Light Lunch Interview
The Light Lunch Interview

On 190298, Steve and Dervla gave their best interview to date. The setting is such. A guest chef (in this case, Men Behaving Badly's Neil Morrissey) cooks lunch and the guests are interviewed as they eat. Unusual, I admit, and not much eating took place, especially on Dervla's part, as she was too busy talking!

It started with a shot of Steve and Dervla in the green room, playing Table Football. Dervla scored a goal and almost injured Steve's bits in the process! Later, they came on and sat down.

The atmosphere is very relaxed in this setting and they talked very freely, although Steve wasn't as chatty or cheerful as usual. However, Dervla more than made up for it and talked non stop the whole way through the meal. Steve paid homage to Middlesbrough who had qualified for the Coca Cola Cup the night before, by wearing his retro '70's Boro shirt, and Devla was in *Spice girl* mode, dressed all in black, sporting her new haircut and a hairslide!

Several of us die-hard fans had spent the preceding week emailing as many questions as we could think of to the LL forum, and happily, 99% of the questions they were asked were ours. Most importantly, they asked about the engagement and showed the *rock*. Dervla spoke about her Christmas present from Steve (VW Beetle), about not being able to speak 6 languages and her affair with Dustin the Turkey.

As I said, it was very easy going and it was the right atmosphere for Dervla to open up and tell all. We got a lot of questions answered and, as Steve said when I asked him about it that night (that's another story!) they had a very nice meal as well!