From:Mark and Debbie Blosser
          Your Missionaries in Swaziland

October 2002

Rhonda and Scott's Wedding: It hardly seems possible, but the big wedding event is over and a new family has been created. It pulled at our heart strings to see our daughter take this step, but at the same time it was a wonderful experience and privilege to take part in something we have been getting Rhonda ready for from the time that she was born. The wedding ceremony was the most beautiful Debbie and I have ever seen... but then we had front row seats and were the proud parents. I was even able to carry out my part of walking Rhonda down the aisle (without a limp) and pray a prayer of blessing on the couple after giving her away.

We arrived in the States on July 15th, the wedding took place on Friday, August 9th, at 6:00 p.m. and we flew back to South Africa on August 12th. We felt that it was time well spent as we were able to spend more time getting to know Scott and his family. I don't think we realized at first that we needed to get caught up on a relationship which we were not a part of because we were so far away. Not being there during the development stages and getting in after the engagement was something which took some adjustment for us. One of those things which is a part of being a missionary, we learned. We thank the Lord and all those involved, both for understanding and the help. Again, my brother, Joel, and his wife, Barb, opened up their home to us, making us feel at home and comfortable for a whole month! What a blessing they were to us!! We also have great gratitude to the many people who helped with the wedding preparation. Rhonda and Scott did most of the planning and arranging, and we just tried to pitch in wherever help was needed. But in the end it was team work which made it such a wonderful event. Scott's parent's, Pat and Sue Michael, were wonderful to get to know and work with. To my knowledge we didn't even have any tense moments as we were setting up. In fact, it was such a fun, rewarding and wonderful day! The Lord even blessed us with wonderful weather. It cooled down a day or two before, so the temperature was just right. Thank you to all who came and shared it with us!! Our only regret was that we couldn't spend more time talking to many of you.

One other rewarding event we did before the wedding, along with Scott and Rhonda and Scott's mother, dad and aunt, was to take a trip to Bloomington to take their things to their apartment where they would be living. Joel offered us the use of his trailer and van, which we loaded to the hilt, and then drove south for 200 miles. It was enjoyable to work together moving their stuff in and setting things up. Now we have an idea of where they are, while Scott continues his education in astrophysics.

Peter's Health Problem: Just a few days before the wedding, Peter had an attack of strong pain in his back, in the area of his kidney. We began tests right away and nothing was discovered until we arrived back in South Africa, where we began visiting a urologist the same day we arrived. After extensive testing it was discovered that there was a blockage which was causing the bladder not to empty completely and was in turn back-flowing into the kidneys and damaging them. To make a long story short, we had some anxious times wondering what was happening and if the condition could be fixed. We are so thankful that the specialist was able to perform an operation to repair the problem. However, after the operation, a very high temperature, caused by an infection, lengthened his time in the hospital and gave us a few more days of concern. In it all the Lord was good to us by directing us to good health care and giving healing. Peter was able to fly back to boarding school just a week late and get caught up on his school work. An interesting incident happened to Peter as he was handing in his ticket to get on the plane in Jo'burg. The flight attendant told him that they had changed his seating arrangements and his new seat was now 3D. Peter immediately realized that he had been bumped up into first class! If you ask me, I think it was the Lord's way of reminding him that He still loved him greatly, in spite of the pain and difficulty he had just endured! Isn't our God wonderful? Of all the people on that plane, I think Peter may have been the most deserving... don't you think?

Antenna Rework: In just a week from now we'll be involved in overhauling our large TCI curtain antenna. We hope to let it down, repair it and put it back up in one day and not lose any air time. I'll let you know how it went in our next letter. Then we have four more towers to put up, which will support three more antennas. Please pray, as there is a lot of work to be done. I'm getting back to normal with the healing of my broken ankle and have even done some climbing. However, I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to do some of the more difficult tower work.

May the Lord continue to bless you as you pray and support the work of getting the good news to a world which needs it so badly!

Mark and Debbie Blosser

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