TVTome What's My Line Page

Detailed information about the show, including an episode guide.

Yahoo! Groups - What's My Line on CBS

Great internet group with lots of great photos from the 1950-1967 version - Free to join!

What's My Line Sign-Ins

Check out the autographs of these mystery guests!

The What's My Line? Episode Guide

A must see, yet unfinished site, featuring an episode guide of the 1950-1967 version - This is useful for finding an particular episode you want.

The What's My Line? Episode Guide (1968-1975)

Another must see, yet unfinished site, featuring an episode guide of the 1968-1975 version - Also useful for finding an particular episode you want.

The What's My Line? Home Game Home Page

Before there was the current home version by Endless Games, there were two different other versions produced in 1954 & 1969 - See them here!

Curt Alliaume's What's My Line? Page

From his website The Games of 1975, a look at What's My Line? during the year it died.

What's My Line? - Live on Stage