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The Season 8 Spoilers and Lone Gunmen Spoilers pages are up, finally!


So much for the counters!


I added counters to the News and Mythology sections.


Ah, the first major site update of the year 2000. As you can see, I did a major and much-needed updating of a bunch of pages, including a little addition to the Mythology section. I noted what I added at the bottom under Revisions. A while back the home page wasn't displaying certain pictures (this was true of the Site Awards and search pages too). I discovered that pictures at my FortuneCity address will no longer display remotely (they will only do so from pages located at the FC server). So I moved those pictures to GeoCities and that was taken care of. But, links to pictures on the FC server in the various sections and pages of this site may seem to act strangely. A window will pop up with another link, and clicking that will pop up another window with the picture. Sorry about that, but it's a new FortuneCity policy which we will have to deal with. :-( Fortunately GeoCities also upgraded all accounts from 11 MB to 15 MB recently, so I'm back to uploading things at GC for now. Soon I will start uploading videos, etc. that I had to delete early on because of space problems.


Finally, the Mythology section is updated to "The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati"! It's a pretty major update. Plus I added a little on "Avatar."


Season premiere time!!!! Anyway, as you can see, I converted this section to the new design, plus the Links and Archive sections. I fixed all the links and made the pages more organized.


I added a search engine to the home page so that you can search the text of all the pages on the site.


I've gone over the Mythology section and added to everything I could, explained things better, improved and corrected things, and much more. Reread it to warm up for the premiere!


I removed all the foreign movie summary/background info pages since they were just taking up space.


The news archive pages are now listed on the News Archives page, which is linked to from the News section now instead of each page individually to save space. I archived more news today also.


A new page has been added--Harsh Realm Season 1 Spoilers!


Just a notice that if a link to a picture on this site in the news archives does not work, the picture was probably moved to another server by me to make room for the text on the site. To see the picture or media, go to the page that it was most likely archived on (Archive, Movie Media, Movie Merchandise, etc.), and look for it there. I change the links in the archive pages to reflect the new locations.


Updated lots of pages today, including the Mythology section. I added and updated things in the sections on "Biogenesis," Betsy Hagopian, and the hybrids.


I'm back home! Normal site updates to commence!


I will start converting pages again to the new design when I get back also.


Better late than never--I returned on August 14 and since then updating is back to normal. I will start updating the Mythology section and the Cool Facts and Quotes starting the 26th when I get back home.


Well folks, I'm leaving Thursday night (July 1) and won't be able to update again until around August 14. So until then, adieu! And happy belated birthday to the site!!


Well, finally, it's here. The new homepage is online! Check it out. See the new design and new name. It now has improved links to the sections, links to the guestbook, tooltip descriptions, and much more.


The Movie Pictures page is now converted to the new design! I added a section for wallpaper/backgrounds for Web sites, with 15 pictures.


Another mythology update! The first version went up between the movie and the 6th season, and here it is between the 6th and final season. We really have learned so much in the past year. Well, everything on "Biogenesis" is up, including a new subsection near the end. It may sound like conjecture, but I'm pretty sure I'm right about why Mulder's going nuts.


I updated the Other Official Sites page to the new design.


I updated the Mythology section to cover things from "The Unnatural," "Alpha," and "Three of a Kind."


The Season 7 Spoilers page is now up. I've taken the season 7 and sequel info out of the season 6 page; they're on the new one now.


It's up! The Info section has been converted to the new design, and I fixed all the broken links and made it much more organized. Check it out!


The new version of the Media section is now up. It is in the new design, I've fixed the broken links, and it's much better organized. Check it out!


I updated the Mythology section with clarifications of the beginnings of the X-Files, Dales' history (including "Agua Mala"), CSM's motives to assign Scully to Mulder, and even some notes on Mulder's waterbed.


I just added a new page, Episode Titles. It's more than what it sounds like--it has all the episode names, original air dates, previous and working titles, international titles (if different), translations of foreign titles, nicknames, and even the tag lines. It's updated with every new episode title. Check it out!


I just finished my HUGE update on the Merchandise section, which includes making it much more organized, switching it over to the new design, and more. Check it out!


Check out the Season 6 Spoilers page, you may notice something really cool about it I added today!


I updated the Mythology section to include the information from the cut scenes from "Two Fathers," which are included in the summary on the official site. The Mythology section, incidentally, is featured in this week!


I've converted the following pages to the new design: News Archives #1, 2, and 3, Season 6 Spoilers, Cool Facts and Quotes Archive, Top False Movie Rumors, and the Web Rings section.


Just did my promised update on the Mythology section, and it's massive. It's updated to "Two Fathers," other things have been cleared up, and it's been changed to the new design. Also I added the awards page.


Whew! As you can see above, I just updated a ton of pages today, catching up on things in the News section that weren't added to other pages yet. Anyway, tomorrow I will convert some pages over to the new design and add new pages, such as a separate awards page and some new official summaries (in other languages of course!). I'll also update the home page and Mythology section and add info from "Two Fathers." I also want to convert the design of that page and revise it to clear up some things and make it make more sense. That's about it for now.


I have a new design for the News section. I plan on switching the entire site over to the new layout as soon as possible.


This site won another award, Rohan's Ultimate X-Files Site award. I added it to the front page.


I added AV's X-Files Random Link Exchange to the Web Rings section. Absolutely no news today, so I decided to add it since every other site seems to be a member. Gee, I haven't updated this section (apart from the top) for 2 months! Oh well.


I FINALLY updated the Info section and the Other Official Sites page so that they're easier to read. Now all those jumbled-up paragraphs of links are organized tables.


I added another protest graphic...somewhere on this site.


I added another sister site because I'm out of space: Hollywood/Screen/5369.


I didn't mention the addition of the Top False Movie Rumors page, linked from the News section. Today I just added the Season 6 Spoilers page, which is all of the season 6 info taken from the News section and organized.


I greatly added to the Credits and Actors subsections in the Info section. My source for the additions was The Making of The X-Files.


I did another minor revision of the Mythology section, correcting and clarifying some things. I added references to the X-Files interactive computer game and added the differences between the old and new forms of the black oil.


I added another censorship graphic.


I uploaded the Intrigue movie ad to my site because Oldsmobile took it down. It's in the Media section. I also finished uploading the screensaver homepages.


I ran a LinkBot on the site and fixed or removed all broken links. Others are marked "down" and are kept only as a record (like the old official site).


I added another Web ring, for a total of 13. I am constantly adding pictures to the Official Homepages from the Screensaver page so that I will be done soon.


There are now 16 censorship graphics around the site. I've added the Official Homepages from the Screensaver page. This has screenshots from the screensaver of the graphics not on the official site. I've also had another major update of the Merchandise section. I also added some more "official" graphics to the Movie Pictures page.


This site now has a new address: It simply links to


I've made another minor revision to the Mythology explanation. The changes include clarifications about why Scully was brought to the spaceship in Antarctica, and more about the old clones ("the merchandise").


Make that 5.


I added 4 more Web rings.


I added the Millennium & X-Files Banner Exchange to the main page. I also did a minor revision to the Mythology section, including more information about Jeremiah Smith, the Lone Gunmen, the date of colonization, and the Syndicate's company, Roush.


Another revision of the Mythology section, and this time to add a reference to FEMA. I forgot to write about how FEMA would take over the government when colonization occurs.


I've made a minor revision to the Mythology section, adding information about Marita Covarrubias's alliance with the Syndicate, Scully's brother, Kurt Crawford, and adding references to "E.B.E." and "Conduit." And, the Info section has new links to "official summaries" of the movie.


FINALLY! I've finished and uploaded the Mythology section. It is looong. Enjoy! Let me know what you think.


I have added the links to the Mythology section to all the pages, but I have yet to type it up. It's over 9 handwritten legal-size pages! Also, I did a major update of the Info section, with new information from the Internet Movie Database. Check it out! New sections in the page include Errors, U.S. Gross, Technical Info, Filming Locations, and Production Dates. The Credits section has been largely added to.


I'm back from vacation. I've updates the Merchandise section and there is more news, including a picture of poster E. I wrote the mythology explanation, and it should be online soon.


I added two more Web rings, and put them all on a separate page (and took them off the main pages). I also added four more censorship graphics. And, I e-mailed Fox (see the News section). I leave tomorrow night for 3 weeks, until around August 30.


OK, I'm back until Monday. On my list of things to do tomorrow: adding more censorship banners, completing the list of "Behind the Truth" videos in the Archive section, adding another Web ring and putting them all on a separate page, FINALLY writing up the entire mythology, and e-mailing Fox about the official movie site (and how it hasn't archived the new TV spots, etc.). BTW this site was added to the 5th Web ring (X-Philes Unite).


731 day! Well, tomorrow morning I leave for a week, and then after next Sunday I leave again for 3 weeks. I should be able to update between those two trips. I found a goldmine of censorship graphics to add. Also, the site was added to the X-Philes Unite Web ring.


I added another censorship graphic. No word on the other two Web rings. Hopefully I will start the mythology explanation soon.


I have TOTALLY IMPROVED the Merchandise section. It is more complete and accurate now than ever. For example, I have cleared up some mix-ups and added things like the pin and postcards. My main source for the improvements is the X-Files Total Resource. Also, the UFO Web Ring is now working. Only two more to go.


I added the fan links I promised, and I should be adding another Web ring today. Two of the first four, The UFO Web Ring and X-Philes Unite, aren't set up yet. I also added the Sightings section to the Info page.


I added another censorship graphic to one of the pages today.


Wow, I've added 3 more Web rings. And I've added various "X-Philes Against Censorship" graphics which are hidden at the bottom of some of the pages. There are 6 graphics, and they each link to the site of the person who made them. One more thing--I have found 4 milk ads. How many are there, why aren't they on the official site, and where/when were they printed?


I'm back and have already resumed updating pages today. I have added another "sister site," so I get 11 more megs of space. It is Area51/Stargate/9543. Now the ET interview (which isn't ANYWHERE on the Internet) can be downloaded once I upload it. Just remember: the pages change ALL THE TIME! Just today I added a new official contest to the Info section, for example. Writing down every single change would be too tedious. Well that's about it for today!


I have been updating and adding things to all of the pages every day. I will be gone this week, though, until Saturday. The latest things I have added are some X-Files fonts and fun pictures to the Archive section. I plan to add some links to fan sites about the actors/characters. I also plan to completely explain the ENTIRE X-Files mythology on one big page. Once I see the movie for the third time I will add some 1013 and 1121 sightings to the Info section. For now, enjoy what's here.


I've added this site to the X-Files International Web Ring, added some navigation functions to the main pages, put up the Archive section, added a disclaimer, and made a few other changes and updates.


Let's consider this the Grand Opening of my site. Most of the media available for download are on this or my other two "sister" sites. All three have exactly the same index.html page, and the links on that page lead to pages on TelevisionCity/Studio/9013. From there, any media may come from there, Area51/Station/9941, or Or another site, such as the official site. I am just about done uploading and creating all the pages (except Archive, which will include X-Files media other than from the movie). I hope you like it.