For more information about the site please contact Sayj, Delmaith, Kephlin, or Tonck in game or e-mail at the below link. With all of the guild members help we can get this site up and running quickly.
Thank You! :o)
In light of our meeting on March 2nd there were suggestions made for the website. If you have more suggestions at all please e-mail at the address below or speak with Tonck in game. Also if you don't want to do e-mail the guestbook has a comment box you may use for your thoughts as well. DON'T be shy let me hear what you think and we will try to work it out the best we can.
Erena's suggestion to put Real Life pictures of ourselves was great so if you have pics of you in RL then please e-mail them to me or if you have a website you would like me to add to the page feel welcome to speak to me about that.
I still need Screenshots of Guildies Main Toons and Alts. They may also be sent to the below address. If you would like an idea of what I am looking for in the Screenshot click on the Druid icon and it will show a good example. I would like your name to be on, as close up as you can get without cutting part of you off, and with no mob or people behind you.
ALSO if you don't mind I would like everyones e-mail so I can send site update messages.
Thank You so much for your time!!
:o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) :o)
Camelot Herald
Camelot Vault
Scheduled Guild Meetings
Scheduled Officers Meetings
Guild Announcements
GuildMasters of The Ministry are Sayj, and Jimmi.
Ranks are:
Rank 0:
Ministrus Rex
Rank 1:
Rank 2:
Ministrus Addendius
Rank 3:
Ministrus Mechium
Rank 4:
Ministrus Magnus
Rank 5:
Ministrus Majorum
Rank 6:
Ministrus Mons
Rank 7:
Ministrus Medius
Rank 8:
Ministrus Minicus
Rank 9:
Initiatus Probatio
Helpful Links:
Guild Crafters
Guild Ranks Information
The links below will take you to Screenshots and information about each guild member in that particular class.