An alternate ending to "The Late Captain Pierce"

by Hawkeye

Note I have taken this episode to make an alternate ending to, I have also changed it to where the episode takes place after Frank has gone loony and Margaret has gotten her divorce. The Characters are the property of Twentieth Century fox, I only claim the story as my own.

Hawkeye grabbed Radar and pulled him into a hug. "Take care Radar this is not exactly the way I wanted to be leaving you. But...."

Radar held Hawkeye tight as he continued the statement saying. "If the army wants you out then you have to do it their way. I know sir."

Radar let his hug go and turned away at the same time that Hawkeye did the same.

BJ was nowhere to be found, he was in the swamp drinking one Martini after another asking himself. 'Why him, Why Hawkeye? Why not me?'

Hawkeye heard the engine of the bus start up behind him and he knocked on the door of the bus forcefully saying. "Let me in Digger I'm going with you." The driver opened the door and Hawkeye got on the bus asking. "Okay where do I sit at?"

Digger the driver and cadaver gopher said. "Sorry Captain I don't normally have live passengers, they are all laying down."

Hawkeye went to the mounted stretcher at the front and opposite side of where Digger was setting and laid down saying. "Well, I guess I'll have to do that then. Lets go Digger time to leave this place behind."

Without so much as questioning Hawkeye Digger put the bus into gear and started off saying aloud. "Next stop eight oh sixty-third and then Seoul."

As Potter watched the bus leave the compound he said aloud. "I pray we have no wounded before I can get another doctor in here."

He realized he wasn't alone then as he heard Mulcahy say. "I am already on my way to doing that Colonel"

Potter turned then and said. "Radar get on the phone to I-Corps and......."

"Try to get a replacement for Captain Pierce." Radar finished and then added. "Yes, sir I'm on it."

He had his head down he didn't want anyone to see that he had become misty eyed. He took off his glasses to wipe them of the fog that had enveloped them and then felt a pair of arms around him and the heard the fatherly words of Potter say with odd emotion.

"I know son, we all are going to miss me. But you are going to miss him the most."

Radar looked up at the gray haired man and saw that he himself was holding back tears of his own. "I have to get to work sir and call I-Corps about that replacement."

Then just like that he pulled from Potter's embrace and started off for the door. Potter watched as he walked off towards the door to his office, and noticed as Radar stopped and then straightened up all of a sudden with his head held high and continued on.

"Igor give me another glass of Scotch." Margaret said as she got down tossing down her fifth glass of the night in a row.

'Why Hawkeye,' she almost said aloud. 'Not only is he the best surgeon here, but he was my rock also. He has been the only thing to keep me going these last couple of months. The only reason for me not even going to Potter and asking for a transfer out of this hellhole of a dump.

'Tomorrow I go to Potter and ask for my transfer.'

She swallowed the contents of yet another glass full of scotch and yelled. "Another round Igor and that is an order."

0700hrs the next day

BJ is laying on his side one foot hanging off his cot in the Swamp when he feels someone shake him. "Ah Hawk," he says with a slur of his words. "Leave me alone and don't wake me till Hell freezes over."

The person beside his bunk cringed at the sound of Hawkeye's name and shakes BJ again saying. "BJ it's me Radar we have a problem."

BJ hurriedly turns over and sets up so fast that he grabs his head and yells in pain as he collapses once again to his bunk. "Go away Radar and let me sleep till it's my time to go home."

Radar leaves and comes back fifteen minutes later with an ice pack tucked under his arm, pulling an oxygen bottle with one hand and an IV with the other. He sits down in the chair beside BJ's cot once again and slips the oxygen mask over BJ's mouth and nose as he lays the ice pack on the captains head saying.

"I can't sir we have a problem."

He turns on the bottle and the burst of hundred percent oxygen brings BJ's eyes wide open and he instantly realizes the ice pack and grabs it to keep it there.

He looks over at Radar with the needle to the IV as the young man says. "Now here you go sir, you are going to need it."

BJ waved off the IV as he pulls away the mask and says. "Okay Radar what is the problem."

Radar took a deep breath and said. "Well, there are no phone calls out to even I-Corps, I've been trying all night, all systems or down for some reason. Major Winchester is still in Tokyo on his leave and is not due back till day after tomorrow, and I can't find Major Houlihan anywhere."

BJ needed the oxygen after all and placed the mask back over his mouth and nose as he said to himself. 'Oh brother,' and then a thought came to his mind and he took the mask away saying.

"Why are you telling me this? What about Colonel...."

Radar shook his head saying. "He left this morning with Father Mulcahy for the orphanage. I don't know when they are do back." Radar hung his head and said. "I'm sorry sir I didn't know who else to turn to aft.....aft....after.... Well, after last night sir."

BJ pulled Radar to him then for some reason and said. "I know Radar we all miss him. Some more so then others." He let Radar go then and said. "You did the right thing, now the question is what do we do now."

BJ took a couple of deep breathes from the oxygen and then took off the mask as he said. "The I think the first thing to do is go to Potter's office he should be back soon."

As they entered Radar's office area they heard Potter's voice inside his own saying. "Now Margaret don't you think that is a bit drastic asking for a transfer. Here let me give you a pass and you can go to Seoul for a few days. I am sure Abel can take over here if we have any problems."

Margaret came out of the doors flying right past BJ and Radar who could only stand there with stunned looks on their faces. Finally they came back to reality and went into the Colonel's office with Radar saying.

"We have a problem sir."

After he got done with telling Potter what he had told BJ the Colonel could only say. "Damn and I just gave Margaret a three day pass. Radar....."

The young corporal was on his way to the door saying. "I'll go and let the Major know you want to speak to her."

After Radar left Potter pulled out a drawer from his desk and took a bottle saying. "That boy takes on entirely to much for his rank, I am going to have to put him in for a promotion."

He opened the bottle and laid to glasses on the desk as he looked at BJ saying. "Want a drink?"

BJ cringed silently at the thought of another drink and then decided to have one anyways. As he took his half full glass Radar came running back into the office out of breath.

"The major....." he gasped aloud. "She has....."

Potter put his hand on Radar's back and said. "Wait till you catch your breath son."

A few minutes past then Radar said in a normal voice. "The Major left right after she got out of here sir. Didn't leave anything at all."

Potter was getting ready to say something and instead raised his finger to Radar before saying. "I know we can't call the MP's cause the phone is out."

He slumped back down in his chair then shaking his head as he said. "Why me, of all the days why today. I have also been informed by Rizzo down at the motor pool that the jeep Margaret took is the only one running."

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