A little about me!

Hi! My name is Chris Hockaday. I live near Clayton, NC; about 10 minutes south of Clayton. This page will show you a little about me and my interests. Below, you'll find a few buttons that will show you some of my hobbies. They'll speed up the loading of this page, so just press on them and have a look!

I have strong interests in music, especially in the recording industry. My taste in music is mostly alternative and modern rock, and metal. I have been playing guitar regularily since December of '95, and play drums in a band named Tramping Ground.

Some of my hobbies revolve around building/flying model aircraft and model rockets. I have been interested in model rocketry since I was very young. I've built and owned many model rockets, and have flow them at school, the RDRC model airplane flying site, in open fields nearby my home. I also enjoy building and flying R/C model airplanes, and currently have 4. I have a modified Goldberg Eagle II with a 62" wingspan, a scratch-built trainer of unknown origin, a vintage Folker Biplane, and a Hangar 9 Stick.

I'm also a Radio Amateur...some people call it 'ham radio'. I hold a technician class amateur radio license. I'm licensed to operate 6 meters, 2 meters, 220, and 440 mhz FM. I've also built a 12 volt dc supply, completely from scratch using only a schematic and salvaged electronic components.

My first motorized vehicle was a Yamaha 4-wheeler. When I lived in a rural community near Youngsville, there are lots of farm paths to ride on, and I could travel for miles without even getting near a public hiway!

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