Chapter 1

As I walked down the sidewalk after a hard day at school I noticed that there was a moving van in the driveway of the house next to mine. "Hmm... new neighbors" I thought. So, being the person I happen to be, I walked up the path to the door of the house. Before I could knock, the door flung wide open and there I stood, looking at my new neighbor. "Oh my gawd.." I thought. "Well hello there" he said. "H-hi. I'm A.J., but my friends call me Junior. I live next door." He flashed me this gorgeous smile "My name is Alex. Nice to meet you" he said as he took my hand and gently kissed it. My eyes lit up. "So. What brings you to the boring town of Clarkston?" I asked. Man I sound dumb. "Oh, I just had to get away from the boring town of Kissimee." My eye brows rose up "You left Florida for Michigan? What is wrong with you! This is the worst place to live!" He laughed, "Well, I needed to live in a small quite town." I flashed him my cute little smile, "This is a nice place to live. But if you want to go out and do something then you have to basically go to Detroit or somewhere around there. Clarkston has nothing the least bit exciting. Maybe a Mickey D's or two. Maybe three. But nothing to really do." "Aww that's ok" Alex said. "I'll get along fine. Just give me a quarter pounder at least 4 times a week and I'm good to go" I was going to feel so dumb when I said this, but I said it anyway, "You like quarter pounders? They're my favorite!" "I love them too! Want to go to Mickey D's right now?" He asked, giving me his adorable smile. "Sure" I said gleefully.