Simpsons Poll of the Week

It's pretty simply really: Read the question and answer it. Then click the send button. That's it. The questions can range from serious to crazy to just plain dumb. But it will always relate to The Simpsons. Have fun! The Poll of the Week will be updated every 2nd Sunday.


The Poll is closed at the moment.

Results for December 20, 1998 - January 3, 1999:

What are your plans on purchasing the new Simpsons CD, The Yellow Album?

I plan on buying it. - 42 %
I don't plan on buying it. - 53 %
I already have the CD. - 5 %

Well, not too many people own The Yellow Album, and most aren't planning on buying it. I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, and I probably won't buy it anytime soon.