Charter Recovery
1409 Tonopah Street
Reno, Nevada 89509
Phone: 775-337-6566

Welcome to Charter Recovery

Charter Recovery is here to help you become free from your addictions and show you how to live each day, "one day at a time".

Through extensive, professional counseling and group therapy you will learn the skills nessasary to live a happier, healthier and more fullfilled life.

Reach out for that dream. Discover all that could be yours.

Finding your path to recovery
Please call to schedule an appointment

Also available at Charter Recovery...
Hypnosis Therapy

This age-old technique of speaking to the mind's subconscious by a series of relaxing excersises can help you work on many areas of your life.

Everything from
addiction to weight loss, habit control to simply learning how to sleep better, can be accomplished through Hypnosis Therapy.

Other Services:
D.U.I. School - Levels 2, 2X, and 3
Owner of Charter Recovery, Stephen Charter is a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor and a Licensed Hypno Therapist.
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