With out diving life is just a BEACH in the Caribbean. But you know someone has to do it!!!!!

When you go to the Caribbean you can not spend all your time underwater no matter how much you would like to. Life must go on and you must come up and look around. Life is what you make it and how you see it. There are things everyone will see like sunsets but what about the table on the deck where people can watch the sunset come up in the morning. How about the two people taking a morning stroll down the beach, or the sunbathers in the surf near the dock. OK so everyone sees the sunbathers! But you know what I mean you have to look for things to see them. If you just look for the major things you miss so much. If you just look at the dock but not at the things around it you miss the boats, the waves, the turtle grass and people on it. I am a telephone man, you would be surprised at the number of people I have talked to from the top of a telephone pole that did not even see me. We as a people are so use to just looking at one thing that we never see the things around us that make a difference in our lives. Become part of the world and you can enjoy it so much more. Look around, not just left and right but up and down, look for the little things, you will be surprised at what you will find in just a very small area around you. When you are diving you miss so much while chasing the fish, when things worth seeing are right under your nose. .

The top 4 pictures were shot from the deck of Morritts Tortuga Club. The 2 pictures below are of the deck, one of the night time dances which are going on 5 nights a week, one of the sun coming up from behind the dock.

The picture of the guy sitting in the chair in the surf, his name is Gerald Breeding and he is a Manager with Eastman Chemical Company. Gerald is also a diver has spent a lot of time decompressing not from the diving, but from the pressures of the real world. The picture shows Gerald asleep in a chair, in the surf, holding a beer bottle in his hands. Just think how relaxed you would have to be to go to sleep sitting in waist deep water holding a beer bottle, and how sunburned you would get.

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