Arrive Johannesburg. After meeting your guide and your hosts, we leave the big city behind for a leisurely and scenic drive to Ladysmith, scene of the famous siege. Dinner Ladysmith.

Visit Colenso (15.12.1899), our first of the three battles of "Black Week", clouston Garden of Remembrance, Chievely (where Winston Churchill was captured) and Dundee, battle of Talana. Dinner Ladysmith.

Depart for Eastern Free State. Our route will take us through a game reserve where game can be viewed. Visit Surrender Hill where 4 000 Boers laid down their arms. Up to this day no grass grows on the spot where their firearms were set alight. Visit "San" (Bushman) paintings and dinosaur footprints. On our way to Bloemfontein we will visit Sannaspos, the first battle of the guerrilla phase where general CR de Wet captured the Bloemfontein waterworks resulting in a water shortage for Bloemfontein. Traditional South African dinner in Bloemfontein. But first you will get the chance to shoot with a genuine 1896 Boer War Mauser or Lee-Enfield from a British blockhouse.

This is optional, but it has proved to be very popular and is usually enjoyed by all. A once in a lifetime opportunity not to be missed. Traditional dinner Bloemfontein.

After an enlightening visit to the Anglo-Boer War Museum and Women’s Memorial in Bloemfontein, we head south for Stormberg (10.12.1899). We will visit two blockhouses on our way and gain insight into why and how these relics of the biggest fortification action ever seen in South Africa, were erected. Dinner Aliwal North.

Our visit to Stormberg will make us thankful for travelling in a luxury airconditioned coach and not on foot as the poor soldiers of Gen Gatacre (or Backache as he was known to his men) had to travel. Dinner Molteno.

From Stormberg we will travel to the western front to relive the battles of Belmont, Graspan, Modder River and Magersfontein (11.10.1899), our third and last battle of "Black Week". Dinner Orange River.

We follow in the footsteps of Methuen to Kimberley and visit Graspan, Modder River and Magersfontein. Our experienced specialised Anglo Boer War guide will show us the positions of the guns, the advanced positions of the Scandinavians where they were annihilated and many other interesting aspects of the battlefield at Magersfontein. Dinner Kimberley.

Kimberley is known for its diamonds and you will have time to explore the old mining town and biggest man made hole in the world. After a short city tour of Kimberley we head north again to Johannesburg where our memorable tour will end. Drop off, Johannesburg International Airport.

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