Gargoyles Fan Fiction
Kelly "Aneurin" Harrigan

The Magechild Saga
02/01/2001 A prologue to my future fics, basically the history of where gargoyles come from. I made it up, so that's where they come from in my mind.
Oberon Comes,
Prophecy Revealed
02/01/2001 Oberon is possessed by an evil entity and goes to New York to steal Alexander. Brook and Lex are right smack in the middle of an ancient prophecy that just might help them beat Oberon.
Cymbeline's Wrath
02/01/2001 What happenbed when Brook remembers something horrible from his past, and it returns to haunt him?
02/01/2001 A quick fic about an ancient prophecy of seven individuals who have to stop the Dark Lord (satan) from taking over the planet
The Fellowship of the Ring
02/01/2001 Brooklyn and Lex have to travel the world to find the other Ring-bearers, in order to save the world from the Dark Lord
The Return of the King
02/01/2001 The ring-bearers must find their weapons in order to defeat the prince of stench. Brook finds out something that he never would have dreamed of in his life. The Dark Lord is defeated with the staff of Orion.


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