Kids of SP wrestle it out!

(fast)Hey everyone else. You gotta know one thing and one thing only and that is that Stone Cartman is going to kick you butt any day of the week. Why, well the bottom line is 'cause STONE COLD SAID SO!!!
Mmmmpphhhhh (slow)Stone Cartman, go to hell!
Hello Ladies! The Big Valboski is here.
(fast)Yo, Ladies man! UP YOURS.
DX rules and if you don't believe it you can just S*CK IT!
Mmmmmmppppphhhhhhh (slow)I will bury you all, rest in peace
(Makes his enterance)
S*CK IT S*CK IT S*CK IT McMahon!!!
You can all go to hell! Well, I came out here today to say one thing really. What is really with Stone Cartman and Undertakenny? Well, after their performance today, I say they are in cohoots!
(fast)You are the dumbest, worst owner of this wrestling federation has ever seen. Why don't we just let the champ do the talking. We are in no damn cohoots. REMEMBER THIS MCMAHON! DTA! (sticks up finger)
Get out of here Rattlesnake! Why are you here?
(fast)Why? 'Cause Stone Cartman the Rattle Snake said so!
The Big Valboski here to give you a boost McMahon
McMahon. You ain't manly enough to handle me! (Choke Slam)
Well, I go two words for ya! S*CK IT!
Shut your puny little mouth. MCMAHON. (fast) Stone Cartman says that you should get your sorry @$$ out of the ring and burn up your two puppet commissioners!
You better keep your mouth shut before we gotta destroy it.