Gate to Thalassean
(From Andrew: this is the mission that really sold me on TA. At the end
of a massive battle that had resulted in the destruction of the
computer's base, there were my 6 remaining units from the assault
standing amidst all of this wreckage. They could hardly move from all the
wreckage. Probably my favourite mission if only because of

Allen Roller:
   The key to this mission is to take and hold the choke point located
south of your position by the ocean side. You will know this choke point
by the classic two hills with a narrow pass in between them. You will
need to especially hold the left hill. The computer loves that hill and
will take it if he can since it is a direct route from his base and
offers him a great firing position. Also there is a small opening on the
left side of this hill. It is like a small sea shore where there is
enough room for a big tank to pass through. Blast a few that try to pass
through and that will plug up the gap. There are some low hills in front
of the larger 2 hills. Use these to help you gain cover and ground as
you move forward. The gate is located to the southwest corner of the map
on an island. You can take your squad of aqua tanks there but there are
a few turrets and thuds that will be waiting for you. You will need your
commander to capture the gate himself. I found that 6 tanks + the
commander works pretty well. The walls are too steep for good fire
support from your subs. But on the other main land mass, you can harass
the enemy by using the skeeter's radar to spot. Once spotted, use the
sub to shoot the units standing on the shore. It is a real rush shooting
away at the enemy when he has no idea were you are underwater. Subs work
great on land units on the shoreline and ships that can't shoot into the
water. Every so often I find a stray unit too close to the shore and I
happily tell the sub to target that radar blip. There will be some small
forces and emplacements to the east of you. A squad of  8 - 10 peewees
will be able to take them out. You might consider some rockos added to
the squad to give them some fire support if you wish to minimize your

   How did I do it: I used my fidos as fire support when the computer
tries to rush me. I built a 10 unit squad of peewees plus 5 rockos. I
sent them over to the east to play cleanup and secure that area of the
map. While the kbots were sent to find the bad guys I queued up my kbot
factory and built a few builder kbots and then some hammers - 5 and some
rockos - 8. I moved the big tanks over to the west directly south of my
base. I kept all my base stuff clumped together in the general area and
set up about 6 Light Laser turrets for a perimeter. Only in certain
areas would I recycle metal. I left the rest to serve as free dragon
teeth. This tactic is especially important at the choke point later. If
you don't, it will leave the computer a free path to roll right up to
your front door.  

   I used the scouts to give me early warning and set up a radar in the
middle of my base behind that screen of laser turrets. Radar is crucial
to give you some forewarning of that nasty rush. I used the commander to
either build windmills on the shoreline and solar panels a short distance
behind them.

   Now for hamburger hill. This is a very bloody battle location but you
must hold that hill. I started working my way towards it by rushing in
with some light tanks, kbots and rockos. You will have to rush and work
on cleaning off the units on the north facing of the hill. Once you have
broken their line and they are regrouping, run about your builder kbot
and repair any units by queuing him up. Send in the commander to build
light laser turrets to bolster your position. I placed the turrets on the
small hills just north of the two big hills with the choke point. In
total I built four turrets and a radar to give me forewarning. In the
mean time I kept a steady supply of indirect fire units mixed with some
medium tanks. I made sure to use the build queues so I would not be
overrun and be too busy to remember to keep producing. I met several
rushes of units in about three to four waves. Oh man, the carnage! 
Without the LLT turrents and the build kbots, and the commander repairing
them, even with my troops I don't think I could have held my front line.
Combined arms again won the day.  

   About that debris. All those dead units serve as wonderful road
blocks of unit rushes. Remember about the making of indirect fire
units?  Now they have paid off. While the computer is trying to sift
though the mess, I shoot him up and make more wreckage. A samson is a
must here and having two or more works best. I used them later to pick
off crasher kbots off the side of the mountain wall.

   Once it has quieted down a bit, I sent another rush of units to take
the hill. I concentrated on the left mountain because that is the one
the computer seems to want the most. If figured there had to be a
reason. Later It made sense because once you had dug in, it was a tough
hill to take. I sent a mix of fidos, rockos, both zesuses and a few
other units like peewees. Now the next level of carnage begins. It got
so bad at certain points I had to move my commander up and fire D cannon
rounds down the mountain face to get rid of the thud units and tanks. 
Whew! There were piles and piles of those guys building up on the
southern facing of the mountain side. Perfect. Now the mountain was
even harder to charge for the computer. What ever you do, hold that
hill. I sustained heavy loses and it takes awhile to get units to climb
up the side of the mountain. I supported this with a smason and some
fidos on the other mountain facing the west side. This gave them
reasonable protection plus the elevation bonus plus increased my killing
field by catching the units in a cross fire. The losses were heavy (in
consideration, at the ending the computer lost 3:1 units to me) but it
worked and the hill was mine. I then used the take and hold tactic by
advancing my commander and builder bots to build three LLT's on this
hill. Once the turrets were up, I only had to deal with every so often
the pesky incoming rocket shells. The computer sent a few small waves of
tanks plus fire support but after repelling that I could tell he was
hurting, or I had hoped. I kept the commander and a builder bot on the
hill to repair the LLT's.

   I built ten light tanks and rushed them down with a few fidos and two
samsons for fire support to start taking out the enemy buildings. As I
worked my way down I ran into a gatling laser and other enemy defenses.  
When all were taken out then I destroyed his storage facilities. I had
to build some more light tanks and support units but I kept my advancing
units a short distance from were they most recently attacked. I did this
to simply hold the ground so the computer would not be able to place
extractors, etc then build his resources up. After reinforcements arrived,
while I was waiting, I repaired the front line units I again charged
forward. I guesstimated by the remainig map that I almost had him. 
After charging forward I prioritized my attacks by threat level: 1. Who
can shoot back, 2. Who is making more units, then destroy the remaining. 
I later captured enemy buildings to the northeast and due east with my
commander just for fun while I looked for the Galactic Gate.

   I found the gate on the lower left corner of the map on an island. I
took the island with 5 aqua tanks and the commander. I destroyed the LLT
and a few thuds on the island then had the commander capture the gate. 

   In hindsite: it is very frustrating that until mission 7 you can't
store resources. I thought I was doing something wrong even after
looking at the research tree. Until mission 7 and the selections became
available, I did not feel so confused. The computer kept charging north
and pretty much ignored the right side of the map. It doggedly attacked
the hill and pressed between the mountains like a wall of ants. In one
way I am glad he did not redirect his attack or I may have been hard
pressed trying to defend such a wide border.
   When it is over I looked at all the wreckage laying around. I really
love this effect because it leaves a sense of a great battle took place
there. For this mission if felt more like an epic battle.

[10-3-6]  6. Beachhead on Thalassean
Allen Roller:
   What a mess, you teleport in on a little island and the fun begins. 
Basically the computer is playing "shooting fish in a barrel, except you
are the fish". Why? His destroyers are 80% of the time in range of
anything you have on the island. Laser turrets just don't have the range
and you will find your metal extractors and windmills being blasted off
the island.

   TIP: the commander is key to this mission. He will be doing a LOT of
leg work to keep your base alive. Lure in destroyers by walking to the
edge of the shore into D cannon range then let them have it. Some times
you will even have to wade out there to get their attention then quickly
run back to get on the surface. Make sure that you have sufficient power
to support this type of tactic. Counting the captured enemy resources on
the screen add a windmill and a solar building or two to keep the power
level up. Metal is the scarce in Mission 6. If necessary risk your
commander by reclaiming ship wrecks in the water. If you are low on metal
he will extract but if you are full he will stop extracting and just sit
there. The really annoying part is that you don't get storage buildings
until mission 7. So saving for a rainy day won't work here. Also custom
guide your ships. Do group them for those emergency command instructions
but otherwise I had individually move each ship in order to get good
placement. The ship movement AI is pretty weak. During this mission,
the destroyers bounced around like it was a bumper boat festival. One
time I saw two of my destroyers turn at each other, built up speed and
then BOING! They hit each other dead on nose to nose. I sat there
laughing away but stopped when I realized that they were not getting to
the target. I still snicker when thinking about that scene. The
bouncing boats were caused by an order to attack some local targets.

What to do:
   First blast the little AK's then capture all the enemy installations
on the map. Be ready for the forest fire on the island caused by enemy
fire from the destoryers. You can stand just outside the forest and you
will not sustain any damage. Press alt + ~ to turn on unit
health/assignment numbers. This is handy to see which building needs to
be repaired first or is in trouble. A scout boat showed up and engaged
my skeeter. I figured that if I could capture enemy buildings and that
the scout boat could not shoot into the water. Well it worked and it
was a riot to watch. I sent the commander into the water and he walked
under the boat and proceeded to capture it. Cool! My skeeter took some
damange so I repaired both boats for later to try to prevent any ships
that would inevitably arrive. I built some solar collecters and
windmills to get the energy needed later to D cannon away those evil
destoryers. After the fire has burned away the leaves on the trees you
are left with burnt dead tree branches that are still in the way of
buildings. Occasionally when I needed room in a hurry, I D cannoned the
trees right out of the way. Damn its fun watching that D cannon in
action. I repaired the damaged buildings to 100% and repaired the
Galactic Gate to 90% but never finished it. I assumed that the gate is
crucial to the mission even though it did not say so. I would have
finished the repair to 100% but I needed to spend the effort on other
problems. Laser turrets are pretty much useless in this mission unless
the ship get dumb and gets too close. Don't bank on the ships getting
close very often during this mission unless you lure them in with a
certain somebody who is really important. After exploring the island
with my peewees I found 2 ore locations. I built a constructor bot and
queued him to build ore extractors on the two locations.

   Then the fight began. As soon as the two ore extractors were in place
the destroyers would pass by and say hello by wiping out my extractors. 
I did not bother trying to make a plasma turret because of the shortage
of metal and the fear of it getting shot up before it was built. I also
figured that if it did get it built, it would have to deal with multiple
targets dumping shells on it and I did not know how well the turret
tracked ships. Also I noticed that (this may not be true) but I believe
that the ships radar (similar to real radar) will only see structures
taller than the surrounding trees - like windmills and extractors. Only
on the center of the island were they safe but every so often you had to
rebuild one. While admiring the remarkable detail of an exploding
windmill, suddenly I realized, Hey thats my windmill! As soon as I had
fought off the nearby destroyers with my commanders D gun I had the
builder bots make a vehicle plant and also have a builder bot make a ship
harbor. It is key to get this done as early as possible. Also when the
commander was not assisting the builder bots with construction I had him
run over and build a radar tower on the south side of the hill on the top
right part of the island. I did this because I did not want the
destroyers shelling away at the radar tower. It worked. That was my
longest standing tower in the game. It helped tremendously by warning me
when some pesky destroyer was cruising  for my guys.  The radar did not
seem effected much by the hill beside it.  

   After the radar went active I had a build bot make a ship construction
unit. I built laser turrets - 2 nearby on the shore but they did little
good. After the ship constructor was built, I had lost both my skeeters
in defense of the harbor. I built a constructor ship and built two
torpedo launchers and a submarine. They did later help in the defence of
the harbor but I wished they had longer range, especially the sub. I
placed a sonar station in the middle and later added another at the mouth
of the harbor. I had hoped with sonar assistance the torps would be able
to fire at greater distances but that did not work. The key with the
torp launchers is to place them on the edges (bumps) in the shore line. 
Meaning, place them far enough forward in the harbor to support the mouth
of the harbor. Place your ships a the front and if things go bad fall
back into the waiting torp launchers. Usually if I am at 50% I pull the
ship back into the bay. Destroyers are just too expensive to get killed
at this stage of the mission. In hindsight and if the computer provided
an opening I would have build 4 or more torp launchers (about 6 total) to
really sock it to the destroyers. Instead I concentrated on building
destroyers as soon as possible figuring I had to go assault some enemy
position. I quit making subs after the first because when a destoryer
came into the harbor it blew away my sub by pelting it to death with
those darn homing mines. Again my commander stepped in and saved the day
with his D cannon. Also earlier the sub was wounded due to a hunter
killer sub entering the harbor and trading blows with my sub. After
building two destroyers and a third was on it was on its way I destroyed
an incoming ship. I quickly repaired them while making more destroyers. I
kept this up until I wiped out all of his ships. The ending was weird. 
After blowing up a several boats the victory drums sounded and that was
it. I was really worried because right before that I had incoming cruse
missiles hitting my buildings and ships. After a few missile hits I
begrudgingly sent out my commander. Only to not find any ships. I did
not walk out far past the shore being afraid of destroyer depth charges. 
So I had him mosey back and finish repairing the struck buildings. In
the end I produced about six destroyers and had four left after the
battle. Getting a toe hold in the water is key. Once you take an area,
hold it until your units must fall back for repairs. I use the torpedo
nest in the harbor to pin them in with my destroyers. That way it ends
in a quick and dirty fight. When I was hurting I would fall back into
the harbor to the inside shore. 

   Notes: I may not be doing it right but I think the D cannon does not
work in the water. Bummer but after reading the description of the
cannon it makes sense. I  tired capturing a destroyer but after taking
quite a bit of damage and the destroyer would not cooperate by staying
still, I bailed for the shoreline. He followed me in (mistake) and I
turned and D gunned him. Be careful with the commander in the water. He
is tough but enough mines on him and he may not make it back to shore. I
always keep a repair bot nearby for the command to fix his wounds. Later,
the only time I let him in the water was when the harbor had 5 of my
destoryers and two torp launchers with a sonar station. I sent him in
because I needed the metal of the sunken wrecks. When a destroyer start
pounding the shore I send out the commander and _lure_ the ship back to
the shore where he could stand out of the water and blast them. 
Fortunately, the computer did not figure out that he did not need his
ships close to do the job. I think Cavedog is simulating that if a blip
suddenly shows up on visual as the commander, the computer makes a bee
line toward him because the commander probably takes top priority on the
list of people they really need to kill. Ships that are real close use
both their shells and mines on the shore. Ouch.  

[10-3-7]  7. The Defense of Larab Harbor
   Time to be really sneaky. Build a construction ship (to repair your
damaged ships and some Lurkers). Send the lurkers and your Commander
(yep, that's right) all the way south. Near the bottom of the map you
will come across some enemy units all nice and parked ready for their
assault. Start destroying the Crocks (there isn't much use for them in
this mission) with your Lurkers. Continue moving your commander south,
past the lines of Crocks.
   Stop him just before the small island at the middle of the bottom of
the map. On either side of this island are a group of Warlord. You can
use your Commander, while he is in the water, to capture these Warlords.
Be aware, however, that further along each side are some units that do
have torpedos and mines, so use your Lurkers to take them out. Then also
use your Lurkers to start taking out the Warlords.
   Capturing a Warlord isn't really what you are doing. What you are
doing is having the Warlords destroy each other. When you capture one,
the remaining ships will open fire on it. Target your Warlord on the next
Warlord and it will do some damage before it is killed. Continue doing
this on both sides of the island - soon all the big ships will be clear.
With any luck you should be able to wind up with a Warlord of your own at
the end of all this - use this ship to destroy the inhabitants of the
   While you are doing this, continue to build Skeeters, Crusaders
and more Lurkers (send any Lurkers you build down south). You will 
   If the mission isn't finishing, that most likely means that there are
some more Crocks or Sharks lurking about. Use Crusaders or Lurkers to
find them and destroy them.

[10-3-8]  8. The Gate to Tergiverse IV
-------------------------------------- (Albert Macias Jr.):
How I beat ARM Mission 8

Phase 1:
Commander - Build a Metal Extractor and Radar
Shipyard - Build Construction Ship

Phase 2:
Commander - Build 6 Metal Makers
Shipyard - Build 5 Lurkers and 5 Crusaders
Construction Ship - Build 10 Tidal Generators

Build the tidal generators south and west of the shipyard.
Alternate building lurkers and crusaders. Set these up in a 
line north of the start island to intercept anything coming 
south. As you build the metal makers, click on them and 
turn them off until you have the energy to run them.
The rest of your units should carefully take out any enemy 
units the radar can see. Click on the Ranger and tell it to 
hold position. Now target enemy blips on the mini map. Some 
of them will be underwater and need to be handled by 
lurkers and crusaders.

Phase 3:
Turn on the metal makers!
Commander - Move to the island to the north of the starting 
island and just to the right of center of the map. The 
island has a metal vein that you can tap. Build a radar and 
metal extractor.
Shipyard - Keep pumping out the lurkers and crusaders as 
needed. You want 10 of each.
Construction ship - Build an advanced shipyard.

Use the crusaders to defend your position. Use the lurkers 
in packs of five to scout north. As soon as you get in 
range of a new target, FIRE! When you build the new radar, 
you will see a lot of units on an island in the center of 
the map. Don't go near the island! Just pound it with 
missiles from the Ranger.

Phase 4:
Commander - Repair, scavenge, and guard.
Shipyard - Build as needed, but hold off to save metal for 
the advanced shipyard.
Construction Ship - Repair ships, scavenge and guard 
advanced shipyard.
Advanced Shipyard - Build 3 Colossus and 3 Piranha.

Now comes the boring part.
Use the Piranha to take out the enemy's subs that have been 
killing your lurkers. Use the Colossus to pound the enemy 
targets on the island to the north. Don't forget to tell 
them to hold position. Only get them in range, but not too 
close. The only problem I have was the occasional air 
attack. I find that killing units from long range by radar 
to by realistic, but not very satisfying.
When the center island is clear of units.

Phase 5:
Commander - Move to the center island and build a KBOT Lab 
and radar
KBOT Lab - Build a Construction KBOT 
Construction KBOT - Build an Advanced KBOT Lab
Advanced KBOT Lab - Build an Advanced Construction KBOT
Advanced Construction KBOT - Build an Advanced Radar
Shipyard - Stop building here to save metal
Construction Ship - Repair ships, scavenge and guard 
advanced shipyard
Advanced Shipyard - Replace the Piranha as needed and build 
a Hulk Transport.

Until you get the advanced radar built, you can use the 
normal radar to target the enemy forces on the big island 
to the north where your objective is. Keep the Colossus' 
and Ranger as far south as you can. Move the Crusaders and 
Lurkers up north of them to intercept all sea units. The 
computer will send a wave of air units and a wave of Crock 
underwater tanks at you. Finally, the Warlord Battleships 
will come down from north of the big island. Kill these 
with the Crusaders, Lurkers and Piranhas. Use the 
Construction ship to repair your big ships. Be careful 
about targeting objects on the big island. One of them is 
your objective and you don't want to kill it by mistake.

Phase 6:
Crank out KBOTs.
Load them into the Hulk.
Invade big island.

If you have the metal, you can build a Millenium Battleship 
just for fun. I don't think you could build one fast enough 
to get in a battle with a Warlord.

[10-3-9]  9. The Hydration Plant
   You want to try and fit as many buildings on the small section of land
you start on. This should include an aircraft plant and the two metal
extractors. Capture the CORE buildings after D-gunning the troops, and
build as many solar collectors as you can. Also build a metal maker as
that extra metal income will be welcome. Build a light laser tower to
give some basic defense against air attacks (which will be fairly
continuous throughout the mission).
   Start building a lot of Freedom Fighters - you don't need anything
else for the moment, and have them target any enemy aircraft you find.
Don't wory about the ground forces too much.
   To the north there is another mountain top like the one on which you
started. You can either use your planes to destroy its defenses (leave
the other buildings intact), or you can D-gun the defenses when you
transport your Commander over. Move him over and after getting rid of the
defenses, capture the other buildings. Build some more solar collectors
there and maybe another metal maker or two. Build another aircraft plant
and churn out more fighters.
   To the north you will see some CORE Kbots patrolling - take them out
with the fighters you have. Once you have located the Hydration Plant
(almost directly north of this second plateau), you can simply walk your
Commander down the side of the cliff and capture the plant. If you took
out the patrols earlier, you shouldn't be attacked.

[10-3-10]  10. The Bromid Maze
   Leave the Zippers in the upper left corner as moving them out of that
area seems to trigger an airstrike. Ths map is excellent to establish
kill zones for your defensive structures. You should focus on Defenders
as they will provide you with excellent air defense as well as good
ground defenses. If you look at the map, you should only need to build
two sets of defenses as you can build your base so that there are only
two entrances.
   You want to build an advanced plant to get an advanced construction
unit so that you can build mohole mines to replace your metal extractors.
Just grab those mines that are in the southern section of the map. Don't
try and expand too far north, as when you have converted to all mohole
mines, you will have an ample metal income. You will need to build a lot
of solar collectors as you cannot build a fusion reactor or geothermal
plant. Use construction aircraft to build Defenders on top of the ridges
your other construction bots can't reach.
   You will get your first chance to see a Brawler pack in action on this
map. Build up 7 or 8 Brawlers and start targetting red dots on the map.
For an even better coverage, set a patrol point in the midst of a
collection of red blips. The Brawlers will make short work of most
things. If you come across a defensive structure (the CORE has a Punisher
and a number of Gaat Guns), target it immediately. Send the Brawlers home
is they get damaged - it is best to have one or more construction
aircraft on patrol in a section of your base as you can then land the
Brawlers there and they will get automatically repaired.
   Your defenses and Brawler pack will mean that you shouldn't have any
trouble with CORE forces. If you see a column on the move towards your
base, intercept them with the Brawlers and see how effective they are
against ground forces.

[10-3-11]  11. The Gate to Barathrum
   The canyon in which the Galactic Gate is situated is heavilly guarded
by CORE Gaat Guns and Pulverizers, the later of which will cause your
aircraft serious problems in that area until you destroy these defences.
Try and get another construction craft built as soon as you can and start
building your own missile towers in strategic points. You will face some
CORE aircraft, but building enough Defenders should leave you safe.
   Build up your metal extractors around the site where you started, and
continue expanding your mining operation to the right of the map,
building defenses as you go.
   When you have your force of Brawlers established, have then take out
the defenses in the canyon, and then all of the canyon's defending units.
Put the Brawlers onto 'Return Fire' rather than 'Fire at Will' because
you don't want them to attack the Galactic Gate by mistake.
   Destroy everything on the map and walk your Commander to the Gate and
have him capture it (remember to put him on 'Hold Fire' so that he
doesn't attack the Gate with his laser).

[10-3-12]  12. Barathrum!
   The moho mine that you need to capture is in the upper right hand
corner, so when you send your units there, be careful what you destroy.
Also in this section are a number of windmills and metal extractors. 
   Instead of getting rid of the computer's production capabilities
piecemeal, you should wait until you have a squad of about 7 Brawlers and
then raid the upper right hand corner and destroy everything (except the
moho mine!), and then head directly south into the lower right hand
corner. This corner holds nearly all of the other metal extractors that
the computer owns - destroying these will halt the computer in its
tracks. There are a couple of Gaat guns and Pulverizers and Crusher Kbots
in this area, so you should target them as a priority, but your Brawlers
should make short work of them.
   You can claim all of the upper left hand side as your own, as you can
establish four small packets of defensive structures that will cover all
the four land paths into that section of the map. Again, Defenders are a
good choice here, but always back them up with at least 1 Sentinel laser
as a rush of fast units may get past the Defenders (they have a long
range but don't do a great deal of damage). Set up patrol paths for
multiple scout planes so that the Defenders have a chance of firing at
their extended range. Putting a construction plane on patrol in each of
these four areas will reduce the chance of you losing a defensive
   Any air assaults the computer makes will be dealt with by the
Defenders. When you have the opportunity, upgrade some of your metal
extractors to moho mines. Don't bother trying to establish a geothermal
powerplant, as you will have to do that outside of your fortified area.
It is much easier to build a vast array of solar collectors - the upper
left hand corner makes a good place.
   When you start, build metal extractors and solar collectors as your
Commander makes his way down the pathway in the lava. D-gun the laser
tower that will attack him. Once out of the lava, you should have him
build a light laser tower and then an aircraft plant. From there it is
just a matter of following the adive above.

[10-3-13]  13. Landown's Interface
   You will only be attacked by CORE air troops in this mission, but
there will be a lot of them. Defenses will be a heavy line of Defenders
at the top of your base, with a few more scattered throughout your base
(as it is likely that a few planes will make it through your first line
of defense).
   You should build your Defenders close enough to the cliff face (scout
it with the Zippers you start out with) so that they can just reach the
units on top of the cliff, but are out of range of units on the cliff,
and are far enough away so they aren't continually attacked by aircraft.
   CORE will build a huge number of ground units and pile them against
the cliff edge. You can forget about them for the most part, but be aware
that they contain a number of missile-firing troops, so your aerial
forays to the top of the cliff should avoid the group of unit.
   Build at least 2 advanced aircraft plants and have them constantly
churn out Brawlers and Hawks. You will need the Hawks to take out the
CORE fighters, as they are a serious problem to your Brawlers. Assign
numerous construction units to each advanced aircraft plant to speed up
production (through the Guard function).
   When attacking the cliff top, you should have your aircraft move up
from the far left or far right, and then sweep along the top. Your
priority targets should be the aircraft plants, then the other plants. It
you see a construction unit, destroy it! You don't want the CORE base
being rebuilt.
   Metal and energy should not be a problem in this mission after you
establish two or three moho mines and two geothermal plants. Where ever
you build one of these advanced structures, you shuld protect it with a
ring or four Defenders.

Albert Macias (
   In this engagement you start at the south end of the map. There is a
cliff across the center of the map that prevents enemy land units from
attacking you. The Core will send air power down to harass you, but your
starting defenses and the aircraft you build should be able to handle
the  attacks. If your units get too close to the cliff, the Core units
will fire at you, so watch out.
   This one starts out slow. You really have all the time you need to
build up. The Core does have factories and will build units, but you
should be able to out build him. Start out by sending the Kbots you start
with to scout the map. Once you know where all the metal is and where the
cliff is you can go to work. I had the commander build four solar panels
and then put him to work building metal mines. The construction unit
should be sent to one of the thermal vents to start building a geothermal
power plant. While you are wondering around building metal mines build
two radar near the cliff, one on the left and one on the right. Just make
sure they are out of attack range. Once that is done you can start work
on you forces.
   Build an aircraft plant.
   Build a construction aircraft.
   Build an advanced aircraft plant.
   I also built metal and energy storage units.
   Build five Atlas Transports and five Freedom Fighters with the
aircraft plant. Build five Hawk fighters and five Brawler gunships with
the advanced aircraft plant.
   Use the fighters to kill anything that flies south of the cliff. Don't
send them near or over the cliff. The Core has great air defense waiting
to greet them.
   Now comes the invasion. Have the transports pick up your commander and
the Fido  Kbots. Move the transports, the gunships and fighters to the
left side of the map. Fly up the left side of the map to the top corner.
Unload the transports and have them fly back south. Use the gunships and
Kbots to attack whatever Core units come near you. Have the fighters
engage the Core fighters. Most of them will not survive long in the
   You are just trying to buy enough time for your commander to build a
vehicle lab and start pumping out Samson missile launchers. I built five
and sent them out to help provide air defense.
   Keep building gunships in the south. Keep building Kbots in the north.
   The Core buildings are along the north edge of the map. Most of the
Core units should be along the cliff. You have to be careful about the
mass of Core units at the cliff. Once you get set up in the north, it is
just a matter of time.
   The end of this mission was a blast. All the Core Kbots, about 30
mixed units, had gathered near the cliff. I built up a force of ground
and air units and sent them all in together. This is the first time my
machine slowed down as death and destruction was dealt out on a massive

[10-3-14]  14. The Heat Increases
   The Roach bombs come fast and frequently on this level, so you will
need to establish a fairly large visual range around your base so that
you can pick them off before they get close enough to do you any damage.
You shuld aim to get another construction unit build as fast as you can
so that you can start setting up Defenders. At the start of the mission,
use the Zippers you are given to patrol the outskirts of your base,
giving your other troops a chance to target the Roaches from a distance.
   There aren't many large hills or lava lakes in the area of the map
where you start, which means that you will have to establish a large
perimeter rather than concentrating on a few spots. Your static defenses
should focus on Defenders because you will be hit with a lot of air
attacks. However, you shouldn't rely on these for all of your anti-air
capabilities, as the CORE force will attack with Rapiers, which can cause
your base serious damage if they get past your initial row of defenses.
Some Jethros or Samsons scattered throughout your base (usually in groups
of 2 or 3) should be able to destroy any aircraft that make it through
the screen of Defenders.
   When building the Defenders, you should build them in groups of 3 or 4
to make them that much more effective.
   The CORE base is defended with a lot of Gaat guns and is staffed by
many Can Kbots, so expect heavy laser resistance. There is a fusion plant
in the base which makes an excellent target for your Brawlers.
   The large number of thermal vents in the area where you start means
that power is never going to be a problem, and you will have such a huge
power surplus that you should build 7 or 8 metal makers. You should be
able to get a metal income of 30 after upgrading one or two metal
extractors to moho mines.
   Have an advanced aircraft plant build a Brawler swarm and start taking
apart the CORE base. If they are engaged by enemy planes, return them to
base and hopefully the CORE planes will follow and be destroyed by your
defenses. Once you have eliminated all of the CORE forces, capture the
Galactic Gate.

[10-3-15]  15. Rougpelt
   It is probably easiest to not attempt to capture any enemy units with
the Commander, although it is possible to do so. Having additional units
on this map means that you have to micromanage them to some extent to
stop them from blowing up the advanced radar tower when they come across
it. The Commander is able to destroy any CORE forces on the map with his
   You may feel like building a couple of radar towers of your own as you
move down the map, so that you can get some idea of the movements of the
CORE troops. Reclaim the plants if your energy gets too low, but this
shouldn't really be a problem. Capture the CORE solar collectors that you
find, although you should set up a radar tower here so that you can
determine whether there are any CORE troops in the area that will come
along and destroy them.
   The advanced radar tower that you have to capture is defended by laser
towers, but you should be able to D-gun them without taking too much
damage. Remember to put the Commander on 'Hold Fire' or 'Return Fire' so
that he doesn't destroy the advanced radar tower by mistake.

[10-3-16]  16. Stockpile at the Abutment
   You will come under air attack very early in this mission, so you
should try and build some anti-air capabilities as soon as possible. Your
third building (after a metal extractor and solar collector) should be
either a vehicle or kbot plant. Build a few Jethros or Samsons, and then
a construction vehicle. When this construction vehicle has been finished,
have it build a Defender if the CORE planes are still harassing your
   There are so many thermal vents on this map that you will be able to
get a massive power surplus. Build 10 or 12 metal makers after you have
placed the geothermal power plants, as this will give a real boost to
your metal income. You will notice that you can build a fusion power
plant in this mission, along with a Big Bertha cannon. The best place on
the map to build the Bertha cannon would be on top of the rocky outcrop
near the center of the map. This will let the cannon fire onto the top of
the Abutment. An advanced radar tower placed near the Abutment will give
you radar coverage over most of the top (although some sections will be
hidden by radar jammers). Use the Bertha to start shelling any red blips
(you don't have to capture anything, so just destroy it all).
   You should build some heavy defenses as a few columns of tanks will
attack you. Placing a ring of Sentinels and Defenders around the path
down the Abutment will be able to stop any ground offensives the CORE
launches at you. Place these structures back a bit from the cliff face,
to give them the best firing solution. Put some scout planes on patrol
over the pathway.
   You should build a small strikeforce of Brawlers to help defend these
defensive structures, as they are likely to come under fire from mobile
artillery, and possibly Diplomats.
   Don't neglect your anti-air defenses towards the latter stages of the
mission, as air strikes will continue throughout the mission, although
not on the same scale as what you faced at the beginning.
   After your Bertha cannon has taken out all visible targets, use scout
planes to search for any other units that were hidden by a radar jammer.
Make the radar jammer your priority target as destroying this will then
reveal all the previously hidden target.

[10-3-17]  17. Fortress at Brooban's Isle
   There are three islands along the botom of this map, and you should
try and expand to all of them as quickly as you can. The leftmost island
contains a thermal vent that you should build a geothermal powerplant on.
There are only a few metal deposits available to you, so try and upgrade
them to moho mines when you have build an advanced construction unit
(most likely this will be an advanced construction aircraft).
   The starting Jethros will most likely be able to take care of the
early air attacks, and your starting ships should be able to dispatch the
few Searchers and occasional Enforcer that attack you. You may want to
build an early metal storage building as you don't want to waste any
salvagable metal early in this mission.
   The CORE sea attacks don't hold back in this mission. Expect to face
fleets of 4 Warlords attacking you at once, backed up with subs and
sub-killers. The heavy lasers of the Warlods can take out a Defender with
one hit and outrange Defenders, so they are of no use against these
fleets. After this attack, you can expect a fairly large convoy of Crocks
to rumble towards your shores. You can actually D-gun Crocks just as they
are coming out of the water but before they can fire.
   Try and build up a group of torpedo bombers to help destroy the
Warlords when they come, or a large force of submarines and sub-killers,
although the latter method must first engage the Warlords' submarine
defenders before engaging the Warlords themselves. There are a couple of
advanced shipyards that will be producing various ships, namely Warlords
and Hives. When you locate CORE construction ships, destroy them as they
will repair other CORE ships.
   CORE has access to numerous Titan torpedo bombers and Rapiers. If you
take an aggressive stance and use a squad of your own torpedo bombers to
cause some damage amongst the fleet of Warlords and Hives, expect the
Titans to come south and attack you. Use Hawks to destroy Rapiers. 
   In the top left and top right corners are moho mines, which you should
try and take out to reduce the computer's metal income.
   When attacking the center island, be especially careful as your units
will treat the Silencer (the building that you have to capture) as an
enemy weapon, and hence attack it automatically if set to 'Fire at Will'.
Similarly, you should not let them attack the fusion power plant that is
right next to the Silencer, as its explodosion may destroy the Silencer.
If you build a Bertha cannon on the middle island on the bottom of the
map, you will be able to shell the defensive structures on the southern
side of the main island without having to worry too much about hitting
the Silencer. You will need to build a fusion plant of your own as there
is only the single thermal vent, and there isn't enough land available to
build lots of solar collectors. Tidal generators are fairly flimsy, and
can be destroyed quite easilly by a meteor shower.

[10-3-18]  18. Vengence!
   A fairly easy and very short mission. Your peewees will be killed
fairly quickly, but if you concentrate their firepower, you should be
able to cause some damage to the currounsing units. Heed the briefing and
don't bother building anything, as the CORE troops will head north after
killing the peewees. However, you may like to build another solar
collector to power the D-gun.
   Your Spiders can be very useful when the CORE units are approaching,
for they will stop the CORE units from beign able to attack or move,
making them perfect targets for the rest of your troops. You should be
able to destroy the CORE troops without too much of a problem, especially
with a few sprays of the D-gun.

[10-3-19]  19. The Motien Ramp
   Surprisingly easy. The CORE base has an Intimidator gun and uses it
througout the mission, but I didn't lose a single unit to this cannon.
The hill to your north provides good protection from it, so try and build
your critical buildings behind this hill.
   You will need some air defenses and also a few laser towers to turn
away the few ground attacks that will be launched.
   Using massed Rapiers, you can destroy the CORE base piece by piece.
Start by destroying the vehicle plants, then working your way through the
rest of the base.

[10-3-20]  20. Dump
   There is a way to get access to aircraft on this mission - capture the
CORE Kbot that is wondering around near where you start. Not only can you
build aircraft after capturing this Kbot, but using it to build an
advanced construction unit allows to you build all of the high tech level
buildings - including the nuclear missile silo!
   There are quite a few 4,000+ metal wreckages on this map, and you
don't want to waste them so you should build enough metal storage
buildings until you have a maximum metal reserve of something approaching
6,000 units. Your only opposition will be some ground units, so you can
forget about building missile towers and concentrate on Gaat Guns. Three
Gaat Guns next to each other can stop most of the advances, but you
should watch out for attacks by Diplomats, which will strike from beyond
your range. There will be some Goliaths and Reapers that you need to deal
with, so choose your weaponry well.
   Energy will be a bit of a problem as you will have to rely on solar
collectors for a lot of energy. Again, build one or two energy storage
buildings so that you don't waste excess energy.
   When choosing which piece of wreckage to reclaim, you should never
choose one with a metal value that is not enough to fill up your metal
reserves. You don't really want to waste any metal on this level.
   If you do capture the construction Kbot and use it to build aircraft,
it is interesting to note how far a bomber's payload travels - gravity is
very low on this moon.

[10-3-21]  21. Welcome to CORE PRIME
   There are two pathways into the area of the map that you start in, but
the CORE forces only seem to use the middle one. At the start of the
game, build 2 light laser towers at the top of the ramp after building a
couple of solar collectors and metal extractors near the galactic gate.
These will hold off the first wave of attacks. Build a vehicle plant and
then an advanced vehicle plant and a Spider. Use the Spider to paralyze
the Pyros so your Commander can capture them, then send it to paralyze
the CORE construction KBot that is patrolling the top area of the map.
Capture that with the Commander as well, and then have the Commander
capture the solar collectors and metal extractors that are along the top
area of the map.
   Build some Sentinel towers and a few missile towers to further protect
the middle ramp, and also one or two Guardians. When you have built at
least 1 fusion plant, start construction of an Annihilator at the top of
this ramp as well - when this comes on line, no enemy units are going to
get anywhere near your base.
   Use Peepers to patrol the area of the map at the bottom of the middle
ramp, so that your defenses will fire at their longest range. You have
access to the Bertha cannon in this mission, although the presence of the
high walls mean that it cannon attack many areas of the CORE base, but it
is still a good option to build one to attack the areas of the map that
it can reach. The middle ramp will be used a fair bit by the CORE troops
during this mission - your static defenses will quickly rack up the
kills. You Annihilator may reach a triple digit kill count.
   You should build three fusion reactors on this map, to make sure the
Annihilator always have enough power to fire. Metal is not a problem,
   Use either Brawlers or Phoenix strategic bombers to soften up the CORE
base. If using the Phoenix aircraft, keep them together and in numbers -
their massed lasers will destroy all the CORE aircraft with relative
ease. Then clean up the rest of the CORE base with whatever you feel like
building. There are a number of vehicle, Kbot and aircraft plants that
you should make your first priority in attacks.

[10-3-22]  22. Battle for Coordinate 6551:447
   You have the bottom of the map all to yourself, and do not get
attacked by land units in this mission. You will notice that there are
two rows of 5 square hills in the bottom section of the map - on the
middle hill in the top row build a Guardian cannon and a radar tower and
start shelling the ships in the first section of water. Then shell any
ground units that are in range. Don't target the solar collectors yet.
You should build some missile towers around this hill, as it will come
under air attacks later on.
   Build one or two fusion plants and moho mines to give you a good
income, and build a Bertha cannon on the same hill that you built the
Guardian cannon. The Bertha can hit all of the map. Also build an
advanced radar tower here. Now, start shelling everything else on the map
with the Bertha cannon - make sure that you have set up your anti-air
defenses beforehand because Rapiers can take out a Bertha cannon quickly.
   To get your Commander on top of one of these hills, you will have to
use an Atlas.
   To speed up the destruction of everything, build some strategic
bombers and start bombing the numerous fusion plants that line the top of
the map. If you think that you have killed everything but the mission
hasn't ended, chances are that you missed the submarines. There is a sub
in each of the waterways. Use a Peeper to find where they are and use an
Atlas+Invader combo to destroy them (detonate the Atlas above the sub,
and the sub will get blown up).

[10-3-23]  23. Crossing Aqueous Body 397
   You will see some large columns of Crock amphibious tanks attack you
in this mission. However, there are only a couple of ramps on the
southern section of the map that they are able to move up, so blocking
these with Dragon's Teeth will vastly reduce their effectiveness. An
Annihilator or some heavy lasers will destroy those Crocks that do
wander out of the depths.
   The computer doesn't have a shipyard on this level, so is limited to
the ships it starts with. However, this includes a couple of Warlords, so
you will need some long range weapons to combat these beasts. Two
Guardian cannons built on the middle 'pier' will let you engage them from
afar. You should have 6 or 7 torpedo bombers ready to attack the Warlords
as soon as you have spotted them. If you are having difficulty with the
Warlords, build an Annihilator on this pier as well - not even a Warlord
can survive more than a few shots from this laser.
   Have some Peepers constantly patrolling the ocean, as this will give
you the location of any submarines that are near your base. The computer
can use these subs as spotter units for their Warlords. These subs
usually arrive in numbers, making them costly to attack with ships. A
couple of Atlas+Invader combos will sink them without a trace, however.
   Build a Bertha cannon on the middle 'pier' as well, and start shelling
everything on the radar. Use suicide scout planes to try and locate any
large ships that are currently 'parked', and target them. Then go after
the construction plants.
   At the beginning of the mission, you will come under attack by a few
Avengers. However, they are really just a nuisance. Jethros don't seem to
be too effective against Avengers, so you may not want to bother building
them and just ignore these attacks until you can build some Defenders.
   If the mission isn't ending and you think that you have killed
everything, most likely there is a Crock or submarine that you haven't
killed. Use your Peepers to sweep the water looking the the remainding

[10-3-24]  24. Breakthrough to Central Consciousness
   You don't come under attack for quite a while on this level, so take
your time to build up. The bottom section of the map is more than enough
space for your base, so don't expand beyond the southern 'walls'. Block
off all but one or two of the entrances to this section of the base with
Dragon's Teeth, and build an Annihilator at the entrances you have left
open. Backed with a heavy laser tower, and even when The Cans come after
you, nothing will get close. Peepers patrolling the area will give these
big guns enough warning of an approaching enemy column.
   Either build a good fighting force of Hawks or a lot of Guardians
(Hawks are better in this mission) as you will get attacked by Vamps and
Rapiers after you start demolishing the CORE base. You do this demolition
job with a Big Bertha - build it on top of one of the walls, and you can
hit anything on the map. You'll need an advanced construction aircraft to
do this.
   The computer doesn't have any factories on this level, so all you have
to do is gradually wear its forces into the ground. After you have
destroyed the CORE airforce with your Hawks, you own the skies - and this
means death to the CORE. Your Bertha, Brawlers or bombers can now get
about the task of killing the last of the CORE vermin.
   There are numerous Doomsday machines protecting the dome which would
make a ground-based attack suicidal. Combined with The Cans on patrol
around the base, air superiority becomes vital.
   Once you have killed all the CORE units and structures, move your
Commander into the center of the dome and you will win.

[10-3-25]  25. CORE PRIME Apocalypse. Free at Last!
   Unless you are unlucky or very stupid, your troops should be able to
destroy the Roaches by themselves. The layout of this map makes setting
up kill zones very easy. You don't need to extend your base beyond the
lowest level (the one you start one). Set up your defensive structures so
that they have line-of-fire on the two ramps down into your section (you
will need to construct two clumps of defenses). These should include at
least 2 Sentinels, 4 Defenders and at least 1 Guardian. Patrol the first
step with scout planes so that these defenses will automatically fire.
Build some Dragon's Teeth at the bottom of the ramp, leaving a small hole
for units to pass through.
   Metal is no problem here, naturally, so you should be able to get to
the advanced buildings and units fairly quickly. However, you shouldn't
forget about the low tech units, especially Jethros, which will be
especially useful in numbers to protect your base from Rapiers and Vamps.
   An advanced radar tower will provide coverage for most of the map,
giving you warning of when another attack is about to begin. Put each of
your defensive clumps onto a hotkey and when you see an enemy convoy
approaching, target it for destruction. Building Brawlers and having them
patrol the first step is also a good way of dealing with attacks (your
static defenses will also start to fire after the Brawlers engage the
enemy). Build some air repair pads, and your planes will automatically go
to them when damaged.
   Once you have built a Bertha cannon (try and do so early), start
shelling everything on the map. If you build 2 fusion power plants, you
will never have power problems. CORE rebuilds their base, and more, in
this mission so expect to destroy a lot of buildings. If you are going to
use ground attacks, take out the multiple Doomsday Machines with the
Bertha cannon. CORE will have an Intimidator cannon, which should be
taken out as well. You could also use Merls to take out any static
targets on the radar map (although always keep your eyes on those little
red blips, and get your Merls to safety if you see some coming your way).
   A swarm of 6 or 7 Brawlers should be able to destroy the CORE
Commander (although they will be killed as a result of the explosion). If
you can destroy all of the CORE construction units (there are quite a
few), then you will simply be able to Bertha them into oblivion.
   To win this mission after destroying the CORE forces, move your
Commander onto the CORE symbol on the Command Dome.

CHAPTER [11]  Strategies

[11-1]  Evil Strategies
[11-1-1]  Commander Snatch
   Welcome to the super-cheese munchkin award for the worst strategy in
TA (in terms of retaining your friends). You are able to load an enemy
commander into an air transport unit (Atlas/Valkyrie) which should give
you an idea of what this strategy is all about. You should have a rough
idea of where your enemy will appear on the map when you start
(especially on certain water maps).
   If you start with a lot of resources, the first thing that you build
is an aircraft plant. Queue up a scout and transport plane, and have your
commander go about building up the rest of the base. When the scout is
built, send it out looking for your enemy. When the transport is built,
send it to the area in which you found your enemy.
   Most likely they are busy setting up metal extractors and power plants
and may be building a kbot/vehicle/ship/aircraft plant when your
transport arrives.
   Tell the transport to pick up the commander. If the player is not
actively controlling the commander, this will be a fairly easy job if the
commander is currently nanolathing a new building. This will be slightly
harder if the enemy is controlling their commander and trying to shoot
down your transport.
   If you manage to pick up the commander, there is no way that they can
regain control of it. If this is your only opponent, have the transport
self destruct - this also causes the commander to explode, taking out
most of their base. If you have another opponent on the map, take your
captured commander over to their base and detonate the transport, taking
out the third commander as well.
   The way to get around this strategy is to set up defenses (a light
laser tower) early or start with low enough resources that setting up an
aircraft plant before establishing metal extractors and power plants is
not feasible. If starting resources are high, build a Kbot lab and churn
out one or two missile Kbots and put them on guard around the Commander.
   This will most likely only work once or twice against your opponent
before they wise up to your strategy. However, be prepared to lose a few
friends if this is the strategy you always try and start with.

[11-1-2]  Commander Bomb
   This is only a valid strategy if you are playing with the game set to
continue after the Commander has been killed. It can be used early in the
game for a crippling blow, or late in the game when there are heavy
defenses established. However, you do lose your own Commander from this
strategy so must have at least one plant build so that you can build new
construction units.
   Build yourself am aircraft plant and construct a transport plane. Load
up your Commander into the plane - this now becomes your mega-bomb.
   If used at an early stage in the game, you should attempt to get both
your enemy's Commander and any plants they have built in the blast area
(basically they should both be on the screen at the same time to be
caught in the blast). Set the plane to self-destruct, and watch the
explosions :)
   I recommend that you never use this strategy as you will become
incredibly unpopular, very quickly.

   If used at a later stage in the game where defensive lines are pretty
well established, using your Commander in a suicide run may be just what
you need to weaken a flank. In this case, you would want to bring the
Commander up under the cover of a radar jammer so that you can D-gun
anything you come across. If you can D-gun away the defenses, then you
have saved your Commander for another time, and if you are destroyed
whilst doing this D-gunning, then you haven'y lost anything.
   When using the Commander in a suicide run like this, you must make
sure that you can follow it up with a massive push into the enemy's
territory through this hole in the defenses. This should definitely be a
combined arms rush with a lot of air support. Hopefully you can do enough
damage to your enemy so that they cannot recover fast enough to
re-establish their defenses.
   This is actually a fairly legitimate strategy when the games have come
to a stalemate where the battle is being waged across a small section of
land as neither foes can penetrate into the other's base.

[11-2]  Normal Strategies
[11-2-1]  The use of skirmishers
Bruce Rennie (
   When playing single player, I like to take my time, build an
impenetrable defense, experiment with units, etc. Generally make the
computer suffer. :^}

   Here's what I've found. In the later missions (as Core) you CANNOT
build a defensive line that can stand against ARM attacks. Their Fido
bots and long range missile launchers will make you miserable and keep
your construction bots frantically running around.

   My personal defense of choice is a line of Pulverizer missile towers,
backed by a couple of Punisher plasma gun turrets and a bunch of mobile
artillery units. The missile towers have good rates of fire, and provide
almost total immunity to air attacks. The Punishers give you a reach out
and touch someone capability, and the arty has good range and damage

   However, I've found that the ARM is tricky. They can defeat this
defense by running a few PeeWees in close then beginning a long range
bombardment with the Fido's and long range missile launchers. Those
missile can take out a pulverizer in one shot. A couple of those and your
line has a breach. They then generally follow up with a few super heavy

   The problem is that while your defenses have the range to return fire,
the will not automatically engage anything beyond visual range (must be
some strict Rules of Engagement :^}). 

   Here's where skirmishers come in. I generally have my kbot factory
crank out a constant stream of AK and Storm bots. These take up position
in front of the defensive line under any cover they can find. This has
two benefits: first, it extends your visual range by quite a bit, as the
AK's see real good. :^} Second, the AI attack forces usually gun for the
skirmishers first, giving your defense time to crush them. While a
wetware opponent  may ignore your skirmishers, you still benefit from the
extended visual range and your defenses will engage at maximum range. 

   I've found that as long as I keep replacing my skirmishers, my
defensive line is usually untouched. I have plenty of time to build my
attack forces and I'm not frantically repairing my line between attacks. 

[11-2-2]  Naval radar jammers
   Once really large problem with launching large fleets of ships is that
as they approach your enemy, they will start to appear on your enemy's
radar screen. Most likely this will quickly result in shelling from shore
batteries and a wave of air attacks. What you really need is some way of
hiding your naval fleet from radar detection. But, there isn't a radar
jamming ship.
   So you have to improvise. Load up one of the radar jamming units into
an air transport and have assign it to patrol one of the ships
(preferably the largest and slowest one in your fleet). This will hide
your navy from radar view as makes its way to the enemy shore. Check the
radar to see just how much of your fleet is being hidden - you may need
to have two jamming units on patrol. If you need multiple jamming units,
have them patrol different units, so that the radar jamming area is not
the same.

[11-2-3]  Bugs as underwater mines
   An interesting feature of Roaches and Invaders is that they are quite
happy crawling along the bottom of the ocean. Because of the strength of
naval vessels overall, they cannot destroy one all by themselves
(although they don come close with the light Skeeters/Searchers), they
are able to do a fair amount of damage which means that your shore
defenses have all the less to do.
   They would make an excellent defense againt Tritons or Crocks, and
would also be useful in making wandering Commanders think twice about
walking to your base. Using them as a wide screen around you ship yards,
backed up with subs would provide you with fairly good defenses (or at
least a good early warning system).
   You should make sure to self-destruct them rather than letting them
get killed, as this does more damage. 

[11-2-4]  They shoot Berthas don't they?
   If your opponent has built a Big Bertha/Intimidator, then you are in
serious trouble. You need to take it out, and take it out now. Your enemy
only needs a rough idea of where you are to start shelling (even if they
shell blindly into the are of the map where you are located they are
likely to hit something).
   You should make the destruction of this cannon your number one
priority, because the longer he has it operational, the longer he can
cause you grief from afar. Most likely the Bertha will be heavilly
guarded (especially from air attacks), but you will have to wear the
losses. Remember, when you get your Bertha cannon up and running, your
opponent will have to suffer these losses as well, so everything evens up
in the end. If you haven't already got a Bertha/Intimidator in
production, you should start on one immediately - but make sure it is
within range of his base :)
   Don't put off taking out the cannon, for not only will it be
continually shelling you, your enemy is also likely to be continually
beefing up the defenses around it.
   The usual suicide scout planes will be needed if you don't know where
the cannon is located. Build your Brawlers/Rapiers, and back them up with
some fighters as your opponent should have some fighters of his own
patrolling the cannon. You must ensure that you have enough gunships to
last through the onslaught that will occur and still be able to destroy
the cannon. Don't be tempted to attack with a small force, as falling
wreckage doesn't do a lot of damage.
   Change the Brawlers/Rapiers to ground based units depending on the
map and your personal preference.

[11-2-5]  Flying Bomb
   Invaders and Roaches are quite slow, so slow in fact that you may not
feel like building them. However, loading them into a transport plane
turns them into flying bombs. If the transport plane gets killed, the
Invader/Roach also explodes, and unless you are very unlucky and the
flying bomb is destroyed by a long range attack, this explosion should do
serious damage to the plane's killer.
   You can also tell the transport to self destruct when over the target
point - while the bomb is in the air it still does damage to ground units.
   The area of effect of this flying bomb is quite large, and the
explosion is quite powerful, so this is a very effective tactic for
destroying numerous buildings that have been built close together. This
is especially good if there are a couple of metal extractors close

[11-2-6]  Help! I'm being swarmed by 50...
   The question has to be asked: what the hell were you doing while your
enemy was building up this horde? If you let them build 25 Brawlers,
expect to get clobbered. Sheesh! This isn't the sandpit where the
competition is to build the prettiest base, this is WAR! Harass, harass,
and harass some more! Sitting back in your base is the surest way to lose
the game that I know of - your human opponent will find a way through
your defenses, this you can bet on.
   Never let up the pressure on your opponent. Having them slumped over
their keyboard weeping for you to give them some slack is just a sign to
push them even more. You don't want your enemy to have time to think, let
alone coordinate a massive attack. Force them out of their favourite
strategy and make them think on their feet.
   Try building some fighters early on and have them patrol the edges of
his base. Most likely they'll attack any planes that get built.
   Take out metal and energy storage buildings to lower the amount of
resources they can stockpile. Take out metal extractors to slow down
their metal income. Target construction units to slow down his base
   Try building some fast kbots or vehicles and have them on a wide
patrol that takes in a lot of the map (only works on maps that are mostly
   Use radar jammers throughout your base so your enemy can't simply
target you on the radar - make them get line of sight. Always try and
have good scouting yourself to give you advanced warning of an attack.
   Naturally, your enemy will be trying to do this as well, but you just
have to be better.

[11-2-7]  Commander bombing
   This strategy would be categorised as a 'partially evil' strategy to
use. Harass your enemy's Commander with continual bombing runs - this
will make it much harder for your enemy to use the Commander to build
stuff. This will also annoy your enemy quite a bit :)
   There is a fairly easy way to defeat this strategy, however, and it is
simply to build a number of fighters and put set them to guard the
Commander. These fighters will engage any air units sent to harass your
Commander. You should also assign a construction Kbot (as a construction
vehicle is too large and a construction aircraft too weak) to Guard to
Commander so that the Kbot will repair the Commander from any damage that
is inflicted (waiting for the Commander to naturally repair itself takes
too long). Naturally, this bot will also help the Commander with any
construction work.

[11-2-8]  Hulks of death
   Crawling bombs just get better and better. Consider this: sea
transports can hold 20 units (or 24, depending on which side you play).
Self destructing a unit causes it to explode in a very violent matter. An
exploding crawling bomb (either a Roach or Invader) self-destructs with
the force of nearly half a nuclear missile.
   Put this all together and what do you get? Death on water.
   From a few tests, 6 Invaders loaded onto a Hulk and told to
self-destruct can destroy any Battleship that is near it. So, run your
Hulk right into the side of the Battleship and tell it to self-destruct -
BAMMO! No more Battleship. Even the mighty Warlord cannot stand this type
of blast, although its heavy laser makes it less likely that the Hulk
would be able to get too close.
   The best part is that crawling bombs cost so little metal (as it is
always metal that is the problem - you should never have a problem with
energy). The total energy cost of this floating bomb will be more than an
individual battleship, but the metal cost will be a tiny fraction
(roughly a quarter of the metal cost).
   The damage the crawling bombs are doing when they self destruct while
they are in the Hulk is cumulative.
   Anything near the epicenter of this blast is going to be destroyed.
And even if the floating ball of death is killed before it finishes its
self-destruct sequence, the hulk of death will still do half damage
(which is still 7,500 points for 6 crawling bombs).

[11-2-9]  Death to Brawler swarms
   Brawler and Rapier swarms can be a real pain. But there is a cheap and
easy way to give your opposition second thoughts. The gunships are fairly
expensive beasts to build, but are excellent in swarms. They also have a
high strength rating, giving them time to absorb damage before they get
   So what you need is something that flies and does a lot of damage
quickly - yep, the flying bomb mentioned above (Section 11-2-5)! You
should have a couple of these combos built and waiting at various
sections of your base. It would probably be best to hide them from radar
with a radar jammer so the player doesn't become aware of them until they
are seen - and by then, it is too late.
   Use self-destruct on the flying bomb, and even if it doesn't explode
in the midst of the swarm, those enemy planes are going to suffer serious
   The beauty of this is how cost effective it is - both the air
transports and crawling bombs are very metal inexpensive, so you can
afford to have multiple flying bombs protecting all of your base.
However, your base will suffer some collateral damage from the explosion
so either try and detonate them in an empty area or make sure that you
are doing more damage to the swarm than to yourself.

[11-2-10]  Allen's Strategies
Allen Roller:
General Tips:
   use cover whenever possible. This is the first real game where using
cover actually counts and the game rewards you for it. If you are caught
of position, and the computer has high ground, you will have your units
shot up in short order. Combined arms is also key in this game. Move your
armor up and let them take the pounding. That is what they are for but
make sure that they get fire support from longer ranged guns like fidos,
hammers, etc. Be careful not to match up big tanks with kbots with
rockets or more maneuverable units. That can be a mess. If the rocket
bots keep moving your tanks will get chewed up.  Throw in some peewees in
squads of 5 to tag team up on a few of those guys. This will slow down
the enemy kbots movement (because he is now getting shot up) and now your
tanks can draw a bead on them. Boom!

   Tank, peewee, vehicles, etc. rushes will work in a relatively clear
field. But if the computer is dug in, and you have little cover, expect
3:1 losses until you have overrun his position. Note also the level of
debris that gets created every time a unit dies. If you have direct fire
weapons and you are charging into the enemy, you could loose your forces
and your army momentum trying to drive through that mess. Notice how
your direct fire guns keep hitting that darn debris? Use it to your
advantage like the computer does. Use indirect fire weapons - rockets to
shoot at the enemy from behind all the debris. It is very handy to hide
behind that nasty tank that is now dead. Now it is a good dead tank
because it provides wonderful cover for your rockos and other friends.

Scouting Pays:  
   Scout forward with units with good radar and visibility range. This
will pay off because it will keep you from walking into an ambush. Also
if there is an ambush ahead, the scout can find another possible attack
angle that will give you a terrain bonus. Have samsons and other long
range indirect fire units in the area of your scout. Once you have a
radar blip, you can usually target that and never sustain a return fire
from the enemy. Use the ships at sea to shell inland units. This is
very nice because if the computer comes after your ship with land units,
pull the ships back farther until the enemy units are on the shore edge,
then start shelling them. Artillery is expensive but if used right it
will save a lot of time and resources on your side while pressing the
computer to invest in producing more units that were just lost. In
short, anytime you can waste an enemy unit at no cost to your own is
always the best option to choose. 

Unit dispersal:
   Don't bunch up! I can't tell you how many times I have lost squads of
hard earned units due to bunching. Notice how the computer spreads out
his units? He does this quite well unless terrain causes him to bunch
up. Also when you finally take out one of his, when the unit explodes,
it usually will not hurt any of his. Keep your units spread out an inch
or so whenever possible. The bigger the unit, then the more room they need
away from each other. After seeing your third chain reaction explosion
due to bunching, you will quit doing it after awhile. Spreading units
out also provides the computer less of a target to shoot at. If he
misses, it may hit another adjacent unit if it is too close.

To repair or charge forward?  
   This is a judgment call. The computer usually picks the most expensive
unit in range, plus with the most damage and fire away at it until it is
gone. If you break for it: That may be the key fire support that will
hold the line against his rush of units. If you stay, you risk loosing
that unit and possibly hurting your fellow unit due to the proximity of
the explosion. Lastly, you could split it down the middle. If you can
hold the front line long enough, you can pull back the unit to be far
enough away to have a repair bot fix it back up. Note: As far as I can
tell, repairing is almost or is free. I don't notice an energy or metal
drain while I am  repairing a unit. This is a good thing for two reasons:
experience is added to the surviving unit making it better, and you will
not loose time or resources trying to replace that unit and get all the
way to the front line to do some good. Unless you build a kbot building
nearby. I have charged forward at certain key times that I knew my unit
could not escape. When this happens, I get at point blank range and keep
shooting until it blows up. I get the free shots, keep that unit occupied
so he *usually* will not shoot at other units and I get to damage him
some more from the explosion. You can also do this on purpose by pressing
control + D. This is expensive but if timed right between units that are
already critically weak, it could do the trick. Be careful though that
you pick the correct unit.

Capturing vs destroying:  
   Whenever possible, capture! Think of the time and resource savings you
will get by capturing all that free stuff. As a rule I capture mostly non
aggressive units. There have been times though where the enemy unit could
not damage me, so I captured it. Like a ship with my commander sitting
below it, capturing it. If the ship cannot attack underwater, it was
hilarious to watch the unit get converted.

[11-2-11]  Prism's Psychological Warfare
Prism (
   My personal favourite are the terror tactics. Spread your Peewees out
using TWO radar jammers. Place them near the enemy lines and for a few
seconds turn off the jammers and move the Peewees towards the enemy. Then
retreat the units back to safety, turning the jammers on.
   If you do this with three or four packs, it will keep your opponent
worried about attacks because he doesn't know what the units are, and
will think you have a huge army outside his base. NEVER underestimate the

[11-2-12]  The Lazarus Effect
Graeme Miller (
   Situation: both sides have been pretty mush wiped out, probably due to
a Commander disagreeing with the other's base. You have a few metal
extractors, construction units, one or two combat units, and some debris.
Now, because you have lost your Commander early, the chances are that you
have no metal or energy storage, you can probably store very little
(probably about 300 metal, 500 energy).
   Gather all of your units togerher and send them to a place that can be
easily defended (don't try and protect your remaining base unless there
is a lot left and it is already in a good position to defend).
Construction solar power, or wind generators if it is a windy planet. You
will need at least 60 energy coming in. Construct one or two metal
extractors that are very near your new home base (you don't need much
metal coming ine, 3-4 is easily enough). Now build a radar tower, and 2
Defenders - this will ensure that you can blast any Kbots to bits that
come anywhere near your new base.
   What usually happens is the other player is going to try to build a
small number of units and rush you with 5-10 Kbots, this is the norm, I
find. Of course, you are just going to sit tight and let your Defenders
and the remaining Kbots take care of them (try to let the Defenders
handle it, as it doesn't take them long to become veterans, which makes
them well `ard). Then collect the metal and build a Kbot lab. Make sure
that you are repairing everything, including your Defenders and remaining
Kbots (especially the construction Kbots).
   Concentrate on building Peewees and Rockos, and for about every 6-8
Kbot attack units you build, build another construction Kbot. Build more
solar panels and a few more Defenders, generally the other player will
attack again and again with Kbots, hoping to knock you out fast. Don't
send your Kbots charging after him, just let him throw his Kbots at your
defenses and taketake his metal (each attack should give you about 200
   With a construction Kbot guarded by 4-6 Kbots, claim metal patches and
build Defenders at every one you claim. Then concentrate on building
Kbots back at your own base. When you have enough (20-30), simply run
around destroying every single metal extractor the enemy has. Then move
in on their base, and concentrate on killing the construction Kbots and
Kbot lab. The aim is not to win, but rather to stop their production.
Then continue to build Kbots - once you have all you need to wipe them
out, simply charge in.

[11-2-13]  The Way of the `Bot
Graeme Miller (
   General Arm Kbot Usage
   1. Basic Squads
   Kbots as a general rule should not be grouped with non Kbot units, as
this wastes their special properties of speed and rapid movement. There
is little reason to group them with anything else anyway, ie. why group
Jethros with Stumpies when you could be grouping Stumpies with Samsons?
   Unless you have a specific role in mind for your Kbot group, trying to
keep a mix of the various Kbots is generally a good idea. This stops you
from getting into a combat situation where you do not have some form of
attack. I find a mix of 6 Peewees to 4 Rockos to 2 Hammers to 2 Jethros
is about right. This gives you the right base for fighting off most
units. If you expect to suffer high losses, then try adding more Peewees,
they usually end up in front of the other units and give the enemy
something to fire at. Unless the Peewees get in close anyway, they aren't
going to do much, so accept that you may lose them if you are throwing
them at anything significant.
   When you have access to Level 2 Kbots, the first Kbot you want to
build is the Eraser. You can never underestimate the value of being
invisible to radar. So build an Eraser and group it with your basic Kbot
squad, this gives your basic hit and run attacks the advantage of
surprise, which with the Kbots is very important. They aren't going to
survive somebody firing a Guardian at them as they charge towards the
enemy. So keep them protected by the Eraser, and make sure that they
don't move outside it's jamming field. If your Eraser keeps getting left
behind, select all the other units in your Kbot squad and tell them to
guard it, and then simply move the Eraser to the location you want the
squad to move to.

   2. Attacking Structures
   Kbots are fast and pretty flexible, they have a rapid turret turn
rate, but they are pretty weak and in small numbers don't cause much
damage. The best way to use Kbots is in hit and run attacks against
undefended structures. Kbots are fast and can easily get to most parts of
the map. The classic Kbot usage is simply to take out the enemy's metal
extractors, not particularly complex, but effective. For every 2 metal
extractors you destroy, you basically decrease your enemy's ability to
produce a Kbot by 1 (ie. generally each metal extractor produces about
1.3 metal per tick, and if you destroy 2, that is 2.6 metal per tick,
which is roughly the amount the Kbot lab uses to build a Kbot).
   Kbots can also be very good at charging into the enemy base past his
units (especially if he is a large tank pack building type), and taking
out storage devices. It doesn't take very long for a Kbot squad to
destroy a metal or energy storage device. Also, as lots of people build
metal and energy storage devices next to each other, it should be
relatively easy to get both. Always fire the Kbots at energy devices
because when they explode it does more damage (if they have defenses that
require energy it also limits their ability to return fire). So take out
the energy storage and then the metal. This can put a serious dent in the
enemy's metal and energy reserves.
   If the base is defended, try to keep the Kbots moving. Sadly they will
not auto target enemy buildings (unless the building is the firing type),
so you have to move, then target, move, then target. If you just leave
the Kbots, they won't fire at buildings. Also, if the base is defended
with Sentinels or a large number of Defenders, you can't afford to ignore
them - they will tear your Kbots apart. Defenders should be fairly easily
taken out (if there aren't too many) by a large number of Kbots (that's
why you have Peewees - to soak up the damage). If, however, there are
Sentinels, you may want to consider if you have enough Kbots to survive
and do any real damage. 2 Sentinels are more than capable of stopping
about 8 Kbots each, especially if the Sentinels are supported. Of course,
Kbots do auto-target defenses so instead of clicking on the defenses and
telling the Kbots to fire, simply shift click lots of move points around
the defense and the Kbots will run around the defense, and keep firing at

   3. Attacking Units
   Kbots are far better at attacking other units than most people
realise. Most people will just get their Kbots and run them up to
whatever it is they want to attack. This is fine if it is another evenly
matched Kbot squad - they will trade shots and roughly cancel each other.
However, this is not the best way to use your Kbots. Simply standing
toe-to-track isn't what you want to do. If you get into combat with an
equal number of Kbots, you can come out on top easily, instead of
targeting the individual Kbots, just press shift and click move all
around the enemy Kbots squad, and your Kbots will auto-target the enemy.
   You will generally hit them with no more difficulty than if you were
standing still, and as you are moving, you will be far harder to hit. It
also spreads that damage across your Kbots instead of losing one Kbots
because they concentrated fire. As everyone knows, a Kbot with one health
point left is just as powerful as a Kbot that is at 100% health. So it
doesn't take long for this advantage to build up.
   Example situation that starts with you each having exactly equal
squads of 10 Kbots, one static, one moving:
   10 of yours to 9
   9 of yours to 8
   8 to 6
   7 to 3
   6 to 0
   When the combat was finished, most of the Kbots were in the top part
of yellow damage, so they lost 10 and you lost 4, simply becase you were
   This tactic is very effective when used against large targets like
Stumpies or Bulldogs, as there will generally be less of them than you,
the fire will be concentrated, and their turrets will spend more time
tracking than firing. The tanks are far more prone to missing rapidly
moving targets because of the weapons they fire, and their large sizes
makes an easier target for the Kbots to hit. So Kbots vs. tanks is a good
way to fight if you moving.
   If you combine 2 separate groups of Kbots, both moving around the
target in opposite directions, it is even more effective because the tank
squad will split it's fire between the 2 squads, resulting in less kills.
Also, usually one side of the tank pack will pick one squad of Kbots to
attack, and the other side will pick the other squad, so when the squads
swap to the opposite side of the tank pack, the tanks often shoot each
other so your Kbots take less hits.

[11-3]  Little bunny tank rushers
   Occasionally you will run into someone who really doesn't care about
about having an interesting game. They only care about winning as fast as
they possibly can. Usually this happens on ladders where wins are
   Here are some tips to spot these little bunnies from a distance and
how to defeat their early rushes - most likely you can whip them if you
beat their initial rush.
   Note that I do not consider a large wave of tanks to be a tank rush. A
tank rush is where the person concentrates on sending a large number of
tanks (or kbots in this game) from nearly the start of the game. The only
way this can be done is on small maps with starting credits set quite
high - high enough that they can immediately build multiple vehicle/kbot
plants and churn out a lot of light tanks with what is left.

[11-3-1]  Warning signs of a tank rusher
   If your opponent wants to play on a small map and set the resources to
high, your bunny-o-meter should start nearing the red zone. If you are
playing a ladder game where tank rushes are not outlawed, the
bunny-o-meter should be going crazy. Ask them to play with fewer initial
resources - remember, you don't have to play with these people.
   Hopefully if you do have to start a game like this, your opponent
won't rush you and simply likes to play with high resources.
   Remember, no one likes a rusher.

[11-3-2]  Some strategies to defeat the tank rush
   So, you know that your opponent is about to rush you and want to
counter it. Here are some tips:

1. Return the favour and build your own two vehicle plants and start
churning out the units. When his force arrives at your base, your force
will be larger as you will have had longer to build it.

2. If he is concentrating on building tanks, he won't have any anti-air
capabilitites. Build an early aircraft plant then an air transport, and
go and pick up his Commander! Then detonate it over his base after
sending him a 'This is what happens to tank rushing bunnies' message. :)

3. Instead of using the early aircraft plant to build an air transport,
build a steam of fighters (or bombers), and have them all go to the
rusher's base as they are built. Have them on a patrol in his base (give
the aircraft plant a Move and Patrol order), and he will HAVE to do
something about it.

4. Don't forget the power of the D-gun! A couple of solar collectors
built early will let you power the D-gun long enough to wipe out most
tank rushes (or at least put a serious enough dent in them for your own
forces to take the remainder out). If you practice with the D-gun's
run-on effect, you should be able to take out multiple units with a
single blast.

5. Also never forget the stopping power that 2 or 3 light lasers can have
against the weaker units. Group the lasers together and build a radar
near them. When you see enemy blips approaching, select the lasers and
have them start firing from their maximum distance. Not only will the
lasers destroy his forces, but the wreckage from this destruction will
break up the unit groups and force them to maneouver about, making it
that much harder for the bunny to focus their fire on a single target.

Death to all tank rushing bunnies!


CHAPTER [12]  Data Tables

[12-1]  Unit Statistics

M = used when moving, unused at other times
A = used when attacking, unused at other times
J = used for Radar Jammer, unused at other times
R = used for Radar, unused at other times
** = used for construction only

If a unit has either MJ or MR for their energy usage, this means that
their energy store is utilised when they are moving or when they are
activated. If they are doing both there is no double-dipping (ie their
power requirements aren't doubled). They need to be both stationary and
have their special ability turned off to produce a power surplus.

*12-1-1*  CORE Units
Unit                    Cost            Metal             Energy
Name                Metal  Energy  Prod  Use  Store   Prod  Use    Store
Commander             N/A     N/A    1    **  spec     25    **    spec

C-Kbot                130    2540   .3    **   50       9    **      50
A.K.                   56     696    -    -     -       -     -       -
Storm                 118     985    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Thud                  147    1161    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Crasher               129    1224    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Adv. C-Kbot           325    6096   .5    **  100      19    **     100
Pyro                  260    2200    -    -     -       1    1M       -
The Can               420    3500    -    -     -       1  1M,75A     -
Roach                  65    5471    -    -     -       -     -       -
Spectre                70    1453    -    -     -      10   10MJ      -

C-Vehicle             175    2145   .3    **   50       9    1M      50
Weasel                 38     575    -    -     -       -     -       -
Instigator            110     887    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Raider                169    1241    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Slasher               116     947    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Adv. C-Vehicle        455    4504   .5    **  100       1    1M     100
Crock                 295    2310    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Reaper                473    3048    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Deleter               100    1757    -    -     -      14   14MJ      -
Pilager               251    1535    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Goliath               697    3906    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Informer               86    1209    -    -     -      11   11MR      -
Diplomat              427    2470    -    -     -       1    1M       -

C-Ship                260    2375   .3    **   50       7    **      50
Searcher               95     917    -    -     -       -     -       -
Enforcer              887    4505    -    -     -       2     2       -
Envoy                 887    4786    -    -     -       -     -       -
Snake                1199    3902    -    -     -       -     -       -
Hive                 1379   11715    -    -     -     380   45MR      -
Shark                1356    5245    -    -     -       1     1       -
Hydra                2283    7628    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Executioner          1724    8551    -    -     -       2     2       -
Warlord              4181   19741    -    -     -      46 44M + 75A   -

C-Aircraft            110    4580   .2    **   50      10    **      50
Fink                   36    1369    -    -     -       -     -       -
Avenger               101    3181    -    -     -       -    1M       -
Shadow                131    5691    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Valkyrie              115    2695    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Adv. C-Aircraft       231   12824   .5    -   100      22    **     100
Rapier                294    5778    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Hurricane             220    8050    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Titan                 364    6588    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Vamp                  257    6973    -    -     -      15   15M       -

Added units:
Dominator             388    2107    -    -     -       -    1M       -
Voyeur                 93    1283    -    -     -      16   16R       -
Leveler               292    1887    -    -     -       1    1M       -
Sumo                  844    5987    -    -     -       3  3M,100A    -

*12-1-2*  ARM Units
Unit                    Cost            Metal             Energy
Name                Metal  Energy  Prod  Use  Store   Prod  Use  Store
Commander             N/A     N/A    1    **  spec     25    **  spec

C-Kbot                120    2410   .3    **   50       8    **   50
Peewee                 53     697    -    -     -       -     -    -
Rocko                 117     964    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Hammer                151    1187    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Jethro                128    1219    -    -     -       -     -    -
Adv. C-Kbot           300    5784   .5    **  100      17    **  100
Zipper                151    2221    -    -     -       -     -    -
Fido                  398    3556    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Zeus                  267    2228    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Invader                61    5473    -    -     -       -     -    -
Eraser                 73    1326    -    -     -      10   10MJ   -

C-Vehicle             185    2030   .3    **   50       9    **   50
Jeffy                  37     564    -    -     -       -     -    -
Flash                 106     870    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Samson                119    1027    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Stumpy                165    1246    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Adv. C-Vehicle        481    4263   .5    **  100      21    **  100
Bulldog               467    2994    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Triton                298    2300    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Jammer                 97    1621    -    -     -      16   16MJ   -
Luger                 264    2140    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Merl                  462    2746    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Spider                230    2200    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Seer                   85     941    -    -     -       8    8MR   -

C-Ship                255    2130   .3    **   50       7    **   50
Skeeter               100     985    -    -     -       -     -    -
Crusader              898    4537    -    -     -       2     2    -
Lurker               1151    3724    -    -     -       -     -    -
Hulk                  919    4639    -    -     -       -     -    -
Piranha              1448    5481    -    -     -       1     1    -
Ranger               2348    7804    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Conqueror            1719    8608    -    -     -       3     3    -
Millenium            4404   20731    -    -     -      50   48M    -
Colossus             1372   11257    -    -     -     370   40MR   -

C-Aircraft            105    4320   .2    **   50      11    **   50
Peeper                 40    1475    -    -     -       -     -    -
Freedom Fighter        99    3234    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Thunder               130    5496    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Atlas                 107    2479    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Adv. C-Aircraft       220   12096   .5    **  100      24    **  100
Brawler               314    6249    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Hawk                  254    6893    -    -     -      20   20M    -
Phoenix               209    7624    -    -     -       2    2M    -
Lancet                378    6438    -    -     -       2    2M    -

Added units:
Eagle Radar Plane     165    8062    -    -     -      23    23    -
Warrior               196    2236    -    -     -       1    1M    -
Penetrator           2604   17477    -    -     -       5 5M,1500A -

   The Commander's metal and energy storage is special in that his
capacity is the starting amount for that mission. So, if you play a
skirmish with 10000 starting metal and energy, the Commander's storage
capacity is set to 10000 each. If you start with 200/200, the Commander's
storage is to 200 each, etc.

*12-1-3*  CORE Unit Advanced Statistics
Unit                        Distance            Weapon     Construction
Name           Health  Sight Radar Sonar Jammer   ID           Time
Commander       3000    290   400   400     0    21 or 23       97852

C-Kbot           710    230     0     0     0    -               5818
A.K.             265    275     0     0     0    88              1523
Storm            620    265     0     0     0    121             1969
Thud             800    245     0     0     0    55              2171
Crasher          480    292     0     0     0    101             2636
Adv. C-Kbot     1070    245     0     0     0    -              13963
Pyro             700    245     0     0     0    1               3750
The Can         2800    200     0     0     0    94              7500
Roach            195    100     0     0     0    (214 or 215)    7899
Spectre          310    200     0     0   490    -               5439

C-Vehicle        825    200     0     0     0    -               5146
Weasel            84    310     0     0     0    88              1515
Instigator       653    210     0     0     0    85              1737
Raider          1058    250     0     0     0    51              2376
Slasher          655    230     0     0     0    105             1820
Adv. C-Vehicle  1220    227     0     0     0    -              10806
Crock           1144    230     0     0     0    53              6119
Reaper          2014    240     0     0     0    57              8730
Deleter          520    230     0     0   420    -               6404
Pilager          600    230     0     0     0    59              4523
Goliath         2845    210     0     0     0    62              7058
Informer         510    210  1120     0     0    -               4223
Diplomat         602    230     0     0     0    126             9002

C-Ship          1150    220     0     0     0    -               5537
Searcher         570    280     0     0     0    90+101          1877
Enforcer        3150    330     0   305     0    65+34          13368
Envoy           2120    250     0     0     0    -              13663
Snake            590    112     0   400     0    11              9729
Hive            3500    350  1780     0     0    -              25271
Shark            276    150     0   450     0    13             17529
Hydra           1250    245  1250     0     0    130+102        22126
Executioner     4170    210     0   420     0    67+34          17050
Warlord         6140    350     0     0     0    93+69          40640

C-Aircraft       290    270     0     0     0    -               9286
Fink              90    350   650     0     0    -               2156
Avenger          202    350     0     0     0    109             9196
Shadow           315    350     0     0     0    5              10750
Valkyrie         160    245     0     0     0    -               5889
Adv. C-Aircraft  370    295     0     0     0    -              26001
Rapier           940    350     0     0     0    135+136        13294
Hurricane        480    350     0     0     0    6+87           16269
Titan            375    350     0     0     0    15             13722
Vamp             490    350     0     0     0    113+114        15924

Added units:
Dominator        620    285     0     0     0    45              5191
Voyeur           350    240  1200     0     0    -               3945
Leveler          375    220     0     0     0    172             4209
Sumo            4950    245     0     0     0    174            10975

*12-1-4*  ARM Unit Advanced Statistics
Unit                        Distance            Weapon     Construction
Name           Health  Sight Radar Sonar Jammer   ID           Time
Commander       3000    290   400   400     0    20 or 22       95897

C-Kbot           700    235     0     0     0    -               5597
Peewee           250    280     0     0     0    16              1452
Rocko            610    260     0     0     0    120             1946
Hammer           800    250     0     0     0    54              2340
Jethro           470    290     0     0     0    100             2631
Adv. C-Kbot     1040    249     0     0     0    -              13432
Zipper           550    263     0     0     0    83              6768
Fido            1000    245     0     0     0    60             10827
Zeus             875    255     0     0     0    26              5478
Invader          185    101     0     0     0    (214 or 215)    7901
Eraser           305    200     0     0   500    -               4937

C-Vehicle        870    195     0     0     0    -               4951
Jeffy             79    310     0     0     0    82              1465
Flash            625    225     0     0     0    16              1676
Samson           650    235     0     0     0    104             1941
Stumpy           992    250     0     0     0    50              2404
Adv. C-Vehicle  1205    223     0     0     0    -              10397
Bulldog         2102    260     0     0     0    56              8675
Triton          1230    240     0     0     0    53              6112
Jammer           460    240     0     0   400    -               5933
Luger            525    220     0     0     0    58              4530
Merl             540    230     0     0     0    124             8592
Spider           450    210     0     0     0    29              6075
Seer             480    320  1120     0     0    -               3186

C-Ship          1105    224     0     0     0    -               5121
Skeeter          560    280     0     0     0    89+100          2062
Crusader        2870    330     0   305     0    63+35          13391
Lurker           610    112     0   405     0    10              9894
Hulk            2000    250     0     0     0    -              14538
Piranha          290    150     0   489     0    12             17767
Ranger          1200    245     0     0     0    128+103        22317
Conqueror       4050    210     0   425     0    66+35          17789
Millenium       5720    350     0     0     0    68+68          42730
Colossus        3390    350  1800     0     0    -              25394

C-Aircraft       280    280     0     0     0    -               8844
Peeper            80    350   700     0     0    -               2585
Freedom Fighter  196    350     0     0     0    108             9182
Thunder          320    350     0     0     0    3              10155
Atlas            150    245     0     0     0    -               5500
Adv. C-Aircraft  360    295     0     0     0    -              24763
Brawler          920    350     0     0     0    18             14385
Hawk             510    350     0     0     0    112+115        15285
Phoenix          470    350     0     0     0    4+86           16064
Lancet           370    350     0     0     0    14             14096

Added units:
Eagle Radar Pl.  110    350  1650     0     0    -              12819
Warrior          850    250     0     0     0    171, 176        5709
Penetrator       650    260     0     0     0    175            35706

   Roaches and Invaders do not have weapons as such, but rather are
Kamikaze units. If they self-destruct, their explosion uses the first
weapon mentioned. If they are killed, they use the second weapon.

[12-2]  Building Statistics

W = needs this to work (these buildings can be turned Off and On)
A = uses this when attacking and won't fire unless there is this much or
    more available
B = uses this when building a missile only (amount is constant over the
    construction period)
R = uses this when repairing (this is the maximum constant amount used
    over the repair period)
C = uses this when cloaked.

*12-2-1*  CORE Buildings
Building                 Cost           Metal             Energy
Name                 Metal Energy  Prod  Use Store   Prod   Use Store
Solar Collector       141     790    -    -     -     20      -     -
Wind Generator         55     523    -    -     -    var      -     -
Energy Storage        250    2490    -    -     -      -      -  3000
Metal Storage         320     550    -    -  1000      -      -     -
Metal Extractor        51     514  var    -     -      -     3W     -
Metal Maker             0     700    1    -     -      -    60W     -
Light Laser Tower     268    2608    -    -     -      -    20A   100
Radar Tower            50     800    -    -     -      6     6R     -
Kbot Lab              680    1250    -    -   100      -      -   100
Vehicle Plant         600    1100    -    -   100      -      -   100
Aircraft Plant        830    1340    -    -   100      -      -   100
Shipyard              600     750   .5    -   100      -      -   100
Gaat Gun              589    5443    -    -     -      -    75A   200
Pulverizer             76     805    -    -     -      -      -     -
Punisher             1887    7585    -    -     -      -      -   200
Dragon's Teeth         11     300    -    -     -      -      -     -
Geo. Power Plant      505    9375    -    -     -    250      -     -
Adv. Kbot Lab        1972    3625    -    -   200      -      -   200
Adv. Vehicle Plant   1947    3520    -    -   200      -      -   200
Adv. Aircraft Plant  2191    4422    -    -   200      -      -   200
Adv. Shipyard        2460    2325    1    -   200      -      -   200
Adv. Radar Tower      122    1920    -    -     -     17    17W     -
Fusion Reactor       5004   37865    -    -     -   1050      -     -
Moho Mine            1450    9121  var    -     -      -    12W     -
Intimidator          4328   62520    -    -     -      -  2000A     -
Silencer              975   48768    -  11B     -      -  1000B     -
Doomsday Machine     2140   14245    -    -     -      -   spec     -
Fortitude M. D.      1508   92321    -   2B     -      -    84B     -
Air Repair Pad        430    8540    -    -     -     11    30R   100
Tidal Generator        81     752    -    -     -     15      -     -
Sonar Station          20     399    -    -     -      8     8R     -
Torpedo Launcher      831    3058    -    -     -      -      -     -

Added buildings:
Toaster              2146   12687    -    -     -      -      -     -
Cobra                1092   18995    -    -     -      -      -     -
Thunderbolt           558    5812    -    -     -      -    75A   200
Floating Metal Maker    0    1530    1    -     -      -    60W     -

[12-2-2]  ARM Buildings
Building                 Cost           Metal             Energy
Name                 Metal Energy  Prod  Use Store   Prod   Use Store
Solar Collector       145     760    -    -     -     20      -     -
Wind Generator         52     509    -    -     -    var      -     -
Energy Storage        240    2430    -    -     -      -      -  3000
Metal Storage         305     535    -    -  1000      -      -     -
Metal Extractor        50     521  var    -     -      -     3W     -
Metal Maker             0     687    1    -     -      -    60W     -
Light Laser Tower     262    2546    -    -     -      -    25A   100
Radar Tower            49     750    -    -     -      5     5W     -
Kbot Lab              750    1130    -    -   100      -      -   100
Vehicle Plant         620    1000    -    -   100      -      -   100
Aircraft Plant        850    1370    -    -   100      -      -   100
Shipyard              615     775   .5    -   100      -      -   100
Sentinel              584    5398    -    -     -      -    75A   200
Defender               79     843    -    -     -      -      -     -
Guardian             1946    7687    -    -     -      -      -   200
Dragon's Teeth         10     250    -    -     -      -      -     -
Geo. Power Plant      520    9568    -    -     -    250      -     -
Adv. Kbot Lab        2007    3277    -    -   200      -      -   200
Adv. Vehicle Plant   1984    3200    -    -   200      -      -   200
Adv. Aircraft Plant  2210    4521    -    -   200      -      -   200
Adv. Shipyard        2524    2402    1    -   200      -      -   200
Adv. Radar Tower      125    1830    -    -     -     18    18W     -
Fusion Reactor       5130   36058    -    -     -   1000      -     -
Moho Mine            1508    8700  var    -     -      -    15W     -
Big Bertha           4184   64680    -    -     -      -  1500A     -
Retaliator           1010   52134    -  11B     -      -  1000B     -
Annihilator          3985   25025    -    -     -      -  2000A     -
Protector            1437   88000    -   2B     -      -    84B     -
Air Repair Pad        425    8510    -    -     -     10    30R   100
Tidal Generator        82     768    -    -     -     15      -     -
Sonar Station          20     403    -    -     -      9     9R     -
Torpedo Launcher      804    2658    -    -     -      -      -     -

Added buildings:
Flakker              1069   17425    -    -     -      -      -   200
Defender - NS          71     987    -    -     -      -      -     -
Floating Metal Maker    0    1480    1    -     -      -    60W     -
Cloak. Fusion Plant  5420   42058    -    -     -   1000   450C     -
Fortification Wall     27     675    -    -     -      -      -     -
Moho Metal Maker       58    9350   16    -     -      -   800W     -

The energy requirements of the Doomsday Machine are slightly different
because of its multiple laser system. The fast firing laser sucks up 20
units of energy each time it fires. The slower (blue) laser sucks up 800
units of energy each time it fires (it has a shorter range than the
faster laser).
Additionally, Annihilators and DoomsDay machines take half damage when
they are 'closed'.
The Toaster takes only 15% damage when closed.

[12-2-5]  CORE Building Advanced Statistics
Building                         Distance     Weapon Construction
Name                 Health  Sight Radar Sonar  ID       Time
Solar Collector        320    210     0    0    -           2416
Wind Generator         179    210     0    0    -           1687
Energy Storage        1070    210     0    0    -          12750
Metal Storage         1306    210     0    0    -           2925
Metal Extractor        175    210     0    0    -           1874
Metal Maker            150    210     0    0    -           2682
Light Laser Tower      710    350     0    0    81          4724
Radar Tower             51    350  1440    0    -           1137
Kbot Lab              2600    221     0    0    -           7000
Vehicle Plant         2550    215     0    0    -           6700
Aircraft Plant        1925    210   510    0    -           7180
Shipyard              2490    213     0    0    -           6000
Gaat Gun              1200    350     0    0    92          9622
Pulverizer             300    350     0    0    107         1749
Punisher              2540    350     0    0    71         13268
Dragon's Teeth        3600    100     0    0    -            565
Geo. Power Plant       930    210     0    0    -          12875
Adv. Kbot Lab         3170    222     0    0    -          14000
Adv. Vehicle Plant    2580    220     0    0    -          15410
Adv. Aircraft Plant   2200    235  1150    0    -          17232
Adv. Shipyard         2760    232     0    0    -          13080
Adv. Radar Tower       130    350  2880    0    -           4960
Fusion Reactor        3000    210     0    0    -          94281
Moho Mine             1465    210     0    0    -          32500
Intimidator           1900    210     0    0    73         93237
Silencer              2560    350     0    0    123       181243
Doomsday Machine      3140    380     0    0    25+81+92   39276
Fortitude M. D.        780    150     0    0    30         96450
Air Repair Pad         690    175     0    0    -          21587
Tidal Generator        253    100     0    0    -           2094
Sonar Station           52    175     0 1223    -            900
Torpedo Launcher      1520    150     0  440    9           4233

Added buildings:
Toaster               1877    370     0    0    44         18377
Cobra                 1655    340     0    0    43         40223
Thunderbolt           1385    360     0    0    49         12651
Floating Metal Maker   120    210     0    0    -           2682

[12-2-6]  ARM Building Advanced Statistics
Building                         Distance     Weapon Construction
Name                 Health  Sight Radar Sonar  ID     Time
Solar Collector        326    210     0    0    -         2495
Wind Generator         176    210     0    0    -         1603
Energy Storage        1000    210     0    0    -        12710
Metal Storage         1329    210     0    0    -         2925
Metal Extractor        170    210     0    0    -         1800
Metal Maker            144    210     0    0    -         2605
Light Laser Tower      750    380     0    0    80        4662
Radar Tower             51    350  1440    0    -         1137
Kbot Lab              2690    223     0    0    -         6760
Vehicle Plant         2580    210     0    0    -         6500
Aircraft Plant        1850    225   500    0    -         7240
Shipyard              2490    212     0    0    -         6050
Sentinel              1230    380     0    0    91        9575
Defender               295    350     0    0    106       1843
Guardian              2477    350     0    0    70       13377
Dragon's Teeth        3500    100     0    0    -          520
Geo. Power Plant       880    210     0    0    -        13078
Adv. Kbot Lab         3005    220     0    0    -        13520
Adv. Vehicle Plant    2435    218     0    0    -        14950
Adv. Aircraft Plant   2100    240  1200    0    -        17376
Adv. Shipyard         2820    230     0    0    -        13310
Adv. Radar Tower       120    350  2880    0    -         4800
Fusion Reactor        3100    210     0    0    -        93768
Moho Mine             1573    210     0    0    -        35750
Big Bertha            1800    210     0    0    72       85185
Retaliator            2300    350     0    0    122     178453
Annihilator           1410    380  1200    0    24       75071
Protector              780    155     0    0    30       95678
Air Repair Pad         680    175     0    0    -        21953
Tidal Generator        256    100     0    0    -         2188
Sonar Station           50    175     0 1180    -          912
Torpedo Launcher      1450    150     0  450    9         4120

Added buildings:
Flakker               1524    350     0    0    42       38010
Defender - NS          252    360     0    0    106       2163
Floating Metal Maker   110    210     0    0    -         2958
Cloak. Fusion Plant   2200    210     0    0    -       105487
Fortification Wall    2000    100     0    0    -          965
Moho Metal Maker       400    210     0    0    -        34980

*12-3*  Weapon Statistics
L = line of sight
B = ballistic
D = dropped

  Weapon                               Area of    Cost          Reload
ID   Name                 Range Damage Effect Metal Energy Path  Time
1    FLAMETHROWER           160  10(2)     32    -     -     B   1.2
3    ARMBOMB               1280   158      48    -     -     D    .18
4    ARMADVBOMB            1280   195      59    -     -     D    .15
5    CORBOMB               1280   150      56    -     -     D    .19
6    CORADVBOMB            1280   187      64    -     -     D    .16
9    COAX_TORPEDO           400   400      16    -     -     L   2.6
10   ARM_TORPEDO            400 350(115)   16    -     -     L   2.7
11   CORE_TORPEDO           400 370(130)   16    -     -     L   2.71
12   ARMSMART_TORPEDO       375 200(580)   16    -     -     L   2.3
13   CORSMART_TORPEDO       375 210(600)   16    -     -     L   2.28
14   ARMAIR_TORPEDO         400   750      16    -     -     L   8.5
15   CORAIR_TORPEDO         400   780      16    -     -     L   9
16   EMG                    180     8       8    -     -     L    .4
18   VTOL_EMG               370    11       8    -     -     L    .6
20   ARMCOMLASER            200    60      16    -     -     L    .85
21   CORCOMLASER            200    70      16    -     -     L   1.0
22   ARM_DISINTEGRATOR      240  5500      48    -   400     L   1.2
23   CORE_DISINTEGRATOR     240  5500      48    -   400     L   1.2
24   ARM_TOTAL_ANNIHILATOR 1200  2500       8    -  2000     L   5
25   CORE_DOOMSDAY          600  2500       8    -   800     L   8
26   LIGHTNING              180   180       8    -     -     L   1.45
29   ARM_PARALYZER          220  15sec      8    -     -     L   1.2
30   AMD_ROCKET           32000   500      96  200 10000     L 120
34   COREDEPTHCHARGE        400    80      16    -     -     L   2.6
35   ARMDEPTHCHARGE         410    70      16    -     -     L   2.8
50   ARM_LIGHTCANNON        240    50      32    -     -     B   1.53
51   CORE_LIGHTCANNON       240    50      32    -     -     B   1.53
52   ARM_MEDIUMCANNON       320   112      48    -     -     B   1.8
53   CORE_MEDIUMCANNON      320   127      48    -     -     B   1.9
54   ARM_HAM                320    85      48    -     -     B   1.95
55   CORE_THUD              320    80      48    -     -     B   1.9
56   ARM_BULL               320   147      48    -     -     B   1.4
57   CORE_REAP              320   143      48    -     -     B   1.3
58   ARM_ARTILLERY          620   130      48    -     -     B   2.75
59   CORE_ARTILLERY         620   140      48    -     -     B   2.95
60   GAUSS                  480   120       8    -     -     L   2.6
62   COR_GOL                400   196      64    -     -     B   1.5
63   ARM_ROY                660   165      48    -     -     B   2
65   CORE_ROY               660   180      48    -     -     B   2.4
66   ARM_CRUS              1300   208      64    -     -     B   2.9
67   COR_CRUS              1300   220      64    -     -     B   3
68   ARM_BATS              1250   260      64    -     -     B   2.2
69   COR_BATS              1250   270      64    -     -     B   2.46
70   ARMFIXED_GUN          1250   360      64    -     -     B   3
71   CORFIXED_GUN          1200   320      85    -     -     B   2.8
72   ARM_BERTHACANNON      4096  2000      80    -  1500     B   7
73   CORE_INTIMIDATOR      5120  2400     100    -  2000     B   8
80   ARM_LIGHTLASER         300    60       8    -    10     L    .52
81   CORE_LIGHTLASER        300    60       8    -    10     L    .52
82   ARM_LASER              180    30       8    -     -     L    .865
83   ARM_FAST               210    40       8    -     -     L    .8
85   GATOR_LASER            180    44       8    -     -     L   1
86   ARMAIR2AIRLASER        600   6(32)     8    -     -     L    .4
87   CORAIR2AIRLASER        600   5(30)     8    -     -     L    .39
88   CORE_LASER             180    30       8    -     -     L    .865
89   ARMPT_LASER            180    13       8    -     -     L   1
90   COREPT_LASER           180    10       8    -     -     L    .95
91   ARM_LASERH1            430   180       8    -    75     L    .965
92   CORE_LASERH1           400   180       8    -    75     L    .965
93   CORE_BATSLASER         810   180       8    -    75     L   1.1
94   CORE_CANLASER          200   220       8    -    75     L    .95
100  ARMKBOT_MISSILE        604  31(83)    48    -     -     L   2.4
101  CORKBOT_MISSILE        590  32(80)    48    -     -     L   2.5
102  CORSHIP_MISSILE        700  62(111)   48    -     -     L   2
103  ARMSHIP_MISSILE        710  57(108)   48    -     -     L   2
104  ARMTRUCK_MISSILE       600  40(90)    48    -     -     L   2.5
105  CORTRUCK_MISSILE       600  41(92)    48    -     -     L   2.5
106  ARMRL_MISSILE          700  46(97)    48    -     -     L   2
107  CORRL_MISSILE          700  45(95)    48    -     -     L   2
108  ARMVTOL_MISSILE        510  44(130)   48    -     -     L   3
109  CORVTOL_MISSILE        502  46(136)   48    -     -     L   3
112  ARMVTOL_ADVMISSILE     659  70(150)   48    -     -     L   3
113  CORVTOL_ADVMISSILE     650  68(155)   48    -     -     L   3
114  CORVTOL_ADVMISSILE2    650  68(155)   48    -     -     L   3
115  ARMVTOL_ADVMISSILE2    659  70(150)   48    -     -     L   3
120  KBOT_ROCKET            400   105      48    -     -     L   4
121  CORKBOT_ROCKET         400   100      48    -     -     L   3.7
122  NUCLEAR_MISSILE      32000 5500(2900) 512 2000 180000   L 180
123  CRBLMSSL             32000 5500(2900) 512 2000 180000   L 180
124  ARMTRUCK_ROCKET        800   500      96    -     -     L  12
126  CORTRUCK_ROCKET        800   500      96    -     -     L  13
128  ARMMSHIP_ROCKET       1300   500      96    -     -     L  12
130  CORMSHIP_ROCKET       1300   500      96    -     -     L   9
135  VTOL_ROCKET            450   125      48    -     -     L   2
136  VTOL_ROCKET2           450   125      48    -     -     L   2
214  CRAWL_BLAST            480  2500     556    -     -     B   3.6
215  CRAWL_BLASTSML         480  1200     275    -     -     B   3.6

Added weapons:
42   ARMFLAK_GUN            700   130     120    -     -     B    .6
43   CORFLAK_GUN            750   146     125    -     -     B    .7
44   CORTOAST_GUN           885   295     105    -     -     B   3.2
45   CORHRK_ROCKET          600   240      60    -     -     L   8
49   CORFHLT_LASER          410   195       8    -    75     L   1
171  ARMWAR_EMG             180    12       8    -     -     L    .4
172  CORLEVLR_WEAPON        260   180      84    -     -     B   1.83
174  CORSUMO_WEAPON         300   290      12    -   100     L   1.05
175  ARMMANNI_WEAPON        700  1300       8    -  1500     L   6
176  ARMWAR_LCANNON         240    60      32    -     -     B   2.3

FLAMETHROWER only does 2 damage against other Pyro units.
ARM_TORPEDO only does 115 damage againt Piranha/Shark sub killers.
CORE_TORPEDO only does 130 damage against Piranha/Shark sub killers.
ARMSMART_TORPEDO does 580 damage against Lurker/Snake subs.
CORSMART_TORPEDO does 600 damage against Lurker/Snake subs.
EMG fires in bursts of 3 shots.
VTOL_EMG fires in bursts of 4 shots.
ARMWAR_EMG fires in bursts of 2 shots.
ARMAIR2AIRLASER does 32 damage against all aircraft types.
CORAIR2AIRLASER does 30 damage against all aircraft types.
ARMKBOT_MISSILE does 83 damage against all aircraft types.
CORKBOT_MISSILE does 80 damage against all aircraft types.
CORSHIP_MISSILE does 111 damage against all aircraft types.
ARMSHIP_MISSILE does 108 damage against all aircraft types.
ARMTRUCK_MISSILE does 90 damage against all aircraft types.
CORTRUCK_MISSILE does 92 damage against all aircraft types.
ARMRL_MISSILE does 97 damage against all aircraft types.
CORRL_MISSILE does 95 damage against all aircraft types.
ARMVTOL_MISSILE does 130 damage against all aircraft types.
CORVTOL_MISSILE does 136 damage against all aircraft types.
ARMVTOL_ADVMISSILE does 150 damage against all aircraft types.
CORVTOL_ADVMISSILE does 155 damage against all aircraft types.
CORVTOL_ADVMISSILE2 does 136 damage against all aircraft types.
ARMVTOL_ADVMISSILE2 does 136 damage against all aircraft types.
NUCLEAR_MISSILE does 2900 damage to Commanders.

[12-4]  Building speeds, and an explanation
Name                       Build speed
Commander                     300
Construction Kbot              80
Adv. Construction Kbot        160
Construction Vehicle          100
Adv. Construction Vehicle     200
Construction Aircraft          50
Adv. Construction Aircraft    100
Construction Ship             125
Basic plant                   100
Advanced plant                200

   All forms of construction plants (Kbot, vehicle, aircraft and ship)
have the same build speed. The build speed for both sides is the same.

   Now, as to what this all means: all construction projects have 3 things
that influence how long they take - their energy costs, their metal costs
and the construction time. If energy and metal are never in shortage,
then the time it takes to create something is based purely on the
construction time.
   Each game tick (which is roughly 1 second on Normal speed), the
construction time for the current project is reduced by the combined
build speeds of everything working on it. So, if you had the Commander
helping out an advanced construction vehicle, there would be a combined
build speed of 400. So, if these two units were building a Doomsday
Machine (time cost of 39,276), it would take approximately 98 game ticks
(a minute and a half, roughly) to create. However, if there were two
davanced construction aircraft also helping for a total build speed of
600, the Doomsday Machine would be built in roughly 65 game ticks.
   Furthermore, the build speed of each unit and the construction time of
each project determines the level of metal and energy that that
construction unit will be using. So, when building a solar collector, the
Commander uses less energy and metal each game tick than when building a
moho mine. To determine how much each energy and metal each unit will
use, simply divide the total metal or energy cost by that unit's build

CHAPTER [13]  Internet Resources

[13-1]  World Wide Web sites
    Cavedog's Total Annihilation Website
    This is the official site for Total Annihilation. Has a webboard that
    you can use. All the new units and patches for TA are available from
    Cavedog Entertainment's home page.
    Blackmane's Academy
    The official home of the Unofficial TA Strategy FAQ
    Probably the best TA web site around. Has a good webboard.
    Kali's homepage.

[13-2]  Finding multiplayer opponents
[13-2-1]  Kali Server
   Cavedog have set up a Kali server for TA. The server's name is
"-> Total An. <-" (no quotes), and if you are displaying the names in
alphabetical order, it should appear near the top of the server list.
Double click on the name to enter the server.
   Kali also have a page for TA. The URL is:

[13-2-2]  On IRC
   Try #TOTALA on EFNet.

[13-2-3]  What is my IP address?
   To determine what your IP address is, simply run the WINIPCFG program
that comes with Windows 95. Simply hit the Windows 'Start' button and
click on 'Run'. There, type in 'winipcfg' (no quotes), and the program
will run and give you your IP address.
   Note that each time you log on to your ISP you may not be given the
same IP address (if they are using dynamic IPs), so you should re-run
this program to determine your IP address.

   Cavedog have also set up a webpage on their Total Annihilation website
that will tell you your current IP address. Go to and click on the 'Play' menu choice.

[13-2-4]  ICQ List
   There is an ICQ list with a large number (many hundreds) of people who
are always looking for games. The URL is:

CHAPTER [14]  Cheating
[14-1]  Does the AI cheat?
   In a word: yes!

   In the single player game, the computer knows where your buildings are
at all times. Whether this is because it can see the whole of the map or
has 100% radar coverage of all the map, I don't know. What I do know is
that radar jammers don't work. The number of times I've been hit by a
Merl's rocket that landed directly on my building and knowing that there
is absolutely NO WAY that building could have been spotted/apeared on
radar, is beyond count.

   I'd say that it cheats in skirmish mode as well. When the computer
builds it's initial rush, it manages to make a beeline straight for your
base. Strange, no?

CHAPTER *15*  Revision History

v0.5:        First release of the Unofficial Total Annihilation Strategy
             Strategy FAQ.
             (October 5, 1997)

v1.0:        Big update. The FAQ doubled in size. Added many new mission
             strategies. New tables for everything - unit and building
             hit points and visual ranges, weapon ranges and damages.
             Added new strategies and cheat codes.
             (October 15, 1997)

v1.5:        Another large increase in size. The ARM mission walkthroughs
             are now complete, and it is time to finish the CORE mission
             walkthroughs. One more important table - that to work out
             how fast the construction units and buildings work.
             (October 21, 1997)

v2.0         A large increase in size (about 70K or so). The CORE mission
             walkthroughs are complete, and lots of unit comments have
             been added. The new units are starting to appear, so the
             unit data for the Flakker and Toaster has been added.
             The last major update to the FAQ (that I forsee anyway).

v2.01        Added stats for Defender - NS, Dominator, Floating Metal Maker
             and the Cobra.

v2.02        Added stats for Thunderbolt, Voyeur, Cloakable Fusion
             Plant, CORE floating metal maker, Eagle radar plane, and the
             Fortification Wall. Mission description for CORE 25 (I
             didn't really have a proper one before, and some other unit
             descriptions. Added Warrior, Leveler and Moho Metal Maker
             (February 22, 1998)

v2.1         The FAQ passes the 300K mark in a big way. The numbering
             jump from 2.02 to 2.10 is to celebrate this.

