Legal Information

Disclaimer: All pictures and wavs at the web site are in regular circulation throughout the internet and it is impossible to determine who is individual who posted the file first. If you are the rightful owner of these files and wish for me to remove them from my site, e-mail me and it will gladly be creditied, or removed with only minor bitching involved.

I do no claim to own any of the following trademarks/people:
  • Kids In The Hall
  • Dave Foley
  • Kevin McDonald
  • Mark McKinney
  • Scott Thompson
  • Paul Bellini
  • Buddy Cole

I also have no affiliation wiht any of the memebers named abovel. I am not a Kid in the Hall, either.

If you are going to be technical about the thing, I will say you may not use the following graphics without my permission:

  • The black Kids In The Hall dot bar
  • The black Kids In The Hall dot background
  • The images on the sound page denoting the speaker
  • The image on the add page

In short, if I find you've taken my graphics without my permission, I will make your life hell.

~Webmistress Amy, 2000

I would like to thank the following people:

Hillary-Darling, for whom I couldn't make decisions without.

Stepha-Dear, for love and support.

Laura, for being there for me to rant and rave to about Scott Thompson's ultra-sexy legs ::giggle::

Kelly-Chan, who was kind enough to go through all of my files to see if they were working right.

Melissa, who I call Melissa, for just being nice :)

Tonya, for also being kind, and patient enough to listen to my whines about the defunct programming.

Thanks To Laura for the Foleyglare.jpg.