
1993 Picture Gallery
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Ice peaks - South side of Passu Glacier, Passu Gar 1993

Don and Phil juggle in Skardu 1993

Don, Phil and Dan Satpara Lake 1993

Karimabad - Note the lady finger on the left 1993

Phil at south side of Passu Glacier 1993

Shooting pool in Gilgit. The Medina Guesthouse 1993

Playing "in" the mighty Karakorams 1993

Dan plays with an AK-47 in Darra (tribal zone) NWFP 1993

Kids above Gilgit 1993

Flying down the Kunjerhab Pass 1993

Tea break and a beautiful view 1993

Going from Sost to Passu 1993

On our way from Lahore to India

Yes, I went to India. Here's a few pictures

A beach in Goa 

From 17000 to 0 feet!!!  Goa beach

Two Canadians, a Brit & an Ozzy in Goa