Combatant Rankings

(Every combatant has a ranking in both divisions. The rankings will vary more as the shows progress.)

IBL Championship Orb Rankings
# Combatants
1Magneto, Michaelangelo, Shredder, Spider-Man
2He-Man, Mega Man, Skeletor, Venom
3Batman, Bebop, Goliath, Joker, Proto Man, Raphael, Rocksteady, Wolverine

IBL No-Holds-Barred Championship Orb Rankings
# Combatants
Raphael, Rocksteady, Wolverine
Bebop, Goliath, Joker
(These combatants have not battled in the NHB Division)
Batman, He-Man, Magneto, Mega Man, Michaelangelo, Proto Man, Shredder, Skeletor, Spider-Man, Venom

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