
This is Hong Kong at night. The three pictures didn't go together quite like it should have, but it was a good picture to take all the same. It's really quite an impressive city though locals and visitors alike say that it's lost a lot of the charm it once had before 1997. This of course is the busy commercial part of the Island. Many, like myself, may have thought that this is basically what Hong Kong is all about, but there is a whole lot more to the Island

The Lion of China! These are very popular guardians found in all parts of Hong Kong.


I thought both of these pictures were a good illustration of Hong Kong traditional and Hong Kong contemporary.

The first picture has a Chinese Junk boat in the foreground. The second picture has a statue of some Goddess. It may be one of many that either welcome or protect those on the oceans as it was looking out over Repulse Bay.

Both these pictures were taken from the Youth Hostel where I was staying up on Mt. Davis. It was an unrelenting hike to get up there, especially when the wind was blowing you really thought it was near the seventh heaven. For what I had to pay to stay there I'm sure I could have lived the life of luxury back in Bangkok, but it was still a very good place to stay, all things considered

Again, another shot at night. Taken from a ferry as we

were crossing back over to the Island.

This is the part of the Island exactly opposite where the

commercial section is. Still a lot of green hills and

even a beach, as shown here at Repulse Bay.

Can you find my friend Pichai?!! A Thai with Chinese heritage he blends in pretty well ; ) ! Even though a lot of business is done within glass and concrete structures high above the earth, you'll still find a lot of action down on the streets below. We were looking for sometime to eat at the time. The Cantonese sure do have a palate for the unusual!

How's this for the Oriental experience?!! The restaurant of floating lights, this place is a floating barge with great Chinese food and great prices too,... if you're used to the idea of paying more for less! It was the last supper of '98 so we figured it was worth the money.

Pictured here to the right is a German friend by the name of Gert. As I wanted the background to show up I didn't use the flash. Needless to say, he did well to hold that pose despite how hungry we were to eat every last garnish on that table!

This is the last sunset of 1998 as seen

from Repulse Bay, Hong Kong.

(This is an actual photograph that has been artistically edited. Please do not adjust your computer monitors!)


That's all man,

go back already!