Spiny lobsters (family Palinuridae) are generally found in water warmer than that of the American lobsters. Spiny lobsters do not have large pincer claws but are comparable to the American lobster in size and flavor. The spiny lobsters, or rock lobsters, sometimes referred to only as lobsters, lack the enlarged claws of the true lobsters. Various species of spiny lobsters occur around the world. Commercial catches originate largely in the waters off South Africa and South-West Africa, Australia, New Zealand, France, Japan, Brazil, Cuba, the United States, Mexico, and the Bahamas.

Spiny Lobster at home

The spiny lobster, seen sitting at the entrance of a shallow cave, has a smaller body than its cousin the Maine lobster and lacks the enormous pincers at the ends of the chelipeds, or first pair of legs. The spiny lobster makes a remarkable annual migration, in which large numbers of individuals move single file across the deep sea floor. Although the purpose of the migration is poorly understood, it is thought to be involved with reproduction.

Here are a few Pictures

of some of the things that a Spanish Wells fisherman might see on a daily basis

Three Crawfishing Vessels leaving Spanish Wells Harbour(74k)

Close up of a Crawfish (spiny lobster)(42k)

A few crawfish sitting by a sea feather (82k)

A handfull of Crawfish the diver brings the catch to the surface where the 18ft skiff is waiting (50k)

Diver at the surface (51k)

A spear full of Crawfish Diver "Ross Albury" on his way to the surface with a spearfull (47k)

A boat full of Crawfish (33k) .. for larger view click here (72k)

Preparing the catch or "wringing them out" is the local term (62k)

The 18ft skiff (localy known as an "Abaco Boat") is what all the Spanish Wells fishermen use (42k)

Unfortunate Shark that tried to eat the crew of the "Sea Gem" (it took 15 spears to stop him) (30k)

Dolphins swimming by (47k)

More Dolphins (52k)

Ross & Darrin a couple of Spanish Wells fishermen a long long time ago (44k)

The best way to see Crawfish (72k)


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