Emily Bowen-Quartermaine stood in the church where four years ago Jason and
Carly were married. She and Nikolas chose the place for sentimental
reasons. Emily was in a little room doing a few finishing touches to her
appearance. The room was crammed with as many women it could fit. In a
corner resting her tired feet was her bridesmaid, Liz Spencer. She was
chatting with Keesha and Lila Quartermaine. Lila was almost giddy at the
thought of her granddaughter getting married. Occasionally Bobbie Cassadine
would wander in and out to check out the progress.

Monica Quartermaine and Carly Morgan were doing their best to avoid each
other which was hard considering Monica was the mother of the bride and
Carly was the maid of honor. Their hatred for each other hadn’t diminished
much over the years but they have learned to tolerate each other’s presence
mostly because of people they mutually cared for: Bobbie, Jason, Emily,
Michael, and Jason and Carly’s little boy Maxwell.

Emily stood in front of the mirror fixing her veil around her face. “Can
you believe it?” She squealed. “I’m getting married today!”

“And it only took four years.” Carly laughed from behind her.

“Nikolas and I decided on a long engagement. We just didn’t know it was
going to be this long.” Emily muttered.

“Well, life happened.” Carly remarked on the setbacks that kept pushing the
wedding date back.

Emily and Nikolas were originally supposed to be married two years ago but
it seemed like things were determined to conspire against them. At the
first wedding Emily had been halfway down the aisle when Edward, who had
protested the engagement from the beginning, succumbed to what was
perceived to be a heart attack. Emily almost had a heart attack herself as
she rushed over to her fallen grandfather.

****“Grandfather!” Emily cried as she rushed over to him, bunching her
billowy white satin skirt up in her hands. Tears streamed down her face.
“Oh my God. Let him be okay!”****

It wasn’t until after they got him to General Hospital and the doctors
couldn’t find anything wrong with him that Edward revealed that he had been
faking all along. He simply didn’t want Emily to marry Nikolas. Emily was
furious with him and didn’t speak to him for a month. So the wedding ended
up being pushed back a couple of months because of that.

Then a week before their second attempt at getting married Nikolas caught
the chicken pox. Nikolas and Emily had volunteered to baby-sit baby Maxwell
and a chicken pox stricken Michael while Jason took Carly out for a
well-deserved night on the town. Only nobody knew that Nikolas never had
the chicken pox before.

****Emily frowned and studied Nikolas closely. “Nik, you don’t look well.”

Nikolas coughed. “I probably have a little cold. It’s nothing.”

Emily pressed her hand to his forehead. “Little cold? I don’t think so.
You’re burning up!”

“It’s nothing.” He swore. He scratched his neck then his leg. “I’ll be

Emily ignored him and instead called up Stefan. She had a quick chat with
him then turned to Nikolas with a regretful smile. “Um, Nicky, you never
had the chicken pox.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” He laughed as he scratched his arms. “Everyone gets
the chicken pox when they’re kids. So did I…and don’t call me Nicky.”

Emily’s laughter was bitter. “You didn’t. Nik, you might have the chicken

“But the wedding…” He protested as Emily led him over to the couch.

“I know, I know. We’ll just have to postpone. Again. But look at the bright

“What bright side?” He grumbled as he stretched out.

“I get to play nurse. Maybe I’ll even buy one of those cute outfits.” She
grinned wickedly. ****

After that they continue to run into obstacle after the obstacle. The
caterer went out of business. They had to search for a new one that
everyone liked. Then people who couldn’t miss the wedding kept ending up
sick or messing. The church where Emily was determined they get married was
steadily booked. Finally they were able to squeeze into the schedule on the
day Emily had picked out. She had her heart set on that date and she had
been ecstatic to get it.

Monica smiled. “You can breathe easy because nothing is going to stop this
wedding from happening.”

Emily’s eyes had a determined glint to them. “Nothing would dare intrude on
my day. Let Grandfather pretend to have a heart attack again. I’ll just
step right over him. Let Nikolas get the chicken pox again. I’ll spend my
honeymoon nursing him back to health. Nothing is going to stop me from
getting married on this day. I’m getting married today. Not tomorrow. Not
the day after. But today.”

“Whoa. Calm down girl.” Carly eyed her suspiciously. “Is there something
special about today?”

Of course there was a special reason she wanted to get married on this
date. It was the anniversary of the night she and Nikolas had made love for
the first time. Nikolas had surprised her with a weekend trip to a cabin in
the woods. It was very romantic.  Emily blushed slightly as she remembered
that night and everything that happened. The way he held her, the way he
kissed her, how tender he was with her, the things he could do with his

“Hey, earth to Emily.” Carly waved her hand in front of Emily’s face.
“Where are you?”

Emily shook her head to clear her mind of the images. She applied lipstick
with a shaky hand. “I was just thinking…”

“About something good from the looks of it.” Liz piped up. She grinned.
“What were you thinking about exactly? Inquiring minds want to know.”

“Be quiet!” Emily said. There was no way she was going to talk about her
sex life in front of her mother and grandmother. No way in hell!

There was a discreet knock at the door and all eyes immediately looked in
that direction. “Who is it?” Monica called out.

“It’s me. I’m here to get Grandmother.” Came Jason’s reply.

As Carly flew across the room to open the door Emily, her eyes shining
bright, turned to her mother. “Is it time for the ceremony already?”

Monica consulted her slim gold watch. “No not exactly.”

Jason strolled into the room looking handsome in his suit. “The old man
wants Grandmother settled in before the ceremony starts.”

“He better not be planning anything.” Emily muttered.

As she wheeled by Lila cheerfully said, “Don’t worry. I’ll keep him line.”

Emily stopped her and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Thank you Grandmother,
I’ll see you out there.”

“You’re welcome dear. I am so proud of you.” She said before allowing Jason
to push her out the door. Carly followed behind them.

“Thank you.” Emily said softly.

Keesha stood up and smoothed away nonexistent wrinkles from her dress. “I
should go out front also.” She quickly left the room.

Liz frowned. “Maybe I should at least start to try and get out of this

Emily laughed. “Liz, you aren’t as big as you think.”

“I’m huge!” Liz wailed as she slowly pushed herself up.

“You’re only 6 months pregnant.” She reminded her.

“I look like I swallowed a watermelon.” Liz pouted.

“You look fine. You have that pregnant woman glow.” Emily was right. Liz
looked wonderful in the royal blue empire waist dress that she and Emily
picked out. “And I’m not going to spend *my* wedding day telling *you* how
good you look so you better believe it.”

Outside in the hall Keesha had taken over for Jason and pushed Lila to
where Edward was waiting for her. Carly was running her hands across
Jason’s shoulders pretending she was dusting him off. “Where are the kids?”

“Michael is showing off his latest magic trick to AJ. Maxwell is playing in
the foyer with Danya.  Leticia is keeping an eye on them.”

Danya was the little boy that Stefan and Bobbie adopted four years ago. A
slightly crazed Robin Scorpio had originally named him Jason Morgan Junior.
Robin, who was still locked away in Shady Brooke, had bought a young girl’s
baby boy with the hopes of winning back Jason. When the plan didn’t work
out she attempted to kidnap Michael but luckily Carly stopped her in time.
While Robin was being sent away, the young woman skipped town and the poor
baby was left in Mercy Hospital. Stefan and Bobbie took the baby in.

Carly nodded and swayed toward him. Jason took the hint and wrapped his
arms around her waist. She looped her arms around his neck. “I love being
here.” She sighed.

“Really?” He murmured.

“Uh-huh. It reminds me of our wedding day…and wedding night.” She grinned
wickedly. She leaned forward and rested her forehead against his.

“It was a memorable night.”

“I think the one thing I remember the most was your reaction to my being
pregnant. For once I surprised you.”

He chuckled. “It was more about your timing.”

“Yeah I have a knack with that don’t I?” She giggled. She’d sat on the
secret all day long. During the reception she wanted to burst out the news
but somehow she restrained herself. During the plane trip to Sonny’s island
she kept herself busy so she would accidentally spill it.  She must have
told Jason how glad she was that he was taking her on a honeymoon even if
it was to Sonny’s island for a few days over a thousand times.

****Carly rolled over on her back and stretched, wiggling her toes. It was
time. She couldn’t keep this to herself any longer. She glanced at Jason.
He was sprawled out on his stomach sleeping lightly. His hair was
disheveled from her fingers running through it. She trailed her fingers
down his back.

“Jason…” She whispered into his ear.

His arm shot out and reached for her. “C’mere.” He mumbled. Carly cuddled
up next to him to receive his deep kiss. He stroked her cheek. “Why’d you
let me fall asleep?”

“You were tired. And you look so cute sleeping. You know, except when you
look like you’re dead.” She giggled.

“Well I’m awake now.” He sat up.

“Good.” She said before scrambling off the bed.

He narrowed his eyes. “Where are you going?”

“Not far.” She said. She scooped up his discarded dress shirt and slipped
it on, quickly rolling up the sleeves and buttoning up a few buttons.

“Take that off and come back here.” He demanded.

“So impatient.” She clucked her tongue. She found a small alarm clock radio
and turned it on searching through the stations until she heard a pretty
Spanish love song. “You are going to like this.”

“Lose the shirt and I’ll love it.”

“One track mind. I like that in a husband.” She giggled again. She stood at
the foot of the bed and held her hand out to him. “Dance with me.”

“Carly…” He groaned.

“Jason…” She mocked him. Then she pouted prettily. “Please Jason, dance
with me.”

“Do you know what time it is?” He said instead.

“Look, the faster we get this over with, the faster we can get to what you
want to do.”  She came over to his side of the bed and grabbed his hand.
She tugged at him. “Now get out of that damn bed and dance with me.”

Jason reluctantly got out of bed. He let her led him to the foot of the bed
and slowly wrap her arms around his neck. He pulled back. “Wait a second.”


He quickly undid the buttons on the shirt and took it off of her. “If I
have to dance then I’m going to enjoy it.”

Carly rolled her eyes and pressed against him. She buried her face in his
neck and breathed in his scent. They barely swayed to the music.

“So is there a reason you wanted to dance?” He murmured.

Her fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I love you.”

“I know that.” After a brief pause he said.” I love you too.”

“I know that also.” She sighed. “I love the way that you make me feel, you
make me stop and think, you… You say that I changed your life but you don’t
know how much you changed mine.”

Jason frowned at her. “Carly? What is it?”

“It’s nothing. It’s something actually. Something big.”  She laughed.

“Just tell me.” He demanded.

“You’re a great father to Michael. Yeah AJ’s his father but you were his
first, you know? You did all the right things…he’s a great kid because of

Now Jason was confused. “Carly?”

She whispered. “Kiss me Jason.”

Jason obliged her, kissing her slow and sweetly, taking her breath away.
That led to another kiss, which was deeper and hotter. More kisses and
caresses followed and soon Jason was bending down and scooping her up. He
carried her over to the bed.

She pressed her lips to his ear and said softly. “I’m pregnant.”

“What!” Jason shouted in surprise and promptly.

Carly bounced on the bed and started to laugh. “Jeez, Jase, I’m glad I
waited until we were by the bed!”

Jason joined her on the bed and ran his hands down her body. “Are you okay?
I didn’t hurt you did I?”

She shook her head. “I’m fine.”

He took a deep breath and caressed her stomach. He said with wonder.

She bit her lip and nodded. “Uh-huh.”


“Jason!” Carly laughed. “If I have to explain to you how this happened then
something is incredibly wrong here.”

“Carly.” He growled.

She smiled softly and ran her fingers through his hair. “I don’t know when
it happened but I know why it happened.”


“Because I love you.”

“I love you too.” He said softly then pressed a gentle kiss to her stomach
that made tears come to her eyes. “And I love you.”

Lucky Spencer sat back and relaxed as he watched his brother pace back and
forth in another small room in the church. “Nervous?” He asked with a

Nikolas Cassadine paused and shot him a look. “Of course. Wouldn’t you be?”

Lucky shook his head. “Nope. Last year I was as cool as a cucumber when it
was Liz and my turn.”

“Well you and Liz hadn’t had already *two* failed attempts at getting
married.” Nikolas growled.

“You know what they say…the third time’s the charm.” Lucky laughed.

Nikolas glared at him. “You are not helping.”

“What are you worried about, Princey boy? It’s going to happen.” Lucky
assured him.

The door opened and Stefan walked in. For once Lucky was happy to see him.
“You’ve got great timing. We need your help.”

“Is something amiss?” Stefan raised his eyebrow.

“Yeah, Nikolas here is nervous. He needs a little calming down.”

“What is troubling you?”

“He doesn’t think the wedding will happen.” Lucky answered for him.

“That is understandable considering the obstacles he and Miss Quartermaine
have had to overcome in the past two years.”

“I’m still in the room.” Nikolas snapped. He said softly. “What if Emily
has had enough of the problems and decides that maybe we should get
married. What if she’s living the church right now? What if I get out there
and she doesn’t come down the aisle?”

“That is not going to happen.” Stefan said.

“How can you be sure?”

“I’m not. When I married Barbara I was certain that halfway down the aisle
she was going to change her mind and turn around.” Stefan admitted.

Lucky gaped at him. Stefan Cassadine with insecurities? He thought he’d
never see the day. “You Cassadines are such a positive bunch. Of course
Emily is going to marry you. All she talks about marrying you. That girl is
going to let nothing stop her from marrying you. Hey, she survived the
Bacchanalia, that’s a good sign.”

“Not funny.” Nikolas snapped.

“He is right.” Stefan nodded. “She loves you and you will be married

“She said yes when you asked didn’t she?” Lucky demanded.

“Yes.” Nikolas answered as his mind went back to that night he proposed. He
started to smile.

****Emily held onto Nikolas’ hand tightly as they walked outside of
Wyndemere. Inside in the large ballroom Jason and Carly’s wedding reception
was in full swing. After the first dance, the bouquet toss (which Elizabeth
Webber caught), and the cutting of the cake Nikolas was able to drag Emily
outside for some fresh air.

“Did I tell you that Dr. Baldwin said that I can cut back on our sessions
and I only have to go to the teen suicide group meetings once a month?” She
proudly announced.

“That’s great.” He smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

“Well I thought so.” Emily shrugged.

They continued to walk, each one lost in their own thoughts.

“Jason and Carly are really happy.” Emily smiled softly.

“Uh-huh.” Nikolas mumbled. His mind was set on how to do the proposal. That
morning he had a whole speech planned out but as soon as he got her by
herself he forgot everything he was going to say.

“They looked so beautiful today.” Emily said dreamily.

“Uh-huh.” Nikolas said again.

Emily pursed her lips. It was obvious that Nikolas wasn’t paying attention
to anything she was saying. “But you know what was the best thing about the
wedding? When Stefan taught the dancing bears how to do the waltz.”


Emily stopped walking and placed her hands on her hips. “Nikolas!” She

“What?” He looked around confused.

“You haven’t been listening to anything I’ve said. Is something wrong?” she
reached up and fingered her Cassadine Medallion.

“I have to talk to you.” Nikolas said seriously.

Emily’s mind raced. She had been so sure that tonight was the night he was
going to propose. What if she was wrong and he was going to break up with
her instead? Her heart pounded faster. “About what.”

Nikolas took both of Emily’s hands in his and slowly stroked his thumbs
across her knuckles. “Emily, I love you so much…”

“I love you too.” She quickly said.

He nodded then shook his head. “Okay, I’m screwing this whole thing up I
know…I think it’s time you had a medallion of your own.”

Emily was confused. What was he talking about? He had given her his
medallion when they had been separated for two weeks so that a part of him
would always be with her. She’d only given it back once but after she got
it back she never took it off. “I love your medallion. I don’t need—wait, a
second. Only *Cassadines* are supposed to have these.”

“Right.” Nikolas said slowly.

“But I’m not a Cassadine.”

He wore a silly grin. “Then maybe I should rectify that problem.”

It slowly dawned on her. She gasped. “Nikolas, are you saying… Nikolas, do
you mean…Nikolas!”

He laughed and reached into jacket pocket and pulled out the ring box. He
opened it to reveal a large diamond ring.  He slid the ring onto her finger
then kissed the back of her hand the palm. He pressed her hand against his
cheek and brushed his other than down the side of her face. “Yes, I’m
asking you to marry me, Emily. Will you?”

“Are you crazy? Of course!” Emily squealed. ****

The getting engaged was the easy part. Telling people about it was where it
got tough. It had started out so easy with Liz and Lucky that they had
hoped it would be smooth sailing from then on.

**** “No!” Liz screamed. “That is so cool!”

“I know! I know!” Emily exclaimed. She and Liz started hugging each other
and laughing drawing attention from the patrons at Kelly’s.

Lucky clapped Nikolas on his shoulder. “So you guys are making it legal.
You’re crazy.”

Nikolas shrugged and said simply. “I love her and I want to be with her.”

“I know what you mean.” Lucky said giving Liz a long look. “Just don’t be
giving Liz any ideas.”

Liz came over and gave Nikolas a kiss on the cheek. “This is awesome. I’m
so happy for you guys.”

“Anything you have to say?” Emily asked Lucky.

He hugged her and said. “Yeah, I’ll kill him if he breaks your heart,
brother or not.”

“I heard that.” Nikolas said.

“You were supposed to.” Lucky tried giving him a threatening stare but the
two guys just started laughing.

Liz rolled her eyes. “So when’s the wedding?”

“Not for a long time.” Nikolas said. “We’re planning on a long engagement.”

“We haven’t even told the parental units yet.” Emily made a face.

“Don’t worry about it.” Liz assured her. “I’m sure it’ll go by fine.”****

**** “Okay you two, What’s going on?” Monica demanded. “You two look like
you’re about to explode.”

Emily and Nikolas exchanged glances. It was time. They had spent the whole
night waiting for this moment. Emily invited Nikolas over for a family
dinner and afterwards they planned on announcing their engagement. The meal
went smoothly and now they were relaxing in the living room.

Emily took a deep breath and reached into her purse where the ring was.
“Well, Mom, Dad, everyone…” She slipped the ring on her finger and held out
her hand. “Nikolas and I are getting married.”

“Over my dead body!” Edward roared.

Lila sighed. “That is wonderful, my dear.”

“My little girl…” Monica said.

“Emily, is this what you want?” Alan demanded. She smiled and nodded.

Edward repeated himself. “Over my dead body!”

“Oh, put a cork in it Edward.” Monica snapped. “Can’t you see that this is
a happy occasion?” She gave Emily a hug and after a slight hesitation, gave
Nikolas one also.

“I will not have that scoundrel waltz into *my* house and—”

“It’s Mom’s house.” Emily corrected.

Nikolas smiled. “Alan gave it to her.”

Lila laughed. “He fits in already. Welcome to the family.”

“Thank you Mrs. Quartermaine.” Nikolas nodded.

“My dear, you’re going to be family, please call me Lila.” She said softly.

“Stop flirting.” Edward ordered. “I will not stand for this. You will not
take our little girl away from us.”

Emily went to him. “Grandfather, I am not a little girl. I’m all grown up.
I love Nikolas and he loves me. He makes me happy. Don’t you want me to be
happy? So please try and be a little happy for me?”

Edward grumbled. “I still don’t like this but I will try.”

“Thank you Grandfather.” Emily hugged him, blissfully unaware of the
plotting going on in Edward’s head. ****

****It was a few days after Jason and Carly returned from their honeymoon.
Bobbie planned a family dinner for them at Wyndemere. During the middle of
the main course Carly asked. “Has anything happened while we’re were gone?”

Emily looked at Nikolas and said. “No. It was actually kind of quiet.”

Carly narrowed her eyes. She knew there was something up. “Really?”

“Yes, really.” Nikolas answered for her.

“Uh-huh.” Carly said slowly. She went back to Emily. “What’s wrong with
your left hand?”

“Um…” Emily looked at Nikolas again, they had planned on waiting until
after dinner. “Nothing.”

“Bull.” Carly spat out.

“Now, Carly.” Bobbie admonished. But she did give Emily a curious glance.

“Mama, she’s hiding something. All day long she’s been hiding that hand.
Behind her back, under the table…” Carly said slowly. She knew what it was!
Her eyes widened and she squealed. “Oh my God!”

Nikolas sighed. “We were trying wait but—”

“—Carly already guessed it I see.” Emily finished for them. She placed her
left hand on the table. “Nikolas asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

“This so fantastic!” Bobbie said.

“Look at the rock.” Carly exclaimed. She got up and ran around the large
dining table to give Emily a big hug nearly knocking her out of her chair.

“Whoa!” Emily laughed.

“This is so cool. My sister in law and my brother getting married.” She
gave Nikolas loud kiss on the cheek. Carly and Nikolas had grown closer
over the months and had started to refer to each other as brother and
sister. It started out as a way to annoy Luke but soon they did it out of

Stefan smiled. “Congratulations Nikolas and Emily. It shall be a delight
having you in the family.”

“Thank you, Uncle.” Nikolas said. Emily beamed at him. This reaction was
much better than what happened at the Qs. Jason stared at her. “Are you

“Of course she’s sure.” Carly snapped. “They’re ridiculously in love.”

Emily nodded. “I’m sure, Jason.”

He gave her a small smile. “Okay, then I’m happy for you.”

Carly clapped her hands together. “Did you set a date? Should we start
planning soon?”

Nikolas laughed and shook his head. He took Emily’s hand in his. “We’re
planning on a long engagement, probably just two years.  We’re in no hurry
to get married.” ****

“I cannot *wait* to get married!” Emily exclaimed.

“Well, you’re about to get your wish.” Monica smiled.

“It’s time?” Monica nodded. “Already!”

“Don’t tell me now you’re getting anxious?” Carly asked.

“No it’s just that…it’s happening. It’s finally happening, for real this
time.” Emily grinned. “Okay, the priest is out there?”

“Check.” Carly nodded.

“Nikolas is out there also?”


“Dad is waiting for me?”


“Everyone that I love and hold dear?”

Monica squeezed her hand. “Check. It’s going to go off without a hitch.
Don’t worry about it.”

Emily took a deep breath. “Okay.”

“I’m going to take my seat now.” Monica patted her hand and left the room.

“Stand up.” Liz ordered. She and Carly went to work brushing out any
wrinkles that they saw. Carly helped Emily pull the veil down over her

“How do I look?” She asked.

“Beautiful.” Liz said. “Okay I hear the music starting. That’s my cue.”

Liz gathered up her bouquet and sailed out of the door.  Alan walked in
after her.

“Are you ready?” He asked. “Nikolas wanted me to bring you something.”

‘What is it?”

“This.” He dangled a necklace in front of her. It was her very own
Cassadine medallion. She’d given Nikolas back his, the other night. The one
he’d given her years ago and she never took off.

“Wow…” She breathed. “Help me with it, Carly.”

Carly quickly fastened the necklace around her neck. “It kind of clashes
with the dress…”

“I don’t care. I have to wear it.” Emily picked up her flowers. She
narrowed her eyes at Alan. “Dad…are you crying?”

“Well, it’s not everyday I see my little girl in a wedding gown.”

“But you saw me in the same one at the last wedding.”

“It doesn’t change the impact.” Alan said wiping at his eyes. “Look at you.
You’re all grown up. I don’t see my little girl anymore. In her place is a
full grown beautiful woman. I’m so proud of you sweetheart.”

“Dad…” Emily said softly as tears started coming to her eyes.

“Okay, break it up, guys.” Carly said. “If you start crying then I’m going
to start crying and it’s going to be total chaos in here. And you can’t go
to your groom with red eyes and mascara trailing down your face.”

“I’m sorry.” Alan said. “No more sappy stuff.”

“Better not.” Carly warned. “Now it’s time for me to go. I’ll see you out
there.” She left.

As the strains of the Wedding March began to play Alan held out his arm to
Emily. “It’s your turn. Shall we?”

Emily smiled. “Let’s.”

That was the last thing from the ceremony that Emily remembered. She barely
noticed the smiling faces on everyone as they walked down the aisle. She
didn’t see that Edward had tears in his and couldn’t stop beaming with
pride at her. All she saw was Nikolas waiting for her. He was so handsome
in his tuxedo and he looked so self-assured. His love for her shined
brightly in his eyes.

**** “W-what did you say?” She stammered in amazement. She had no idea that
his feelings for her were that strong.

 “I said I love you.” Nikolas grinned at her.  “I love you.”

Emily swallowed and lightly touched the medallion around her neck.  “Wow. I
think I need to sit down.” She went back over to the table and sat down.

Nikolas followed her and kneeled down in front of her.  “What’s wrong?” He
cupped the side of her face and lightly stroked her cheek with his thumb.

“I—this is just so unexpected.”

“Why? Is it that much of a shock for you to believe that I love you?”
Nikolas asked softly.  He reached for her hand and gently squeezed it.

“Well…yes, it is!  I’ve always wanted you to like me—”

“I’ve always liked you Emily.”  He interjected.

“I meant like me, like me.  I never thought of you loving me.” Emily looked
down at their hands.

“Why wouldn’t I love you?”  Nikolas asked. “You’re sweet and kind and—”

“You don’t have to…” Emily rubbed her forehead and sighed.  “You love me.”

He smiled and nodded.  “Yes I do.” He arched his eyebrow. “Don’t you have
something you want to say to me?”

Emily blinked and sat up. “I…well…that is…” She stumbled over her words.

Nikolas dropped her hand and stood.  “Are you trying say that you don’t
love me?’

Emily rushed to stand also.  “Of course I do!  I just never thought I would
ever say it out loud…to you.”

 “Emily, say it.” He demanded softly.

She bit her lip and nodded.  “Yes, I love you too.”

Nikolas drew her into his arms.  “Now was that so hard for you to say?”  He
smiled crookedly at her.

Emily shook her head.  “No.  Here, I’ll even say it again. I love you
Nikolas Cassadine.”  She smiled broadly as she said the three words she’d
been waiting to say to Nikolas.

Nikolas bent his head and softly brushed his lips across hers. “I love
you.” He whispered. ****

They had been through so much. Her suicide attempt. Her car accident and
fear over what would happen to her face. He was there when she got the good
news that her face was going to be all right.

**** Nikolas quietly slipped into the room. He stood by the door for a
second letting his eyes drift over her. She lay very still, her chest
rhythmically rising and falling.  She was hooked up to a couple of
machines.  She looked small, so very small. Her right arm was in a cast,
her head was wrapped in a large white bandage and there was a long white
bandage on her face along with a few other scratches.  Nikolas frowned, she
looked small, so very small.  But she was here. She was still here, in this
room, in that bed. She hadn’t left him yet.

He went over to the bed and pulled up a chair. He reached out to touch her
cheek. She didn’t react.  “Emily…” He closed his eyes for a second.

“Emily, you were supposed to call me if you were going to be late.” He
tried to joke. “But that’s okay. When you get better I’m going to give you
hell for that but not right now. You just get better…please.”

He reached down and grabbed her hand. “As soon as you get better we’ll do
whatever you want. Anything you want to do I’ll do it.  Just don’t ever
mention Tino Rodriguez to me ever again.  I almost killed him a couple of
minutes ago. If it wasn’t for your brother intervening I might have. If you
don’t get better I just might…”

“But you’re going to be okay. I know it. I can feel it.” He pressed a soft
kiss to her hand. “Carly keeps telling me you will and she’s very
convincing. When you get better you can pick out the movies whenever we do
movie night. I’ll even watch your gross out movies without complaining.
Just get better.  Can you do that for me?”

He dangled the medallion in front of her. “I think you lost this. I’ll hold
it for you until you’re a little better. The next time I put this on you
it’s never coming off, okay?  Even when we fight and I know we’ll do that,
you aren’t going to take this off. You just look at it and remember how
much I love you.”

Nikolas wanted to take her into his arms but Bobbie has said he shouldn’t
move her. “I love you. I love you so much Emily. I’m sorry I didn’t tell
you today but I know you know that I do.”

“You can’t leave me, all right? You are going to have to fight, please
fight.  You can’t give up. I won’t let you. I fought you before and this
time I’ll be fighting with you but you are not going to leave me, damn it.
I love you too much to lose you.” ****

**** He opened the hospital door and peered inside. Emily was lying on her
back, still sleeping. He had hoped she would be awake by now but he could
wait her to wake up. He quietly slipped into the chair next to her bed and
took her hand in his. He rubbed his thumb across her knuckles.

“Emily?  It’s me.”  He whispered.

Emily slowly smiled and turned her head. She stared up at him. “Hi.”  She

Nikolas smiled broadly as waves of relief washed over him. She was awake!
She was awake and she was talking to him and everything was going to be
okay. “Emily…”

“Could you…could you pass me that glass of water? My throat hurts.”  Emily
asked softly.

Nikolas did as she asked. “Here you go. I thought you were sleeping. I
didn’t mean to wake you.”

Emily raised her head as she sipped at the water. “Thank you. I wasn’t
sleeping.  When Amy came in she started gossiping and the only way to shut
her up was to pretend to be asleep.  I thought you were her so I didn’t
open my eyes until I knew it was you…I heard what you did last night.”

“What?”  Nikolas had forgotten about last night. All that mattered was that
Emily was all right.

“You and Tino?”  Emily prompted.  “Actually you and Jason and Tino. You
guys didn’t have to beat him up. It wasn’t his fault.”

Nikolas gritted his teeth as he listened to her defend Tino.  “He admitted
that he was driving drunk.  He could have killed you.  He’s lucky I didn’t
kill him.  Now I don’t want to talk him and I don’t want you to ever talk
to him again.”

Emily arched her eyebrow.  “Are you trying to tell me what to do, Nikolas?”
Her expression softened as she looked at him. She brought her hand up to
trace the bags under his eyes.  “You look horrible, did you get any sleep
last night?”

“No, I was too worried about you.  I just laid in bed wishing I could be
here with you.”

“I’m so sorry I worried you like that. I didn’t mean to.”  Emily said
softly. She frowned.

“It was an accident.  You weren’t responsible for it.”  He said soothingly.

“I didn’t have to get drunk, okay.  I didn’t have to get into that car with
a drunk driver.  I was responsible for that much!”  Emily said angrily.

“Shh.” Nikolas stroked the side of her face.  “Let’s not talk about that
anymore, all right?” Emily nodded. “So how do you feel?”

“You mean other than the fact that I flew out of a car last night?  Pretty
good.  When I was younger I used to want a cast so all my friends could
sign it.”  She grimaced at her right arm.  “I don’t know what I was
thinking. This really sucks. And there’s the fact that I look like a swami
in this thing.”  She touched the bandage on her head.

“And then there’s my face.”  Emily touched the bandage on her cheek.  “I
think there may be some scarring.”  She said quietly.

Nikolas could see the fear in her eyes.  “Even if there is, there has to be
a plastic surgeon who can correct it. Don’t worry.”

“But what if it can’t be and I’m stuck like this?”  Emily asked. “Would

“Would I still love you if you were scarred?”  Nikolas said, shocked that
she would even ask him a question like that. “Emily, of course I would
still love you!  I don’t care what you look like; you’ll always be
beautiful to me.  I said that I love you, Emily, and I meant it.”

Emily looked down. “I just…I didn’t know if…”

“Don’t worry about it.”  He stated firmly. Nikolas reached into his pocket
and pulled out the medallion. “I have something of yours.”

Emily’s eyes brightened and she grabbed for it. “My medallion!”  She
blushed.  “I mean, your medallion.”

Nikolas smiled.  “No, it’s yours. I gave it to you.”

She ran the chain through her fingers. “I thought it had gotten lost. I was
so scared when I woke up and I realized it wasn’t here.”

“Bobbie had it.”  Nikolas told her.

“Could you please put it back on me?” She passed it back to him.

Nikolas nodded and Emily leaned forward. He quickly clasped it around her
neck.  Emily lay back and arranged it so that the medallion was right in
the middle of the chain.  “That feels much better.”

“Don’t ever take it off again and don’t ever scare me like that again.”

“Never.” Emily’s lips curved into a smile.  She leaned forward again and
kissed him.  “I love you.”

“I love you too.”  Nikolas said after returning the kiss.

Emily sighed.  She was content. She scooted over and she patted the bed.
“You didn’t sleep last night. Come here.”

Nikolas climbed in on her left side and gathered her into his arms. He was
careful not to bump her right arm. He tucked her head under his chin. He
could relax now that he had her in his arms.

“I want you to promise me something.”  He said before yawning loudly.

“What is that?”  She asked as she fingered the medallion.

“Never end up in the hospital again.”  He closed his eyes.

Emily laughed.  “I promise.”

“Good because I don’t think my nerves can take it.” He said sleepily.

“Are you falling asleep on me?”  Emily asked with mock-outrage.

“I think I am.”  He answered.  “Do you mind?”

“Not really.”  She said as her eyes began to droop also.  “I think you
deserve a little nap.”

“Thank you. You are so kind.”  He teased.

Emily giggled. She moved her head back and kissed his chin.  He tucked her
head back under. “I love you…” He trailed off as he drifted off to sleep.

“Love you too.”  Emily whispered as she finally closed her eyes and went to
sleep too. ****

**** Emily waited until the doctor was out the door before jumping off the
bed and dancing around with happiness. She pointed at her face. “Do you
see? Do you see my face? It isn’t ruined!”

“I can see that. I told you, you had nothing to worry about.” He came over
and kissed her scar. “You’re still beautiful even though this ointment
tastes horrible.” He made a face at the taste.

Emily giggled and twirled around. “I’m going home, I’m not a disfigured
monster and I am with the boy I love.”

“And the back of your gown is open.” Nikolas couldn’t help pointing out.

Emily didn’t feel her father slipping his arm away and pressing her hand
into Nikolas’. She didn’t hear the priest begin to speak. The ceremony flew
by her. She barely remembered saying ‘I do’ and reciting the vows that she
and Nikolas had written themselves. All she saw was Nikolas’ eyes and she
felt his lips against hers when he was told to kiss the bride.  The next
thing she knew the priest was announcing them as “Mr. and Mrs. Nikolas
Mikhail Stavrosovich Cassadine.”

Then she and Nikolas were rushing down the aisle to the applause of their
loved ones, as they set off for their new life together.

    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/broadcast/8566

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