We all need one !

Got all your clothes that you need?(not many I hope)*G*
Got all your bath articles? (i.e., tooth brush, deodorant,zit picker, etc.)
How about your sunglasses?
Got your passport?
Got your plane ticket?
Got your credit cards?
Got your money?
Got my present? (hehehehehe)
Got the tapes you made?
Got the Cd's you wanted to bring?
Phone #'s and email addy's?
Oh and don't forget SARAH's tea!

Ok go put your stuff by the front door and come back here.

All the dishes done?
Lights off?
Plants fed?
Did ya turn the thermostat down?
Got your keys?

Did ya call me yet?

Ok baby if all the boxes are checked then I think you're ready.
So what the hell ya waiting for get going...
I'll see ya soon love.

~~~~~~With open arms~~~~~~~