Don't Pee On My Leg and Tell Me it's Raining!


As you can tell by the name of this heading, this is Judge Judy's book review! Sorry about the delay in putting this up, but with school, and the major refacing that this site is going under, I didn't have enough time! But here it is!

Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining (Review)

This book gives Judy's opinion of the judicial system of the US, and although I don't personally live in the US, by the sounds of the system, it STINKS! Although some laws (trust me Toronto's aren't any better!) are bad, some are good, which keeps everyone in line! A personal favourite from the book, was when Judge Judy, saw a homeless woman, (and being the generous person she is) went into the nearby deli, and bought the woman a sandwich! She gave the sandwich to the woman, and the woman said "I don't want your F^%*ing sandwich, just give me some money! Well if you have ever watched Judge Judy, she gave this woman a piece of her mind! She actually gave the whole word (which I can't give here, because you probably wouldn't see this page in about another week!) which was a complete and total surprise to me, because on Judge Judy, she doesn't tolerate swearing! Another favourite of mine was when she wrote about her son taking something from a store, and when she dragged her son (Adam Levy, now the Assistant D.A. of New York City) back to the store, and told the manager, that if he ever saw Adam back in there again alone, to call the police! Another thing I wound out by reading the book, is that (I'm presuming at this present time as well) in 1996 she was the supervising Judge for the Bronx! Another intresting story from the book that comes to mind, is one about a Judge in the same courthouse as hers! A bum sneaked into one of her colleages offices, and relived himself in different spots of the office, and the Judge didn't even charge him! I don't want to end up in court for giving you to many things about the book, so I'll end it here!


Over all Rating:* * * * *

Number of Pages:238

© 1997

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