Season 3 Episode 3

Written by Nicole Yorkin & Dawn Prestwich
Directed by: Lou Antonio

Adam Arkin -- Aaron Shutt
Hector Elizondo -- Phillip Waters
Dennis Hancock -- Vondie Curtis-Hall
Kate Austin -- Christine Lahti
Keith Wilkes -- Rocky Carroll
Billy Kronk -- Peter Berg
Diane Grad -- Jayne Brook
Jack McNeil -- Mark Harmon
Maricella Keith -- Amie Carey
Sarah Wilmette -- Mae Whitman
Tommy Wilmette -- Ron Silver
Dr. Underhill -- John DiMaggio
Dr. Eggert -- Sam Jenkins
Freddie Lewenski -- Brad Henke
Betsey Hockaday -- Ann Ramsay
Serena (bride) -- Liza Snyder

Kate's father's ashes are stolen, along with her car. Aaron and Phillip finally clear the air and Jack saves a bridegroom (in more than one way). Diane returns to medicine and Kate tells the mother of the patient killed by the clamp what really happened.

Kate is at the mortuary to pick up her father's ashes. The woman places a little wooden golf bag on the desk, in front of Kate who is eating an apple. She freezes, staring at it.

KATE: What's this?

LADY: Your Father. Or, rather, his remains

KATE: There must be some mistake

LADY: No, this is what he ordered,(checking on order form) genuine cultured walnut keepsake golf bag. $1,032

KATE: My father didn't play golf

LADY: Did he enjoy watching it on TV?

KATE: Let me see that. This can't be right, I mean, I'm not gonna keep my father in a golfbag

LADY: Maybe we could exchange it for another container(opening book)

KATE: I just spent two weeks with the man and he never once mentioned golf....

LADY: We have your praying hands, in dry walnut, that's $340 ...

KATE: .... I mean, I knew my father, he didn't even own a golf club

LADY: ... or maybe you'd rather have something with more of a wildlife theme ....

KATE: Wildlife?

LADY: ....This walnut duck, or this noble stag ...

KATE: No, no, nope. Just give me a pen and let me get out of here

Kate signs for the ashes and carries them out gingerly

Kate stops at the intersection, checking for traffic. A man leaps into her passenger seat surprising her.

GUY: Get out of the car, Now!

KATE: What?

GUY: Get out of the car, Now!

KATE: Oh no. I don't believe this, you're taking my car?

The guy pulls out a gun, pointing it at her.

GUY: Sure looks that way. Get out of the car, get out of the car!

She climbs out and watches him drive away. She suddenly remembers her father in the back seat.

KATE: Hey, stop. Come back, you son of a bitch, you've got my father.


Diane is on the conference room pouring over medical books. Phillip, walking past, sees her and walks into the room.


DIANE: Asthma, do you use a beta-agonist or a betablocker? And, what's the dose of prednisone? 120? 125? And what's that drug? Deaflin, deaflin. What's that drug we have to be careful of when we prescribe deaflin?

PHILLIP: Aretheramiacin

DIANE: Aretheramiacin, aretheramiacin! Oh my God, I'm gonna kill people.

Phillip rubs her back, trying to calm her

PHILLIP: All right, take it easy. Take it easy. I think you're hyperventilating, put your head between your knees. Come on, breathe, in, in and out, come on, that's it.

DIANE:oooohhh (groaning)

PHILLIP: That's it. Just a little case of stage fright, that's all.

DIANE: I'm having second thoughts, Phillip. I just think I've been in the lab too long to start back in seeing patients of my own and teaching at the same time. I mean, my name is on their chart.

PHILLIP: It's like riding a bike, you never forget how. You just have to throw yourself right into it, that's all.

DIANE: I'm blanking, I can't remember a thing.

PHILLIP: Breathe, Breathe, Breathe, Breathe, you're gonna be great. I have complete faith in you.

ON THE WARD, Diane is nervously doing rounds with the residents. Dr. Eggert is giving a medical history.

DR E: 22 year old Caucasian female with a history of ulcerated colitis. She's required hospitalization three times in the last month, was admitted last night for IV hydration, bowel rest and high does IV prednisone.

DIANE: Have you discussed surgical therapy with the patient? Keep in mind that 20 to 25% of these patients require surgery.

DR E: I mentioned ileostomy, she went ballistic.


They enter the patient's private room

DR E: Miss Hockaday, this is Doctor Grad, our attending. She is familiar with your case.

MISS H: Finally, a real Doctor. Hi.

DIANE: Have you had any more bloody diarrhea or cramping today? (examining her)

MS H: Only about six times in the last hour. Ouch.

DIANE: Sorry. What dose of mescaline did you say she was on?

DR E: 200 milligrams TID

MISS H: Actually, it's 400 milligrams TID. Sorry, but after about seven years I probably know more about my disease that you do.

DIANE: OK, lets up the mescaline to 800 TID and lets try, ah, a steroid, anamose QD. PRN.

Maricella is preparing to draw blood from Miss Hockaday's arm as they talk

MISS H: Uh, Dr. Grad? Could someone else draw my blood? I mean, my veins aren't very good and it was kind of hit or miss last time wasn't it.

Maricella looks up at Dr. Grad.

DIANE: Oh, well. I could do it.

MISS H: Great.

DIANE: Can you hand me the phlebotomy kit? It, ah, doesn't hurt to know how to do this yourself.

MISS H: Wow, that didn't hurt at all. Thanks a lot.

DIANE: Well, that's what we're here for.

Maricella rolls her eyes and leaves

PHILLIP IS RETRIEVING A CUP OF COFFEE FROM THE DISPENSER. He has a taste and screws his face up. As he walks away, Aaron sees him and calls out.

AARON: Phillip? Phillip!

PHILLIP: That's good coffee. Wilmette's idea?

AARON: Do you know how many pounds of coffee our staff consumes?

PHILLIP: No, and I don't care.

AARON: Well I didn't care either until I heard it was 40 pounds. 40 pounds! A week! This stuff adds up Phillip.

PHILLIP: Stinting our coffee is not going to buy you back your hospital Aaron

AARON: Our hospital.

PHILLIP: I'm not sure I want to lay claim to that now.

AARON: Phillip, what's with the attitude. I got us six months to turn this place around, didn't I?

PHILLIP: I know that, you told me that. What's gonna be different in six months?

AARON: That's what we have to discuss. You are still Chief of Staff.

PHILLIP: Yes I am, but your friend Mr. Wilmette seems to have other ideas, what?

AARON: And what's that supposed to mean? (Phillip's secretary is trying to get his attention)

SECRETARY: Kate Austin is on line one Dr. Waters. Collect. She says it's urgent.

PHILLIP: I'll take it inside.

AARON: Phillip, Phillip we have got to talk about Dennis's clinic.

PHILLIP: Do what you have to do. I think it's a big mistake but I do not control the board.

AARON: Well, that's what I have to talk to you ....

Phillip slams the door in Aaron's face.

KATE OPENS HER FRONT DOOR. As she walks in, Phillip follows her.

KATE: Ah, home sweet home. Come on in. Hey, thanks for picking me up Phillip.


KATE: So, ah, can I buy you a drink?

PHILLIP: No thanks. Not necessary.

KATE: Well, I didn't think it was necessary. I just thought I could use a scotch and maybe you could too. Have a seat.

PHILLIP: I'd love a drink but it's's been a long day and, ah, it's not over yet. I still have some charts I wanna look in to and ... ah ...

KATE: Phillip, for God's Sake. I'm not trying to seduce you. I'm just being polite, OK? But go, hey, ah, I don't wanna keep you from your charts.

PHILLIP: You'll be OK?

KATE: Oh sure. Sure. There's just some bastard riding around town with my father in the back seat but I'm swell.

PHILLIP: Your suspension hearing's coming up ...

KATE: Please, I, I don't wanna talk about this right now.

PHILLIP: Alrighty, just give me a call, we'll have lunch.

KATE: Hey Phillip, thanks again for the ride.

PHILLIP: No problem.

AT THE NURSES STATION DIANE WALKS OVER and sees Dennis sitting at a terminal

DIANE: Hey Dennis, how's the arm?

DENNIS: That question is getting old - fast

DIANE: Oh, so. I heard from Billy. Finally! He's still in Kubwasey. There's a dysentery outbreak and you know him. He thinks he's an American Red Cross.

We see a shot of Billy hunting with some tribesmen. They all have traditional dress and spears.

DIANE: Um, when are resident evaluations due?

DENNIS: Oh, ah, next Monday.

DIANE: God, I forgot how much paperwork this is. I've got ten really sick patients on my service plus all this paperwork, plus every time I turn around there's a resident in my face.

DENNIS: Welcome to the real world of Doctors.

DIANE: Thanks for the support.

DR Eggert: Dr. Grad?

Dr. Eggert and Diane are walking to Miss Hockaday's room

DR E: I told her that this is a teaching hospital, that I'm her Doctor, but she won't let me examine her.

DIANE: All right, all right. I'll deal with it. Miss Hockaday?

MRS H: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a drag but, um, I've been in the hospital so many times in the last four years. I just want somebody that knows what they're doing.

DIANE: Well, Dr. Eggert is a competent Physician.

MISS H: Well, I have this feeling that somehow you understand what I'm going through. I mean, Dr. Eggert really doesn't listen to me, I mean, as soon as I was admitted she started talking about surgery. I mean, there's gotta be another option, right? I just got my first job out of business school. I can't be walking around with a bag hanging off me. Please, I need somebody with your experience.

DIANE: Oh, lets see what we can do.

MISS H: Great. Thank you. Oh, you know what? I have one more favor. Would it be at all possible for me to actually use the bathroom? I mean, sometimes when I call the nurse I have to wait and it gets kinda uncomfortable and bedpans, are the worst .

Maricella has been doing vitals while they talked and stops to listen to Diane's reply

DIANE: Well, Betsy, you know we really have to keep track of all your ins and outs but maybe Maricella can try being a little more responsive?

Maricella gives her best "Drop Dead" look in disgust

MARICELLA: Yes Doctor Grad.

Diane leaves and walks over to Dr. Eggert at the nurses station.

DIANE: Geraldine, I'm gonna take over Betsey Hockaday's care. She might need a little extra hand holding.



KEITH: Underhill, you interested in orthopedics?

UNDERHILL: Ah, yeah.

KEITH: Well, come on, let's move it.

OUT FRONT OF CHICAGO HOPE A CHOPPER IS LANDING. McNeil, Wilkes, Underhill & emergency crew all prepare to move forward to receive the patient.

JACK: What have we got?

MEDIC: 26 year old male. Multiple trauma, hypotensive, BP 90 over 60, heart rate 120. Patient is diaphoretic.

KEITH: Chest pain?

MEDIC: No chest pain or difficulty breathing. Compound fractures, splinted.

UNDERHILL: What happened to the poor sucker?

MEDIC: Supposed to be getting married. Thought he'd surprise his bride by parachuting into the ceremony. The chute didn't open.

JACK: Bet she was surprised.

MEDIC: Yeah.

JACK: Move it, go, go , go.


BRIDE: Where's he? Where's my Freddie? Where is that stupid Son of a Bitch Freddie? Oh my God, what have you done to yourself.

JACK: Get her out of here.

BRIDE: Argh, wait a minute. Do you really have to cut those pants off? It's just that .. the tux is a rental.

KEITH: Can we get her out of here please?

BRIDE: I have to get married today, is he gonna live?

JACK: Where are those x-rays?

Aaron pushes through the bridal party to join Keith & Jack.

AARON: What have we got?

KEITH: No neck pain, response in both legs, decrease in sensation to T-12 level.

AARON: Is he conscious?

KEITH: Uh-huh

AARON: Alrighty, I need you to wriggle your toes for me, this is important Mr. ... ah ...

JACK: Lalenski

AARON: Mr. Lalenski, can you wriggle your toes for me? Please?

FREDDIE: My legs feel heavy. Please can you give me something for the pain?

KEITH: Morphine, 5 milligrams IV.

Jack & Aaron look at the films. Keith walks over and joins them.

JACK: Crossed the lumbar junction.

AARON: He's got a bruised fracturis. It's amazing he's got any neurological at all

KEITH: Well, we've got a fractured pelvis, wrists, humerus, forearm and man, look at his tibia, the top and bottom are there but he must'a left 6 inches on that pasture where he landed.

AARON: Well, let's worry about the fractures later. Let's get him to the OR, stat or he's gonna wind up in a chair.

JACK: What the hey, Shutt. Let's fix them all right now. We're not doing anything for the next 12 hours.

AARON: He's got eight fractures, his spine's unstable. You can't nail him once we've instrumented it.

JACK: Trust me, you'll hardly know I'm there.

AARON: No .. I .... I don't like it.

JACK: You're not the only neurosurgeon on staff here Dr. Shutt.

AARON: Hey, why don't you cut the ....... crap, all right? We're talking whether this guy ever walks again or not, there's more at stake here than your ego.

JACK: He's not your patient pal.

AARON: Well, I'm not your pal and I don't like the attitude ...

JACK: You just have to stabilize him first ...

KEITH: Guys, guys, guys! Take it out into the parking lot later! BPs down to 80 over 50. Let's get in there first and then decide what to do.

SARAH IS AT SCHOOL. She is playing in the playground on the swings. Kate sits in a rental car eating her lunch and watching Sarah play from the parking lot outside the school. The passenger door suddenly opens and Tommy hops in as Kate sits choking on her mineral water.

TOMMY: Nice car.

KATE: Damn it Tommy! You scared the hell out of me. I'm gonna start locking these doors.

TOMMY: What are you doing Kate? Your not supposed to be here.

KATE: Oh please! Give me a break. She's still my daughter.

TOMMY: Kate. Judge Helpman ruled, you've lost the right to be near Sarah without supervision. If you violate the ruling you could loose her for good.

KATE: I haven't seen her for two weeks Tommy.

TOMMY: I know that. Next time you call ....

KATE: Oh fine!

TOMMY: I didn't make the rules, today is not one of your days.

KATE: So what are you gonna do about it? Have me arrested again?

TOMMY: Look! I know this is hard but try looking at it from my perspective. You're sitting in front of our daughter's school spying on her ...

KATE: Spying? I'm spying?

TOMMY: Spying on her! In a strange car.

KATE: My car was stolen Tommy!

TOMMY: What am I supposed to think? You already kidnapped her once. I'm sorry of I'm not all full of kindness and mercy, Kate. I don't trust you!

KATE: Is that what you tell her?

TOMMY: I'm not the bad guy here!

He gets out and leaves Kate to watch Sarah.


AARON: OK, gentlemen. Mr. Lalenski has left the building.

JACK: Crank it!

A nurse starts a tape deck. Music blasts the OR

AARON: Allan Brothers?

JACK: St Dwayne. Oregon 1969. Scalpel. Best concert ever. After the concert I went home with Janice Metrovich. Her folks were away in Montreal. That night was my first time.

AARON: Well, I'm sure the subjects of your sexual conquests are legion! Will you be going through them one by one or do you just wanna give us the list later.

JACK: A little uptight Aaron?

AARON: No, I'm not uptight. I just don't ...

JACK: All right, all right. Sex is a sensitive subject for some people.

AARON: 1969 huh? Sort of a late bloomer weren't you?

DIANE IS AT THE LIFT DOORS. She is obviously ready to go home. As she steps into the elevator her beeper sounds. She looks at it in disgust. She groans, "Oh man.". She goes to the nurses station where she is talking to Maricella.

MARICELLA: I gave her your beeper number because you're her doctor.

DIANE: This is inappropriate. This patient has beeped three times in the last hour.

MARICELLA: I'm sorry Dr. Grad, but we're understaffed and I can't be stopping every time to answer her call.

DIANE: Maricella, Maricella! It's unacceptable to give a patient my beeper number.

MARICELLA: Your patient has been complaining about her pain medication and since I'm not a doctor there's nothing I can do about it.


BESTY: I knew you'd come.

DIANE: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop paging me.

BETSEY: I know, you're probably on your way home but my parents are out of town and being in this hospital is freaking my out. And that nurse certainly hates me.

DIANE: I'm sure Maricella doesn't hate you. She's ...ah .... she's just a little swamped right now.

Betsey pushes her pain med button which obviously is at it's limit.

BETSEY: Is there any way you can just up my morphine? I mean, these cramps are killing me.

DIANE: Let's see (Diane checks her chart) You're already receiving a 2 milligram dose every five minutes through your PCA. That ought to be adequate to handle your pain.

BETSEY: Well, it's not. I think, uh, you know when Dr. Barnett was taking care of me, I think, I'm positive she gave me like five milligrams every four minutes.

DIANE: Perhaps the PCA machine isn't working for you. The other alternative is Demerol, we can give you an injection every three hours. See if that works better.

BETSEY: But I like the PCA.

DIANE: Fine! That's your decision Betsey, but you're already receiving the recommended morphine dose. That's why you can only give yourself 2 mils every five minutes. OK? It should be enough.

Diane walks out and Betsey starts fiddling with her PCA machine, trying to open it.

IN THE OR AARON IS FINISHED. He walks away, talking over his shoulder to Jack

AARON: I did a good job on that back McNeil don't screw it up!

JACK: Wouldn't think of it.

AARON: Well, that's why you do what you do.

JACK: OK boys and girls, on with phase two ... Underhill?

Underhill is standing there asleep

JACK: Underhill!

UNDERHILL: What? Oh, sorry.

JACK: Where were you?

UNDERHILL: I was in my back yard where I grew up playing my guitar.

NURSE: Drill

JACK: Try to stick around. This is where it really starts getting fun. Front of the tibia. Underhill? You want to insert the first pin?


JACK: Right there.

Maricella is in Betsey's room knocking on the bathroom door

MARICELLA: Miss Hockaday? Are you in there? You're not supposed to be using the bathroom.

We can hear a beeping noise from behind the door.

BETSEY: I'm peeing ( in a slurry voice)

Maricella tries the door which is locked.

MARICELLA: Miss Hockaday, I need you to open the door.

Security and Diane Burst through the door as Betsey slumps to the floor.

DIANE: Oh my God! All right, get her.

MARICELLA: She pried open the PCA.

DIANE: Let's get her on her back. When was this PCA last re-filled?

MARICELLA: 2 hours ago.

DIANE: She must have given herself 20 milligrams of morphine. Give me an amp of Narcan

DR EGGERT: BP 80 over palp

DIANE: All right, give her another amp, now! That's it. That is it for the PCA. Next time she wants pain meds put her on Demerol! Maricella, try to keep better track of the patient next time!

Diane is walking through the parking lot when she sees Phillip sitting in his car listening to the radio. She knocks on the window.

DIANE: Phillip? Car trouble?

PHILLIP: no, no, no, no.

DIANE: Look I was planning on coming to you, wee need to do something about the nursing situation. I know we're trying to cut back but we are way understaffed.

PHILLIP: Ever wondered what happened to Bobby Darren?

DIANE: Never! Who's Bobby Darren?

PHILLIP: (turning the music up) Bobby Darren died at the age of 37.

DIANE: What? Phillip do you mind?

Phillip turns the music off

PHILLIP: And just before Bobby Darren dies, someone tells him that his sister is really his mother. That his mother is really his grandmother. Don't you see? All his life this man is secure in the knowledge that the woman he calls Mom is his Mom. But she isn't. His sister is his Mom. His Mom is really his grandmother.

DIANE: Gosh ( lost for what to say, very confused)

PHILLIP: You see, that's what it comes down to Diane, no matter how sure you are. Life doesn't always turn out the way you think.

Phillip drives off leaving Diane staring at his car.

In the waiting room the bride is cutting her wedding cake. Everyone is with her and they pour the champagne, settling in for a longer wait.

We see Jack still working

We then see Billy walking with water buffaloes across a grassy plain.

We see Kate laying on her sofa watching TV. Time is slipping by ..... hours are passing

The bride is now asleep, only some of one of the cake layers remains and cleaners sweep up confetti, streamers and paper cups around their sleeping feet.

We are now at a car wreaking yard. Car bodies are laying around in the shed, men work with grinders and Kate is led to the remains of her car.

MAN: Well, here it is.

KATE: (looking at the remains) find anything?

MAN: No, picked clean. (walks away.)

Kate looks on the back seat and then sinks behind the wheel, easy because there is no door.

KATE: Oh Hell Brooke!

Aaron and Dennis are arguing in Aaron's office. Aaron is trying to eat and Dennis has him cornered.

DENNIS: the board sends me a memo? That's how I'm told my clinic is being closed?

AARON: Now, you know that kind of thing is just standard procedure.

DENNIS: Standard Procedure? Did you vote on this?

AARON: You know, just because I'm on the board, everybody comes to me like I'm the only guy! Phillip thinks I'm the only guy, you think I'm the only guy, well I'm not! I'm not the only guy!

DENNIS: Oh I see, your hands are clean, right?

AARON: This was a mandate from the entire board Dennis! Now you knew what the fiscal realities are around here, we'd like to keep the clinic open but it's a big money drain.

DENNIS: Tell that to my patients.

AARON: Dennis, Dennis ...

Dennis slams the door behind him.

The bride is still waiting. Jack walks out of the elevator over to the nurses station. The bride sees him and runs over.

BRIDE: Dr. McNeil? He's gonna be OK isn't he?

JACK: Yeah.

BRIDE: How much pain? Do you think he's gonna be in pain when he wakes up, I mean, you know is he gonna be really out of it or what.

JACK: He had 12 hours of surgery. I would imagine there will be some discomfort.

BRIDE: Well, because, you see, I'm in the Army and they're shipping me off to Dusseldorf tomorrow and Freddie works at the caterers and this is our last chance to get married for a couple of years.

JACK: I don't know. More than likely he'll be out of it when he wakes up.

Aaron is standing by a vending machine watching Jack & the bride.

BRIDE: But you think we'll still be able to get married today? I mean, because if you think we would, I have to call my mother, talk to the Chaplain, and all that stuff. Otherwise it's, like, $5,000 down the drain and I'm gonna look pretty stupid when I get to Dusseldorf without a ring on my finger.

JACK: Well, I'm sure you can exchange rings, but I wouldn't plan on consummating the union anytime in the near future.

Jack walks off leaving a morose Bride behind with her head in her hand.

Jack is moving boxes about in his office, settling in. Aaron knocks and enters.

JACK: yeah.

AARON: Dr. McNeil? Do you have a minute?

JACK: Sure.

AARON: Was that your way of trying to make her feel better?

JACK: Do you always listen to other people's conversations? She's not my patient.

AARON: I understand that but I think you could of at least offered ....

Jack slams his basketball into it's holder and swings around at Aaron

JACK: What's your point here? I'm not the most intuitive guy but it seems to me, you're quintalling (measuring) my interpersonal skills.

AARON: Not at all. I just think you might have been a little more ...

JACK: what exactly is your role here at the hospital? I'm confused. Now you run this place? Because I don't remember you hiring me!

AARON: No, you're right about that. You see, I don't think that .. ah .. personally, that some Ivan Thomas Orthopod is gonna help us turn this place around. While Phillip was off bonding with you over the rainbow out in Montana, someone had to step up to the plate.

JACK: Wyoming.

AARON: What?

JACK: Wyoming, not Montana.

AARON: I'll remember that.

Diane runs into Betsey's room as a crash team is leaving. They are talking to themselves and obviously are angry that nothing is wrong with Betsey who wanted attention. Betsey is jumpy and agitated.

BETSEY: Hey! I paged you! You didn't answer!

DIANE: Betsey?

BETSEY: The steroids are making me edgy!

DIANE: The code button is for emergencies only, not your convenience!

BETSEY: What was I supposed to do? I paged you, that freaky nurse wouldn't come either. My stomach hurts even more than before and I told you, I'm really hyped up from steroids.

DIANE: (checking her out) Look, besides the fact that you nearly OD'd yourself on Morphine, nothing has changed since I last checked you. Now, I'll lower your prednisone but I'm recommending you have a psyche evaluation.

BETSEY: I'm not crazy. I just need help (crying)

DIANE: This hospital is full of patients who need help, most of them sicker than you. Not one of them comes close to being as manipulative and demanding! So, let me make this clear! You put another finger on that code button, you won't hear from me again in this lifetime!

She storms off leaving Bestey sobbing and in pain.

In the park, Kate and Sarah have a picnic. They are playing on a rug.

KATE: I'm gonna have to eat these feet.

SARAH: No Mommy, stop it. Stop it

KATE: So, does Mrs. Elton think you're the smartest kid in class?

SARAH: Miss Elton was last year Mommy. Now I have Miss Kittleman.

KATE: Right, right. I'm sorry.

SARAH: Only 13 more days until my birthday Mommy.

KATE: I know, I was there when you were born, remember that?

SARAH: Where was Daddy?

KATE: He was there too.

SARAH: If I was a boy, I was gonna be called Elijah, but I was a Sarah.

KATE: My Sarah (looking up at the supervisor)

SARAH: When I came out, I started crying.

KATE: yep.

SARAH: And what did you tell Daddy?

KATE: I told him to sing you his song.

SARAH: What's it called again?

KATE: Inagotta davida

SARAH: Right. And Daddy cried.

KATE: Yeah. We both cried. Do you know, it was the greatest day of Mommy's life? Tell you what. This year you and I are gonna have a really special party ...(she watches the supervisor stand)

SARAH: Yeah.

KATE: Yeah. Maybe we'll go skating.

SARAH: Yeah.

KATE: Yeah, how about it Julia? You ice-skate?

JULIA: Oh, I'm sure we can work something out.

KATE: I'm sure we can. OK, balloons ...

JULIA: Excuse me Dr. Austin.

KATE: Yeah.

JULIA: It's 3 O'clock.


SARAH: Is Julia our friend Mom?

KATE: Yeah, she's our friend (not convincing)

Diane is walking through ward doors and sees Keith wheeling Betsey away on a gurney, groaning with pain. She is ready for surgery.

DIANE: what's going on?

KEITH: Didn't you get the page?

DIANE: Miss Hockaday?

KEITH: Bowel burst, we're on our way to the OR

Diane is talking to Dennis

DIANE: I blew it. That woman did everything short of sending me a telegram telling me she was in pain and now she has to have a temporary ileostomy. The one thing she dreaded most.

DENNIS: She'll survive

DIANE: She was just so annoying! And manipulative.

DENNIS: I spent three weeks in this hospital. It was no party. Including depending on somebody else for almost all your needs.

DIANE: I'm an idiot. This is exactly why I should have kept my butt in Africa

Jack is Checking Freddie out. He's awake. Jack rolls an instrument across his feet


JACK: Wriggle your toes. Freddie, you are one lucky duck! You'll be walking down that isle in no time.

FREDDIE: Dr. McNeil? You believe in fate?

JACK: On occasion.

FREDDIE: Well something happened to me on that jump.

JACK: Your parachute didn't open.

FREDDIE: Yeah, it didn't open. What are the chances of that happening and me surviving? It's like, when I was falling, it was like, zing. I saw my life, you know? Flash before my eyes. But it wasn't my past, it was my future. And Serena? She wasn't in it. What do you make of that Doc?

Tommy is waiting for Sarah at the top of the apartment steps. He is not happy to see Kate with her.

SARAH: Daddy!

TOMMY: Hi sweetheart.

JULIA: OK, see you in two weeks.


TOMMY: Harry's got some cookies for you in the kitchen

SARAH: Chocolate Chip?

TOMMY: What do you think?

SARAH: Bye Mommy. I love you.

KATE: I love you too (Sarah leaves)

TOMMY: Why are you here?

KATE: I need to talk.

TOMMY: The support worker is supposed to bring Sarah back, not you.

KATE: Tommy, what's the big deal? There didn't seem to be a problem here, what is this? Were you always so passive-aggressive? Or is this some sort of ...

TOMMY: OK, I'm going inside.

KATE: Just help me to understand what's going on, OK? One minute you're offering to be an advocate in court and the next minute you're ready to slam the door in my face. What!

TOMMY: You broke the rules.

KATE: The rules are meaningless, don't you get it? This whole house of cards is built on the notion that I work too much and you are retired, making you the better parent, right?

Tommy nods in agreement

KATE: Well, look at us now. You're running the hospital while I'm at home watching Regis and Kathy-Lee.

TOMMY: wait a minute. OK? You were willing to take my daughter from me.

KATE: I brought her back ... (starting to cry)

TOMMY: Three major strikes. Another. I would have never done that to you, there are limits.

KATE: ...No-one forced me to do that, how much humiliation do I have to take? (shouting)

TOMMY: Do you wanna keep it down.

KATE: I can't live like this Tommy.

TOMMY: You're really feeling sorry for yourself, aren't you.

KATE: Yeah, I am. My life is pretty much a disaster. I've lost my job, I can't see my daughter, my car was stolen and for some inexplicable reason my dead father is in a miniature wooden golf bag being driven around Chicago by some jackass with a gun in his pocket.

TOMMY: you think you've lost all these important things in you life Kate, but, you know what you've really lost? you've lost yourself. You've made choices. Take responsibility for them. Don't blame me. I could never hurt you as much as you hurt yourself.

He goes inside leaving her on the steps in shock.

Kate is sitting at home. She is holding herself rocking. She goes over to a wooden desk and opens a drawer, pulling out an x-ray envelope.

Phillip is walking down the corridor, he sees Diane in her old lab and stops. She is laying on the floor with her feet propped up on a box. He walks in to see what's wrong.

PHILLIP: Hello (sitting down beside her)

DIANE: Hello. Ring-ding? (offering a packet)

PHILLIP: Oh boy.

DIANE: They're a little bit melted, they've been in my pocket a while.


DIANE: I've been thinking about Bobby Darren.

PHILLIP: Oh yeah

DIANE: You were right. You never know. coming back was a mistake

Phillip. And the ironic thing is, I thought it was the medicine that would give me trouble. There is a reason I have been hanging out in this lab for the past five years. I hate patients.

PHILLIP: Oh, Diane ...

DIANE: No, no, I do. I hate 'em. I hate the way they look at you, the way they expect you to solve all their possible problems. I hate that they think you should be at their beak and call 24 hours a day. That they're entitled to your very being. That they're always ready to take you for granted when you're helpful, condemn you when you're not, and I especially hate that it's the good ones that die and the pains in the asses that live on to torture you forever. Hand me one of those tootsie rolls.

PHILLIP: You don't hate patients, you're afraid of them.

DIANE: Same thing.

PHILLIP: Oh, maybe. So you're gonna quit.

DIANE: Yeah, I warned you. Luckily I haven't unpacked yet. Don't try talking me out if it.

PHILLIP: I wouldn't think of it.

DIANE: Good. You wouldn't.

PHILLIP: What do you want me to say Diane?

DIANE: I want you to say that sometimes medicine's not easy and that it's tedious and frustrating. That not all patients can be cured. Sometimes we make mistakes, horrible ones and if I can't deal with that then maybe I should go and find a room full of orangutans somewhere

PHILLIP: Would it really make a difference if I said that?

DIANE: Yeah, it might. Hell, you're the Chief of Staff. You wanna say it, it will.

The Bride yells into the camera "You son of a bitch" and throws a punch.

Jack flies into the wall and lands on his butt.

JACK: I'm just the messenger.

BRIDE: Where is that weasel faced little coward!

JACK: You don't wanna upset him, Miss Pereski.

BRIDE: Upset him? I'm the one that's three months pregnant!

She storms off as her family gasps in shock. Jack picks himself up and we see that Aaron was watching.

Jack: She's in the Army.

AARON: Oh...well... I feel safer already. So, he doesn't wanna marry her, huh?


AARON: Why did you feel you needed to be the one to tell her?

JACK: Because he asked me to. Poor guy had a moment of clarity. An apithany! Happens. I believe in those .

AARON: Really?

JACK: You know Aaron, sometimes the truth is hard to take, but it's still the truth.

We see Kate walking up some steps. She is visiting the mother of the patient who died with the surgical instrument still inside.

Mother: Dr. Austin.

They are now entering the girl's room. The mother is happy to see Kate but confused as to why she's there.

Kate: It's a lovely room.

MOTHER: Oh, it's just your typical teenage room.

KATE: I have a daughter. I think about loosing her. I don't know how I'd survive .

MOTHER: Ah, you wouldn't have a choice, Dr. Austin. Why are you here?

KATE: My father died a few weeks ago. His death has made me realize, ah, how much of who I am is, well, I mean, I talk about my daughter, I've lost my right to see her. I talk about my career but suddenly I don't have one any more and being a good doctor? I'm not sure I even know what that is anymore.

MOTHER: Oh, Doctor. Don't say that because ...

KATE: Peggy, I lied to you. Now the last thing I want to do is bring you anymore pain but you have the right to know the truth. I made a mistake during Elizabeth's surgery. I left a clamp attached to her superior vena clava. Now, another surgeon swears he told me about it, I don't remember hearing it. It was underneath the heart and lungs so I must have missed it, and I don't know how. Now it's possible your daughter wouldn't have survived the surgery anyway, I don't know, but she definitely couldn't have survived with that couldn't have survived with that clamp inside. I should have told you then but I didn't have the courage and I knew that if I didn't tell you now, I didn't deserve to be a doctor.

MOTHER (angry) Well, maybe you still don't!

KATE: Maybe you're right.

Aaron is looking for Phillip and finally finds him in the steam room.

Phillip is smoking a cigar and reading a paper. Aaron hates the steam room and doesn't look happy.

AARON: Phillip

PHILLIP: I'm occupied at the moment.

AARON: Well, how long do you think you're gonna be, I have to talk to you.

PHILLIP: Well, I couldn't say. Why don't you come in, otherwise close the door. You're letting all the heat out.

AARON: Phillip, don't make me come in there, you know what these things do to me! All right!

Aaron goes outside and removes his coat. He is angry now.

AARON: Fine! All right, fine Phillip. You win! OK. Do you mind telling me what the hell is going on? I've spent the last three days trying to have a conversation with you.

PHILLIP: Well, you seem to have everything under control.

Phillip gets up and adds more water to the coals.

PHILLIP: well, you're closing clinics, right? You're rationing coffee ...

Aaron holds his hands up to the steam as if warding it off

AARON: OK, believe it or not I do not want to be in charge here! OK? I don't! But Wilmette comes in, you seem to abandon ship, I don't know what the hell to do. For god sake!!!! Do you think it's hot enough in here?

PHILLIP: I never abandoned the ship Pal! But I heard through the grapevine that Wilmette wanted to fire me, it was you who saved my ass!

Aaron is gasping and pulling at his tie.


PHILLIP: Maybe I should thank you for that but I'm not going to. Wanna know the truth? I resent the hell out of ya!

Aaron has the tie undone and is unbuttoning his shirt. He looks distressed.

AARON: Well, OK. Good. You're feeling resentment. Fine. That's a start Phillip.

PHILLIP: I wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you. You cut me off at the knees Aaron!

Aaron is now flapping his open shirt fronts.

AARON: I'm sorry for that but I feel ...

PHILLIP: I don't care what you feel right now. You wanna talk? I'm talking!

Aaron walks over to the door and places his hand against the door jam.

AARON: These things don't ever lock-up do they?

PHILLIP: The ship went down on my watch.

AARON: It didn't go down, it's just it ...

Aaron is looking more distressed and removes his shirt. Now he just has a white T-shirt on.

PHILLIP: No, I failed somehow damn it! Now, I lost sight of what was happening out there. Probably cost Chicago Hope it's independence.

Aaron wipes his face with his shirt and throws it to the floor. He looks bad.

PHILLIP: It doesn't mean this place doesn't need me anymore! You don't know the first thing about running a hospital, Aaron.

Phillip gets up and adds more water

PHILLIP: Neither does Wilmette. I'm not gonna let him close this place down.

Aaron is removing his pants.

PHILLIP: Not now, not in six months, not ever! If medicine is changing, I'll change with it. A little humility can be a good thing sometimes, ya know?

Aaron throws his pants on the floor and leans against the door frame

. Phillip notices for the first time that he is having trouble.

PHILLIP: are you OK?

AARON: I think ... I think I'm dying (grabbing at his chest)

Aaron grabs up his clothes and escapes the room of horror. Phillip smiles triumphantly and leans back chewing his cigar.

Diane enters Betsey's room.

DIANE: Hey Betsy. How ya doing? Betsey, I just wanted to say that things have been kind of ... I mean what it comes down to is ... you irritate the hell out of me. That's no excuse for not listening to you, you're the patient. I'm the Doctor. I should know better and next time I will.

BETSEY: So what you're saying, I'm a pain in the ass?

DIANE: I bet it's not the first time.

Betsey smiles.

Kate is walking in through her front door. She sighs, putting down her purse and turning on the light to the living room. The Car-jacker is standing in the middle of the room holding electrical equipment. He turns to face her and she gasps with horror.

KATE: Just take it. What ever you want. Just go, just go now. All right? Just go.

GUY: I had your keys, your address, I mean, it was just too easy. Sure don't have much stuff around here for being a Doctor.

KATE: Sorry.

GUY: Well, that's life. Oh, I brought your ...ah...thing back. (Points to Brooke) that freaked me out.

KATE: Yeah.

GUY: I've still gotta take the stereos.

KATE: Of course.

He walks out. Kate walks over to Brooke and sits facing him. She says "Oh God" several times. She picks him up and hugs him to her. She laughs and rocks back. She laughs more and we close with her insane laughter.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Angie for her wonderful (my favorite) web site. I apologize for any spelling mistakes which may have occurred. I try, but some of these medical terms are lost to me. Also, when they fight and talk fast I loose words and have a hard time transcribing overlapping arguments. I also have to say, my fingers get away from me and insist on hitting the wrong key.

This episode has been transcribed for my dear E-Mail pal Sue. Hi ya


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