Ahlân wa Sahlân

Ahlân wa Sahlân!

My Summer in Syria (a.k.a. Summer of Peace and Reconciliation) Web Page is slowly taking shape. When I get connected to the campus network, it will be much easier to scan my slides, as I won't lose half of my work to floppies deciding to go corrupt between the lab and my machine :-)  I'll let you know when I have the first pictures on-line.

But for now . . .

Nûr il-`Aîn cover art

By request of our "baTal", Shahram Paksima, a short clip of "Habîbî" (a.k.a. `Amr Dîâb's "Nûr il-`Aîn"). This is a 200K one minute clip in RealAudio 5.0 format. The download time should be negligible since RealAudio uses streaming.

Since I had a lack of content initially, I thought I'd throw up everyone's email addresses; however, nearly five years later, most are no longer valid, so just our names are now listed, unless I know the address still works. Ironically, I last updated this page exactly a year ago, in May 2001, but since I have some pictures scanned, real content is coming soon, I promise!

Smokey Ardisson
Just finished the coursework portion of a MA in Arab Studies and PhD in History joint degree program at Georgetown University.
Joel "Joël" Bailey
Mike Daly
Jacob Darling
Eileen (Erbecker) Pott
Married in December 2000 and just finished her second year of law school at the University of Michigan (ca. spring 2002).
TJ Fitzgerald
I ran into TJ (now Timothy) at MESA '99; he is in the second year of PhD in History and Middle East Studies at Harvard.
Diane Ford
Chad Foster
Jim Hall
Joel Howe
Jimmy Knudsen
Shahram Paksima
Tim Ponce
Reports confirm he did get married after returning home from Syria.
Charolette (Rhoads) Baker
I ran into Charolette at CCAS 25th Anniversary Symposium and later with Dr Samo at the 2000 Kareema Khoury Distinguished Lecture at CCAS; she is back in Washington and working for the World Bank.
Wes Robertson
I ran into Wes at Georgetown's 2001 Commencement, where he received his MA in National Security Studies.
Robin Tucker
Currently working in San Francisco for a non-profit dealing with sustainable and renewable energy.
James Watt
Reports confirm James served as SG of the 1998 Michigan MAL.
Hannah Wolinsky

Escort: Ron Stockton
I also ran into Dr. Stockton and his wife at MESA '99, and they are well.

© 1997-2002, Smokey Ardisson
This page was last modified on May 28, 2002.
Watch for the arrival of pictures, coming in a few weeks -- inshâ´allah!

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