Jessica Buchanan
Actors who have played the part:
Janelle and Tamara DeMent(1986-1990)
Eliza Clark(1990)
Erin Torpey(1990-Present)

Jessica Buchanan was born in 1986, but because of how fast kids grow up in soap years she is already 19. When Jessica was just a little girl she was kidnapped by Allison Perkins an ex-cult member. Allison stole Jessica right out of her crib. Ruth, Allison's mother was taking care of her not knowing that her daughter had taken her. But when Ruth she gave Jessica right back to her loving parents. After the kidnapping Jessica didn't have much of any storyline until 1990, when she put Llanfair(The Lord family home) on fire. It was an accident, but it left Llanfair in ruins. In 1993 Jessica's parents had a divorce. That was a hard time in her life, but she managed to get through it.

Then in 1995 when Llanfair was back to it's old self one of Viki's other personallities, Tori set it on fire again. Jessica was in the upstairs bedroom when this happened, and Tori just left. Finally Viki came back to realize what had happened, and Viki faught the flames to save Jessica from the fire. Also that year Jessica mat a boy named Christain Vega. He lived in the a poor neighborhood of Llanview near Angel Square, a place where crime was every where. They became soon friends. But Viki, Clint and Christain's mother Carlotta didn't want Christain and Jessica seeing eachother, but of course they did anyway. Then one night Clint caught the two almost about to have sex. After that all three parents forbide eachother ever to see eachother again. Later on, when Christain and Jessica were back together again they went through many break-ups.

In 1997 while Christain and Jessica were together again, they went to Viki's cabin, and Jessica was prepared to make love to him, but she didn't so Christain broke-up with her again. So then when Christain and Jessica weren't seeing eachother Jessica asked another boy named Darcy to the prom, and he excepted. Jessica and Darcy went to the prom togther, but when they got there Christain saw them and was dissapointed. He made Jessica pick between himself or Darcy, when she picked Darcy Christain walked away for what he thought was forever.

The next year, finally Christain and Jessica were together again and happy as can be, Chrsitain's buddy for childhood arived in town, Roseanne Delgado. Roseanne came to Llanview to live with her aunt Tea, but also to reclaim her love for Christain. Right as Roseanne came to Llanview, another one came to Llanview, Will Rappaport. Will and Jessica hit it off right away, but so did Roseanne and Christain. For awhile Christain refused to give into Roseannes constant suducing, and Jessica wouldn't even give a hint to Will who took a liking to her. But one evening while Will and Jessica were at Viki's cabin they got drunk and had sex. And Jessica got pregnant!

Cristian was shocked to learn of Jesscia's pregnancy and also hurt that she had slept with Will. In time, Cristian came to acept the situation and he and Jessica remained a couple. Cristian and Jessica even decided to elope, but Jessica called off the wedding at the last minute. Jessica and Cristian returned to Llanview and Jessica considered placing her baby up for adoption once it was born, but later decided against it.

Jessica and Cristian became engaged and they planned on moving to New York City and raising the child as their own. In 1999, tragedy struck at Jessica and Cristian's engagememt party at the Crossroads. Jessica had left the party and wandered outside. Suddenly, a car approached and the driver didn't see Jessica in time. Jessica was struck by the car as she went into labor. Dorian had been the driver of the car, but she panicked and took off after seeing that Jessica would get the help she needed.

Jessica ended up in a coma and had a miscarriage. When she came to, she had lost her memory and she didn't remember Cristian and she left town with Will. Unsure of when or if Jessica would ever come back to him, Cristian lost his virginity to Roseanne Delgado.

Jessica and Will came back to Llanview although Jessica didn't have her memory back. Now Lindsay Rappaport Buchanan, Will's mother was on trial for the hit-and-run of Jessica, that killed Lindsay's grand daughter, Jessica's daughter. In the middle of the trial Jessica remembered seeing Dorian that night, and at the same time that Dorian confessed. With her memory intact, Jessica went to apologize to Cristian only to find out that he had slept with Roseanne more than once. The wedge between them kept getting bigger and bigger and Will and Roseanne started working together to keep Jessica and Christian apart. Jessica decided she didn't want to go to New York with Cristian and Roseanne went with him instead. At the last minute, Jessica decided she did want to go and Cristian was going to make one more attempt at convincing her, but he ran into Will and Jessica ran into Roseanne and they convinced them that one was happy without the other.

Jessica and Will started growing closer, bonding over Megan's death. Jessica began sending threatning letters to Dorian and planting tapes of a baby crying in Dorian's house. She ransacked Dorian's house and Will took the blame for it. Then Jessica sent Dorian a note telling her to meet her at Crossroad's where she planned to hit Dorian. Viki found out in time that Will was innocent and they got to Crossroads in time to witness Jessica preparing to hit Dorian. At the last minute she stopped. The whole time Jessica was haunting Dorian she had no idea she was doing it. Cristian had a feeling that Jessica migh need him so he went to Llanview that same night, only to see Jessica and Will together. Jessica went to New York to tell Cristian about the haunting but there was miscommunication because Cristian thought she was there to tell him about her and Will and she thought he already knew about the haunting and just didn't care.

Meanwhile, Jessica's grandfather, Asa, doesn't want Jessica with a Rappaport so he called New York to have Cristian's scholarship cancelled in hopes that Cristian would go back to Llanview. But Roseanne called Will, who works with Asa on the Megan Foundation, and told him that if he wanted to keep Jessica he had better send some money to help them live in NY so Christian doesn't know that his scholarship is cancelled. So Will has secretly been sending money to Roseanne. On Thanksgiving Cristian and Roseanne came to town and Roseanne asked Will for $30,000. Will didn't have it so he borrowed it from the foundation. Meanwhile The Diner was held up and Kevin Buchanan was in danger and Cristian helped him out. Jessica was grateful that Cristian had put himself in danger to help her brother. But she had received some of Cristian drawings of her and she thought that was a final goodbye so she didn't take her gratitude any further. She tries to convince herself that she is happy with Will and they sleep together for the first time since Megan.

Cristian and Roseanne go back to NY and Asa finds out that Will stole from the foundation and he sent Roseanne a check for $100,000, setting Will up for a big fall. Cristian and Jessica have no idea this money exchange is going on. Cristian and Roseanne go back to Llanview for Christmas and end up at the same hotel as Jessica and Will. Jessica and Cristian talk and they realize there was a miscommunication about the haunting. Meanwhile Will finds out that Roseanne received a check for $100,000 from him, but he didn't send it.

Will new Asa was setting him up, but he couldn't prove it. Will was put to trial, and since Asa bribed the judge Will was sent to Statesville prison. Christain and Jessica now try to prove Will is not guilty. Christain now wants Jessica back even though he is married to Roseanne. And he thinks that the only way to do that is to stay with Jessica even if she is trying to free his enemy. Christain and Jessica go to Asa, and they get Asa on tape saying he is guilty of setting Will up. They run to the train that is taking Will to Statesville prison. They get there just before it leaves. They give the tape to Will's lawyer, Nora. Then the train crashes.

In the train wreck Will, Jessica, and Christain left the scene and go to Jessica's mother, Viki's cabin. Also Nora is presumed dead, even though she was acutally rescued by Will's uncle, Colin. And Nora still has the tape that can free Will. The police were now after Will, Jessica, and Christian. Will badly injured told Jessica to get his aunt, Melanie MacIver. Melanie came, fixed Will's wounds, and told no one she knew where they were. Jessica, Will, and Christian left Viki's cabin and went to Ohio. There they had adventure after adventure avoiding the police. Then one night they ran into Todd Manning at a club. Todd was Jessica's uncle who was not a very nice man at times, but always tried to help out. Todd told no one about them, but later would ruin everything. While on the run, Jessica would have to choose which one she wanted, Will or Christian. Not knowing who to choose, she just waited on making a choice. One day Todd trying to help out, told Christian that Jessica's mother, Todd's sister, Viki was in really bad shape with her breast cancer, and that she might die, which was not true, but Christian believed it.

Christian told Will what Todd had told him, and Will trying to do the right thing told Jessica that she was a pain, and to go back home to her mother. Will was just trying to make it, so Jessica would go to her Viki, but Will loved Jessica, and Jessica was heartbroken and went home with Christian. Will then on Todd's word was shipped to Ireland in a cargo container, and almost died, when two men rescued him in Ireland. Jessica in Llanview stayed by her mother's side, and helped her get through cancer. Jessica mad at Todd for lying never talked to him again. A family in Ireland took Will in, and helped him elude the police. Will called Jessica and sent her a letter, but Christian hide the letter, and hung up on Will. Christian finally one day gave Jessica the letter, and Jessica found out that Christian was lying to her all this time. She rushed to Ireland, and Will and Jessica were now together for good. Jessica and Will flew back to Llanview with Sam Rappaport and Det. John Sykes. They went to the police and Will was arrested.

Then to Will's luck, Nora came back from the dead, and was alive. Colin her kidnapper had the tape with Asa's confession on it. Colin gave the police the tape, and got imunity. Colin was free, and finally so was Will. Will and Jessica got a new apartment and now they live together. Will and Jessica are happily living together, and have no problems now, but lets see if that stays the same.

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