This was written by my husband when the space shuttle Columbia went down.


I Sit in Wonder...

It started out as any other Saturday, up before the sun, make coffee, check email, say hello to the dogs, greet the horses and review the list of projects that needed to be accomplished before the sun set in the evening. This Saturday had a few dramatic twists, as I needed to be several places at one time during the same time frame so there would have to be some juggling there.   The electricians were coming out to wire the new Horse Barn at the same time the Farrier was arriving to trim the horses hooves, plus, I needed to pick up a load of hay prior to, it was time to dance.

On the morning of Saturday, February 1st all of Lafayette Parish was under a dense fog warning and when I stepped out of the house at sunrise it was obvious that things might be moving a little slower until the fog lifted.

I was immediately greeted by the pair of happy-go-lucky German Shepherds who are always excited on Saturday morning as that means they get to go for a ride in the Big Red Truck to get hay.... oh what fun.   But as I gazed out into the pastures, I could not make out the four pampered ponies, as the fog was too thick. I walked out through the back of the barn and no one was to be seen, so the odds were pretty good that they were in the back pasture munching down on their round bale.   I stepped out several yards, gave a call and waited.   The mist swirled around me like foam in the surf as I listened intently for rumbling hooves, but the morning maintained it's silence.

Slowly like dolphins slipping through the depths the phantom shadows of the horses slowly began to materialize before me, one at a time, in order, in line, calmly walking up to me in formation for their rub on the withers, the pat on the chest and scratch on the belly.   Each taking their turn at receiving their morning hello, until all four circled me.   Together,  we walked back to the barn.

At the barn I stopped and surveyed the new side gates that lay in place, waiting to be installed by the part-time ranch hand, me.  While Harley gently mouthed my cell phone in an effort to steal it from my belt, I  began scratching down a list of hardware that I was going to need to accomplish the gate project.   I dropped my pen when Harley hit pay dirt and  swirled my cell phone above my head by the antenna.   A big grin on his face as  this is his favorite game and he had managed to pull it off without my interference, Harley one, Human zero.   I retrieved my phone and bent down to pick up my pen when I heard a distance pop, bang or shot.   I immediately became alert to the fact that I was standing amidst a small herd of horses, in limited visibility, with "scary" noises occurring.   Quickly I looked at the horses, and then  relaxed as they did not spook, they were not nervous, in fact that were standing in an alert stance, heads held high and ears at full extension, looking to the north north/west, the opposite direction from whence the sound had come.  I calmly wondered if it was a gun shot as who in their right mind would be hunting in the middle of a fog bank, and then the thought slipped away into "LaLa" Land as I proceeded with my tabulations.

I remember concluding my list, walking back into the barn and turning  to gaze at our equine children, they were still there, standing in fact, they were in formation, one in front, three in back staring  intently to the northwest.   Their formation reminded me of a delta, a triangle pointing into the direction of their labored glare.   I was confused, how could they be so interested in looking in the wrong direction, what were they hearing, what did they think they were seeing and what was going through their minds as they appeared to be mesmerized and in a trance?

The sight of them there, standing in the mist looking off into nowhere disturbed me to the point that I called to them.   No one budged, I  called again and the head of the Appaloosa turned in my direction just  enough so that one sad eye could look at me.   I motioned to him and he slowly  turned around, walked to me with his head lowered and nuzzled my hand.   I  scratched his forehead and noticed that his right eye had just formed a tear, one lone solitary tear.   I asked if he was sad, I asked if he wanted more  food, I asked what was the problem and only heard a gently sigh in response.  I dusted it off and went back to work.

At the time, I did not know that to the north of our quiet farm, a comet was passing overhead, a bright meteor carrying the souls of seven courageous and generous human beings home.   I did not know, I had no clue that seven souls of my species were headed across the bridge high over heads...I did not know.   But four horses stood at attention, four horses looked to the skies and four horses felt something that I did not.   And in reflection I wonder if I did not miss something else that morning, something else that my single- minded human brain did not hear, something special, something wondrous, yet I was not listening.   I now sit in wonder and roll it over in my head time and time again, that gentle sigh, that horsy response and the tear in that eye.   What did it say, what did it mean?   Did I really hear something in the gentle escape of air from those equine lips, a sound so profound that it did not compute at the time it happened?   Was that a gentle whisper, a thought, a suggestion?   Was my soul and not my ears hearing those quiet words?   Was the meaning what I really now think it to be?   Was my heart touched by the souls of the four horses when I still failed to understand yet admittedly heard the whisper, the soft voice that spoke on another level, "We are so sorry, we are so, so very sorry". I sit in wonder.

R.T. Fitch
Board of Directors
Lone Star Equine Rescue


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Last Update: Sunday, February 22, 2004 04:18:40 PM