Cartman gets an Anal Probe

This is the episode where Cartman gets his very own Anal Probe! For the little ones who don't know what that means, it is a satellite stuck up your butt. It seems to be a normal day and everyone is singing their songs at the bus stop. Ike come along and wants to follow Kyle to school. Then Cartman begins to talk about a nightmare he had the night before. The others try to convice Cartman that it really happened but he doesn't believe it. While on the bus, Kyle and Stan see aliens abduct Ike. When the kids arrive at school, Kyle is in panic and tries to get out of school. They can't get out of Mr.Garrison's class and are worried. Cartman also begins to fart fire. The clan finally gets out at lunchtime. They go looking for Ike but Cartman suddenly turns into a doll singer for a few seconds. This proves he is under alien control. Then the kids spot the aliens and begin to curse them. The aliens are mad. Then Kyle sees Ike and tell him to jump. Ike does exactly that. The aliens are talking to the cows and think they are the most intelligent. While the spaceship leaves they take Cartman again. When he returns, he has pink eye and thinks it was a nightmare.

How Kenny dies:
He is struck by an alien light ball.
He then gets up and is trampled by cows.
He is hit by a police car and he is finally dead.

Something Funny:
Kitty: Meow
Cartman: No Kitty, This is my potpie!
Kitty: Meow
Cartman: No Kitty, This is my potpie!
Kitty: Meow
Cartman: No Kitty, This is my Potpie!
Kitty: Meow
Cartman farts fire on Kitty and Kitty is running aroung on fire.

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