Obi-Wan Kenobi' Bio


Obi-Wan Kenobi was born on Tatooine, and was identified as a baby as being 'force-sensitive.' He was taken from his home and brought to the city planet of Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi.

Originally trained by Master Yoda, when he turned 13, a new master was to be given to him, to continue his training as a Padawan learner.  Having lost his previous apprentice to the dark side of the force, Jedi Master  Qui-Gon Jinn initially rejected young Obi-Wan, feeling he was not ready, nor capable of taking on another student, fearing another failure.  It wasn't until they fought against Qui-Gon's former Padawan Xanatos together, that Qui-Gon was able to put his fear to rest, and take on Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan is loyal and a good apprentice.  He lacks the compassion for others that Qui-Gon posesses; and is weak in sensing the living force.  He strictly obeys the Jedi way, and the council and wished his Master would do the same. 

He wears his hair short, except for a thin braid over his right shoulder, and a small ponytail.  He made his own blue lightsaber as part of his training.

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon recently met and fought against a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Maul, while they were helping to negotiate a treaty for the small planet of Naboo.  During this battle Qui-Gon was killed and Obi-Wan defeated the Sith Lord.  As a promise to his dying Master, Obi-Wan agrees to train Anakin Skywalker against the better judgement of  the Jedi Council and his own.

In the following years, Obi-Wan goes to help fight in the Clone Wars, alongside Bail Organa of Alderaan, finally becoming a General. 

His instincts will prove correct when young Anakin turns to the dark side and becomes the Sith Lord Darth Vader.   As Vader, he helps the Emperor hunt down and destroy the Jedi leaving only Master Yoda and Obi-Wan, left alive.  In his failure, he changes his name to 'Ben Kenobi' and goes to live on his home planet of Tatooine.   He decides it is better to do this, so he can protect Vader's son Luke from afar, then to go against Vader and his Emperor alone. 

When he first encounters Luke in ANH, he is living in the Judland Wastes, in the Dune Sea, known by now as a crazy old hermit.  He helps those he can who are lost, or in danger of the Sand people.   After meeting with Luke again face to face, he knows the time he has been waiting for is near, he is to train Luke as a Jedi, to defeat the Emperor and Vader.

He convinces Luke to travel with him to Alderaan after receiving an urgent message from Leia, Luke's twin sister. 

In the end Obi-Wan meets up with his former student, in a duel, he sacrifices his own life in order for Luke to fulfill his destiny and destroy the Empire.