This Page Belongs to Clarissa and Kaitlyn

Clariss is 4 years old, is interesting in reading books, playing with her friends and sister. I am a fun loving young girl and could out talk anyone on earth. I also love going to church with my aunt Tammy.

Kaitlyn is 3 years old, and is a very vibrante like cutie pie with long beautifull full brown hair and blue eyes, eyes that could melt the meanest of hearts.

This is a page my mommy helped me and my sister build i hope you have fun learning about me.  kisses

My birthday is in sept and my sister Kaitlyns is in june, . (Get me toys!)

List your favorite links here. For example:

The Book Hive
My Pet

I love watching my fish swim and love to take extra good care of them also. I mostly love to play and read books, i really like the ones my mommy makes for me. (Clarissa)
I love to play and give my sister a hard time. I also loveeeeeee candy......(Kaitlyn)

What's your favorite toon? Mine is the digimon (both girls)

Our mommy buys us lots of books, we couldnt pick a favorite, although Kailtyn loves the pooh

My favorite book is Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss, because it taught me to try new things.

Right now my favorite color is purple. i dont know sissys

I love my mom, dad,and my sister . My brother, mommy,  is my role model. She's really smart. My best friend is Sadie. She's lots of fun. I also love my fish, even if they arnt real people. Kaitlyn is to young to awnser these questions. hehe

When I grow up, I want to be an firefighter cause that is what my daddy does. That would be fun. Kaitlyn just wants to eat candy all the time heehe