Alternative Storylines
Have you ever wondered if there were alternative universes? It could be true. And in these alternative Days universes I've discovered, some amazing things are happening.  So keep reading and see what these strange things are...
Carries Apartment. Carrie and Austin are talking.
Carrie: But Austin, Sami is just... she's just... oh I don't know.
Austin: What are you saying Carrie?
Carrie: I'm saying I wish you and Sami would just take care of your child together and be happy. You know she is my sister, and I only want what's best for her.
Austin: But Carrie, you know Sami is in love with Lucas.
Carrie: I know, I know, and Lucas loves her, but I just think we could work this out so that she would love you just as much. I mean, you two do have a child together.
Austin: Carrie, I'm not even sure that Will is even mine. She only made love to me one time. And she was going out with Lucas at that same time too. It could be his
Carrie: I know. What are we gonna do? Sami loves Lucas, but I should be with him. You love Sami. Lucas loves her too, but sometimes I just get the feeling he's only acting like he really loves her. Why can't he just tell her that he loves me?
Austin: I don't know, but I think it's my fault. Lucas will do anything to keep me unhappy. And he knows I'll only be happy with Sami.
Carrie: I've got it! I know what we can do to make it all work out for us. You can be with Sami and I'll be with Lucas! Austin: But how?
Carrie says nothing. She just sits back and smiles.
Salem prison. Jack sits in his cell thinking to himself.
Jack: I wish I could just prove myself. I know Jennifer loves me. And we should be together, but that's impossible now. All because I shot Peter for Jenn's own safety. Well, at least she realizes that now that he's gone, that she can get on with her life, and maybe even return my love.
Franco and Hope's apartment.
Franco(carrying Hope over the threshold) Well, my love. We are finally married. How does it feel to be Mrs. Hope Kelly?
Hope: It feels like a dream Franco. How did I ever get lucky enough to be married to the man who I've worked with so long.
Franco: Well, I guess all those pictures we acted romantic in really turned up the heat in our relationship.
Hope: I still remember the first time we went out on a real date.
Franco: Yes, that wonderful romantic restaurant. I was shocked you asked me out.(laughs)
Hope: Franco! You know very well that you asked me out for months before I went on a date with you. And I couldn't be happier that I finally accepted that date. I love you honey.
Franco: I love you too Hope.(they begin packing for their honeymoon)
Kristens house.
Kristen: Aren't we so lucky honey? We have a wonderful marriage of 2 months and we have the two most precious children of all.
John: I know. We are lucky aren't we? It just saddens me sometimes to know our friends are not so lucky. I still feel bad for Doc. It's a shame that Brady had to be born without a real family. John Jr. got the lucky side. (remembers the first time he got Kristen pregnant)
John was going out with Marlena at the time almost three years ago. But Kristen caught his eye and he had an affair with her. She became pregnant and Brady was born. He is so happy he finally realized that John Jr. needed a real family so he married Kristen before he was born. He knows that Marlena does not love him. And for that he is happy.
John: I really do love you Kristen. I'm sorry for all those bad times I put you through.
Kristen: That's ok honey. I know now that you love me and I love you and that's all that matters.
Kristen wonders if that is true. After all, Marlena has been threatening to tell John about that letter she found and all the other lies.
Marlena's house.
Marlena: I have to get over to Kristen's. I have to find out. But why would she tell me anything. Oh, I'll just have to snoop around until I find something. (rushes out the door to Kristen's)
Bo's boat
Billie: I love you so much Bo.
Bo: I love you too, Billie. And I can't wait to marry you.
Billie: Then why are we waiting? We could elope.
Bo: NO! I want you to have the best wedding. And that is exactly what you are going to get. But...
Billie: But what? But what Bo???
Bo: We could hurry the plans along if you want to. I know I want to marry you as soon as possible.
Billie: And i want to marry you as soon as I can too, Bo.
Bo: Then lets go make the plans.
Carrie's apartment
Carrie: Well, don't keep me in suspense. What's your plan?
  Austin: Lucas will do anything to make me unhappy. We both know that.
Carrie: Yes.
Austin: So, you and I will act like we've fallen in love, and then maybe Lucas will leave Sami and go after you. Then you can have him, and I can be with Sami.
Carrie: I don't know Austin. Do you really think it will work?
Austin: Carrie, at this point, I'm willing to try anything.
Carrie: I guess you're right. Ok. Let's try it.
Kristen's house
Kristen: John? (John does not reply)
Kristen: Good, he's not here. I have to call Stephano. (picks up her phone and dials) Let me talk to Stefano right now!
Voice on phone: Ma'am. I told you. Stefano is not able to be reached at this moment.
Kristen: Well you tell him that Marlena is getting closer and closer to breaking me and John up. (she slams the phone shut)
John: Kristen?
Kristen: In here honey.
John: Guess who dropped by to see the baby. (Marlena enters smiling)
Marlena: Hi Kristen. How are you today? You seem a little shakey.
Kristen: No, I'm fine. I'm just tired that's all.
John: Maybe you should go up to bed.
Kristen: That's ok. I'll be fine.
Marlena: Kristen can I talk to you for a minute.
Kristen: I don't see why not. (The two leave the room)
Marlena: Kristen, I know you're hididng something. Come on, tell me if it's true.
Kristen: If what's true Marlena?
Marlena: If Laura was right. Is Stephano really alive? Just tell me. If you tell me, I'll never tell John all the horrible things you've done. I swear.
Kristen: Marlena, you know as well as I do that Stephano is dead. As well as my dear brother. Now will you leave me alone please.
Marlena: Kristen, listen to me. I said I will NEVER tell John about you if you just tell me where Stephano is.
Kristen: And why would you care anyway?
Marlena: Personal reason. It is no concern of yours.
Kristen: Ok, I'll tell you where he is.
Marlena: I knew it. He is alive.
Kristen: No, he is dead and buried under a pile of rubble in France. But that's where he is. You wanted to know. Bye Marlena.
NOTICE: Seeing as i have been away for some time, i am not going to make alterations to this storyline. What is already here, is here to stay. So just don't try to make any sense of what happened to the characters such as Kristen, Jack, Jenn, ect. in my alternate universe. Lets just say they all dissapeared off the face of the earth. Now i will continue to try and keep this page somewhat updated for as long as i can make time to do so beginning with part of the newest alternate universe storylines. I hope you enjoy. Read on.
Marlena's bedroom. She wakes up startled. She realizes that the dream she just had is in fact a description of her true feelings.
Marlena(whispering to herself):Oh my God! I'm in love with Stefano Dimera!
She quickly gets out of bed. The dream had revealed the two of them in love together.
Marlena(shocked):Oh no! Stefano is missing.
She hopes and prays that her true love is found soon. But what on earth would she do when and if he does come back to Salem alive?
Bo's boat. John appears out of nowhere and admits to Bo that he had fallen in love with Hope some time back, in the jungle.
Bo: You're just jealous because that no good wife of yours won't tell you any secrets.
John: Look Bo, I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm in love with Hope. I just thought you should hear it from me rather than find out by us sneaking around behind your back when she comes back.
Bo: I don't know what kind of game you're playing John, but knock it off. You're probably just in love with Gina
John realizes that Bo is right and spaces out.
Stefano and Hopes prison.
Stefano: I cannot believe you are saying you are pregnant, Hope.
Hope: well, Stefano, it's not like i'm too thrilled with it! I'm gonna die in here.
Stefano: You are not going to die! I won't let you die Hope! I...
Stefano abrubtly ends his sentence as Hope wonders what that crazy look in his eyes are.
NOTICE: Again it has been a while since I have been able to update this so I will attempt to summarize the important factors that would have happened in this alternative universe between 2000 and the present... late October 2002
Stephano and Hope are found somehow and return to Salem. Don't ask me how because I do not know. Marlena found Stephano and tells him she loves him and wants to be with him finally. However, Stephano tells her that he waited long enough for her to come around and he moved on with his life. That he is in love with someone else. Marlena realizes that it is better that way and they vow to remain friends. Marlena decides that she really does still love John and can live with taht.

John and Bo fight over Hope/Gina. Bo is forced to give up because John almost kills him. John goes to Hope and confesses his love for her. He learns that she had Stephano's baby and named him John. Stephano is still Johns number one enemy and he decides that he cannot live with raising his son. So he backs off from Hope. He then tells Bo, who does not care who's baby she had because it was not really Hope, but Gina that was with Stephano. He runs Stephano out of town and threatens him never to return. Stephano vows that he will have Hope and his son as his family one day.

This is a very brief summary of what I think might happened in this universe. I will try to update it again soon... starting with a couples list of this universe. And incase you are wondering, things have happened and there have been breakups. John found out about Marlena having feelings for Stephano and left her. Brandon always did like Lexie more so he left Sami, who in turn gave up on being vendictive for a while and got together with Lucas so things would be better for Will. The rest of them, you can use your imagination for.
Bo and Hope
Billie and John
Sami and Lucas
Roman and Marlena
Brandon and Lexie
Kate and Tony
Shawn and Mimi
Phillip and Belle
Brady and Chloe
Since I am no longer able to keep this page up for a while, I need a creative and imaginative mind to help me out with the alternative storyline. If you are interested I will give you full credit for what gets posted. Please email me at
If you would like to send comments or questions please email me ... my email is listed to the right. thank you.
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