Friend's Websites

                                           "A friendship does not grow up spontaneously. It must
                                       have a good soil in which to take root, good seed from 
                                       which to start, and care and cultivation, in order to 
                                           become its best. The good soil is sincerity and truth 
                                            coupled with kindness and affection. The good seed is 
                                          love and appreciation."

                                          Before saying anything else, I want to give recognition
                                           to my parents! They are my very best earthly friends and
                                             my biggest gifts from God! Thank-you mom, for always 
                                            listening, although sometimes you might not have 
                                       understood. You've given me so much counsel...I wish I could 
                                        compile it all in a book! And dad, you're the one who has 
                                          always been 'practical' and helped me to understand my 
                                            emotions. You've given me a picture of my heavenly Father, 
                                          and showed me His love. I owe everything I am to you both!

                                         Now, I want to share with the reader what a blessing my 
                                           online friends have been. I've never met them, but a bond 
                                            has formed between us that will stick until heaven! 
                                           I'll try to be simple, but profound!

                                         Sarah Clayburn has been the encouraging 
                                          friend that I have needed. Her energetic attitude and 
                                            enthusiasm are very refreshing! I've appreciated your 
                                          kind words, Sarah.

                                         Lacie Parsons is a great listener. Her letters are always interesting
                                           and fun to read! We've both matured a lot in our communicating
                                            and I appreciate her a lot.

                                       Stephanie Cafaro has given me so much advise and encouragement!
                                        Every time I recieve her letters, I look forward to jems of 
                                           wisdom! You have been a blessing from God, Stephanie.

                                          Casie Brady is a quick e-mailer! I always know I can count on a
                                        fast and interesting reply from her! Thanks for being a genuine
                                         friend, Casie.

                                            You've all heard my trials and perplexities and have given me 
                                           encouragement and sympathy. I praise the Lord for friends
                                       like you and I know we were each given one other for a reason.

                                        "Be a true friend yourself. Never let it be said that in you was
                                           placed confidence that was not deserved. Be genuine, be earnest,
                                          kind, and true."

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