Writer's Message: To the kind readers of my MASH work, I'm sorry this delayed 'Radar'. I know I write too many stories, but this is one I've been itching for. To the kind, patient readers of 'Ancient Destroyer', thank you for putting up with yet another PK/Saav sidebar. My itch to do 'BTAD' has not diminished, merely evolved into a desire to do it right. To the readers of 'Starting Over', I do promise to complete Books Zero and Two at some point. Its just difficult to write a piece that doesn't have me MSing JTK aboard the E-E. Lastly, to those who may have read this and been disturbed by The Will/Penny storyline, I offer these words.

I had no desire to do an incest storyline, nor do I see what happened here as the inevitable fate of these two young people. But my other options, such as them going back to Earth, bringing in another family, or marrying non-humans just didn't ring true in their circumstance. I think that, except for one or two instances, there were no real prospects among the folk the LIS crew encountered, and they certainly were not about at series' end. Pairing either of them up with Doctor Smith was also out, as the character in all his incarnations was inherently irresponsible and untrustworthy. Anyone who even mentions Robot gets spammed big time.

I've been told I handled it with taste, and I think I did. While the adoption scenario may have been a bit of a cop-out, it still makes their relationship a bit 'squicky', and not one I'd encourage, in any event. Again, I had thought of like options. One had them functioning as a couple in every way but the physical, and our crew being weirded out by that. But that seemed even more of a cop-out, in some ways. I feel what I did strikes the balance - a very functional, healthy family using their strength to survive a massively dysfunctional situation. And so we conclude.

Epilogue - Full Circle Squared


Saying goodbye is never easy. This fact is doubly true when one is dealing with a six-year-old human. Magnify that little girl by a near-infinite power level and the problem reaches post-infinite levels.

Little Blake looked up at her departing friends.

"Don't go. Stay here with me. We'll all have fun together, and this time, there'll be no Anthony chasing us."

Peter Kirk gently but firmly shook his head.

"Blake, honey--me and Saavik and Wes--we have to go home. Wes has to help his Mommy grieve over poor Captain Picard. Saavik and I have to stop King Ghidorah--or else a lot of people will die. Just because we all have to go doesn't mean we don't love you. We always will--no matter what."

Saavik picked up the crying titan. She wiped away her tears, and coaxed a tiny smile out of her.

"Tears are an illogical response to our departure, Blake Pierce. We are and shall always be your friends. But our home universe beckons. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of we few. They even outweigh the needs of one precious little girl. But they do not change our feelings for you."

Wes nodded in agreement.

"I still keep in touch with the kids I knew aboard the D. You little ones have a way of getting in our hearts whether we want you to or not. Someday we might all meet again. In a way, that wouldn't surprise me one bit."

Walter tried to coax his goddaughter down.

"After this trip, won't nothing surprise me ever again, thats fer sure. Blake--c'mon with me, and we'll go visit Duncan and Connor. Didja know Angela and the other Gargoyles are staying above Nash Antiques, now?"

Blake shook her head.

"Only if Peter comes with us. I'm not going without my big brother."

Peter allowed himself a frown, knowing that someone of Blake's intelligence fully understood the concepts behind alternate universes.

"Blake--that was when I was Paul Revere Pierce, in that place where your Dad and mine were merged. Saavik is my sister, just like Penny is Will's, and you are Sherm's. I like you, but you're not my sister. Not at all."

Hell, it is said, is lacking in a certain fury.


In a rage, the girl flew at Peter, who felt her punch even through his TK shield. The ground shook for miles around. Eyes glowing, Peter looked down at his attacker.


The hurt in his eyes punched through Blake harder than any blow could, and she calmed down.

"I'm sorry."

Saavik felt it through the bond. Any time he was attacked, Peter felt the madness rise within him. The brutality of his kidnapping and torture would never leave him--and it would always mark his movements. Even now, when the attacker in question was an innocent.

"You are going to be sorry--I'll make sure of that."

His voice had reverted. Gone was the natural leader. Gone was the hardened survivor. It was a frightening change only Saavik had ever witnessed, on The Worst Of All Nights. In a flash, Peter Kirk had become a little boy, overworked by chores in a time of automation, beaten by a fearful grandmother, and made to endure what no one should ever have to--over 300 times in one hellish weekend.

He gestured at Blake Pierce, intending to scatter her resilient atoms to the four winds. But a grip like a black hole's well stopped him cold.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing to my little girl, you filth?"

Hawkeye Pierce couldn't have realized that Peter would have stopped himself. Correctly, all he saw was someone about to harm his firstborn child. Not a wise move against a man who could physically press mountains. Then again, grabbing a nervous young man whose mind could move mountain ranges was an equally unwise move.

"Doctor Pierce--you will let him go and move away."

Pierce felt the tug of Saavik's telekinesis, but stayed put. She then formed an energy sphere, which struck and wounded a surprised Hawkeye. Saavik, of course, then felt a blow that tossed her forward, face first into the ground. She stirred quickly, and rose up to confront her attacker, Margaret Pierce. The tough blonde shook her head.

"Don't even dream about dreaming about thinking about it, Missy!"

Saavik wiped the blood from her chin, and grinned.

"My dreams, Colonel Houlihan, are quite vivid. Yours, however, end here."

Peter moved to help his wife, but Pierce grabbed him anew.

"No, no. Around here, we finish dancing with the partner we started with."

Peter gestured, and threw him back.

"Last dance, Doctor."

With the Kirks on one side, and The Pierces on the other, four sets of glowing eyes seemed to indicate the beginnings of a war that could easily destroy the entire quadrant.

Then someone hit the Pause button.

Disgusted with their overpowered friends, Walter and Wes walked between them, Wes's abilities keeping them frozen, Walter's telepathy keeping them aware of the situation. Walter nodded.

"I says, we spray paint em' gray, and let the pigeons roost on these world-savin' horses patoots. Serve em' right."

Wes nodded as well.

"Absolute Power makes you really, really hormonal, apparently."

Walter used his telepathy to calm The Kirks and fill in The Pierces. When all was right again, Walter did a careful scan and bid Wes release them, one at a time.

O'Reilly looked at his two oldest friends.

"What's with you two? Even my rabbits weren't that skittish."

Wes made sure the Kirks understood their position.

"Pete--don't threaten a kid in front of me again--or I'll leave you both that way. Saavik--next time try calming your man down instead of joining in."

Margaret looked at Blake.

"First--are you all right?"

Blake looked down, but responded.

"Yes, Mommy."

Margaret got down and made Blake look her in the eye.

"Now what would have happened to Peter if you hit him and he didn't have powers?"

The little one nodded.

"I'dve killed him."

"And what have your father and I taught you about hitting people?"

"That its wrong. Specially because I'm so strong and stuff."

"Right. Now, all Peter did was tell you a truth that you didn't want to hear. But even if he tried to hurt you--you can stop someone without touching or hurting them. Just like I taught you."

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