You are about to enter my library. Please read this DISCLAIMER and click "I Agree" below (but only if you do agree).

This is my personal library. If you want to read some of the things I have written, this is the place to do it. The library is organized by topic and by title, so you can browze through and, if you see something that interests you, you can take it off the shelf and enjoy (or not). Everything in this collection is my own creation. As such, the words in the order in which they are found constitute an expression of my own thought, and therefore they belong to me. Any reproduction of these works in any format will be considered a violation of my right to exercise some control over my own creation. By clicking on "I Agree" you accept the terms of this agreement, including that you will not copy or reproduce my writing without prior permission from me. If you would like to reproduce or publish any part or the whole of my works, please contact me at pw86@columbia.edu. I have put these works on the Net of my own free will, and I offer them to anyone who wants to read them of his/her own free will. In choosing to read my works, you are accepting any and all risks associated therein. I make no guarantee that my thoughts will not offend you. As Clint Eastwood said, "If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster." The basic agreement is this: you agree not to do anything with my writing but read it in its original form, and you agree not to hold me responsible for anything in my writing that might offend you. If you agree with these terms, you have my permission to read from my library, and you should click the "I Accept" button. If you don't agree with these terms, you should click somewhere else. Cheers.

"I Accept"