Jamaica Jamaica Jim's Home Place -- HAS MOVED!!

Hello! And Welcome To My World !

However -- THIS site has now moved!

It can now be found at my very own "domain name" web site!

A few years back, I decided that I wanted to have the domain name "jamaicajim.com" for my very own. I was able to secure it, but it took me a while to find a web server to host the site. Now, I have a super server -- 2Fords.Net (http://www.2fords.net) -- which does a superb job of providing excellent web services at a reasonable cost.

I extend an invitation to everybody to jump over to my all new web site -- albeit with much of the same attention to detail that so many folks have found to be enjoyable and informative here. In addition, I extend a warm welcome to y'all who will be seeing my cyber place for the first time.

To automagically make that mighty leap through cyber space, simply click on the URL below -- y'all come now, you hear!


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May not be copied or reproduced without permission.