Same Old Lang Syne

DISCLAIMER: The characters of Ian Ware and Reggie Higgins belong to MGM Studios. This story was inspired by the song "Same Old Lang Syne" by Dan Fogelberg. The lyrics are available here

Ian Ware cursed silently to himself as he pulled into the parking lot of a grocery store somewhere in a New York suburb. He had intended to be in London for Christmas, but all flights out of New York were cancelled thanks to the blizzard from hell. To add insult to injury, because of the holidays and the weather, he had been unable to find a decent room, except at a bed and breakfast which wasn't even doing breakfast the next morning because it was Christmas! Thus, he found himself doing grocery shopping at 7.30pm on Christmas Eve.

"Merry Christmas Ian" he muttered to himself. "Bah humbug!"

As he pushed his shopping cart around the near deserted store, he suddenly found himself remembering the old days back at the School of the Arts, when they had all dreamed about fame and the rock and roll lifestyle. Somehow, being stranded and starving at Christmas never featured there. It had been different for him once upon a time - that all seemed like a lifetime ago. In some ways, he reflected, it was. Shaking himself, he continued towards the frozen foods. Sometimes, the past was better left there.

Passing the frozen food section, he stopped dead in his tracks. That woman - it couldn't be. His mind was playing tricks on him. But when she turned and he saw her profile, he knew for sure. Her hair was long and it's natural brown now, and she was dressed conservatively, but it was her. He didn't know what she was doing here, or why they were meeting again like this, all he knew was that it was her.

He went over to her and gently tugged her sleeve. She jumped a mile and turned around, eyes wide. "May I help you?" she asked, eyes darting around nervously.

"Well now, that depends Reginald" Ian said, grinning. "What do you 'ave in mind?"

His smile widened further as he watched recognition dawn in Reggie's eyes. "Ian!" she cried, even as she threw her arms around his neck. Ian hugged her back. Of all his old friends from School of the Arts days, it was Reggie he missed the most.

"Dammit!" she exclaimed, as it dawned on her that the contents of her purse were rapidly being distributed over the shop floor. She looked at Ian, and the two of them burst out laughing, then began to collect up her things. It was while they were crouched on the floor that Ian noticed the two rings on her left hand. He was unprepared for the stab of jealousy that went through him. Sure, he and Reggie had dated in high school,and for a while they had been pretty serious. But then he'd got his record deal, and they'd called it off amicably when he had left to go on tour. He'd even heard that she was engaged. C'mon Ian his subconcious chided him. It's not as if you expected her to wait for you. You certainly haven't been waiting for her.

"Ian Ware" Reggie said gently. "What in the world brings you here?"

"The blizzard from hell!" Ian said. "There's not a plane getting out of this city, and don't I know it!"

"Oh you poor thing" Reggie exclaimed. "What a way to spend Christmas"

"What about you? How come you're here on Christmas Eve?"

Reggie looked down at her half full cart. "A little last minute shopping. You know how you always forget stuff"

Ian smiled. "I know how you always did"

Reggie smiled too at that.

"So, where's Mr Reggie? Do I get to meet him?"

Reggie looked down quickly, but not quickly enough that Ian didn't see the pain in her eyes. "No, he's working late tonight" she said quietly.

Ian knew the minute he saw her eyes that there was more going on than that. Who the hell worked late on Christmas Eve anyway? "Well then, since we're both at a loose end, what say we get some dinner or something? Do a bit of catching up?"

Reggie smiled, and the smile went all the way up to her eyes. "I'd like that."



That proved to be easier said than done though. Between the snow and the day that was in it, all the restaurants in town had shut up shop early, and there wasn't a bar anywhere near. Ian shrugged and headed for the liquor store that Reggie swore was around the corner. A six pack later, the two of them found themselves in Reggie's car, heating turned up, chatting over old times.

"So, you're touring again?" Reggie asked quietly.

Ian looked at her, wondering how much of his messed up life she knew about. "Yeah. I was meant to be in London for a flyin' visit home, but I won't get there now. I've to be back in Boston for New Year's. I'm just tryin' to get myself back on track, y'know how it is."

"Not really" Reggie told him. "I heard about what happened to you. I wanted to get in touch, but I was pretty messed up myself then."

Ian sighed. "I was just lonely Reg. I mean, I was making the third album, and the other two had done so well."

"I know. I know them both backwards."

"And I just got this case of writer's block. I couldn't do a thing. And I was so lonely. Surrounded by people, but still alone. I just wanted to go home."

"I thought you'd be used to being away from London" Reggie told him.

Ian bit his lip. The home he'd been missing was anywhere she was, but he didn't think she needed to hear that. Something had changed about Reggie, and it was more than just her hairstyle. There was something fragile about her, but he knew she'd tell him when she was ready. She always had before. "It's different when you're travelling" he said. "The audience is great, they'll always lift you up. But the travelling - that's hell"

"Especially nights like tonight right?"

"It's not been so bad"

Their eyes met for a moment, and something of the old spark passed between them. Reggie looked away first and drank some of her beer. "But you're ok now? I mean this" she held up her beer can "this isn't a problem for you?"

Ian shook his head. "Beer and spirits were never my problem. Pills and white powder done me in." He saw the way she was looking at him. "But yeah, I'm fine now. I've been there once, I'm never going back." He paused for a moment. "So what about you? What's yer old man like?" He deliberately used the Cockney phrase, hoping it would make her smile like it had in the old days. His heart sank when it didn't.

"Well, there's not much to tell really. John's an architect. He's partner in his own firm that he started with his college frat buddy. We've been married almost two years now."

"Oooh, respectable!" Ian chided her, and was rewarded with a small grin. "Is that what prompted the change in hairstyle?" He tugged at a lock of hair as he spoke.

"No" Reggie told him. "I dyed my hair it's natural colour when I got pregnant. John was concerned about the effects of the bleach on the baby."

She said it so matter of factly that she didn't even notice that Ian was staring at her slackjawed. "You've got kids?"

Reggie shook her head. "No. I had a miscarriage at three months. We were just back from our honeymoon...."

Her voice trailed off as Ian reached over and took her hand. He didn't say a word, just sat there quietly, and suddenly she began telling him all about it. She hadn't meant to, but something about the way he was looking at her made her want to confide in him. So she told him all about the touring play she was doing that came to play for a month where John was attending grad school. At the end of the month, the rest of the company moved on, but she had stayed behind to be with John. She'd got herself a job teaching drama at the college, with music classes on the side, and herself and John were happy, even if he was a little quieter than her previous boyfriends. Even if he wasn't you her subconcious added in. Things had gone fine, until she found out she was pregnant. John had insisted on "making an honest woman out of her" - "God forbid he should present his family with an illegitimate child" Reggie said scathingly - and they had married quickly and quietly with no fuss when she was two months pregnant. She had miscarried at three months, and things hadn't been the same since. "John wanted a child, I didn't. Then he set up the firm, and he's working hard at that, so we don't get to spend a lot of time together. I keep myself busy, teaching high school drama and's a good life Ian" she finished. She didn't mention how she was almost sure that he was cheating on her, and that was the cause of all the late nights. Who worked late on Christmas Eve anyway?

"Are you happy Reg?" Ian asked her quietly.

"It's a good life" she repeated.

"But are you happy? Do you love him?"

Reggie was silent. In truth, she knew she didn't. She never really had. She had missed Ian so much when he left that she resolved never to be with anyone like him again. That was what had attracted her to John - he was the total opposite to Ian. But love? Not really. She'd never stopped loving Ian, that was her problem. "He's my husband" she said simply.

Ian said nothing. He didn't think much of the person Reggie was describing. She deserved someone who would make her happy, who would worship her, who would love her - just as much as I still do he admitted to himself. He looked at her, and saw for an instant the girl who had been his best friend, his lover, his everything through his last year of high school. "You haven't changed a bit Reggie" he told her.

She frowned. "Not even this?" she asked, tugging a lock of her hair like he'd done earlier.

"That's just external innit?" Ian asked. "You're still you. You're still beautiful"

Reggie looked down, blinking back sudden tears, then looked up at him. He wasn't sure if it was doubt or gratitude he saw in her eyes.

As she looked at him, all she wanted to do was kiss him.

As he looked at her, all he wanted was to kiss her.

Reggie was the first to look away. "I should go" she said. "It's getting late."

Ian nodded, disappointed. He pulled something out of his pocket and gave it to her. "'Ere, take this"

"What is it?"

"My mobile number. Call me anytime you need something. Anything. Even if it's just to talk"

"Aren't you busy with your career?"

"Not when it comes to you"

Reggie pulled a pen and paper from her bag. "Here's my address and number" she told him. "Keep in touch?"

"Yeah" As he went to get out of the car, he turned back and kissed her gently on the lips. "Merry Christmas Reggie"

"Merry Christmas Ian"

Ian stood in the snow and sighed as he watched her car drive away. Slowly, with a heavy heart, he began making his way back across the parking lot to his own rental. As he walked, the snow slowly turned into rain. "Merry Christmas Reggie" he murmured to himself. "Merry Christmas"


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