The Journey Home US Navy oficers cap device
by Aneka

The Journey Home part one

Streaking through the clouds high above the Eastern portion of the People's Republic of China Steve and a Marine A3D pilot/wing commander, caught in the act of photographing a top secret installation, are being persued by a squadron of MIG 17's. Diving and spinning they have shot down several of the highly maneuverable planes but are still greatly outnumbered.

"Well I guess if nothing else we at least proved that China's got the bomb." The pilot rationalizes.

"Its going to be a moot point if we don't get out of here."Steve reminds.

"Sir, how many of those do you suppose are nuclear?"The Marine ponders

"I don't know. Most of them probably or none of them. Since Alamagordo things have been spinning out of control."


"First we create the thing and bomb the Japanese. Then Ethel & Julius give it to the Russians. Now the Chinese and the Koreans. We can't prove India has it. Israel refuses to acknowledge one way or the other. Ike put a bunch of them in Turkey. There's talk of burying a hundred or so in Saudi. Europe's littered with warheads......"A MIG passes underneath them startling the the usually controlled pilot."Don't get me wrong." Steve continues after the plane is out of range. "I believe in being prepared but now that the genie's out of the bottle..I just wonder where we're heading."

Pulling back against 6Gs Captain Warren Xavier Smith shouts "Never mind the politics Sir! Where the hell are we?"

Steve looks down at his map. "'bout 300 miles from shore."

The pilots eyes widen with fear as looks over at him. "We're in deep shit!!"

A missile flies past them as he jinks down left. Steve turns around to see a MIG behind them "Smitty! 6 o'clock high!! Fantan! He's coming straight at us!!!!"

Captain Smith pulls the plane up vertical as Steve shouts "Get us out of here!!"

A volley of bullets shatters their canopy.Steve looks down at the pile of 'impact resistant' glass in his lap as the wind sucks papers off the seat next to him. This is not looking so good

"Cannons! They got the tail rudder!Commander......!"

"Can we still fly??" Steve asks quietly I've got concert tickets for this weekend. Kathy's going to kill me if I'm late again.Now there's a stupid thought. The Chinese are going to kill you right now and you won't be able to BS your way out of that

"Yeah but it'll be a rough ride!"

"Forget fighting we'll never out maneuver for the ocean!" McGarrett commands

"I'll try Sir but we gotta dodge the missiles and we burned alot of feul down in the mountains. Maybe we should just land. They can't klll us it's against the Geneva Convention"

A cold chill runs up Steve's spine. He reaches over and grabs the collar of the pilots jacket briefly and glares at him. "THAT'S NOT AN OPTION!! Do you understand?! You keep this bird in the air!"

The plane rattles and bucks as he pulls back on the controls "Are you ordering me Commander?!"The paniced pilot challenges."This is MY aircraft."

"You better believe it! I'm in charge of this mission Captain."and its hitting the fan fast...

"Sir the Geneva Convention says......" Smith continues to insist.

Steve knocks the pieces of glass onto the floor "Now thats a laugh" He snaps at him through clenched teeth. " When did you sign up?"

"Class of '53. Commander I know what I'm doing." He dives the plane away from another missile.

Steve leans back in the seat his eyes still darting about the sky and exhales deeply. This can't be happening again "I don't doubt that you know how to fly." He states finally. "You asked who Roger was this morning."

"The guy who saw us off? He said you were roommates once."

"And do you care to venture a guess where?"Steve challenges

"Academy I presume" Is the quick reply

Steve points to the ground. "Right down there. About the time you were packing for Senior Med Cruise Roger and I were in Lang Bak. I'm here to tell you the Geneva Convention doesn't mean squat to these people." They never even signed the agreement anyway. Check your facts Captain!

A missile clips off the left wing tip and spins the plane

"Sir. We're goin'in !!!"

I'll never make it as a POW again. Heck I can barely stand to be in an office all day. Being stuck in an elevator makes me break out in a cold sweat..This jock has no idea what we are in for

"PULL UP!!!"Steve yells in desperation

" I can't we only got one wing left!! Where are we???!!!"

Steve swallows hard and forces himself to concentrate on the map." 80 miles from shore..maybe less.We can walk that far. Punch us out!" Fear begins to overtake reason as a myrid of disjointed images from Lang Bak Prison flash through his mind. This can't be happening to me again. Not now.

Another missile passes closely by the the right side of the plane shearing off the remaining wing

Was I pedestined to die behind the lines?

"We're too low. We eject and the chutes won't open in time" the pilot shrieks.

"Terriffic! Now what??..Damn I'm out of options Steve swallows hard at the image of Sargeant Major Peters yelling at him during his youngster year survival training program

' Kiddies there are 4 P's to live by Planning Prevents     
Poor Perfrmance.But remember this always It's the 5th P
that'll get you killed--PANIC'

Resuming his regular breathing pattern Steve smiles slightly to himself And I always hated the sob" The reserve chutes..we pull them ourselves. Punch us out"

"Sir. The plane'll come down on top of us."

"Can't you bank it away?" He yells exasperatedly at the pilot. You idiot! Its an acceptable risk. And a heck of alot better than Peking duck every night. " WE'RE RUNNING OUT OF OPTIONS HERE!!" I can't die here. I've got too much stuff to do. Mom Dad I'd like to see you again but not like this. Not now. Mom I'm thinking about getting married. You've got my brother Jim with you let me stay here. There's got to be a way out of this"

"Worth a try..."The Marine states resignedly and pulls the ejection lever. There is a sharp pop as the remaining canopy blows off but the two men remain inside the spiraling aircraft.


Steve glances at the map and grabs the radio. "Purple Dragon Rider.Tango Victor Zulu.73 Golf 129 Echo 2...9 Alpha Papa Sierra November Juliet" Hail Mary full of Gace. We're about to squish all over the place. I'm about to die and all I remember is a paratrooper chant. Lord, I hope you've got a sense of humor' "Pater noster qui es in caelis: Sanctificetur nomen tuum: Adveniat regnum tuum........."

The plane spirals down out of control and crashes into a rocky field plowing a deep trench in the soft earth. Steve is thrown out of the jet and lands on top of a large rock and slides down to the ground.

An hour later he wakes up face down in the dirt. lifting his his head slightly he looks up trying to focus. The bones of his right forearm are protruding through his jacket sleeve.

"Oh God!"He croaks as his conciousness slides back down a spinning black tunnel. After several unsuccessful attempts he manages to wake up long enough to roll onto his left side his right arm hanging down and behind him. The movement causes him to vomit and faint onto his back. Several minutes later he awakens and scoots himself up against the rock closing his eyes in an attempt to shut out the spinning world. Reaching inside his shirt he pulls out his dogtags ... another set of teethmarks....... and cringes at the memory of the North Korean wilderness... There's no Roger this've got to do it.... Sticking the tag between his front teeth he then unzips his leather jacket part way; screaming, he reaches over and grabs his right arm and shoves it inside the coat...worked for Napoleon.. Spitting out the metal he half grins at the image of the smiling Marine in the cargohold of the Excalibur "Thanks Bates." Breathing heavily he leans back against the rock and tries to focus. "OK Sarge: I'm still alive." He states resignedly to the image of his former instructor. "How do I get us out of this??................" Coming to again as the sun is beginning to set he attempts unsuccessfully to stand up. Closing his eyes he grabs ahold of a piece of the plane and pulls himself up against it.The tactile shock of laying against the cold metal revives him to full awareness. Reaching into the cockpit he feels the side of the pilots neck for a pulse and finds none."Damn it...." Fear knots up in his stomach as he begins to sweat and shake at the thought of being captured.At least in Korea...I wasn't alone He leans his head down slightly and becoming dizzy again quickly regrabs the plane before his knees buckle. After smashing the few remaining intact instruments he takes the pilots gun and extra clip and shoves them into the leg pocket of his fatigue pants. From behind the seat he grabs the survival bags and tosses them on the ground. Feeling around in the seat he finds his camera and film bag. He fumbles with the camera trying to rewind the last roll of film. Finally he just pulls out the film and shoves it inside his jacket along with the rest of the used film. In what's left of the tail he finds an automatic rifle. Letting go of the plane he staggers a few steps diorientedly and collapses onto the frozen mud. An image of an office at Kimpo Airbase 1951 and a conversation between Admiral Fitz and a Korean colonel pops into his mind

  'Colonel I tell you he's the  best 
behind the lines man the Navy ever trained'
Laughing at the irony of the memory he falls over sideways in the dirt coughing uncontrollably. "Right Sir. Only 29 miles from the ocean and I can't get 10 feet"

Assess the situation!. The UDTs are probably being briefed now. They've got coordinates from your transmission. Its the same scenario Commander- just you're on the opposite end this time. First things first. Weapons.You know you always did take way too much stuff on a mission

"Yeah Sarge. Well I always got back didn't I" He snaps then exhales resignedly "till now...Three clips plus mine" He picks up the pistol and turns it over. Oh hell I'm not going to change clips quick eough in this shape. Might as well say 7 rounds. That's not enough to survive Hotel Street Setting the pistol down his eyes close involuntarily as he begins to float out of conciousness.

Subconciously he drifts into a dreamlike state in which he is diving in Hanauma Bay swimming with yellowjack tuna and blue angelfish. Coming out of the ocean he drops his tank on the beach and falls gently into the warm sand. A beautiful long brown haired woman sits down next to him and loooks curiously at him with her soft turquoise eyes 'what is all this stuff?' She ventures.
"Uh...." Taken aback by her intense gaze he stammers "Hi . Its.. well its called scuba....."
"Scuba??? She giggles.
"Yes. Self contained underwater breathing apparatus S C U B A. The Navy just developed it a couple of years ago."
"Navy. You're from the base then." She surmises
"Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett. Nice to meet you......."
"Kathy Kieley .."She introduces grabbing his extended hand and pulling him back down in the sand.

Startled awake by the approach of a squad of Chinese infantrymen he carefully crawls behind the rock forcing the memory partially out of his mind. Hoping to gain the upper hand by a suprise attack he fires the automatic rifle in a sweep pattern hitting each one as they fanned out in a row looking for cover. Standing up against the rock he slowly checks each one. A young soldier's hand grips in a death spasam causing the rifle to discharge hitting the American in the lower back. Steve falls backwards into the dirt as a second squad approaches from the opposite direction. He turns over and fires blindly till the rifle is empty. He pulls the pilots pistol out of his pocket and rolls over next to the plane and empties the magazine into them.Throwing it aside he pulls his own .45 out of its holster and finishes them off. The Chinese sargeant and Steve are at a standoff when suddenly from the nearby tree line a shot rings out and the sargeant is killed. Steve dives behind the plane and breathing in irratic spasams from the exhertion collapses into the trench. How many more of them are there! "What difference does it make anyway ...."

'Commander!' The voice of Sgt Mjr Peters orders You don't have time to feel sorry for yourself right now. There's more on the way. PRIORITIES: There's at least a dozen weapons. Get ahold of them. Next keep yourslf from bleeding to death. Nothing worse to a Marine than rescuing a corpse. You're not that bad off...well you are but you Irish are too fatalistic for me to tell you everything. You've been doing fine as long as you keep your eyes closed. West is the direction of the sunset. Go the other way. You don't have to see where you're going as long as you head East.You were one hell of a rebel but one of the best midshipmen I ever drilled. Don't disappoint me now.

"Aye aye Sir" He replies halfheartedly. Standing up against the plane he looks around quickly then closes his eyes and staggers several feet towards the trees and returns. "Hey! I just might survive this!" With renewed energy he gathers the Chinese weapons into a pile. Finding them to be revolvers he happily dumps the bullets into his pocket loads one of them and throws the others aside. Changing his mind he gets one of them back out of the discard pile and loads it too. "Yeah I know. I take too much stuff. Up yours Sarge." Setting one of the rifles next to the survival gear. He opens one of the packs checks the contents and puts most of it into the other bag along with he extra rifle clips. He smiles to himself 'Best behind the lines man the Navy ever trained' and leans back against the rock closing his eyes briefly.

It is almost night and Steve is still laying against the rock with his 45 in his left hand and one bullet,he thinks, left in the clip. A Chinese soldier approaches and shakes him gently awake. "BACK OFF!" Steve yells pointing the gun at him. "Or I swear I'll kill you right here."

The Chinese man sits down next to him "NO! You do not understand. I am Dak San Hee Air Pilot First Class" He slowly takes out a small revolver from his pocket and throws it on the other side of Steve "I surrender to you" He smiles broadly at the American.

Turning his head slightly he grabs the ground and after several minutes of abdominal spasms Steve faintly whispers. "What...."

Yes. I want to go America. Come get in truck" He points wildly to a nearby jeep.

"How did...." McGarrett wonders

"I am in trees most of time watching. I was boy near here. Know where plane have to crash better than stupid Peking army. I break my plane so I have to be on ground. Captain not look I steal truck and come here. Don't worry. I fix plane fast. Put an wire back. Captains in China Air Army no smart."

What if its a trick Glaring at the asian he points the pistol at the mans head. "No Thanks I'll wait here."

"You wait here Yankee. Army get you." Dak reminds as Steve struggles to keep the gun level.

"And just what do you get for delivering me to Mao?" Steve snaps.

"Trust me." The asian grins widely.

"Trust you!" Steve tries to laugh and the pain of another rib breaking causes him to drop the gun.

Seeing an opportunity the Chinese man quickly retrieves it. Removing the empty clip he chuckles slightly and tosses it aside. Pinning Steve to the rock with one hand he feels around until he finds the extra clips in his pants pocket. Grabbing one of them he quickly reloads the gun and slides the first round into the chamber. At the sound of the click Steve's eyes fly open trying to locate the pilot through his swirling kalidoscopic vision. He's going to kill me with my own gun. Son of a ... The slight impact of the gun landing on his legs startles him but he quickly grabs the pistol.

"OK Yankee." Dak grins. "You have more chance to kill me now. Master teaches me saying 'Every man have to trust sometime.' Your time friend. No time for think now! Soldiers are coming more. Look for you. I fly planes. Want to go for large time but I think not safe. My father killed by communists. Brothers run to Hong Kong they dead too. Mother and sisters all raped and killed. With you America has to let me in!" He grins broadly and points to the jeep. "Hurry"

Steve starts to stand up and his knees give out. "I'm not going anywhere quickly..." Dak drags him over to the jeep and shoves him under a tarp in the back. He picks up the backpacks, guns and Steve's cracked helmet and throws them in with him. "You need for later" Dak San drives wildly without headlights towards a nearby airbase. At the sound of a distant engine he turns abruptly off the road into the forrest.The irratic movements of the jeep and jostling over the uneven surface causes Steve to scream in agony. Stopping behind a row of pinetrees the Chinese man lifts up the tarp "Quiet. Soldiers I hear. You understand?" Holding his right arm across his chest, tears and sweat running down his face Steve nods.

An hour later they exit the treeline and drive cautiously to an isolated hut. Dak goes into the hut and comes out quickly. Going to the back of the jeep he lifts the tarp up finding his hostage barely concious. "40 miles to plane."He be of no use to me in this condition He tilts Steves head back and dumps a white powder under his tongue "You never make it like this. Old uncle grows opium-same thing as your morphine. Should be better soon."

Arriving at the airbase via an unguarded oxen trail Dak parks the jeep behind a hanger and looks inside the desserted building housing his plane.Satisfied that no one is around he returns to the jeep grabs the gear and carries Steve over to the plane and buckles him into the co-pilots seat of a new MIG 21 and puts the helmet back on him and toses the backpack on the floor. Climbing a ladder he opens an access panel in the nose of the plane and reattaches a couple of wires and screws the panel closed again. Walking out the door he spots a pair of soldiers coming towards the hanger. Quickly he sits on the ground and lights a cigarette pretending to be relaxing."Greetings Commrades." He smiles." How is it going?"

"We are are being sent to the search for the Americians. How is it that you are here doing nothing?" The sargeant asks.

"Nothing! Commrades I have been trying to fix this plane all day. Peking gives me nothing but useless junk."

"We could help you?"The young private volunteers.

"No. You would have to explain your absence. Better to join the search. I will get this bird up eventually." Once the soldiers are a safe distance away he starts up an aging rough idling semi tractor and attaches the end of a log chain mounted on the front bumper to the tow point on the front of the jet. He then pulls the plane out onto the runway and looks around again. Seeing noone he spools up the jets engines and parks the truck a short distance away and climbs into the plane. Seeing three jeeps approach the runway he skips the preflight check and hurridly takes off into the night sky.

The sudden vertical movement causes Steve to throw up again. Dak San reaches over and gently shakes him "It OK we in air now "

Steve smiles broadly'I'm going to make it!'""There's an airbase in Seoul"

"No! Koreans do what China say! We are better over water. Japan. America tells what to do now"

"OK fine with me...."He replies halfheartedly. 3 hour flight from Kimpo to Tokyo..I hope I can make it that much longer...

A squadron of Chinese fighters chase them as Dak eveades and fires back at them. Steve passes out from the rapid movements

Secure of his escape after splashing the last MIG19 Dak turns his attention towards his passenger smiling he shakes him slightly. "Hey! You dead?"

Steve opens one eye "No...unfortunately....please...keep the plane straight..."

"I know." He replies sympathetically. "But we had to get free. I got them all. We fly straight now. What radio station Japan?"

"151.95...emergency channel..."

Dak reaches over and sets the radio."For later. You talk to them. Yankee Doodle."

Steve fades in and out of conciousness as they fly south towards Japan."Dak ...?" He asks weakly.

"yes?"He answers,glad for another brief period of companionship to distract him from the sad thought that this is the last time he will ever fly a plane.

"How did....your English is pretty good....."

The pilot reaches over and gently taps the logo on Steves helmet. "Mickey Mouse"

Steve looks at him questioningly "What?....Oh. My names Steve McGarrett. They call me Mickey sometimes....why doing this...?"

"My father work for US army in China. They kill him for it. When I small boy they learn English in school. Americian GIs nice to me. I keep book and learn at night. America free. I want to be free too."

As they approach the edge of Tokyo's radar screen Dak shakes him awake. Steve looks up into the rising sun and screams from the sunrise blinding his hypersensitive optic nerves. Finally figuring out what is wrong Dak leans the plane reaches across and pushes down whats left of the visor on his helmet."Better?" He asks when the screaming ceases. "Time to call America" He instructs and hands him the radio mike.It takes several minutes for Steve to comprehend what the pilot wants. Carefully composing what to say he finally presses the button. "Tokyo control...this is...Oh God we don't.....I'm Lieutenant Commander Steven J McGarrett 356..31..4992...NIS..Pearl.....Purple.... Dragon....uh.......oh yeah....Purple Dragon Rider ......Tango Victor Zulu....Sierra....November....uh......Juliet. Turn the Recons around....Bravo..Romeo......uh.Papa.. You are about to pick up a blip on radar. Don't shoot us down"

Promptly the radio cracks in response "Commander this is Tokyo. What's going on? Please verify. We show one Chinese MIG inbound. Over"

"That's us. It's a ....long..story I be able explain it all...The pilot is a defector..he'll do whatever..."

Passing through a dense cloud the plane buffets on the turbulent air causing Steve to pass out briefly from the motion. The sharp static of the antiquated radio brings him back. "Commander. Tokyo. What's going on?...Verify...Are you allright sir?"

Swallowing against another wave of nausea he responds faintly. " have an engineer there..Lieutenant Frank Evershall....get him...he'll..."

"Rodger Commander stand by."

Dak grabs him by the arm "What wrong? They not let I land?"

Steve leans back in the seat willing himself to stay awake. "Relax...they have to be sure...its not a trap. I don't think.....I'm not going to be able to talk much longer....just do what ever they tell you to...OK. Don't make...any...threatening movements...just fly straight......probably a squadron has been sent to look us what they tell you"

Looking over at the ashen color of his passenger Dak becomes highly concerned that his insurance policy may not make it and tries to encourage him "Steve! Not quit now. We almost there. Fly not an hour more...I go faster!"

Steve grabs him. "No! They'll think its a threat. Don't be stupid!!"

At the air base a security jeep pulls up beside an aircraft maintainence hanger. Two SP's quickmarch through the cavernous building oblivious to the airframes parked inside in various states of disassembly. At the far end of the building they enter the Lts tiny office and salute "Lt Evershall Sir"

Absorbed in his calculations Frank glances up briefly. "Yes?"

"Sir. Do you know a Commander McGarrett?" The taller sailor asks standing at parade rest.

"Steve. Sure. Why? He's not here is he???"What kind of prank is McGarrett pulling on me?

"Well sort of sir."A burly thick necked Seaman 1 responds as he looks at the group of pictures on the wall next to Franks commission. I wonder if this guys in one of these

He puts down his slide rule and looks up concernedly. "What's going on?" Frank asks with a sudden sense of foreboding.

"The tower sent us over Sir. There's a bogey inbound says that's who he is. They want you to verify. Come with us Sir"

Halfway out the door Frank abruptly turns and grabs his hat off the top of a filing cabinet nearly knocking over a sailing trophy.

The five minute drive to the air traffic control building seems to take an eternity as wild scenes pass through Lt Evershall's mind. As the jeep comes to a halt he leaps out of the back and runs down the long corridor towards the elevator nearly knocking a clerk down. Rushing out of the car he stops abruptly upon seeing the crowd of people surrounding the radar screen Oh God! This is no joke. Steve couldn't have arranged all of this... He introduces himself to the young petty officer 1 air controller who is watching the sweeping radar screen.

An ensign asks. "Who is this guy sir?"

"He's my best friend. We went to the academy together. What's going on here?" He looks at the serious expressions on the faces of the crowd and begins to panic "Steve's allright isn't he?"

"He doesn't sound too good sir. Keeps fading in and out" The petty officer informs, momentarly looking away from the approaching blip.

Intent only on finding out what has happened to his friend Frank elbows his way to the control panel and grabs the radio. "Steve. What the hells going on!?"

Dak shakes him again. Steve moans quietly

"McGarrett! What's happening??"

Steve blinks a couple of times as Dak shakes him.The sound of a familiar voice slowly filters down into his diminished conciousness. Finally in frustration the defector reaches over and hits him hard on the right shoulder causing him to scream loudly.

"Hey buddy. Steve! You OK??" The radio cracks through the static. Steve carefully glances over in the general direction of Dak who is pointing to the radio "They call you." "STEVE!" Frank screams

He picks up the radio "hey...Frankie....."

Evershall sits down in the chair "Oh God! That's Steve. Or what's left of him. Is this some kind of classified thing?"

The petty officer shrugs and sits on the desk next to him "Got me sir. What's his MOS?"

Intelligence. He's supposed to be at Pearl. How long till they get here?"

They're about 30 minutes out.

The radio next to him cracks "Tokyo. Bravo 2 leader. I got him. Its a MIG all right looks like one of those new Soviet Farmers, wing bumps and all but aren't they only 1 seaters??"

The commander grabs the microphone away from Frank."It is but there is a trainer model. The Chinese build that. Same as the MIG19 only they call it Fantan."

"Bravo 2 again. The nose is wrong. This one's a crayon."

"Holy!" The commander exclaims. "That's one of the new 21's! Treat it gently no ones seen one of those up close before. I want that plane intact. Don't do anything to spoof the pilot.. Whats going on up there Bravo 2"

"The pilots definately Chinese. Keeps waving at me. So far he hasn't done anything."

Frank looks up hopefully. "What about Steve?"

"Bravo 2. What about the other guy?"

"Can't tell Tokyo. His head's down. There's a patch on his jacket I can see part of. Looks like a sword coming out of something. Mountain maybe. I'm not sure. Sir I buzzed the side of the plane he didn't even flinch. Must be way gone."

"Roger Bravo 2. Can you get the plane upside down?"

A seaman enters with a telex and hands it to the officer in charge "We got it! Pearl says its an authentic code. But superceded last month. Say they'll stand by the Marines on the Vincent. They want to know how sure we are that its him. You're supposed to ask for an 'authenticator number' for Bravo Mike Kilo"

The commander grabs the piece of paper. "This is a bunch of crap! We aren't even getting full sentences out of this guy. He probably doesn't remember the new code let alone a number. You made them aware of what's going on Atkins?"

The seaman snaps to attention "Yes Sir. Very clearly Sir."

"Tokyo, Bravo 2. Not a good idea down there guys. The chink flipped the plane and your passenger just threw up on the glass. Still can't tell anything but he's at least a foot taller than the chinaman. It's definately a sword and a rock. He's wearing a Surface Warfare Officer badge and a pair of jump wings."

"Lieutenant how sure are you this isn't a fake?"The commander questions.

"Its Steve Sir." He responds emphatically. "Unfortunately."

"OK. Just ask him one question. And the shape he's in Lieutenant." The watch officer shakes his head in concern. "You better make it a simple one."

"What do you want to know Sir." Frank asks sarcastically." Who won the Army Navy game?"

Taken aback by the insubordination he starts to say something then realizing it only as stress over his friend replies calmy. "No the Ruskies know that question. Something personal. Uh..Its only January, where was he Christmas maybe. You know the answer to that?

"He was with me." Frank replies distantly. trying to shove the memories out of his mind

"Good ask him that" The older man states with obvious feeling

"Steve? You still with us? Where were we Christmas?"

"............Sebastiani......." is the faint reply barely audible over ther static.

"Close enough." Frank encourages. "Good job. Just hang on OK."

"Where's Sebastiani??" The Commander replies questioningly thinking that he knew where every base was.

"It isn't a place. We were in Spain. Sebastiani was a girl he met. That enough?"

"Figures.." The balding slightly overweight watch officer shakes his head."libido's one of the last things to go"

Frank relaxes for a brief instant "In his case yeah"

Keep him talking Lieutenant." Standing behind him the Commander pats Frank's shoulders. "That's his best chance."

"Yeah. Sure. You're right." Evershall replies resolutely and sitting up in the chair he picks up the microphone again. "Steve? You hear me?"

After a long silence there is a very weak "yeah..."

"OK." Franks grins with relief." Listen to me buddy. What the hell happened to you?"


Steve! You gotta keep awake OK. What's happened?"

Concerned that he will be refused asylum Dak grabs the radio."He OK I think.."

Frank jumps out of his seat."Who are you?" He snaps. "Never mind. What's happened to him?"

"His plane crash. I not doctor. There's lots of blood. If he moves he's sick. I know he broke an arm. Chest too and I think his head. Big hole in his helmet"

Frank leans forward with his elbows on the counter and his head down "Oh God." Quietly he picks up the radio and whispers Steve?"

"I think." The pilot replies reassuringly. "You say something. He moves but not wake up"

The usually bustling control room is eerily quiet despite the growing tension as the crowd hovers expectantly around Lt. Evershall. The stillness is broken only by the metronomic blip of the approaching plane on the radar screen.Frank lays his head on the contol panel.A seaman 1 clerk puts his hand on Franks back and states sympatheticly "20 minutes sir. Keep talking to him. All we can do"

"Steve?" He asks hopefully. "OK buddy if you can't talk thats fine you don't have to"

Steve whispers quietly "I'm Ok Paul....."

The controller reaches for Franks arm as he bats him away "Who's Paul?"The officer asks

"Steve you listen to me right now!" Evershall orders. "You just concentrate on getting your butt down here!"


"Yeah Steve. I'm right here. You allright?"

He starts gagging "Yeah. Pauls here....." Then in a childlike voice he asks "where are we going?"

"Steve you listen to me. Stop that right now! I don't care how much it hurts. Open your eyes right now!!!! Do you hear me?!" He screams into the microphone.


Usually very stoic by nature Frank buries his head in his hands for a couple of minutes then wiping his forearm across his eyes and sniffing deeply he swallows back a lump he pleads insistantly. "You gotta do it. OK. For me. Just do it."

The controller leans forwards in concern and asks "What's happening? Who's Paul?"

Evershall leans back in the chair and wipes his eyes again. "Paul Compton. He's...he was our friend. He died in Korea." There is a collective gasp as the room realizes what's going on. "Steve listen to me. Just me OK." He insists. "Paul's not here. He died 5 years ago"

"....Frank...?...." Steve whispers in confusion. "Why are we out here?.....Its way past taps. I know how to punt now......."

"Oh God!" Frank utters involuntarily. "Steve where do you think we are?"

After a long hesitation "Farragut Field" is the faint reply. "Dragonbreaths on his way.....Paul says....."

"Steve!" Frank yells in a panic then forces himself to calm down. "Think about this. Paul is dead. Lt Hamilton is dead. There's only you and me here and we're still very much alive." Frank exhales deeply and leans back in the chair at the implication of his statement."Do you hear me?!!!!! MCGARRETT!!!!!" Scooting the chair back away from the console Evershall leans over forwards with his head down and hands hanging betwen his knees trying to calm down. "10 minutes more buddy." He reassures "We've got a doctor right here. You just keep breathing OK. Can you do that? STEVE!"

"He Ok" The defector reassures.

" I don't know who you are but you just get him the hell down here NOW!" Frank retorts.

"Whats he talking about??" Commander Allen asks. "Football??"

"Yeah" Frank sighs. "He and Paul were part of the Elite Fleet"

Trying to take Franks mind off the situation the commander encourages him to continue the reminesience.

"Steve was second quarterback on the varsity team plebe year. Paul barely made it each season. But that wasn't for lack of Steve's trying. He used to run crazy patterns and make Paul tackle him until you couldn't see either of them for the mud. Steve was always on the away bus. Senior year. Paul got to go with him one time to North Florida I think. I've never seen two guys more happy.."

Sensing that he was intruding on the conversation Seaman Atkins snaps to attention and tentatively speaks up. "Sirs? I've been thinking about this sword thing. I think I know maybe what it is."

A helicopter pilot visiting the tower turns towards him abruptly and commands. "For the love of God speak up. Officers don't have all the answers."

"My high school lit class." He replies hesitantly "King Arthur and the Round Table. Merlin the Wizard locked a magic sword in a rock. It was called Excalibur. Only Arthur could pull it out."

Frank spins around in his chair. "USS Excalibur! That was Steve's ship!!"

A grayhaired master chief exclaims "The one that was sunk! Started the whole Korean mess??

"They didn't sink!" Frank snips defensively at the older man. "Steve's sensitive about that."

"Sir I was here back in '50 when that wreck backed into port. Half of it was under water and it was listing so far we were half afraid to board her. If this guys the same officer who reversed her across the China Sea under fire then he did a hell of a job but Lieutenant take it from me. They sunk!"

Several anxious minutes pass with the crowd staring mutely at the screen until an ensign points excitedly towards the glass. Heartened by the sight of the distant aircrafts Frank grabs the radio and yells excitedly "Steve. I can see you out the window. Hang on. You hear me?"

"He still OK." Dak reassures then quickly checks his passenger for a pulse. "I go to land now. HELLO AMERICA!!"

Frank grabs the commander by his shirt collars "I don't give a damn what kind of security policy you got. Do what ever you want with the pilot I don't give a damn. Just let him land long enough to get Steve back"

The controller pulls Frank off the commander and restrains him in an arm lock until the commander orders him to release his hold. Grabbing Franks shoulders loosely he replies gently. "Relax. Its over. Go get your friend."

"Relax! Like hell!" Pushing the senior officer aside Frank runs out of the building knocks the 2 SP's away from the jeep and speeds to the runway as the Chinese MIG lands. He chases along side it on the tarmac. An ambulance and and service truck approach from the other direction.

The plane comes to a stop as the canopy pops up. Dak San leaps out of the plane "I'M FREE!! HELLO AMERICA!!!" He throws his helmet and jacket on the ground and rips the insignia off his flight suit. Two sailors climb up the ladder and pull Steve out of the plane. He screams quietly as they tug on his arms to get him out of the seat. Running towards the hot jet Frank looks up just as Steve's helmet falls off and bounces on the asphalt. and stops in his tracks "Oh my God!" As they carry him to the ambulance Frank has ahold of Steve's jacket. Opening one eye slightly Steve grabs at Franks sleeve " win..Frank". Dak approaches them. "He OK? I come with you." Climbing in the ambulance Frank mumbles "Yeah sure whatever"

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