TravelHelpers at 


The Travel Helpers website has been discontinued.. HOWEVER.. all is not lost.. you can now ask for inside information about your next travel destination from the Travel Helpers at is a new site recently launched by two brothers trying to help travellers keep their travel experiences alive. The site provides a means for people to find friends they met on travels and have lost touch with. It also offers a secure online diary facility which can be used by people while they're on the road and provides a showcase of travel photography from around the world.

Travellerspoint has now also added the Travel Helpers feature to its list of free services. By signing up with Travellerspoint for free you can become a Travel Helper or ask any of the Travel Helpers for information about where you want to go! All queries are processed through an advanced internal messaging system, making it impossible to trace people's email addresses. This ensures a maximum of privacy for all involved.

The database of Travel Helpers that has been built up over the years on this site will also be incorporated shortly, so you will be able to find all the people you're used to asking questions. If you were a Helper here, please don't wait for us to contact you about joining at Travellerspoint. If you sign up at Travellerspoint now, you won't be asked to join again later. This is a valuable service that can only be succesful with a broad range of Helpers from around the world. We hope you agree and join us at

You can register at for free.
Click here to go to

If you want to contact Manuel Montenegro, who has been running the Travel Helpers site, you can email him at