Blair Cramer
Actors who have played the part:
Mia Korf(1991-1993)
Kassie Depavia(1994-Present)

Blair arrived in Llanview in October 1991 intending to do whatever it took to become powerful and wealthy.

While working as a journalistic apprentice at The Banner, Blair set her sights on the rich Asa Buchanan. However, Blair soon encountered Max Holden! The sexual chemistry between them was instant as they shared a sizzling midnight dance on New Year's Eve.

Though Max persisted in pursuing Blair in 1992, she was busy wooing Asa Buchanan away from his wife, Renee. Blair was equally determined to claw her way to the top of the business world, even if it meant destroying her own Aunt Dorian to do it. Finding a skeleton in Dorian's closet, Blair used blackmail (Dorian's involvement with Victor Lord's death,) to force her Aunt to make her the new Editor-in-Chief of Llanview's tabloid newspaper, The Intruder.

Max Holden was determined to stop Blair from marrying Asa Buchanan. On Asa and Blair's wedding day -- June 16th, 1992 -- passion exploded between Max and Blair. They made love -- on top of Blair's wedding dress! Still, Blair went through with the wedding, but when she wouldn't sleep with her husband, the marriage was doomed. Left with nothing, Blair departed Llanview. In December 1993, she returned and founded a cosmetics company Melador. After failing to win Max back, Blair crossed paths with Llanview's other pariah, Todd Manning. She found him intriguing -- and he was equally attracted to her. Blair took Todd back to her apartment and they made love.

When she discovered, in 1995, that Todd was Victor Lord's long-lost son (and worth $27.8 million dollars!) Blair plotted to marry him by claiming to be pregnant. When a suspicious Todd forced his new wife to have a pregnancy test, it came back positive! Tragedy struck when Blair was mugged on the docks, and lost her unborn baby. Thanks to Max, Todd learned the truth about Blair's faked pregnancy and divorced her. Then Blair discovered she was pregnant -- again! When Todd found out, they reconciled and married again - this time in a beautiful ceremony at St. James Church. Just before their honeymoon, Todd was shot and purportedly killed in Ireland while helping Marty Saybrooke. Bitter, Blair vowed revenge on Marty by seducing her secret beau, Patrick Thornhart.

On January 8th, 1996, the "widow Manning" gave birth to a daughter, Starr. During the following summer, Todd Manning "returned from the dead" only to see Blair in Patrick's arms, about to make love. Reeling from the sight of his wife in the arms of the man responsible for his "death," Todd rejected Blair. Though they were forced to work together, sexual tension filled the air whenever Todd and Blair were in the same room. Just when it appeared that they might reconcile, Blair discovered that she was pregnant with Patrick's baby!

In 1997, Blair's life was turned upside down when her daughter, Starr, fell ill with aplastic anemia. Blair's unborn son (which she planned to name Brendan) was found to be a match. However, before the procedure could take place, Blair lost the baby in a car accident. Fortunately, Starr's life was spared when a donor, Alex Olanov, was found. Blair, who was injured in the crash, left for Philadelphia to have surgery. Upon her return, would Blair and Todd be able to put their troubled past behind them, and find happiness together? Blair and Todd's life together wasn't meant to be and their marriage ended bitterly in 1997. Blair soon lost custody of her little girl!

Blair was eventually given visitation right to Starr when she provided Todd with a much needed alibi when he was accused of rape. When Todd later left town, Blair got custody of Starr and 49% of The Sun!

Blair had a brief affair with Sam Rappaport, but always seemed to return to Max. Determined to provide a better life for Max and their children, Blair convinced Max to con Asa and Renee into thinking he was the missing Buchanan heir!

Blair and Max got married in a quickie Las Vegas wedding, but were forced to live apart in Llanview to keep their marriage a secret.

Blair and Max continued their scheme and managed to convince Asa and Renee that Max was the long-lost Buchanan heir. Blair continued to worry about the affects of Max's aneurysm, especially after he collapsed at The Palace. Blair began to question Ben to get more information about the treatment of aneurysms while Asa warned Max to stay away from Blair.

In September 1999 Asa and Renee were stunned when Max and Blair announced that they were husband and wife. Blair and Max thought their scheme was going smoothly, until Esther Hoffman suddenly arrived in Llanview. Esther was the one woman who knew the truth -- Max wasn't Asa and Renee's son!

Max and Blair thought their scheme might come to a crashing halt when Esther Hoffman arrived in town demanding one million dollars in exchange for her continued silence. When Max and Blair couldn't raise the money, Esther offered to sell Sam the information she said would destroy Asa. Sam gave Esther a check for one million dollars, but she choked to death on an olive in her martini before telling Sam that Max wasn't Asa's son. Max and Blair were relieved to narrowly escape being exposed as frauds, but their happiness was short lived when they realized that Skye knew the truth that Max wasn't the Buchanan heir.

Skye kept Max's secret, but in November Renee made the heartbreaking discovery that Max had been lying about being her son and she confronted him about it. Max confessed the truth to Renee, but insisted that Blair hadn't been in on his scheme. Max was genuinely sorry about duping Renee and after she stormed off in anger, Max collapsed from his aneurysm.

As Max remained comatose, Renee confronted Blair with the truth and said she knew that Blair had been Max's partner in the con. Saving her own neck, Blair denied Renee's accusation and begged her not to tell Asa the truth while blaming everything on Max, who had actually heard Blair's betrayal as he wasn't as comatose as everyone believed. Privately, Blair apologized to a "comatose" Max for selling him out. A short time later, everyone was thrilled when Max opened his eyes, but he started exhibiting some very strange behavior.

Max told Blair that he no longer trusted her, although Blair made it clear that she still loved her husband and just wanted the "old" Max back. Blair urged Max to try and convince Asa to end the feud between the Buchanans and Rappaports, but Max refused. Max was also falling into Skye's clutches and he made love to her in an effort to keep his secrets from being exposed. Max continued his affair with Skye behind Blair's back in order to keep her from revealing the truth about his scam.

After seeing a kiss between Max and Skye, Blair confronted Skye in her hotel room. Blair hid when Max arrived and learned that he had been faking his brain damage. Blair was furious and wanted revenge! To that end, Blair drugged Max and tied him up in the stables stark naked. With a power drill in hand, Blair threatened to "cure" Max unless he confessed to cheating on her. Max made his confession and Blair then pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot him. An emotional Blair couldn't shoot Max and she simply left him tied up in the stables, where Nigel later found him. Max then found Blair holding Skye at gunpoint, but grabbed the gun away from her. Blair went to tell Sam and Ben that Max had been faking his brain damage as Max told a crushed Skye that he wanted Blair back.

Blair declared war on Max after he invited Skye to move back into the mansion and turned to Ben for help in her quest for revenge. In an effort to earn Max's trust again, Blair gave him a document stating she would never reveal Max's true identity and would take full responsibility if his scam were ever exposed. Max and Blair made love, but Max was still unsure of Blair's loyalty. Secretly, Blair was still out for revenge and she and Ben formed B&B United, a corporation they planned to use to cause trouble for Buchanan Enterprises. Blair was livid when she learned that Skye had gotten her hands on the document she had given Max and Blair's determination to make Max pay increased.

Blair and Skye continued to fight for Max affections. After an encounter at the country club during a family dinner Asa had invited Skye to, Blair went so far as to flush Skye's head in the toilet in the ladies room! Skye soon retaliated, however, by drugging Blair and chopping her hair off! After slipping Skye some truth serum, Blair was able to retrieve the document incriminating herself in Max's charade and destroyed it. Soon thereafter, Blair demanded that Max choose between her and Skye. When Max refused to kick Skye out of the mansion, Blair walked out on him. Blair then set out on a secret course of revenge and became determined to expose Max for the fraud that he is.

To that end, Blair hired a computer expert to create a virus exposing Max as a fraud. In time, however, Blair and Max reconciled and Blair became desperate to stop the virus. Having no other choice, Blair turned to Todd for help. Blair thought Todd owed her since she had done what he asked and duped Kelly out of her shares of The Sun. Blair asked Todd to stop the virus and later beseeched him to cover her association with B&B United. Todd claimed to have done as Blair asked, but everything soon hit the fan when the virus was unleashed on Max's computer and he saw himself publicly exposed as a fake. Max then kicked a devastated Blair out of Asa's mansion.

Blair has lost Max's love and finds herself turning to Todd more and more. Perhaps the old saying is true -- birds of a feather do flock together! Blair's world was turned upside down when Max saw himself exposed as a fraud on his computer screen. Blair tried to explain that Todd had promised to destroy the virus, which only infuriated Max more. Max told Blair that they were finished and ordered her to move out. A short time later, Blair saw red when she found Max and Skye in bed.

Blair started exhibiting some odd behavior and confronted Skye and cut Skye's clothes with a pair of scissors. Blair also went to the church and thought it was her and Max's wedding day. Todd took Blair home and tried to calm her, but when Todd returned, Blair was gone. Blair had gone to Asa's and had shot Max in the back! Todd stopped Blair from calling the police convinced her that he would protect her. Todd then got rid of the incriminating evidence against Blair and later planted the gun in Skye's hotel room.

Blair found comfort in Todd's arms and he promised to protect her. Todd also told Blair that he wanted his family back but she claimed that things couldn't go back to the way they had been.

Blair threatened to leave town and Todd made it clear she wasn't going anywhere. Todd and Blair both threatened to turn each other in, but everything changed when they saw Skye being brought into the police station in handcuffs. Skye had been arrested for shooting Max and Blair thought this ordeal was behind her but Todd had other plans. Todd told Blair he wanted to know Ben's secret in exchange for helping her and Blair admitted that Ben was Asa's son. A short time later, Blair made plans to leave town with Starr and Todd had her arrested for attempted kidnapping. Todd later had the charges against Blair dropped.

Eventually, Blair agreed to marry Todd but balked at his idea of having a quickie wedding. Blair insisted on a big wedding in Llanview but later told Kelly that she might have made a mistake in agreeing to marry Todd, who had already staged a press conference to announce his and Blair's engagement. Todd was confident that he, Blair and Starr would be a family again.

Todd also learned another secret when he discovered that Skye was really Rae's long-lost daughter. Todd shared this secret with Blair as his way of giving her a "present" and both looked forward to shattering Skye's world when the time was right.

A couple days before their wedding, Max and Skye decided that they were going to prove that Skye was innocent once and for all. Max gave Blair a sleeping pill without her knowing it, and then when Blair was a sleep Max got in bed with her. Skye then brought Todd up to Blair's hotel room, and Todd was shocked. He thought Blair had actually slept with Max. Todd wanted revenge!

When Blair woke she didn't know what happened. Todd and Blair went through with their wedding day as planned. In the middle of their "I do"'s to eachother Todd told everyone that she was the one who shot Max in the back. Blair was shocked. She didn't know what to say. At first she tried to deny it, but that didn't work. Then Todd told Asa that Max wasn't his real son. Then he told Asa and Renee that Ben was his actual son. Then he went on to tell Skye that Rae was her real mother, and that she wasn't a Chandler after all. While Todd was telling all these secrets Blair tried to sneek out. Rae caught her, and sent her back. Blair was arrested and thrown in jail.

Kelly soon got Blair out on bail. Blair find out what Todd was so mad about, but Todd wouldn't tell her. Frustrated, Blair went to Max with a gun, and told him that if he didn't tell her what he did to make Todd so mad, then she would shot him again. Max told her the truth, and Blair ran back to tell Todd that it was all a scam. Todd didn't believe her though. Todd then took the clothes that Blair was wearing the night she shot Max to the police. The police found gun residue on her clothes. Blair was arrested again, and put in jail.

To find out the truth, Todd found Max, knocked him out, and threatened to burry him alive unless he told him the truth. Max admited that him and Skye scamed Todd into believing that Blair actually slept with him. Todd was sickened by what he had done to Blair. Trying to prove his love to Blair again, he tried to blow up the police station to destroy the evidence against Blair. His plans were ruined when Bo disarmed the bomb. The charges stuck against Blair, and she had to figure away to get out of them.

Blair and Kelly made a plan. Blair pretened to be pregnant with Max's child so that Max would drop the charges against Blair. Max didn't believe Blair at first, but then Kelly convinced him it was true. Max still wanted proof. Max took Blair to the doctors, and got her a pregnancy test. To Blair's surprise it came back positive. Blair and Kelly were both shocked. When Todd found out he was heartbroken. Max soon decided that he would testify that Blair was temporaily insane when she shot him, so that she wouldn't have to go to prison with his baby. Blair then found out that the baby wasn't Max's, it was Todd's!

Blair decided to not tell anyone besides Kelly that the baby was actually Todd's. On the courtdate, Todd made it so that Max couldn't testify that Blair was temporaily insane. Instead, he testified to that. Blair was shocked. The judge ruled that Blair be sent to a St. Anne's until they find that she is mentally fit to leave. St. Anne's was where her mother, Addie was. Addie convinced Blair that Todd still loved her. The people at St. Anne's told Blair that she was free to go. When Blair left the sanitarium she wanted to get Todd back.

When Todd told Blair that he got full custody of Starr, Blair was furious. She ruled out any decision to reunite with him. She also decided to not tell him that the baby is actually his.

Right now, Blair still ahs yet to tell Todd and Max who the actual father of the baby is. Starr is trying to get Todd and Blair back together, and Kelly is trying to keep them apart.

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