there are those who walk the path of darkness,

stumbling through the dark fens of bitter pride,

yet others stride the path of light,

walking above the fields of strife.

you walk the cusp of dawn and dusk.

but the day is coming,

and night is falling,

and you must choose what path to tread.

© Miles

The Olden Times

A monumental medieval/fantasy role playing game for the mature, opened January 21, 2001. The Olden Times is filled with loyalty and betrayal, with magic used for good and evil, with love both carnal and pure, and the incredible duality of human nature.


. i've been doing a lot of e-mail advertising...
. Most kingdoms are still not finished being re-modeled. PLEASE take note of this!

. wow...haven't done an update in a while. obviously, though, not much has changed.
. soria and zasmara have changed a lot though...and so has Estrella. Very purdy, Raven!
. cediz was uploaded a couple weeks ago. I had already had a layout and some other stuff done, so I just uploaded it and handed it over to Lyonesse.
. Hum...thinking about if I should move emerald isle, ameliorating centre, the lair of assassins, and integrity hideaway to the "crossroads" board or something. Emerald Isle/Calen Tol is linked at Karain and I was thinking of putting ameliorating centre/healing academy in Cadellon. I suppose it would be best to leave the Assassins and Gaurdians places at the sectors though...because I don't really want it to be in one kingdom or maybe we can have a vote, that way it's fair. the Assassins and Guardians will have the option of being renamed once we get some people as a member of those two organizations.
. We really need a name for the continent! I like Andor a lot and Versia, too. How about Almoth, Tar Valon, Cairhein, Kandor...Yes, I did get those from The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan. Anyone actually have some original ideas?
. I am thinking about just having one enrolling board...what does everyone think? I think I might just make it anyways, since I have everything written up.
. Oh Raven, you are welcome to edit Calen Tol and the Ameliorating Centre. Oh Zeezee, if you have suggestions or changes to Calen Tol though, feel free to say them as Calen Tol is linked at Karain.

. I have done lots of little changes to the main website...including some new graphics and change of colors.
. Everyone has been working on their kingdom's website...all I really have left is to work on the message boards.
. I have been working on layouts for lots of my charries *dances* they're so purdy!
. Cediz and Avila were removed a week or so and many boards were changed...for example Calen Tol (Elvish for Emerald/Green Isle) has a new layout and is lookin' spiffy.
. Well, hopefully TOT will be active again soon!

. I'm definitely a screwed up owner. It seems like I can never get on anymore! *ripes hair out* I'm sorry I'm so pathetic!
. Working on a couple things on the layout...and working on the website for Zasmara and Soria. Acutally, I've pretty much got them done..just need to upload them and fix the message boards to match.
. Yes, yes any one is allowed to enroll! It's been like that for what seems like forever...except you still have to get accepted/unaccepted. I'm sorry, but unless you're able to put actual sentences together, spell decently, and have a somewhat good character developement I cannot accept you. First you need some help, then once you make good progress you can try and re-join and you'll probably get accepted. Here's a image I made about half a year ago that I sometimes advertised with: Beginner Role-players wanted image
. *grumbles* Omgod some old player got into Avila...some person with the email e-mail that is quite familiar if I do say so myself. So...I've written up new message board descriptions and have been searching for new Avila pictures for the castle.
. Please don't expect me to post rping...can we just say the site is on hold? Well, acutally we don't need to say that because it has been for like a year (literally!).

. I'm back from the clinics and horse show and I'm officially dead! jk I slept until 5 pm today! Isn't that amazing? That's like the latest I have ever slept!
. Before I left I fixed the 'promote us' page so there are two new layouts for advertising.
. I asked everyone to email the passwords and I think they did...But I still can't get into Avila. *fumes and growls*

. Edited the rules, fixed up message boards + pages in the enrolling, monarchies, and sectors sections...
.There was an activity ended yesterday.
.Gemini seems to be quite popular 'round here. A new fad I believe.

. Okay, I've been gone for officially two weeks and a day. LOOK AT THAT! I've probably broken about ten of my own rules! Gosh, I expect so much out of other pple, but so little of my self..hum, isn't that strange?
. Summer has started for me!
. After I get the message boards all perfect I'll go on an advertising spree.

. new layout completed...right? lol
. make sure to check out the MAIN MAIN page (you know the intro page?) and see if it works on your comp
. now, I need to go through all the message boards and fix all the little details that always get on my nerves...and I just fixed them up a couple weeks ago!
. we need males...we need members!

. new layout almost completed
. all female monarchs are in search of a consort
. remember: when joining I want complete stats
. I need ideas for treasures and quests! Please e-mail or post your ideas!

Copyright © 2001-2004 Megan Gilker
All layout, ideas, and context of The Olden Times, unless otherwise stated, are property of Megan Gilker. Most graphics are not the property of The Olden Times; see acknowledgement page for the rightful creators. The content on this website may not be reproduced, republished, or mirrored on another webpage or website. Anything taken without written permission is a violation of the law and punishment can and will follow.
