Löpa Berlin: Linksökologische pazifistische Anarchisten

What we do


For us the ways to reach our aims are the 'direct action', the propaganda and of course, being ourselves a good example. Propaganda is helpful in this way that the people get their mass-media-hypnotized heads shaken and to make the people thinking about all the insanity in this world. The conservative media gives very few information about what is going wrong in this world. We try to break through the wall in their heads, so that they maybe start to change what they dislike. That requires for us conventional methods such as leaflets, demonstrations, stickers, press releases or graffiti, but other ways come into question as well. The barricades against the Castor-transports in Germany and the variety of opposition against this transport are good examples that we admire. These actions have shown that it is possible to show his dislike with the ruling conditions. That is a very important point.

Examples of our work are in construction, but they have to be checked whether it is okay to publish them or not. But you too can change something: It is enough to help a wheel chair driver over a step or just to say 'Thanks' for something what is normally a matter of course. Read a real newspaper, realize how information are falsified, go voting again or join a political group...

And always remember: "You cannot fight against the night!But you can light a candle..."
Saint Francis of Assisis

To see a small part of our activities, see our archive.

image map

This page was updated March/21/2004
© 1997-2004 Löpa Berlin

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