Frederic Francois Chopin (1810-1849)

Chopin is one composer from whom I do not remember hearing any symphonies, concerti, or other huge works. His specialty was the piano, and generally short pieces (although some do take a little while). I don't have any CD's of his works, having spent more time searching for the larger works of other composers. As for interpreters of Chopin's works, I like the big name pianists (Van Cliburn, Vladamir Ashkenazi, Emmanuel Ax).

Listen to MIDI files for an idea what this music sounds like*:
Etudes, Opus 10:
[No. 1 in C] [No. 2 in A minor] [No. 3 in E] [No. 4 in C sharp minor] [No. 5 in G flat]
No. 6 in E flat minor] [No. 7 in C] [No. 8 in F] [No. 9 in F minor] [ No. 10 in A flat]
No. 11 in E flat] [No. 12 in C minor]
Andante Spaniato, Opus 22] [Polonaise in A "Military", Opus 40 No. 1]
Polonaise Fantaisie Opus 61] [Polonaise in B flat "Posthumous"]
Polonais in A flat "Heroic" Opus 53]
Chopin's Preludes Opus 28 (all 24 at once)
Waltz in D flat Opus 64 No. 1 "Minute"
Fantaisie Impromptu in C sharp Opus 66 (1929 performance of Nikolai Orloff)

* Keep in mind these are only MIDI files and not live or CD quality performances

I'll add more as I find enough information to give a decent listing. I listen to more than I have in my cd collection, and by no means own cd's of all my favorite pieces.

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