My Interests in Life


Forgive me that I am fascinated by this most mysterious of creatures, I hope you take no offense, for surely I mean none. However, having recently departed a long dissatisfactory relationship, I concluded there was much to learn about the fairer sex, who is at once ultimately enchanting in her beauty and charm, and ultimately frustrating in her inconsistency and whim.
My success rating? - low to moderate *grin* - but the more I've studied, the more I've become convinced of the depth and breadth of the chasm in the way we two sexes experience life, and how poorly we as a society teach our young to communicate across that gap - both ways.
One very popular reference that helps us with understanding this problem is the best seller Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. To look at women's issues in depth, try this page of Gender Resources. And to study women as men love to study them, try Penthouse Note the disparity? *grin* ... Yes, ladies, we love you for your beauty, too - and the important point is that we love not just your beauty, but we love YOU for being beautiful for us... please note the difference... we've gotten SUCH bad press lately.


A wise man once said: The Lord does not deduct from your allotted time the hours you spend fishing. In my youth, I endeavoured to become immortal, but as someone who must work for a living at least a few years longer, I've aged rapidly. :-) These links are pictoral in nature, intending to suffice when not near the sport. I'm also a bit of a purist, loving the capture of the mighty salmon above all other. Accordingly, you will find here links to salmon fishing in
British Columbia
and that ultimate frontier


Mayhaps this is a bit of an oddity here, for I prescribe to no organized religion, and will freely argue either side of whether a diety even exists. But I enjoy the study of religion because it tells a story of the people who embrace it, and helps to understand the behavior of their societies. Since the major religions are relatively easy to find, I've tried here to note some of the more obscure forms that our civilizations have or currently worship.
We can learn something from all of them.
Start with Asatru. Here's a charming story from China.
Take a look at the Druids
and also Here.
From India come the Jain beliefs.
Here are some resources on religions of Tibet.

A good reference site for
Pagan studies.
Then, finish up with the most misunderstood of them all, Wicca.
These but scratch the surface, of course, and simple net searches will lead you on pathways which will keep you entranced for hours.


I separate spirituality from religion, because clearly there are many forms of spirituality which have nothing to do with a diety, worship, or faith. Many are quite foreign to our western way of thinking, but nonetheless have credibility in the impact they've made upon the lives of their followers. I list only one here now, because I've not yet even begun to explore it fully - it's called Connections - join me.

Personal Growth

A neverending search, here - the resources I've found and share here are a limited sample, at best. First, I think one major task for those who have lived in our society for a while is to 'un-numb' themselves and learn to feel again. Here's a charming tool called Reclaiming the Erotic. Of course, this study wouldn't be complete without mentioning New Age. Finally, to truly look within yourself for inner peace and relaxation, try Meditation.


My retirement dream. My fantasy is to retire - the day will be 1 May 2003 - on 2 May step aboard my 33 footer, purchased for the occasion, and disappear in the - South Pacific? - Caribbean? - Mediterranean? - pick one.
Here's a treasure of Sailing Resources.


Ah - what more is there to say? Join me out there, and I hope to see you along the road somewhere...

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Updated on 26 August 1996